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[瑞典 EXPRESSEN.SE] 23岁的饶谨向西方媒体巨人挑战(AC2)

发表于 2008-6-24 12:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
外文主流媒体对Anti-CNN.com 相关报道翻译帖(二)
【原文連接】 http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-73831-1-1.html
【译者注】原文據稱來自Expressen.se, 中譯以上列url 網友提供之英譯本, 譯者不詳

BEIJING. Rao Jin, 23, challenges the giants of Western media.  
He has started a campaign against them on the web.
And giants like CNN and BBC shiver.

Rao Jin is running a small IT-company in Beijing and he belongs to the new very internet savy Chinese generation.

He has - like inumerable other chinese - become upset about what he sees as exaggerations and inaccuracies in the way the west reports about what is going on in Tibet.

Many here thinks that the anti-Chinese riots of March the 14th has received far to little attention in the West, while the harshness of the Chinese police and military has been exaggerated.

Rao Jin did something about this. He started the website  and it has in a short time become a success among the Chinese.

- We receive up to half a million hits every day, he says when we meet at a café in the outskirts of Beijing.

- The site is called anti-CNN but we are not exclusively concerned with CNN, but with all foreign media and their biased reporting.

I have to admit that even Expressen figures on his website. An article on Expressen's website from March 26th was illustrated with a picture of Nepalese police arresting Tibetan demonstrator. In the caption it was wrongly claimed that the policemen were Chinese.

That's a mistake that many media companies has made. Too many.

Something that anti-CNN has put a finger on.

Many have appologised over this. Among them BBC. CNN has also published a defence of its reporting.

- I'm glad for the fact that some Western media has corrected their mistakes. But many of our users don't think that's enough.

- I think the main problem is that many Western media already had made up their mind about what was happening in Tibet and taken a side for the Tibetans.

At the same time he admits that there are shortcomings in the Chinese media reports as well. And that the fact that Western media isn't let in to Tibet makes is a complicating factor

- But I'm not so sure it would make much of a difference if they would let you in. Many of you would anyway just see what you wanted to see.

Well, if that were to happen, that Western media were let in to Tibet. I'm sure that Rao Jin and his 200 volunteers would keep an eye on the way we report.

















編註:  網上以本站所提供瑞典文用Google搜索, 查不到原瑞文網址
不過卻找到另一瑞典網址, 內容不詳, 但卻應是與Anti-CNN成立有關的  

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-6-30 10:08 编辑 ]




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