今天看到这则法新社的报道, 也不意外, 看到几位网友针对这篇报道的回复让我忍俊不禁, 就几则, 简单翻译一下, 大家一起看看 ;P 第一则实在是...
1、"啊, 又是老一套. 你们这些特工还有特工兮兮的家伙总是看人家不顺眼, 写这种不公平的报道去破坏人家中国的盛大演出. 有本事告诉我你们西方从不监控重要来宾. 如果你们报道是真的, 有本事把**找出来啊, 然后再大声抗议吧.你们这些出了名的光会耍嘴皮子的家伙第一时间去过中国吗? 去过几次啊? 你们无非想用尽各种见得了人见不了人的手段以所谓人权/民主/自由/言论自由的借口破坏奥运.好像你们自己就是人权的,或者就说仁慈吧, 模范似的. 人家好的怎么就看不到你们的赞扬? 别心理不平衡了, 你们根本没看到或者应该说故意装作看不到. 奥林匹克精神是什么? 政治啊监视啊这和奥林匹克有什么关系? 希腊人从他们的先祖那里(希腊哲学家们也是世界公民)学会即使你成不了苏格拉底/柏拉图/亚里斯多德,至少也得学着有点精神. 你们自己办过奥运会, 或很快就要办, 让人家好好享受属于他们的光荣时刻行不行, 发扬一点体育精神,就把它看作一场体育盛会.在人家国家第一次办奥运会的时候, 别表现得一副输不起的样子."
3、"奥运期间碰到这么多潜在威胁, 对任何一个国家来说采取一切可能手段维护安全都是不为过的. 我不认为中国在这种关键时候监控互联网有什么不对的地方."
Aiyah, same old tactics, lah.
You Spy vs Spy people will always have doubts and try to push your slanted message to wreck the grand show in China.
Tell me, the West don't spy on their important guests?
If you are so good, find the evidence of bugging and even buggery and then raise hell, lor.
Have you all famous complainants ever visited China in the first place, and how often, leh?
The likes of you wish to sabotage the Olympics by overt and covert means in the name of free speech and freedom and democracy and human rights.
As if your local and national practices are exemplary specimens of humanity or even humaneness?
Where is your praise when the "worser" half deserves "it"?
Be balanced, man. You seem to miss it all or you intentionally do?
Olympic spirit? What has politics and spying got to do with Olympics?
The Greeks are taught their Greek, and their philosophers were citizens of the world. Learn to be Platonic if you cannot be Socrates, Plato or Aristotle about this world event.
You got to and get to host it and let others thrive on their moment of glory. Be sporting and a sport.
Don't be a sore loser even beofre the first event.
Chen Sen Lenn