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华盛顿邮报的报道--In Tibetan Monasteries, the Heavy Hand of the Party

发表于 2008-4-6 13:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

By Jill Drew
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, April 6, 2008; Page A14

BEIJING, April 5 -- Arjia Rinpoche was 47 years old and a senior Tibetan abbot when he first signed a document denouncing the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism's spiritual leader.
It was 1997, and about 50 Communist Party workers had come to his monastery to conduct what is called a "patriotic education" campaign -- 45 days of instruction in the Chinese version of history and a requirement that all monks sign a document accepting Chinese rule in Tibet and rejecting the Dalai Lama as a "separatist." For many followers, that amounts to painful renunciation of their religion's central figure.
"It was not our wish, not our thought, but we don't have choices," Arjia said. "We have fear."
Such campaigns are now a standard feature of life in Tibetan monasteries and nunneries. They are one of many tools Chinese leaders use to tighten party control of a religion whose charismatic leader, the 72-year-old Dalai Lama, is revered in Tibet, respected around the world and viewed in Beijing as a threat to the party's supremacy.
After widespread protests swept the Tibetan plateau last month, Chinese leaders responded with a combination of arrests, interrogations and vigorous education campaigns. At least eight people were reportedly killed in a remote town in Sichuan province Thursday in a protest sparked by an attempt to force monks to participate in an education campaign.
Monasteries around the Tibetan capital of Lhasa remained closed for a fourth week, and a woman who answered the phone, but would not give her name, at Tibet's religious affairs bureau said that was because the monks were "taking some lessons."
For Tibetan Buddhists, the education campaigns undermine their core beliefs and are a hated humiliation. For the Chinese, the campaigns boil down to a simple loyalty oath.
"The government controls all the religions in China very tightly, such as Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity," said Kang Xiaoguang, a professor of regional economics and politics at Beijing's Renmin University. "The government doesn't only aim at Tibetan Buddhism. On the contrary, it makes greater concessions on Tibetan Buddhism than on other religions."
That perspective, along with the view that China has invested the equivalent of millions of dollars in Tibet's economic development, is the backbone of China's position that Tibet has been well-treated by Beijing. But monks say those who don't accept China's terms are stripped of their robes and permanently expelled from their monasteries. If they protest, monks say, they can be jailed and tortured.
Arjia, who fled to the United States in 1998, said that fate was well-known to the 700 monks from his community, Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai province on Tibet's border, when they gathered for a final meeting after 45 days of patriotic study.
The study sessions themselves had not been arduous, recalled Arjia, who had lived through China's harsh Cultural Revolution and spent 16 years in labor camps. In 1997, when the lessons about China's glories and the memorization of party slogans got too boring, party workers often killed time with monks, chatting about everyday problems. The workers were a little easier on the Kumbum monks because Arjia had been dealing with the Communists in an attempt to shield his monastery from more stringent political control. But now that the campaign was concluding, the workers needed signatures and testimonials to prove to their bosses that Kumbum was a "patriotic" monastery.
As abbot, Arjia recalled, he joined party officials sitting behind a table at the front of the hall. One by one, his monks were encouraged to stand up and read their thoughts about the lessons they had received. It was understood that they would follow the party line to avoid trouble
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:17 | 显示全部楼层
"We have a saying: 'Close one eye, open one eye,' " Arjia said. "It was very difficult to denounce His Holiness before the other monks. If you can avoid saying his name, that's considered being a hero."

Avoiding direct confrontation over the Dalai Lama has become almost impossible in Tibet, certainly in the past month, but also more generally in the two years since tough-talking Zhang Qingli took over as party secretary for the Tibet Autonomous Region. He has called the Dalai Lama a "wolf in monk's robes, a devil with a human face but the heart of a beast" and dismissed the exiled leader's supporters as the "scum of Buddhism."

On Thursday, Zhang ordered not just monks but students, government workers and business people throughout Tibet to participate in patriotic education sessions and sign denunciations of the Dalai Lama. The lessons assert that China liberated Tibet from oppressive feudalism in the 1950s and that, in Zhang's words, an "international hostile conspiracy to Westernize and split our country has never changed."

A diplomat who participated in a tour of Lhasa on March 28-29 arranged by the Chinese government said local officials there did not answer direct questions about whether underlying social tensions, including resentment over education campaigns and the vilification of the Dalai Lama, helped spark the violent protest in Tibet's capital on March 14. Speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity surrounding the trip, the diplomat said officials insisted the only problem in Tibet was that a small group of "splittists" had incited people to riot and that the monks needed more education.

One 27-year-old monk, interviewed on condition his name not be used, fled Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in the Tibetan city of Shigatse in September 2006 because after 14 years in the monastery, he had had enough of Chinese domination. "I felt all the time that this was a lie," he said. "On the one hand, they were telling us we are given full freedom of religion, but on the other hand, we are not allowed to honor our root teacher or even keep his picture. I could no longer bear all those disturbances and threatening by the government. Even a minor political mistake could lead to imprisonment."

The monk participated in his first party-led education session in 1993. He did not have to sign a denunciation that time but had to condemn the Dalai Lama in front of his fellow monks. "I had to be very active, had to prove I was really patriotic, so I can pass the exam," he said. "In order to stay in the monastery, I did this. I clearly know the other monks did not do this from their hearts, and not me, either."

The campaigns intensified in 1995 after China named its own Panchen Lama, the second-most-revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism, and the Panchen Lama recognized by the Dalai Lama disappeared. Nearly 200 of the 800 monks in Tashi Lhunpo were imprisoned after they rejected the Chinese choice, and the others had to sit through "patriotic education" classes twice that year, each session lasting nearly two months. Since then, the monks have been required to attend classes twice a week.

"There were too many politically motivated activities," said the 27-year-old monk, who now lives with thousands of others in Dharmsala, India, near the headquarters of the Dalai Lama's government-in-exile. "I could not concentrate on my religious study."

Teachers are an essential element in the many forms of Buddhist practice. The first vow taken by monks and nuns is to "never abandon what your teacher says," said Matteo Pistono, executive director of the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture in Washington. "You can never turn your back on your root teacher."

The Dalai Lama is most Tibetan Buddhists' root teacher, so the denunciations required by the Chinese campaigns completely undermine the first tenet of Buddhist study. "To adhere to the political position is directly contradicting the vows of loyalty," Pistono said. "It hits right at the very identity of Tibetans."

Tsering Wangdu Shakya, a professor at the University of British Columbia, said so many monks have fled in the past five decades that there are no more senior monks living in Tibet itself. That makes it nearly impossible to pass on core Buddhist teachings and provides little buffer between Chinese government officials who control the monasteries and the increasingly restive young monks attempting to study there. Those conditions, he said, are what feeds the "social instability and creates tension in Tibet."

Researchers Zhang Jie and Liu Liu contributed to this report.
发表于 2008-4-6 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:25 | 显示全部楼层




Chinese military officers in anti-riot gear walk along the streets of Hezuo, western China's Gansu province, Friday, April 4, 2008. Beijing has sent thousands of police and paramilitary troops into Tibet and neighboring Tibetan areas to maintain an edgy peace, hunt down protest leaders and surround Buddhist monasteries in Lhasa. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:26 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:29 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-6 13:32 | 显示全部楼层


周日, 2008年4月6日;一页上A14

新华社北京4月5日-a rjia仁波切是4 7岁和一名高级藏语住持当他第一次签署了一份文件,抨击dl喇嘛,藏传佛教的精神领袖。

这是1997年,和大约50个共产主义工人党已到了他的修道院进行什么是所谓的"爱国教育"活动-在4 5天的指示,在中文版本中的历史,并要求所有武僧签署一份文件,接受中国统治在西藏,并拒绝dl喇嘛是一个"分裂" 。对于许多追随者,这相当于痛苦的,放弃他们的信仰的核心人物。

"这是我们不希望,而不是我们的思想,但我们没有选择, " arjia说。 "我们不怕" 。

这种运动现已成为标准的生活特色,在藏族寺庙和修女院。他们是一个有很多工具,中国领导人使用,以加强党的控制的一种宗教,其魅力的领袖, 72岁的dl喇嘛,是崇敬的,在西藏,尊重世界各地,并认为在北京看成是一种威胁,以党的优势。


寺庙周围的西藏首府拉萨依然关闭,为连续第四周,一女,谁接电话,但不会透露自己的姓名,在西藏的宗教事务局官员说,这是因为和尚"采取了一些教训" 。


"政府控制所有的宗教在中国非常严密,如道教,佛教,基督教,说: "康晓光,教授,区域经济学与政治学在北京的人民大学。 "政府不只是着眼于藏传佛教的。相反,它使更多的让步,对藏传佛教比其他宗教" 。


arjia ,他逃到美国,在1998年时说,命运是众所周知的,以700名僧侣从他的社区, kumbum寺青海西藏的边界,当他们聚集在举行最后一次会议后, 45天内的爱国研究。

该学习班本身并未艰巨,回顾arjia ,曾经历过中国的严酷文革花了16年,在劳改营里。在1997年,当时的教训对中国的辉煌和背诵党的口号,得到过于沉闷,党务工作者往往死亡时间与僧侣,聊天约日常问题。工人们松了口气就kumbum和尚,因为arjia一直在处理与中共在企图掩护他的修道院,从更严格的政治控制。但现在,这一运动是在总结时,工人需要签字和证言,以证明他们的老板说, kumbum是一个"爱国"修道院。

作为住持, arjia回忆说,他加入了党的官员坐在一张桌子在前面的大厅。一个接一个,他的和尚的鼓励,站起来,并宣读了他们的思考教训,他们已收到。据了解,他们将遵循党的路线方针政策,以避免麻烦
发表于 2008-4-6 13:34 | 显示全部楼层


我们有句俗话: '密切一只眼睛,打开一只眼睛, " arjia说: "这是非常困难的,以声讨他成圣前的其他僧侣。如果你能避免提及他的名字,这是考虑到作为一个英雄" 。避免直接对抗dl喇嘛已成为几乎是不可能的,在西藏,但肯定会在近一个月来,而且更笼统地说,在两年以来的强硬谈张庆黎了作为党委书记,为西藏自治区他呼吁dl喇嘛"狼来了,在僧侣的长袍,一个恶魔具有人情味的,但心兽" ,并驳回了流亡领袖的支持者为"人渣佛教的" 。上周四,张下令不只是和尚,但学生,政府工作人员和商界人士,在整个西藏参加爱国主义教育会议,并签署谴责dl喇嘛。教训断言,中国解放西藏从封建主义的压迫,在20世纪50年代,并且,在张的换句话说,一个"国际阴谋敌对我实施西化,我们的国家从来没有改变" 。外交家,他们参加了一个旅行团的拉萨3月28日至29日安排了由中国政府表示,当地官员没有直接回答是否潜在的社会紧张局势,包括不满教育运动和污蔑dl喇嘛,促发了暴力抗议活动,在西藏的资本3月14日。一位不愿透露姓名的,因为敏感性周边行程,这位外交官说,官员坚称,唯一的问题在西藏是一小群"的分裂主义者" ,鼓动人民暴动,并表示,僧人也需要更多的教育,其中一个27岁的和尚,采访的情况下他的名字不会被利用,逃到扎西lhunpo寺,在西藏城市日喀则,在2006年9月,因为经过14年来,在楚布寺,他已经听够了中国人的统治" ,我觉得一切的时候,认为这是一个谎言" ,他说: "一方面,他们告诉我们,我们是给予充分的行动自由宗教,但在另一方面,我们不容许我们的荣誉根老师,甚至保住自己的图片。我可以不再承担所有这些干扰和威胁,由政府决定。即使是轻微的政治错误,可能导致监禁" 。僧人参加了他的第一次党领导的教育会议,在1993年,他没有要签署一份声讨说,但不得不谴责dl喇嘛在前面的他的同胞和尚" 。我不得不很活跃,要证明我是真正爱国的,这样我就可以通过考试, "他说: "为了留在修道院,我这样做。我清楚知道其他僧侣没有做到这一点,从他们的心,而不是我,无论是"运动加剧, 1995年后中国叫自己的班禅喇嘛,第二,最崇敬的人物,在藏传佛教中,班禅喇嘛的承认由dl喇嘛消失了。将近200人, 800僧人扎西lhunpo被囚禁后,他们拒绝了中国的选择,和其他人坐在通过的"爱国教育"课,两次,那年,每届持续近两个月,自那时起,僧人被要求上课每周两次, "有太多的政治动机的活动, "这位27岁的僧人,他们现在的生活,与其他数千人在dharmsala ,印度,总部附近的dl喇嘛政府在流亡政府" ,我不能集中精力于宗教研究" ,教师是一个基本要素,在许多形式的佛教实践。第一发誓采取的僧尼和信教群众的,是"永远不会放弃你们的老师说, "说:几个问题的皮斯托诺,执行董事的建设,为西藏的艺术和文化在华盛顿, "你可以永远把你的背部就你们的根师" ,dl是最藏传佛教'根老师,所以解约要求,由中国运动完全破坏第一特尼特的佛教研究" ,要坚持政治立场,直接违背誓言的忠诚, "皮斯托诺说: "这是正确的访问时很身份的藏民" 。次仁望shakya ,教授,他在不列颠哥伦比亚大学说,这么多的僧人已经逃离,在过去50年间,有没有更高级的僧侣生活在西藏本身,这使得它几乎不可能通过对核心佛教教义,并提供小缓冲间,中国政府官员,他们控制了寺庙和日益躁动不安的年轻僧人试图研究有那些条件时,他说,有什么饲料中的"社会不稳定因素,造成紧张局势的西藏"研究员张杰刘柳促成了这一报告
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:39 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:46 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-6 13:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
哦,我大致说一下,就是一个NGO(非政府组织)称,8人被打死,在中国西部的四川。最可恶的是这个NGO建立了这样的网站:www.savetibet.org.  MD ,高手们黑了它。
发表于 2008-4-6 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-4-6 14:06 | 显示全部楼层

回复 沙发 的帖子


1.article | 2008年4月6日 在西藏寺院,重手党吉尔提请,上A14 (张贴) ...新华社北京4月5日-a rjia仁波切是4 7岁和一名高级藏语住持当他第一次签署了一份文件,抨击. .. 2.article | 2008年4月6日 他探索世界,为更多的好马特schudel , c08 (张贴) ...了他们。没有一个行程或知道等待他们的会,晚上睡不着觉,他们来到透过尼泊尔和西藏,然后... 3.article | 2008年4月6日 一个主权精神:理解dl喇嘛的精神和政治... 审查沙希塔鲁尔, bw04 (张贴) … …在2000年,有一个大型的宗教人士,是比较突出,由他缺席的情况下。dl喇嘛的精神领袖,在藏传佛教中, … … 4.article | 2008年4月6日 霍普金斯落在杜克,关系最差的连败历史 d02 (张贴) ...--并有可能将迎接示威,就中国的人权纪录和镇压西藏。总理... 5.article | 2008年4月5日 西藏誓言无烦恼的奥运火炬接力活动露西霍恩(路透社) ...北京(路透社) -西藏的共产党行政允诺无故障奥运会火炬接力的整个区域,甚至为… … 6.article | 2008年4月5日 西藏誓言无烦恼奥运圣火运行(路透社) ...北京(路透社) -西藏的共产党行政誓言是个麻烦免费奥运会火炬接力的整个区域,甚至为… … 7.article | 2008年4月5日 新的暴力事件报道,在藏区克里斯托弗bodeen (美联社在线) ...北京-新的暴力事件发生在一个动荡的西藏地区,中国西部地区,留下八人死亡,是一个. .. 8.article | 2008年4月5日 中国将允许访问英语语言(路透社) ...阻滞对英文版本的在线百科全书维基百科,但在政治上敏感的课题,如西藏和... 9.article | 2008年4月5日 警察开枪西藏示威者8死钛镍移植(美联社在线) ...北京-警察开火,数百名示威者在藏族地区的中国西部地区,造成8人,海外. .. 10.article | 2008年4月5日 中国要加强爱国主义教育钛镍移植(美联社在线) ...北京-中国发誓周六增产行动,一项运动,要求藏传佛教僧侣谴责dl喇嘛和. ..
[ 本帖最后由 zskk2008 于 2008-4-6 14:08 编辑 ]
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