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发表于 2008-4-2 17:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China Says Arrest Links Dalai Lama To Lhasa Rioting
BEIJING, April 1 -- Chinese officials said Tuesday that police have captured the head of an underground network that officials accuse of staging a deadly riot in the Tibetan capital last month. They also said Tibetan independence forces were planning to organize suicide squads to launch attacks aimed at forcing China to give up control of the Himalayan region.
The government, which has come under pressure to back up its claim that the Dalai Lama orchestrated the March 14 rioting in Lhasa, did not name the suspect or give details of his arrest but said he admitted he was acting at the Dalai Lama's instigation. A spokesman for the Tibetan spiritual leader dismissed the new allegations and reiterated that the Dalai Lama is committed to nonviolence. (这个大意就是引用4月2日中国官方的报道,不过最后一句马上加了一句如下的话.XZ的精神领袖的发言人否认这个新的辩解,并且重申DL绝对不会采用暴力)
Meanwhile, a human rights group said the situation in China is getting worse, not better, as the nation prepares to host the Olympic Games in August. China's response to protests in Tibet and its crackdown on rights activists "cast doubt on whether the Chinese authorities are really serious about their commitment to improve human rights in the run-up to the Olympics," said Irene Khan, secretary general of Amnesty International.
(接下来就是华盛顿的联想及引用了.翻译如下: 同时,人权组织说,即使八月份奥运会在中国的主办,中国的(人权)状况还在变坏,而不是变好。中国对XZ抗议的反应和对人权分子的镇压正如特赦国际的秘书长IRENE KHAN所说中国官方是否真的认真对待其对改善人权的承诺产生怀疑。(这句有点不通顺,将就看吧)(华盛顿邮报是先采用引用反驳,然后自已说话时引用别人的话作为自已的想法。))
[ 本帖最后由 xiaolimin194 于 2008-4-2 18:50 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 17:52 | 显示全部楼层


China is beset by groups pushing it to engage in dialogue on controversial issues instead of continually hunkering down for a fight. Even the International Olympic Committee, which has resisted publicly pressing China on human rights and pollution concerns, warned Tuesday that the government must ensure unfettered Internet access to journalists covering the Games.
At a news conference, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu deflected criticism of China's control of news during the Tibet crisis and said journalists and Olympic athletes would have Internet access while they were in China for the Games.
At a separate news conference, a Public Security Ministry spokesman, Wu Heping, laid out a detailed chronology of meetings and contacts among Tibetan advocacy groups and the Dalai Lama's administration in Dharmsala, India. He said the contacts amounted to "sufficient evidence" that the Lhasa riot was "organized by the Dalai clique."
Wu said the suspect who had been arrested said he began his "separatist" activities in November 2006 after meeting with an unnamed person allegedly connected to the Dalai Lama. The suspect then recruited 12 people in Tibet to form an underground network whose goal was to overthrow the Chinese government, Wu said.
[ 本帖最后由 xiaolimin194 于 2008-4-2 19:15 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 17:53 | 显示全部楼层


The group allegedly used code words in their communications, referring to the Dalai Lama as "uncle," for example. Their activities allegedly included gathering information inside China to funnel overseas and distributing computer disks and pamphlets within Tibetan areas that contained images of the Dalai Lama.
Wu said police had recently searched monks' dormitory rooms in several monasteries in Tibetan areas and discovered large numbers of weapons, including 176 guns, 13,013 bullets, 350 knives and 7,725 pounds of explosives. He did not provide evidence linking the weapons to the Dalai Lama, but said, "He is the one who encouraged those activities."
"To our knowledge, the next plan of the 'Tibet independence' forces is to organize suicide squads to launch violent attacks against China," Wu said. "They claimed that they fear neither bloodshed nor sacrifice."
A spokesman for the Dalai Lama, Thubten Samphel, denied all the accusations, and pressed for an independent international investigation of the Tibetan protests. As for suicide squads, Samphel called suicide "the worst form of violence," adding: "It is against the Buddhist philosophy and spiritual practice. We are committed to keeping our struggle nonviolent."
Chinese officials are increasingly pointing to security concerns, such as a possible suicide attack, to explain their plans for a heavy police presence during the Games. According to the Reuters news service, Chinese President Hu Jintao was quoted in the official newspaper of the Chinese paramilitary forces Tuesday as saying that security was paramount in ensuring a successful Olympics.
"Without security guarantees, the national image will be lost," Hu said, according to the People's Armed Police News. The newspaper said the government has issued a "political mobilization order" for riot police units to deploy during the Games.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 17:57 | 显示全部楼层


yuye-mafia1986 wrote
We know that Dalai always show a "peaceful" face to your westerns for getting support from your public and people.So if you believe what he have said,just believe it,if anyone of you want to boycott the Olympic,just boycott it,we chinese support you! It's your freedom.We don't really care. And understand and show some basic respect to our lives,and understand our feelings is just as what you've felt after the 9.11 attack.Dalai might have acted so clever for so many years,but we trust our government rather than him. If Bin Laden hit the WTC at 9.11,2001,than light a candle praying for peace while his men fighting with the U.S. army in Afghanistan,what would you think? Your government had supproted Taliban and created a Bin Laden for fighting the "evil soviet union" in the past days,now you want to do that again?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 17:58 | 显示全部楼层
jmz32 wrote:
I am with Mt Hood. In addition, I suggest we go all out on the other front: the PR battle. In order to fight against our communist enemies, we should first get to know our enemies perfectly well. Their propaganda machines are at full power, and it’s important for us to know everything they say, so that we can hold them accountable when they sprout rubbish. Therefore, we should go to their websites such as http://www.chinaview.cn/08lhasa/, take notes, analyze their rubbish and gather evidence on their lies. Meanwhile, we should avoid making rookie mistakes, such as accusing Chinese soldiers impersonating monks in riots solely based on one photograph taken in 2003 on a movie set where some Chinese soldiers performed their extra duties as “Tibetan monks” (What a blasphemy against His Holiness!). Such mistakes are a big NO NO. Even if His Holiness and the rest of the world believed that this photograph was real and taken in 2008, we should still avoid making similar mistakes, because eventually using fake or doctored photographs will not further our cause while we are trying very hard to refute and discredit Chinese propaganda. We should study Chinese ways instead. See, they have posted detailed figures of civilian deaths, photographs of charred buildings and burned cars, exact numbers of weapons seized, etc. In the past few days, we said that about 80, oh rather about 120, no, perhaps about 140 protesters perished in the riots. That was another rookie mistake. We should be firm, just pick one number, and stand by it, no more change, no “about” about it. Since Chinese locked down all media access to the region, obtaining information from Tibet is very difficult. However, we know exactly what’s happening in Tibet. We know every minute detail of the riots, no, riots did not happen, only peaceful protests did---and the ensuing crackdowns on the peaceful rioters. Don’t ask us how and why, we just know. And we are telling the world the truth, nothing but truth. Take that, the all mighty Chinese propaganda machine, you suck. P.S. His Holiness may or may not know what we are doing, may or may not approve what we are doing, but does it matter? P.P.S. Boycott both summer and winter Olympics in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014… Chinese do participate in those games, and win medals, sometimes even gold medals. Every time they win a gold, we are forced to see their national flag being raised or listen to their national anthem. It’s aggravating, very aggravating. We just cannot burn enough of their flags. Sigh. While we are at it, we should also boycott NBA. And boycott Chinese Crested Dogs. They win world’s ugliest dog contest every year. Yuck. What? You want to keep your cute Pekingese? Shame on you. A dog that once represented China’s imperial power has no place in our free world. On second thought, Pekingese might have originated from Tibet. Have no idea why they became Chinese and settled in Peking. Never mind. You can keep your little fur ball. Cheers.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 17:59 | 显示全部楼层
chitz wrote "they also said Tibetan independence forces were planning to organize suicide squads to launch attacks aimed at forcing china to give up control of the Himalayan region"? new organization of terrorism? if so, well, they are terrorists,obviously
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
iewgnem wrote:

Ah, human rights groups, for them for China to ever improve on "human rights" it has to first collapse like the Soviet Union, 1.3 billion people thrown back into African poverty, and then welcome their "aid" and UN peace keepers. Now that's true human rights.

Don't count on it working.

As for Dali, wheather or not he's personally involved isn't important, what we do know, and have been profiled extensively by Times magazine as well as a Canadian paper, are the NGOs working under Dali's banner planning all sorts of attacks during the Olympics, and they haven't been trying to hide that intention either. Is Dali to blame? Who cares? hes their God, you would think if a God has any influence what so ever he would use it. If all he could do is get himself PR by "praying" for China don't count on any clear headed person to trust him.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
RadioFreeAmerica wrote:to MarcMyWords:
This is the most ridiculous piece of Communist propoganda yet. The whole world knows the Dalai Lama has devoted his entire life to the cause of piece. And of course George Bush supports the communist crackdown when he should be backing the Tibetan people and joining the boycott of the Olympic opening ceremonies.
you should vote to Dalai Lama as the next president of USA.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
newcomer1 wrote:I watched a British documentary which documented an exploration adventure of 1930s by Nazi Germany. Hitler sent an exploration team to Tibet to search for evidence to prove that German was superior race. They met Dalai Lama’s predecessor. These Germans were filled with admiration for those Tibetan monks and slave/plantation owners. They enthusiastically learned and tried to master the complicated customs of the Tibetans they met. Unfortunately before they had enough time to master the customs, Hitler was defeated.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
WCQ2008 wrote:TO MtHood: NOw you are getting to the talking point ! I think that is the DaLai's dream too! and wish you luck ! LOL, you better join in the team first before anyone else get it ,,,
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
MtHood wrote:Tibet supporters, cut to the chase and do something real.

The U.S. and all democratic countries should firmly stand up for Tibetans and show the world that we are the leader of freedom and democracy. At a minimum we should re-open the CIA military training camp for Tibet freedom fighters at Camp Hale near Leadville, Colorado. They already worked with CIA in 1950's-1970's. Now it is time for us to refresh our obligation to the human rights of those oppressed Tibetans.

Sure, the economy is not going perfect and may pose some financial problems for the operation. But it is our moral obligation that freedom is noble and worth fighting for, that freedom is not to be traded with cheap toys and apparel made by Chinese sweat labor. We can rally help among our rich democratic allies for the Free Tibet cause. We can ask Japanese, as they should remember that Dalai Lama enthusiastically endorsed a Japanese spiritual movement,'Aum Shinrikyo', in 1980's-1990's. We can also ask Germans, who had deep connections with Tibet in 1930's and 1940's. Dalai Lama's tutor in 1940's was Heinrich Harrer, a member of the 'Schutzstaffel'. Together we can form a coalition force making Tibet our dreamed Shangri-La.

Let's do it.
发表于 2008-4-2 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
翻译同志请上岗 ~~万分感谢!~
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:10 | 显示全部楼层
alex_chicago wrote:What the Dalai Lama wants is basically Tibetan independence, even though he calls it autonomy. He wants to move people of other ethnicities out of Tibet. In case he hasn't heard, there is a thing called "facts on the ground". Just look at Palestine, Israel will hold on to their West Bank settlements in any peace deal. The Dalai Lama is totally unrealistic. He wants China to surrender to him, but that's not going to happen.
发表于 2008-4-2 18:11 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:11 | 显示全部楼层
WCQ2008 wrote:
"The whole world knows the Dalai Lama has devoted his entire life to the cause of peace..."
.you had better educate youself more about Tibetan history before you make any conclusive statement
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
WCQ2008 wrote:book about US's role in Tibet

---"The CIA's Secret War in Tibet" (Hardcover)
by Kenneth Conboy (Author), James Morrison (Author)

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
Defiance against Chinese oppression has been a defining characteristic of Tibetan life for more than four decades, symbolized most visibly by the much revered Dalai Lama. But the story of Tibetan resistance weaves a far richer tapestry than anyone might have imagined.
Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison reveal how America's Central Intelligence Agency encouraged Tibet's revolt against China--and eventually came to control its fledgling resistance movement. They provide the first comprehensive, as well as most compelling account of this little known agency enterprise.

The CIA's Secret War in Tibet takes readers from training camps in the Colorado Rockies to the scene of clandestine operations in the Himalayas, chronicling the agency's help in securing the Dalai Lama's safe passage to India and subsequent initiation of one of the most remote covert campaigns of the Cold War. Conboy and Morrison provide previously unreported details about secret missions undertaken in extraordinarily harsh conditions. Their book greatly expands on previous memoirs by CIA officials by putting virtually every major agency participant on record with details of clandestine operations. It also calls as witnesses the people who managed and fought in the program--including Tibetan and Nepalese agents, Indian intelligence officers, and even mission aircrews.

Conboy and Morrison take pains to tell the story from all perspectives, particularly that of the former Tibetan guerrillas, many of whom have gone on record here for the first time. The authors also tell how Tibet led America and India to become secret partners over the course of several presidential administrations and cite dozens of Indian and Tibetan intelligence documents directly related to these covert operations.

As the movement for Tibetan liberation continues to attract international support, Tibet's status remains a contentious issue in both Washington and Beijing. This book takes readers inside a covert war fought with Tibetan blood and U.S. sponsorship and allows us to better understand the true nature of that controversy.

This book is part of the Modern War Studies series.

From the Back Cover
"The inside story of one of the CIA's most tragic covert operations. Agency officers in the Wild East; nationalist, religious, and ethnic conflict-- this is the stuff of a great yarn, which the authors tell in engaging detail."-- John Prados, author of Presidents' Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations from World War II Through the Persian Gulf

"A masterful account of how the CIA sought to play the 'new great game' on the roof of the world."--David F. Rudgers, author of Creating the Secret State: Origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1943–1947

"An excellent and impressive study of a major CIA covert operation during the Cold War."--William M. Leary, author of Perilous Missions: Civil Air Transport and CIA Covert Operations in Asia
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:14 | 显示全部楼层
dbhargav wrote:After Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, His Holiness stands as the tallest advocate of non-violence that the world has seen in the current era. To link violence with him is just another anchoring ploy by China which is very typical of the disinformation propoganda that the world has seen during Nazi and Stalin rule. The Chinese government with its non-existent track record in supporting human rights can pursue this disinformation strategy but as the entire free world can judge none of it can soil or besmirch His Holiness.

The free world must put pressure on China to stop the cultural invasion of Tibet and free Tibet. Else history is a very harsh judge and the current generation will not withstand the ruthless scrutiny of posterity.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
MarcMyWords wrote:This is the most ridiculous piece of Communist propoganda yet. The whole world knows the Dalai Lama has devoted his entire life to the cause of piece. And of course George Bush supports the communist crackdown when he should be backing the Tibetan people and joining the boycott of the Olympic opening ceremonies.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
WCQ2008 wrote:If Bin Laden say he had nothing to do with 9.11, who will believe it !
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