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[08.04.17 The New Voice 推介] 如果你侮辱一條龍

发表于 2008-6-9 12:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
08.04.17, 美國

【評介】The New Voice

If you insult a Dragon …
This is an article by Matt Leighton and Patrick Grumley published in Minnesota Daily found at http://www.mndaily.com/articles/2008/04/17/72166730

The title is a little misleading since the article mainly criticizes the false arguments targeted at China in the past and recent days.  The main topics range from trade relations, Darfur, Tibet,Nationalism, to even out-sourcing. It is a refreshing view among the wave of biased western media reports. There are people with good judgment after all,though they are few and their voices tend to be drown in a sea of insanity and racism.

【原文】If you insult a Dragon…
The United States needs to think about what is hanging in the balance while criticizing China.
If relations would go bad, the U.S.economy would be in even more trouble.
By Matt Leighton and Patrick Grumley

As the presidential race clamors on and the Summer Olympics draw near, China is becoming a hot topic. Democratic nominees continuously paint the US-Sino trade arrangement in an evil light, largely focusing on China'scurrency "manipulation." Because of the conflict in Darfur, activists have labeled the coming Olympic Games the "Genocide Olympics." And Tibetans are making good on the time-honored tradition of making the Olympics a political statement. These problems are anything but simple.

China has become the primary trading partner with America, but the relationship has been troubled. As a means of upholding its competitiveness, China maintains an exchange rate that ensures its currency, the Yuan, is worth less than the dollar (the exchange is currently 7:1). It is a principle factor that it is so cheap to do business in China.Many see such a practice as insidious, but they are wrong.

For starters, the cheap cost of doing business in China is what allows essential goods to be so affordable. America's poor have seen a dramatic increase in their purchasing power - and subsequently their quality of life - from trade with China. One wonders what politicians like Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton seek to accomplish by attempting to force China to revalue its currency. Does America really want Chinato change its monetary policy? If China were to rapidly revalue its currency, inflation in America would soar to damaging levels far beyond the control of the government. China has become one of the largest consumers of commodities, and if it had a stronger currency, its demand would push prices to skyrocket.

Of course, if Chinare valued slowly, then such a problem could be avoided - assuming China is willing act in America's best interest instead of its own. Absurd. America is not in a great position of strength over China. Many see the large trade deficit with China as signs of trouble. Yet, there are so many dynamics involved in the deficit number that it is widely misunderstood.

First, America imports more than it exports, which, by definition, is a deficit. Second, the imbalance is misleading, stemming from the difference in currency values.Third, the deficit is not indicative of China pulling a fast one on America.In the global market, China is but a step on the assembly chain. Many of the products it produces are partially assembled elsewhere. China actually runs a trade deficit with other Southeast Asian nations. Finally, the entire deficit is not actually owned by China. In fact, foreign companies from Taiwan, Europe and even America own most of it.

Darfur has recently become a hot topic for Chinese critics. Oil dealings with the Sudanese government have led many to accuse Chinaof funding genocide. But that is a false claim, as the crisis in Darfur is not genocide. The bulk of the deaths have been from starvation, which, while nevertheless tragic, does not fit the definition.If Darfur's crisis is genocide, then there are many other genocides happening throughout Africa right now. The genocide label takes too much attention away from other crises that are just as serious.Calling it so belittles the significance of the atrocities that already own the label (such as Rwanda and the Holocaust).

Most of the world does not believe the genocide claim. And while blame is laid on China, America is guilty of similar sins. American oil companies have substantial investment in Nigeria- a nation rife with violence and corrupt government. Indeed, the humanitarian situation in Darfur is deeply troubling. So is the situation in the Gaza Strip, which has been called one of the worst humanitarian disasters of recent history. As long as America turns a blind eye to Israel's behavior towards the Palestinians, it cannot credibly criticize China over Darfur.

The other more recent point of tension over China is Tibet, which grows restless with the Olympics only months away. Again, America criticizing China's rule over Tibet is complicated. China believes that its actions in Tibet are matters of national security. Well, as it happens, so does Israel in Gaza.The right and wrong of either situation is much a matter of perspective.

Western criticism over Tibet has stirred Chinese nationalism. One of the more absurd comments being circulated about the Tibet issue is the belief that because China restricts information, the Chinese people are less informed and, therefore, their opinions should be disregarded. What nonsense. By that reasoning, the voices of the poor in America should be ignored, as they do not have access to the same levels of education as the more affluent. By that reasoning, the basic principles of democracy are mere fantasy. China resents criticism, like any other nation. Why should anything different be expected?

With all that said, do Americans have the right to take issue with Chinese practice? Of course, and they are encouraged to do so. But the complexities of the issues need to be better understood, as some of the criticisms being put forth border on naïve self-righteousness. Out-sourcing is not solely the result of China's undervalued currency; America's high health insurance costs and capital taxes play big roles (and America can address those). China could do better on human rights but, after this administration, so could America.

Furthermore, the most essential component of a good human rights record is the institutions to uphold it. That implies advanced development. China has grown by leaps and bounds, but with 1.3 billion people, it has far to go.To sustain its future economic growth, China will soon be forced to address its human rights and pollution problems, plus play a more active and responsible role in the world. Time, itself, may prove to be the best critic of all.

Those at St. James' Street welcome comments at stjamesstreet@mndaily.com.
【評介】The NewVoice
这是由MattLeighton 和Patrick Grumley
在明尼苏达日报刊登的文章。(译注: 是明尼苏达大学学生办的报纸, 可见非牟利与教育水平对媒体立论公正有明显关系。如果这两位执笔者是学生的话, 希望他们永怀今天赤子之诚, 保持公正见解, 不受商业生计污染是幸!!!)
标题有点误导, 因为文章主要在批评过去及现在对华有针对性的假论点。主要范围包括贸易关系, 达尔富尔, 西藏, 民族主义, 甚至是服务外判。在西方传媒一片偏见狂潮之中, 这是清新的论点。虽然是片羽吉光, 而且声音被疯狂种族主义的海洋淹没, 但毕竟有见识之士还是存在的。

美国在批评中国时得考虑天秤上挂着的是些什么。如果关系变坏, 美国经济将会更糟。
Matt Leighton, Patrick Grumley 合作

随着大选喧腾, 奥运渐近, 中国成了热门话题。民主党候选人不断把美中贸易关系抹上坏的色彩, 重点每多放在人民币“操作”上。因为在达尔富尔的矛盾, 激进份子把将举行的奥运标签为“灭种奥运”。而西藏人士也依传统适时善用奥运作政治宣示的机会。这些麻烦层出不穷却是简单的。

中国已成为美国主要的贸易夥伴, 但关系却麻烦不断。为了维持她的竞争力, 中国把人民币的汇率价值维持低于美元下 (目前汇率是7:1)。价廉是跟中国做生意的主要原因。许多人觉得这做法是内藏危机的, 但他们是错的。

对新家庭而言, 跟中国交易的低成本就是让生活必需品维持在可接受的水平。美国的低下层一直以来看到他们的购买力, 以至他们的生活素质, 因中国贸易而在增长。人们不禁怀疑像奥巴马及柯林顿这些设法逼中国把人民币升值的政客们到底想达成什么效益? 美国真正想中国改变她的货币政策吗? 如果中国迅速把人民币升值, 美国的通涨将直飙, 破坏程度将超出政府所能控制。中国也成了主要原料期货的大量消费者之一, 而如果她有了强劲的货币, 她的需要将把价格推到颠峰点。

当然, 假设中国不顾自己利益愿意配合美国最大利益而行事 - 如果中国缓慢地升值, 那这些问题也许能解决。荒天下之大谬! 美国对中国而言不是处于那样的优势。许多人认为对华贸易的巨大逆差是坏的迹象。但是这逆差数字里是有许多被普遍误解的动态因素影响的。

首先, 美国的入口比出口多, 这从定义而言就注定有逆差了。第二, 这不平衡是误导的, 它来源自两种货币价值的差异。第三, 逆差并不代表中国从美国一下子图了大利。在全球市场里, 中国只是组装连锁中的一个步骤。许多她生产的货品其实来源自别处的组装半成品。中国其实对其他东南亚国家地区也有逆差。最后, (美国的)逆差总额并不是真正中国所有。事实上, 台湾, 欧洲甚至是美国公司才是那逆差主要获益者。

达尔富尔最近成为批评中国的一个热门话题。因为与苏丹政府的石油交易使许多人指责中国资助灭种(政权)。但这是一个虚假指控, 因为在达尔富尔的灾难根本不是灭种。大量人口死亡是因饥荒, 虽然是悲剧, 但却不符合(灭种的)定义。如果达尔富尔的灾难是灭种的话, 那现在于非洲就有许多其他灭种在发生中。灭种这个标签把注意力转移离开其他更严重的灾难。用这来标签是贬低了那些已如此标贴的暴行(如卢旺达, 犹太集中营)的严重性。

世界上大部份人都不相信这灭种的指控。如果中国是有罪的话, 那美国也犯同样的罪。美国的石油公司在暴力和贪腐政府的尼日利亚作大规模投资。的确达尔富尔的人权情况是极度可虑。但被称为近代史上最恶劣人道灾难之一的迦沙地带的情况, 不也一样糟。只要美国对以色列对巴勒斯坦人的态度采取视而不见, 那她没有公信力以达尔富尔来批评中国。

最近对华另一紧张点是西藏, 那是随着奥运只有数月之遥而蠢动不安。美国在西藏问题上批评中国也是很复杂的。中国相信她对西藏的作为是国家安全问题。事情就是那么样, 以色列对迦沙也是那么看。两个情况的对与错主要都是立场态度的问题。

西方对西藏问题的批评卷起了中国的民族主义。在西藏问题上流传的一个较无稽的论点是相信因为中国资讯封锁, 中国人掌握情况不足, 于是他们的意见可以被忽略的。如此荒谬。同理推之, 美国贫民的声音也应被忽略, 因为他们没法像富人那样获取同样教育水平。同理推之, 民主基本原则全是幻想。中国对批评反感, 跟任何其他国家一样。为什么我们预期会是不同的?

说了那么多, 那美国人有没有权利对中国做法议论? 当然有, 而且他们应被鼓励去做。但必须好好了解那些问题的复杂性, 因为一些批评只是出自无知的自以为是而作的。服务外判并不单是人民币值较低而导致的; 美国昂贵的健保成本及资本税扮演主要关键角色(这是美国人可以想办法处理的)。中国可以在人权上改善, 但经历这任(小布)政府, 美国也可以有所改善了。

再耆, 一个好的人权纪录的最重要成份就是那机构能持续保持它。这意味着提升发展。中国已是三爬两跳地成长, 但以13亿人口, 它还得走很长的路。为了持续她未来经济成长, 中国很快就需要面对她的人权及环保难题, 以及在世界上扮演更活跃和更负责的角色。时间, 它, 会给予最好的评论。

圣詹士姆街(译注: 也许是他们校址的街名)的回应, 欢迎致:stjamesstreet@mndaily.com

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-9 12:58 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
New View 文章翻譯列表
2008-6-8 12:00   一位西藏東部藏人的文章   (ltbriar) 原文連接
2008-6-8 22:50   又一榮譽-祝賀dl喇嘛   (risris08) 原文連接
2008-6-9 12:45  如果你侮辱一條龍  (ltbriar) 原文連接
发表于 2008-6-9 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 13:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
人们不禁怀疑像奥巴马及柯林顿这些设法逼中国把人民币升值的政客们到底想达成什么效益? 美国真正想中国改变她的货币政策吗? 如果中国迅速把人民币升值, 美国的通涨将直飙, 破坏程度将超出政府所能控制。中国也成了主要原料期货的大量消费者之一, 而如果她有了强劲的货币, 她的需要将把价格推到颠峰点。

发表于 2008-6-9 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
写的很客观嘛:lol :lol :lol
发表于 2008-6-9 14:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 14:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wyd2008 于 2008-6-9 14:07 发表
人们不禁怀疑像奥巴马及柯林顿这些设法逼中国把人民币升值的政客们到底想达成什么效益? 美国真正想中国改变她的货币政策吗? 如果中国迅速把人民币升值, 美国的通涨将直飙, 破坏程度将超出政府所能控制。中国也成了主 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 15:03 | 显示全部楼层
是一份明尼蘇達大學學生辦的報紙, 就是學生報吧.
所以沒有市場壓力, 也不必有飯碗的問題. 學生自然水平比較高
(有時候那些傳媒記者不是教育水平不夠, 而是他們必須為五斗米和其他利益折腰!)

很難說好不好, 有利也有弊, 對進口有利, 因為同一元人民幣, 相對就能換多些外幣幣值貨物了,
但對出口卻不利, 因為同樣價值, 人家需要多花他自己的貨幣來買了, 於是出口的競爭力就減弱了.
銀行外債, 主要是以美金的, 所以要是借了錢給老美, 他們一萬還是一萬, 但兌回人民幣卻是少了.
要是他們借給中國, 那中國就不需要用那麼多人民幣, 來付他們一萬的債務了.

整個貶值或增值, 都會引起很複雜的外匯金融, 利率, 通漲, 再進一步影響投資, 景氣, 物價等等.
所以現在大陸人民幣兌換是採取一籃子的綜合調整匯率, 而不是像香港直接跟美元定死了.
那籃子裡的具體配方, 那幾種貨幣及組合百份比, 雖然外國金融專家能猜出十之八九
但卻不能完全掌握, 所以外國那些抄家, 不敢謬然冒險, 進一步防止了像索羅斯在90年代的來炒賣, 擾亂金融.

我看過中國經濟研究中心一個網站, 他們理論基礎比我想像來得紮實,
我想他們缺的只是金融市場的實務操控應變經驗, 這廿卅年來, 應該有不少人去香港作實務練歷,
我看法是, 地方金融體系人員的經驗可能有參差, 但中央央行那團隊是夠水平經驗的.

只是作為一般市民, 必須認識清楚投資與投機的分別.
一般小市民, 不要把股市看成是賭博, 可以快速增值的地方.
今年是美國大選年, 加上他們剛過的次貸風波, 未來北美的經濟, 還是暗藏很大風險.
中國方面, 四川地震的災後重建會引發一些需求, 但捐失嚴重, 所以經濟在下半年還是會勢頭受挫一些
沒有去年人們預期那麼好的. 總之一句話, 要踏實, 有餘錢才去投資, 千萬別去借錢來炒.
有什麼差錯, 就萬劫不復的了, 各位年輕人必須小心謹慎.
发表于 2008-6-9 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 17:46 | 显示全部楼层

回复 5楼 wyd2008 的帖子

人民币升值的坏处:用2个最最通俗的比喻来解释——RMB(¥)   USD($)

1、进出于口,假如¥:$=8:1  在中国生产商品A要8¥(包括劳动力)不变,那么到美国生产商品A就要1$(包括劳动力)不变,然而实际美国国内的劳动力和生产的成本高于1$,(假设为1.5$)。那么从中国到卖美国的产品A就有很大竞争力。同样如果¥:$=6:1 那么,原来卖到美国1$的A产品,虽然在中国制造仍是8¥,但是现在卖到美国就变成1.33$,而美国本土产A商品只要1.5,那么竞争力相对小很多,这里还要考虑1.33$+运输费+关税……


3、最郁闷的是,我们国家还不能大幅抛售美元,因为越抛,在市场上的美元就越多,相应的美元就越贬值,我国的损失就更大,所以还必须不停的购买进美元,以保他不贬值,这叫大落牙齿和血吞。可是美国人也没法得意,他们怕中国大幅抛售美元,如果这样在市场上的美元过多就会引起通货膨胀,美国人可能要用20$来买以前2$的东西。所以,中国如果急了,来个鱼死网破是他们最怕的。但是我们的领导人没那么蠢。:victory: :victory:


[ 本帖最后由 suxi 于 2008-6-9 17:59 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-9 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 18:36 | 显示全部楼层

回复 12楼 wyd2008 的帖子

不过对于我以上说的坏处也不要担心,因为人民币是相对封闭的货币,与和美元挂钩的港币不一样。而且,我国正在用外汇也就是大量美元购买外国大公司的股份,在德国好像买了一个(忘记名字了),前阵子的收购比和必拓风波也是这个,这样就既不是抛售美元,又购买了好东东:lol 一举两得。

[ 本帖最后由 suxi 于 2008-6-9 18:40 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-9 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lxd1225 于 2008-6-9 14:39 发表


发表于 2008-6-9 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 19:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 20:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 20:23 | 显示全部楼层
:victory: 感谢LZ  偶懂了不少
发表于 2008-6-9 20:49 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得说什么样的话是看写文章的人他愿意坚持真理还是谬论.是走自己的学术还是走精英的套路. 其实就算对一些问题不能做到了如指掌, 只要坚持正确的学术方法也不会得出完全偏颇的结论的. 这就是我看这篇文章的感受.

发表于 2008-6-9 23:29 | 显示全部楼层
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