【原文标题】Heard the one about You and Me?
Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:53pm EDT
By Ben Blanchard
BEIJING (Reuters) -Thought the tender song "You and Me" at the opening of the Beijing Olympics was about peace and friendship? More like rising oil and food prices, some Chinese are saying. "The Chinese name of the theme tune 'You and Me' is 'You (oil) and Mi (rice)', an expression of concern about this year's oil and food problems ...," runs a Chinese-language joke being circulated online.
北京(路透社)——对北京奥运会开幕式上那首关于和平友谊的温柔歌曲“你和我”有什么感受?一些中国人说更像是说上涨的油价和米价。一个用中文写的笑话在网上流传,“主题曲‘You and Me’的中文读音是‘油和米’,表达了对今年石油和粮食危机的严重关注,……”。
Po-faced guards and grim-looking officials give many Beijing Olympic viewers and audiences the idea that the Chinese are a people without a sense of humor. But despite strict control of the Internet to censor out sensitive topics, irreverent websites, emails and text messages about the Games and the country's politics abound. One line pokes fun at China's less-than-stellar national football team, who failed to make it to the last and next World Cups, by parodying a song being played to distraction around the city and in Olympic venues, called "Beijing Welcomes You". "Our goalposts are always open," it invites you to sing along. "We'll give you all our points, it doesn't matter."
Beijingers' frustrations at the security measures and other restrictions which have been put in place over the Olympics are the subject of a biting text message joke. "News flash: IOC President Jacques Rogge announces that because of China's enthusiasm and thoughtfulness, the next Olympics are going to be in Beijing too. Rumor has it state officials fainted and Beijing police led the wild cheers. Damn you, old man Rogge!"
Other Chinese have had fun messing around with word games, the tonal Chinese language being a gift to jokers, because a single pronunciation can have several wildly different meanings. Those tired of Games overkill and the heightened security that has made normal life difficult in Beijing are being advised to take an "avoiding Olympics package" (bi yun tao) holiday, a phrase that also sounds like the word for condom. "Bi yun", means contraception, or avoiding pregnancy, in Mandarin, but in a play on words the same pronunciation is now used to mean avoiding the Olympics, as "Ao yun" means the Olympic Games.
其他中国人传送文字游戏短信相互逗乐,具有语音语调的中国话是开玩笑的人好玩意,因为单音节的发音可以产生几个非常不同的意思。那些因奥运会过份的和强化的安保措施导致在北京日常生活不便而感到厌倦的人,被告之可以休一个“避免奥运会套餐”(Bi Yun Tao)假期,这个短语读起来像避孕套。“Bi yun”在普通话里的意思是避孕或是避免怀孕,不过在文字游戏中由于相同的发音,它现在用来指避免奥运,因为“Ao yun”指奥林匹克运动会。
One blogger has designed an Olympics ring made out of blue, black, red, yellow and green condoms to drive home the point. "Roll on the end of the Olympics," a poster wrote on another Chinese website, applauding the new phrase.