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西藏始末,BBC在写小说? [ 完成,谢谢各位 ]

发表于 2008-6-19 14:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Tibet Inside

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/s ... 54/html/default.stm

Tibet has become the focus of world attention after violent protests against Chinese rule.

It has long captured the West's imagination as the site of a mystical Utopia.

Geographically dramatic and remote, it has an average altitude of 13,000ft (4,000m) above sea level and is popularly referred to as "the roof of the world".

It is isolated not only geographically, but also diplomatically. China enforced a long-held claim to Tibet in 1950, and it was subsequently incorporated into Chinese territory.

Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, fled to Dharamsala in northern India, where his supporters have set up a government in exile. Meanwhile Tibet itself is rapidly changing, as increasing numbers of Han Chinese arrive in search of work.

The BBC News website looks at some of the dominant issues in this unique community. Click on the links above to find out more.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:17 | 显示全部楼层

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/s ... 4/html/nn1page1.stm

During Tibet's early history it was an independent and often powerful state, but from the 13th century, when it submitted to Mongol rule, until modern times, it has endured long periods of either Chinese control, Chinese influence, or effective autonomy.

In 1904 British Colonel Francis Younghusband led a mission to seize Lhasa and attempt to exclude other foreign powers' influence over Tibet.

But in 1907 Britain and Russia agreed that both parties would deal with Tibet only through China, and China enforced what it saw as its claim on Tibet through a military invasion in 1910.

It withdrew in the midst of a Chinese revolution in 1911, and to all practical purposes Tibet operated as an independent nation from then until the early 1940s.

This was to change dramatically in 1949, when communist Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China and threatened Tibet with 'liberation'.

China led a military assault on Tibet in October 1950, and in April 1951 Tibet's leaders said they were strong-armed into signing a treaty, known as the 'Seventeen Point Agreement', which gave China control over Tibet's external affairs and allowed Chinese military occupation, in return for pledging to safeguard Tibet's political system.

There was widespread open rebellion against Chinese rule within Tibet by 1956, which tipped over into a full uprising in March 1959. Tibetans say that thousands died during the occupation and uprising, but China disputes this.

On the night of 17 March the Dalai Lama fled to northern India. Some 80,000 Tibetans followed over the next few months.

The Chinese government went on to establish the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in 1965, and in 1966 Tibet was subjected to China's Cultural Revolution, which destroyed a large number of its monasteries and cultural artefacts.

Since the 1980s, Tibet has enjoyed mixed fortunes. People's freedom to practise their religion has been restored, though monks and nuns still often face persecution. But large-scale Han Chinese immigration, Tibetans say, threatens their unique
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:19 | 显示全部楼层



Tibet's physical isolation means that it is home to some unique animal and plant species. But its rapid development and resettling by the Han Chinese mean its special environment is now under threat.

Tibet is about 70% grassland, and its main economy is agricultural. Human rights groups say that the Chinese government's policy of settling the region's nomads is having a substantial impact on Tibet's ecology.

The stated aims of the government's policy are to improve the economic viability of farming and protect the nomads from natural disasters. While this has led to some short-term gains, Tibetan groups say, it has led to the over-grazing of some grasslands. Tibet's wildlife is also at risk from widespread commercial hunting and poaching.

Environmental groups are worried that the current pressure on Tibet's resources will only increase with the opening of a controversial rail link from Golmud in Qinghai province to Lhasa. According to the Tibetan government in exile, the railway cuts through three nature reserves, all home to endangered antelope and gazelle.

China believes Tibet to be an important reservoir of natural resources. It is the prime source of Asia's major rivers, and harbours extensive forest and minerals.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:20 | 显示全部楼层



Buddhism, which arrived in Tibet from India, became the region's state religion in the 7th century, and has since played a paramount role. Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer, who lived in Tibet in the 1940s, said: 'In all my years in Tibet, I never met anyone who expressed the slightest doubt about Lord Buddha's teaching.'

But religion has become, by necessity, politicised in modern Tibet, as communist China is suspicious of fervent worship. China also sees the Dalai Lama - the leading spiritual figure of the Tibetan people - as a separatist threat.

The Dalai Lama, or Ocean of Wisdom, is seen as the embodiment of compassion. When a Dalai Lama dies, the search for his next incarnation begins. He is identified by his ability to pick out articles belonging to the previous one.

The current, 14th Dalai Lama, has lived in exile in northern India since the Chinese invasion in 1959. The Panchen Lama, the second most important figure in Tibet's spiritual hierarchy, is presently controversial because China and Tibet disagree over his current incarnation.

The Dalai Lama identified him to be a boy called Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, but the Chinese detained him in 1995 and he has not been seen since. The Chinese then installed their own choice, Gyaincain Norbu, who has been rejected by the Tibetans.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:22 | 显示全部楼层


Border claims

Chinese and Tibetan views of what constitutes Tibet differ significantly.

Around half the landmass the Tibetans consider to be Tibet has been subsumed into other Chinese provinces, and in 1965 the Chinese government named the rest the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR).

The government says the TAR has considerable autonomy, but many Tibetans argue their self-government exists in name only.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:24 | 显示全部楼层


Cultural shift

The Chinese government has been encouraging mass Han Chinese migration to Tibet, which, it says, is helping the region to improve economically.

According to Chinese government statistics, Tibet's GDP in 2003 was about 28 times what it was in 1978. But Tibetans complain that those who predominantly benefit from the growth are the Chinese migrants who then send the money back home.

The proportion of Han Chinese in the TAR has risen sharply, although Tibetans still make up about 93% of the population. However, the Han influence is disproportionate, Tibetans say, with Chinese dominating its economy and other spheres of influence, and threatening the area's cultural identity.

This change is likely to intensify following the opening of the Golmud-Lhasa railway, which is expected to significantly increase Han Chinese traffic to Tibet.

The Tibetan government in exile has pointed to comments by former President Jiang Zemin to the New York Times in August 2001, which make clear that the railway is intended to be a predominantly political, rather than economic, investment.

"Some people advised me not to go ahead with this project because it is not commercially viable. I said this is a political decision, we will make this project succeed at all costs, even if there is a commercial loss," Mr Jiang told the paper.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
Q&A: China and Tibet


Tibetan communities launched a series of protests against Chinese rule in Tibet in March 2008. It was the biggest challenge to Beijing's authority there since 1989. -

What sparked the protests?

Buddhist monks marched from monasteries in and around Lhasa on 10 March to mark the 49th anniversary of a Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule.

According to reports, security forces arrested some of the marchers, and the following day more monks marched through the streets to appeal for their colleagues to be freed.


As the protests escalated, economic and social grievances came to the fore, and more members of the general Tibetan population became involved in the monks' protests.

There were confirmed reports of mass rioting on the streets of Lhasa. Protests and violence were later reported in areas of Gansu, Sichuan and Qinghai provinces, which are home to sizeable Tibetan communities.

The protests were fuelled by day-to-day grievances, as well as a desire for Tibetan independence.

Many Tibetans are angry at the increasing numbers of Han Chinese migrants arriving in the region, accusing them of taking the best jobs.

Tibetans feel they have been left behind by the economic boom which coastal provinces have enjoyed, yet they are suffering from China's accelerating inflation.

What are the underlying issues?

The two sides disagree about the legal status of Tibet.

China says Tibet has officially been part of the Chinese nation since the mid-13th Century, so should continue to be ruled by Beijing.

The Dalai Lama heads the Tibetan government-in-exile

Many Tibetans disagree, pointing out that the Himalayan region was an independent kingdom for many centuries, and that Chinese rule over Tibet has not been constant.

For example, after a brief military conflict between China and Tibet in the early part of the 20th Century, Tibet declared itself an independent republic in 1912.

Although its status did not receive widespread recognition, Tibet functioned as an independent government until 1951.

China sent troops to Tibet in 1950 and summoned a Tibetan delegation the following year to sign a treaty ceding sovereignty to China.

Since then there have been periods of unrest and sporadic uprisings as resentment to Beijing's rule has persisted.

Although China has invested in the economy, rights groups point to widespread mistreatment of the Tibetan population and a denial of religious and political freedom.

Will the two sides be able to resolve their differences?

The Chinese government has been engaged in low-level talks with Tibet's government-in-exile, based in India, over recent years.

But the BBC's Michael Bristow, in Beijing, says the talks have not got very far, and do not show much hope for the future either.

The gulf between the two sides is too great, our correspondent says.

China insists that the Tibetans in exile, led by the Dalai Lama, want nothing less than to separate Tibet from the motherland.

The Dalai Lama - Tibet's spiritual leader - says he wants nothing more than genuine autonomy for the region.

Why is the Tibet issue so well-known?

Perhaps one of the reasons Westerners know so much about Tibet is because of the Dalai Lama.

Since fleeing Tibet following a failed uprising in 1959, he has travelled the world advocating more autonomy for his homeland, yet stressing non-violence.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in 1989.

But Beijing faces disputes from other quarters, as well as Tibet.

The island of Taiwan has essentially been self-governing for half a century, but China regards it as part of its territory - and has said it is willing to use force if necessary to make sure this remains the case.

Uighur separatists in Muslim-majority Xinjiang province have waged a low-level insurgency against the Beijing government for many years.

The Beijing government frequently claims it faces "international terrorism" in Xinjiang, and that the Taleban is active there, but human rights groups say these claims are exaggerated.

Will there be further protests?

China responded to these protests with a show of force. There is now a heavy military presence in Lhasa and in other areas where unrest was reported. Officials and state media have vowed to "resolutely crush" pro-independence sentiment.

But the fundamental cause of the demonstrations has not been resolved and so tension is likely to persist, correspondents say.

Also, the Olympics will be held in Beijing this summer and campaigners both inside and outside China are using the publicity surrounding the event to highlight their particular concerns.

Protesters targeted the worldwide tour of the Olympic torch, and another potential flashpoint could come when the torch arrives in Tibet in late June.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-19 14:31 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-6-19 14:44 | 显示全部楼层

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/s ... 54/html/default.stm
长久以来, 它一直在西方幻想里占着神秘乌托邦的地位。

地理位置显注又偏僻, 它平均地势在海拔13,000尺(4,000米), 通常被誉为“世界屋脊”。
它不但地理环境与世隔绝, 外交处境也一样。中国在1950年对西藏行使由来已久的主权, 其后它被纳入中国版图。(译注:这描述应该用在你们英国人身上才对, 是你们把藏南一部份自己占有, 并到自己印度殖民地, 后来让印度装傻瞎弄在独立时并入版图吧! 把自家丑行拿来扣帽, 知Shame on you怎写不?)

西藏精神领袖dl喇嘛逃亡到北印度的达兰萨拉, 他的支持者在那里成立了流亡政府。
在其间, 西藏本身迅速变化, 不断有汉人来到西藏寻求工作机会。(译注: 放心好啦,  藏人仍然是绝大多数, 汉人回人加起来, 也不够你们英伦三岛的东印度及中亚人口多的.)

BBC 新闻网研究了这独特社群一些重要议题, 欲知详情, 请点以上连结。

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-19 16:06 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-19 15:44 | 显示全部楼层

在西藏有史之初, 它是个独立而曾是强大的国家, 但从13世纪始, 它接受蒙古统治, 从此至现代, 它处长期受中国控制, 影响或有效的自治状态。(译注:请问跟北爱尔兰有什么两样?)
1904年英国荣赫鹏上校(Francis Younghusband)负责夺取拉萨的任务(译注:是带了3000人的英国远征军, 这么光荣事迹怎不好意思讲了, 想让人幻想他是在演六壮士那么英勇么?), 以图阻止其他外国势力对西藏的影响。(译注:不就是想独吞?)
但在1907年, 英国跟俄国协定双方的西藏往来都须通过中国, 而中国在1910年军事入侵西藏而视为是执行它对西藏的主权。(译注:不然呢? 总比你们老远跑去福克兰跟阿根庭争夺福克兰群岛来得靠谱也有历史根据吧?)
在1911年中国发生革命时, 军队撤离, 实际上西藏自此至1940年代以一个独立国家运作。(译注:如果这样就可以作为独立国家的话, 那世界就出现许多独立国了)

这一切在1949年共产党毛泽东宣布中华人民共和国成立时产生巨大变化, 威胁要“解放”西藏。
1950年10月中国发动军事占据, 而在1951年4月西藏领袖们说他们在武力下被逼签订名为“十七条款”的协定, 让中国控制西藏的外交, 并容许中国驻军, (译注:是真是假是一面之词, 就是真的, 也不过是向你们八国联军学来的手段!) 来换取维持西藏的政治制度。
1956年在西藏发生大规模的反对中国管治的公开反抗, 最后在三月演变成全面骚乱。藏人称上千人在被占及骚乱时被杀, 但中国反驳否认。
3月17日晚dl喇嘛逃往印度北部, 在数月内约80,000藏人追随他而去。
中国政府在1965年设立西藏自治区, 1966年西藏受到中国文化大革命影响, 大批寺院文物被毁。(译注:一字不提取消农奴制度, 农奴获耕地农具, 回复自由)
自1980年起, 西藏好坏参半。人民信仰自由获恢复, 但僧尼依然经常面对逼害。大量汉人迁入, 藏人说他们独有的文化受到威胁。(译注:“大量”是什么的量? 由零到一的增率是无限大, 藏人文化受麦当奴, 手机, 跟牛仔裤的威胁更大, 知不? )

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-19 16:12 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-19 16:42 | 显示全部楼层

西藏地处偏僻, 意味它是一些特殊动植物的居地, 但迅速发展及汉人移民意味它特殊环境如今受到威胁。(译注: 汉人去是在城市经商, 在想当然大做文章, 你们老外去泰国也是去旅游地方, 会跑去插秧去漆园吗?)
西藏70%是草地, 主要经济是农业。人权组织称中国政府对地区内安置牧民的政策对西藏生态有严重影响。(译注: 农业都似乎是咱们文成公主带过去的, 70%? 有没有西藏朋友查证一下, 说得好像牧民是北京从天而降的降伞部队般)
政府政策的目的据称是为了改善农牧业的经济发展, 保障牧民不受天灾影响。短期上是有些效益, 但西藏组织说会使草原过度放牧, 野生动物也受广泛商业狩猎捕杀的威胁。
环保组织担忧开建由青海格尔木至拉萨的铁路, 只会增加西藏资源面临的压力。据西藏流亡政府说, 铁路穿越三个自然保护区, 全都是濒危品种羚羊与瞪羚的居地。
中国相信西藏是天然资源的重要蕴藏地, 它是亚洲主要河流的重要发源地, 拥有大量森林及矿藏资源。
发表于 2008-6-19 17:15 | 显示全部楼层
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/s ... 4/html/nn3page1.stm

佛教在七世纪时由印度传入西藏, 成了地区的国教, 一直都占最重要地位。在1940年代居住西藏的奥地利登山探险家哈里尔(Heinrich Harrer)说:“我在西藏那几年里, 我从未遇上一个对佛爷教诲有一点怀疑的人。”(译注:什么登山家? 这是个纳粹党, 那7 Years in Tibet电影就是以他的书改编的, 他也是dl年轻时的老师, 据说他是奉希特勒命令入西藏探路的, www.tycool.com/bbs/printthread.php?t=193671 - 37k)但在现代西藏, 宗教因中共对信仰虔诚有疑虑, 故有需要而变政治化 (译注: 没错, 在旧西藏时代, 宗教不政治化, 而是神权奴隶化)中国也视西藏人精神领袖的dl喇嘛为分裂的威胁。dl喇嘛, 意为智慧海, 被视为是慈悲的化身。当一位dl喇嘛死亡,寻找他下一转世就开始,由能捡起前一任(dl)遗物来确定身份的。
dl喇嘛确认 更登确吉尼玛(Gedhun Choekyi Nyima)是转世班禅, 但中国从1995年软禁了他, 从此不知所踪。中国确立他们所选的坚赞诺布(Gyaincain Norbu),但为西藏人反对。
发表于 2008-6-19 17:22 | 显示全部楼层


西藏人观念上的西藏的差不多一半已划归中国其他省份, 而在1965年中国政府把剩余地区名为西藏自治区。(译注: 真的见鬼了, 那不如依香港人观念香港包括了英伦三岛好吗?)
政府称西藏自治区有相当自治能力, 但许多西藏人反驳他们的自治政府只徒具虚名。

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-19 17:30 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-19 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
剩下兩篇, 明天繼續.
最好是有人跟那 New Voice 網站人熟悉的話, 提議他們那 Terminator 撰文回應這篇鬼東西一下.
我感覺那Terminator文筆有點像那杭州的 M.A. Jones.
发表于 2008-6-20 02:18 | 显示全部楼层

中国政府一直鼓励大量汉人移民西藏, 称有助地区改善经济。根据中国政府统计数字, 2003年西藏人均约为1978年的28倍。但西藏人抱怨从发展中获益主要是中国移民, 他们把盈利转回家乡。
虽然藏族人口仍占93%, 西藏自治区的汉族人口比例急剧上升。但汉人的影响力却是反比例的。藏人称中国人控制他们的经济及其他方面影响, 威胁到地区的文化认同。随着格尔木至拉萨铁路通车, 预计将大大提高汉人往西藏的人流而使改变更深更广。
西藏流亡政府引述前国家主席江泽民在2001年8月在时代杂志的话, 指铁路主要是为政治目的, 而非经济投资。
江泽民告诉记者:“有些人告诉我不要搞这项目因为它商业上是不可行的。我说这是个政治决策, 我们将尽一切资源使这项目成功, 那怕现在会亏点本。”
发表于 2008-6-20 03:33 | 显示全部楼层

问与答: 中国与西藏西藏族群在2008年3月发动一连串的反华抗议示威, 是自1989年以来对北京政权最大的一次挑战

据报, 警察逮捕了若干示威者, 翌日更多僧人加入示威, 要求释放被捕者。
当示威行动升级, 经济及社会受到冲击, 更多普通藏民加入僧人抗议行列。
据确实报导, 拉萨街头有大规模动乱。 示威及暴力事件其后也在相当多藏人聚居的甘肃, 四川及青海省份传出。
许多藏人对自治区内愈来愈多汉族移民感到愤怒, 指责他们夺标了最好的工作机会。
藏人感觉他们没能像沿海省份从火热的经济发展得到好处, 却饱受中国飙升通涨之苦。

中国称西藏从13世纪以来一直正式属于中国的一部份, 故应继续由北京管治。
许多藏人不同意, 指喜马拉亚地区数世纪以来都是独立王国, 中国统治西藏不是长期连续的。
举例, 在廿世纪初, 中藏之间短暂军事纠纷后, 西藏在1912年宣告独立。
虽然它的地位没被广泛承认, 西藏至1951年都是作为独立政府运作。
(译注: 不是没被广泛承认, 而是全世界都没人承认。 不仅如此, 现在也没有一个国家承认西藏流亡政府?
為什麼不說說, 從1912年到1951年, 中國是什麼情況? 推翻滿清, 軍閥割據, 列強侵凌, 八年抗戰, 國共內戰!
即便如此, 你dl的坐床仪式还是由国民政府来主持参与。中国从来没有表示同意zd, 不管是国民政府还是新政府。
还有, 知不知国际法上, 就是一个从来没有归属的地方, 也得经过60年, 从来没有人异议, 才能宣告对那地方拥有主权?
不然为什么我们必须一直对钓鱼台, 台湾, 东沙, 南沙坚持拥有主权?)
中国在1950年派军进入西藏, 并在翌年要求西藏代表团签署条约承认中国主权。自此不断时有动荡及零星骚乱反抗北京管治。
虽然中国作大量经济投资, 人权组织指责对西藏人口普遍不公待遇。(译注: 绝不会比神权政制奴役人民更普遍不公), 及不容许宗教和政治自由。

最近几年, 中国政府低调与在印度的西藏流亡政府举行会谈。
但会谈进展不大, 在未来也不见得有何希望。


自从1959年动乱失败逃离西藏后, 他一面强调非暴力, 一面到世界各地宣传为西藏争取更多自治。
但北京除西藏外, 也面对其它争议。
台湾岛基本上经已自治半世纪, 但中国视之为领土一部份, 并称有必要时可能用武力来确保领土完整。
(译注: 想不下注都不行的, 知不知道台湾现行的宪法是一中宪法, 是把台湾视为中国的一部份的?)
多年以来, 以回族为主新疆省的维吾尔分裂份子一直低度叛乱形式进行与北京政府对抗。
北京政府经常称它在新疆面对着“国际恐怖份子”, 而且塔里班在该地活跃。但人权组织指这是夸大其词。

记者说, 中国强硬回应这些示威, 官方及国家传媒誓言“粉碎”一切支持独立意图。
但示威的基本原因没有解决, 故此会一直维持紧张。
今夏北京举行的奥运会把世界目光聚焦在西藏, 中国境布境外的运动份子都在利用围绕奥运的宣传机会来为他们所关注的问题来曝光。

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-20 04:27 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-20 04:30 | 显示全部楼层
總的感覺, 這是我們香港傳媒指的「鱔稿」
也就是像發新聞稿一樣, 記者根本沒有做自己的研究確認
把別人提供的稿子搬字過紙而已. 是否有涉及錢財好處, 則不得而知, 不敢確定了
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 09:49 | 显示全部楼层

[b]What's the matter with Tibet?[/b]

By Lisa Carducci

The author is a Canadian writer.

It is one thing to be interested in Tibet, as most of my acquaintances are. It is another to have totally prejudiced views, which unfortunately is the case with most of them.

Only a handful are honest enough to hold their opinions until they visit Tibet and see things with their own eyes. Some others hear only what they want to hear and what doesn't disturb their "Tibetan imagination".

Here is an example. A Canadian friend of mine, a university professor, went to Tibet in May 1997. He later told me that his group had been sent away from a Tibetan restaurant by the police and directed to a Han establishment.

The reason, according to him, was racism, an attempt to "break" the "Tibetan nation". His immediate analysis - before he understood a word of what was going on - was obviously based on prejudice.

I was not there and didn't see what happened. But after discussing the fact with Han and Tibetan people who knew better, we all concluded that the real cause might have been one or more of the following: the owner of the Tibetan restaurant had no permit; he had not paid his taxes; the place was not hygienic enough for foreigners; the owner and the policeman had a personal dispute; or the owner was trafficking ancient tangka, a kind of Tibetan painting.

We also tend to assume that all Tibetans are the same and feel and act the same way. Far from it. Those I met in Tibet or in Xiahe county of Gansu province seem not interested in politics. They live happily and quietly, and have no complaints about the central government as long as their lives continue to prosper year after year.

At the village of Tashiling in Nepal, instead, the Tibetan women I chatted with for two hours at the market had different stories to tell.

The major difference between them and the Tibetans living in China is that the Tibetans in Nepal think that "the Hans invaded Tibet and forced them to flee the country".

The woman who spoke better Chinese and served as an interpreter for the group said: "When our country is free, we'll go back immediately and get good jobs! Do you think this is a life, what we do here? Commerce!"

I took pity on her because she seemed to have been completely swayed by anti-China propaganda. I told her that all the Tibetans I had met earlier knew very well what the central government of China had done for them and appreciated it.

"I'm sorry to tell you," I said, "that you fool yourself if you think that your Tibetan fellows inside the country think the same way you do and support your efforts for independence."

She stared at me, her eyes wide open. "Have you ever been to Tibet?"

"Of course! If not, how could I speak like this?" She remained silent a moment, then said: "Every year on March 10, the Tibetans of the world march for independence. If you go to Tibet on that day, you'll see the Chinese army killing so many people in the streets."

If there was any truth in her words, I thought, I must have been transported to another planet.

"We have seen photos, and videos," she continued. "Every year we see them."

"Who took these photos?"

"Foreigners. From other places."

I calmed down, before asking: "Are you sure these photos and films were taken recently? They may be from the 'cultural revolution' period when Tibetans just as other Chinese suffered and were treated badly. Or during the civil rebellion in 1959? Might you not have been deceived? Maybe they show you the same pictures year after year? Maybe the photos were altered?"

As a spokesperson of her group, she turned around, and said: "It's possible, but we have no means of checking."

"Might these activist friends of the Dalai Lama," I continued, "be the authors of the photocopied letters on the board at the village entrance, issued by 'His Holiness Dalai Lama's office'? And the inscription 'Chinese, leave', who do you think wrote it?"

I explained to them all the changes that had happened in Tibet and talked about all the money invested by the central government into reconstruction and development, the progress in education, the religious freedom, the improvement of health, society, life, and they were astonished. Apparently, no one had ever spoken to them like this.

"Do you believe me?" I asked.

"I believe you because you are a foreigner," said the woman, "not a member of the communist party. Are you?"

"You can trust me. I tell you only what I have seen. Tibet is a beautiful and peaceful place where people sing while they work, where people smile and enjoy life."

The younger ones among them were born in Nepal; others had fled Tibet to go to Nepal in the 1950s and never returned to Tibet. They have no passports; of course they cannot enter China.

I then visited a temple where a young 17-year-old monk said that his greatest aspiration was to see Tibet. He thought monks were arrested, jailed or even killed in China, his thought based on the fact that his friend went there and never returned.

"I'll tell you something, young man. Your friend may have been arrested because he entered a country illegally. But if you never heard from him after that, don't you think he might have accomplished his great desire: to see Tibet. He may be living in a monastery there!"

He bowed his head and said, "I wish I had such a chance!"

Finally, I realized that the Tibetans outside Tibet are the victims not only of ignorance but of a well-organized campaign of misinformation. And it struck me that it may be the same for the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama, who left the country when he was still very young and under the influence of a group, and never saw Tibet with his own eyes later in life to be able to judge things for himself, is also a poor victim - much like the woman at the village market.



























  (作者:李莎·卡尔杜齐(Lisa Carducci),加拿大作家。 翻译:王薇)
发表于 2008-6-20 11:54 | 显示全部楼层

就是因為一直在翻徐先生的文章, 對所謂西藏計劃生育, 移民, 等等有點印象
发表于 2008-6-20 14:36 | 显示全部楼层

不過你那篇不夠我這篇讚啦, 這女教授, 了得!

08.05.28 中國: 中國日報傳媒的神話製作人
【原文】Mythmakers of the media
By Irene Affede Di Paola (China Daily) Updated: 2008-05-28 07:47
(The author is a professor at the University of Insubria in Italy. The article first appeared in the Global Times)

While some Americans support the rioters for "Tibet independence", they forget what their ancestors did to local Indians.Their European forefathers migrating to the New World not only massacred the Indians but also devastated their culture.

It's really a pity that the notions of "good Westerners" and"other bad people" which should have only appeared in Hollywood films exist in the real world. s

To my knowledge, the United  States hasn't done any better than any other country on human rights. Following the slaughter of local aboriginals by the early Americans, some other minorities including the black people, Italians,Spaniards, especially the colored people, have been discriminated against in the US society as well.

Please don't forget how many Vietnamese were killed by the US army in the war in the 1960s and how many democratic Latin American governments were toppled by US plots.

Newly released figures show that the Iraq War claimed more than 700,000Iraqi civilian lives, and that more than 2.7 million Iraqi refugees have fled into Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,Egypt and other countries. Who will compensate for the sufferings of the Iraqi victims and refugees?

It is doubtful if some Westerners truly care about the Chinese people's human rights, while they turn a blind eye to what the US is doing to the Iraqi people. It is also absurd of them to point a finger at China's domestic affairs.

It is widely known that lobbying groups and the super corporations behind them exert great influence on the US government's decision-making.

About 18 years ago, the American linguist Avram Noam Chomsky said the US was a society in which the poor paid for the rich.

What I want to stress further is that, the poor are misguided as if they can get rich by exploiting those even poorer. This trick is a popular"market law" in the US society.

In fear of a rapidly developing China,some Westerners want to raise the Tibet issue on the pretext of human rights.

Generally speaking, those Westerners don't really care about Tibet and its people's human rights. In fact, it has nothing to do with human rights; it is nothing but a conspiracy to split another country and to contain a potential competitor.

Created by the Western media, the Tibet myth thus became an ideal instrument to try and achieve that aim.

Those Westerners accuse China on the issue of Tibet so as to shift public attention away from their atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan. They criticize China on "human rights violations", while spreading "democratic"torture and cruelty around the world.

They appear to be lovers of peace only because they have learned to divert violence into other places. The West has used violence so many times in the past 500 years that their purpose seems to have been achieved.

The recent propaganda by the Western media and its censure of China and the Chinese people is intolerable. We have experienced the Cold War era when extreme actions were taken. We also understand the potential consequences of the Western media's irrational attitude toward China.

As some NATO generals have said, "As Westerners, we cannot afford to support absurd things like this because, as it happened in Kosovo, it might cause more tensions and even bring disaster to ourselves."

I do not understand why some Westerners are bent on making Tibet an"independent and free country".

Try imagining an independent Tibet located on the world's roof and isolated from the global economy and you wonder what the future of Tibet would be like.

Those Westerners want to keep Tibet from developing. They insist that Tibet should be kept independent and isolated and its people should go on with their daily life as herdsmen or farmers.

So when those Westerners go there on vacation, they can enjoy the beautiful scenery and the primitive life of their imagination of a mystical Oriental place.

Matteo Ricci, one of the pioneers of East-West exchanges, came to China during the Wanli Reign of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). On ethnic diversity, he said, "Observe all and obtain its advantages."

Paul the Apostle, the forerunner of Christianity, echoed him by calling on everyone to "respect non-Christian people."

Any problem can be solved if we bear their words in mind.


作者: Irene Affede Di Paola (中国日报)  更新: 2008-05-28 07:47
(作者是意大利英苏布里亚瓦雷泽-科莫大学教授, 文章最先在环球时报刊登)

一些美国人在支持暴动者追求“zd”之时, 他们忘记他们祖先是如何对待当地的印第安人的。他们欧洲祖先移民到新大陆时不但屠杀印第安人, 也摧毁了他们的文化。

原只应在荷里活电影出现的“善良西方人”及“其他坏人”标签, 却出现在现实世界里是件可惜的事情。

据我的认知, 美国在人权上做得不比其他国家要好。继美国先民屠杀本地土著以降, 若干小数族裔包括非裔, 意大利裔, 西班牙裔, 特别是有色人种一直在美国社会遭受歧视对待。

请不要忘记有多少越南人在1960年代越战时被美军杀害, 有多少拉丁美洲民主政府被美国阴谋颠覆。

最新公布的数字显示超过70万伊拉克平民在伊拉克战争中被杀, 超过270万名伊拉克难民逃难到叙利亚, 约旦, 黎巴嫩, 埃及及其他国家。谁来赔偿伊拉克死者和难民所遭的苦难? (译注: Bravo! Benissimo!)

当一些西方人对美国怎样对待伊拉克人视若无睹时, 我们值得怀疑他们是否真的关心中国人民的人权状况。这些人对中国内政问题指手划脚也是很离谱荒谬的。

众所周知, 美国政府背后那些游说团及超级企业财团极具左右政府决策的影响能力。

约18年前, 美国语言学家艾弗拉姆•诺姆•乔姆斯基(Avram Noam Chomsky)就说美国社会是穷人替富人埋单的。

我想进一步强调的是, 穷人被误导, 好像他们真能从剥削更穷的人而致富。这是美国社会一个很流行的“市场规律”。

为主恐惧中国迅速发展, 一些西方人希望以人权作藉口来提出西藏问题。

一般而言, 某些西方人根本不关心西藏以及它的人民的人权。事实上, 一切与人权毫不相干, 它只不过是分裂另一个国家和困住一个潜在竞争者的一个阴谋而已。


有些西方人在西藏问题上指责中国, 以便把公众视线从他们在伊拉克及阿富汗的恶行转移。他们批评中国“侵犯人权”, 自己却在全球散布“民主”折磨和残暴。

他们看来好像是和平爱好者, 那只因为他们学会把暴力转移到其他地方。西方曾在过去500年
那么多次使用暴力, 似乎他们的目的已经达成。


就如一些北约的将领所说:“作为西方人, 我们不可以支持如此荒谬的事情, 就像在科索沃那样, 它会引起更多紧张对峙, 甚至最后为我们自己招致灾难。”


大家可以试想一下一个独立的西藏处于那世界的屋脊, 完全与全球经济孤立的。你想想西藏的前途会变什么样子。

有些西方人希望保留西藏不要发展。他们坚持西藏应该保守独立, 与世隔绝, 它的人民应该继续他们日常生活当个牧民或农民。

于是当那些西方人去那里渡假, 他们就可以享受美丽风光, 及他们想像中一个神秘东方国度的原始生活。

东西文化交流的一个先行者利玛窦, 在明朝(1368 - 1644)万历年间来到中国, 对多元族群, 他如是说:“审度观微, 利在其中。”

天主教先驱宗徒圣保罗, 也有相同意见呼吁所有人应“尊重非教徒”。

如我们谨记他们的说话, 任何问题应可获解决。

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-20 14:53 编辑 ]
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