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[08.7.25 基督教科学箴言报] 中国人抢购奥运门票(请看看)

发表于 2008-7-27 00:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【08.7.25 基督教科学箴言报】视频新闻:中国人抢购奥运门票
【原文标题】Chinese snatch up Olypmics tickets
A word to the wise: if you are thinking of coming to the Beijing Olympics and picking up tickets when you are here, fuggedaboutit.

Tens of thousands of Chinese fans got there first.

You might find a couple of tickets available to something like the preliminary soccer heat between Belgium and New Zealand, but that’s about it.

For the more prestigious events there will probably be some scalpers around. But they will have to be discreet in a city crawling with police who have announced a 10-15 day jail term for anyone caught re-selling tickets. And the prices will be crazy.

Not as crazy, in my book, as Xu Yong Heng. He’s the guy, now a media darling in China, who showed up at noon on Wednesday to be at the front of the line when the last remaining Olympic tickets went on sale to the public at 9.00 Friday morning. He sat on a piece of cardboard for 45 hours in sweltering heat and he was only allowed two places when the ticket office opened.

Even crazier, though, were those joining the line - thousands of people and a mile and a half behind Mr. Xu – around midnight on Thursday. Even a night sleeping rough wasn’t going to be enough to get them tickets.

This afternoon I phoned one guy I met last night, to see how he had fared. He said he had given up after lunch when the line descended into chaos and angry scuffles broke out between ticket-seekers and policemen. Even the hundreds of police trying to keep order were not enough to stop people cutting in line and he realized his chances were getting slimmer by the hour.

The Olympics are causing Beijing residents a lot of inconvenience - increased security checks everywhere, only allowed to drive every other day, congested metro trains – and I shall be returning to these in later posts.

But there is no doubting the extraordinary enthusiasm that these Games have fired in ordinary Chinese breasts. At the Athens Olympics in 2004, the stadium was half empty for the first week or so. You can bet that won’t happen here.







        不过这还不如Xu Yong Heng来得疯狂。Xu,男,现在成了国内媒体的焦点,周三中午他就排到买票队伍的前列,要知道最后一批公开外对发售的奥运门票是从周五早晨9点才开始。他得在那块纸板上坐足45个小时,而忍受如此酷热的天气就算轮到他也只能买2张。






[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-7-27 02:21 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-27 00:52 | 显示全部楼层
这篇报道和近几日连篇累牍聚焦冲突的视角完全不同, 特别推荐大家看本篇报道提供的3分钟视频. 作者的笔调很活泼, 视频很真实, 这种场面真说得上是疯狂, 呵呵, 疯狂背后就像作者所说, 是对奥运的热情和信心. 我想我们也该"享受"奥运啊.

视频网页观看地址: http://features.csmonitor.com/wp-content/themes/csm/media-player/index.html?file=http://csps.edgeboss.net/download/csps/csm/flash/webmedia/080725olytix-ford_1Mbps.flv&height=400&width=600

源地址 http://csps.edgeboss.net/download/csps/csm/flash/webmedia/080725olytix-ford_1Mbps.flv  :P

[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-7-27 01:06 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-27 02:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-27 12:30 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-27 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
附上路透社图片专题, 图片太多, 直接点击看吧: http://pictures.reuters.com/c/C.aspx?VP=Mod_Flash.Flash_VPage&SH=T&SST=1&RID=2C0BF1MJ4R3V

[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-7-27 14:24 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-7-27 15:35 | 显示全部楼层
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