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Newsweek: 北京会失败?愤怒!!!!!!

发表于 2008-4-6 14:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘自www.newsweek.com/id/130601    哪位英语好,赶紧是看看怎么回事?
China Feels the Heat

The Games are a test of its superpower status. Beijing may be flunking.(不合格)

The former silk road oasis of Hetian perches on the edge of China's Taklimakan Desert, a gravelly wasteland of scrub and rock. The city is far even for Chinese—it would be five time zones away from Beijing, if the regime allowed more than one official time in China—but news travels. Last week word emerged of a March 23 protest among Hetian's Muslim Uighur population, long resentful of Han Chinese domination. Yet when reached by phone, four local officials curtly denied reports of a protest, arrests or a curfew. "You should not spread rumors! It's been peaceful here!" said one. Others rudely declared, "No demonstrations!" or hung up. This was all the more puzzling given that the city-government Web site for Hetian (the Uighurs call it Khotan) and another official Web site stated that an incident had taken place on market day, when as many as 100,000 people converge on the city's fabled bazaar. A "tiny number" of people representing the forces of "separatism, terrorism and extremism" unfurled a "splittist" banner in the bazaar, one site said. It went on to declare that police had responded, the incident was handled "according to law" and nobody was hurt.
Is that really such a difficult message to get straight? In recent weeks China has been acting less like a budding superpower than a tin-pot dictatorship—petulant, preachy, defiant. Global audiences have seen images of truncheon-wielding riot police, sent to Lhasa and other Tibetan areas to quell anti-Beijing protests that began on March 10. Chinese officials talk of dark plots, re-education programs, Western media "bias." Each new clampdown—and the shrill agitprop that accompanies it—seems guaranteed to antagonize not only China's restive Tibetan and Uighur minorities but also the nations scheduled to compete at the Olympic Games in Beijing this August. But those aren't the audiences Beijing cares most about pleasing. "A government official I met actually referred to a 'crisis' of [international] public opinion," says John Kamm, a well-connected former businessman who now lobbies for the release of Chinese prisoners of conscience. Even so, he adds, "I don't see any sign the government is going to make concessions."
This has long been Beijing's trade-off: to keep a majority of Chinese loyal, at times by pandering to their most xenophobic prejudices, at the risk of offending the rest of the world. If China craves international legitimacy, the regime fears the nationalist ire of the people even more. The question is whether the old pattern can survive this fraught Olympic year. For at least a year, Darfur activists have been calling this summer's Games "the genocide Olympics," hoping to shame Beijing into helping to stop the killing in western Sudan. Now the Games have set off a string of protests around the world. Demonstrators marred the lighting of the Olympic torch in Greece, and Uighur activists tried to disrupt its route in Turkey last week. Plans to run the flame up Mount Everest in May and through Lhasa in June are sure to provoke outbursts.

Few foreign dignitaries have committed to boycotting the opening ceremonies, and a consumer backlash against Olympic sponsors has not materialized yet. But with hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the Games, companies have reason to worry. "They're facing serious risks to their reputations," says one public-relations consultant working in Beijing, who requested anonymity to avoid retaliation against his firm and its high-profile clients. Several big sponsors, including Coca-Cola, GE and UPS, are trying to ward off criticism by pointing to aid pledges they've made to help refugees in Darfur—more than $5 million in Coke's case.
This summer's Games were meant as a graduation ceremony for China's ascension to superpower status. Beijing is in danger of flunking. "China now finds itself under pressure to manage these internal issues, such as ethnic unrest, in a way that doesn't scandalize people [abroad]. That's a new expectation," says the PR consultant. He acknowledges that such issues would be growing in importance even without the Games but says, "What the Olympics does is turbocharge the attention."
When Beijing was awarded the Games back in 2001, the hope was that their staging would push China to open up. In an April 2 letter to the Free Tibet Campaign, a copy of which was obtained by NEWSWEEK, Coca-Cola CEO E. Neville Isdell used the same argument to defend his company's sponsorship of the torch relay: "We believe ... using the event to put political pressure on China would erode the ability of the Olympic Games to make a contribution to lasting change in China and its relationship with the rest of the world."u

[ 本帖最后由 精中华 于 2008-4-6 18:52 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
But precisely because Beijing is determined to hold a picture-perfect Olympics, the government has declared war on anyone who might pose a problem. The targets are not all as distant as Uighurs and Tibetans; last week a Beijing court sentenced 34-year-old activist Hu Jia to three and a half years in prison on charges of "inciting subversion of state power." If anything, the barring of foreign observers and media from Hu's trial suggests legal proceedings are becoming even "less transparent and more opaque" than before, says Kamm. His San Francisco-based Dui Hua Foundation anticipates that the number of political prisoners in China this year will exceed last year's count (742) because of an expected influx of Tibetan inmates and cyberdissidents.
Each new protest inspires others. Trouble broke out in Lhasa on March 10, the anniversary of a failed 1959 Tibetan revolt, and the unrest worsened when authorities began locking down the city's monasteries. Even after troops quelled the violence in the Tibetan capital, eruptions continued in surrounding provinces until at least April 3. Exiled Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer says members of her ethnic group in the far western province of Xinjiang were inspired by the Tibetans—and angered by a pre-emptive curfew that was imposed to keep Uighurs from repeating the Lhasa blowup. She claims that up to 1,000 women were involved in the Hetian protest, demanding the lifting of a ban on wearing headscarves.
Before Tibet erupted, Beijing was doing a comparatively smooth job of handling international criticism. The primary issue for Olympic protests was China's refusal to lean harder on its friends in Khartoum for an end to Sudan's government-backed ethnic cleansing in Darfur. When Steven Spielberg quit as a creative adviser to the Games in February over the Darfur issue, Beijing handled the decision with relative equanimity. As recently as March 7 the government made its special envoy to Darfur available for a meeting with Olympic sponsors.

But the question of Tibet, or indeed any of China's restive minority regions, touches upon Beijing's worst fears of national dissolution. At a March 2 concert in Shanghai, Icelandic singer Björk startled her audience by ending her last song, "Declare Independence," with shouts of "Tibet! Tibet!" After that incident, Chinese apparatchiks "started freaking out," says one Beijing-based diplomat, who was not cleared to speak on the record. All sorts of creative projects involving foreigners suddenly had to be approved by China's cabinet.
Since the Lhasa protests, foreign ambassadors in Beijing have been summoned to the Foreign Ministry at all hours—even on Easter Sunday. They've been lectured on China's version of events; shown a lengthy video on a March 14 "beating, looting, smashing and burning incident"; berated when their government leaders back home have mentioned the possibility of an Olympic boycott, and pressured to make public statements of support for China's "restrained" response to the Tibetan riots. India's ambassador, Nirupama Rao, had to throw on her clothes, find an embassy driver and trundle over to the Foreign Ministry at 2 o'clock one morning to hear Chinese security concerns after Tibetan protesters breached the wall at the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi. (Chinese officials insisted Rao was treated "very respectably.") At one point Arab League ambassadors were summoned and asked to endorse the Tibet crackdown "as our friends in Sudan have done." "Now we see the behavior of China as a superpower," says one ambassador who'd been called in a handful of times in as many days. "We see there's a price to be paid for those who signed all those big Chinese contracts or accepted Beijing's economic aid."
Some of this is plain clumsiness. But the regime also knows that acting tough helps it with young Chinese, whose passions are unpredictable. The information available to most members of this generation has been severely limited by censorship and sophisticated cyberpolicing. They know little about the Dalai Lama, who fled Lhasa in 1959 after the failed revolt—and thus fully believe Beijing's longtime portrayal of him as a nefarious "splittist." "A lot of Chinese don't understand why people in the West are critical of China," says Rebecca MacKinnon, a Hong Kong-based expert on China's Internet culture. "They think, 'Why are Tibetans being so ungrateful?' " When it comes to any issue involving Chinese territory, this generation of Chinese pushes the government to stand up to foreign powers and activists, to defend the country's honor.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
China's reaction to the unrest has also tapped into an ugly strain of racism. To many Han Chinese, who have seen their prospects improve immeasurably over the past 30 years, disgruntled minorities like the Tibetans seem like backward malcontents. A Tibetan woman who sells traditional earrings and trinkets in a Beijing subway station says no one buys her jewelry any longer because no Han "wants to be mistaken for a Tibetan ... No one wants to be seen [even] speaking with Tibetans." She says Chinese commuters have cursed her every day since the protests turned bloody. She and her friends didn't dare venture outdoors for several days after March 14. "We heard [Chinese] were throwing stones and beer bottles at our women and trying to beat our children," says the vendor, who requested anonymity because she lives in Beijing illegally.
There are signs that at least some Chinese officials recognize that the regime is painting itself into a corner with its behavior. Domestic media have begun to devote more emphasis to the message that both Tibetans and Chinese suffered from the Lhasa riots, instead of focusing exclusively on Han Chinese victims. Minders who brought a group of foreign diplomats to Lhasa at the end of March emphasized the same theme. "China … should spend less time demonizing their political enemies and more time telling positive stories about how they're going to address problems in the country, how they're going to help the victims of the rioting in Tibet regardless of their ethnicity," says the Beijing-based PR consultant. "The price of globalization … [is] finding a way to balance internal and external audiences." If China wants to show it's ready to graduate, that's a lesson the regime needs to learn, fast.

With Jonathan Ansfield in Beijing and Keith Naughton and Joan Raymond in Detroit
发表于 2008-4-6 15:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 15:47 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 MsIris 于 2008-4-6 16:17 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-6 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 16:47 | 显示全部楼层


前丝绸之路的绿洲和田perches对边缘中国的塔克拉玛干沙漠,砾石荒地的灌木丛和岩石。城市远,甚至使中国将五时区远离北京,如果该制度允许一个以上的官员,在中国,但消息传。上周字出现一个3月23日抗议,其中和田地区的维吾尔族穆斯林人口中,长期不满的汉人统治。然而,当达到通过电话, 4名当地官员否认了简短的报告表示抗议,逮捕或实施宵禁。 "你不应该散布谣言!它的是和平在这里" !说的。别人粗鲁地宣布: "没有任何示威" !或挂断了。这是所有人都更加令人费解既然城市政府网站,为和田(维吾尔人称之为阗) ,另一个是在官方网站上表示,事故的发生对市场的一天,有多达10万人,汇聚了城市的名不符实集市。一个"极少数"的人代表的势力"的分裂主义,恐怖主义和极端主义" ,展示了一个"分裂"的旗帜,在集市上,其中一个地点。它接着就宣布说,警方的反应,事件处理过程, "依法治国" ,没有人受伤。
就是真有这样一个困难的信息,以便可以快速找到吗?在最近几周,中国一直代理不像是一种新生的超级大国,比锡锅专政- petulant , preachy ,违抗。全球的观众看到的影像警棍挥舞着防暴警察,发送到拉萨和其他藏族地区,以压制反北京的抗议活动开始于3月10日。中国官员谈的黑暗阴谋,再教育课程,西方媒体的"偏见" 。每一项新的打击-和高调a gitprop伴随科技似乎保证对抗,不仅中国的躁动不安西藏和维吾尔族少数民族,而且各排定竞争,在北京奥运会这个庄严。但这些都不是观众关心北京最令人高兴的。 "一位政府官员会面,实际上所指的'危机'的[国际]民意, "约翰说,康原,以及连通前商人,他们现在游说释放中国良心犯。但即使如此,他还表示, "我看不出有任何迹象,政府将会做出让步" 。
这早已被北京的贸易小康:保持绝大多数中国人的忠诚,有时却迎合他们最排外的偏见,尽管可能会得罪世界其余地区。如果中国渴望国际合法性,这个政权害怕民族主义愤怒的人,甚至更多。问题是,是否老格局,才能生存,这充满了奥运年。在至少一年,达尔富尔活动家一直呼吁在今年夏天的游戏"种族灭绝奥运" ,希望能辱北京到帮助制止杀戮,在苏丹西部。现在游戏已经引发一连串的抗议活动在世界各地。示威者破坏了点燃了奥运圣火在希腊,和维吾尔族活跃分子试图破坏其航线,在土耳其上周。打算参选火焰了世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰,在5月和通过拉萨6月肯定会挑起爆发
少数外国政要都致力于抵制开幕典礼,以及消费者对奥运赞助商没有兑现。但与数以亿元计的投资,在比赛过程中,公司没有理由担心。 "他们正在面临严重的危险,以自己的名誉" ,一位公共关系顾问,工作在北京,一名要求匿名,以免遭到报复,他的公司和其高知名度的客户。几个大赞助商,包括可口可乐,通用电气和UPS ,正试图抵御可能遭到的批评指向援助承诺,他们已经以帮助难民在达尔富尔地区的500多万美元,在焦煤的案件。

在今年夏天的比赛,意在作为一个毕业典礼,为中国的崛起,以超级大国地位。北京是危险的flunking 。 "中国现在所处的压力下,以管理这些内部问题,例如种族动乱,在某种程度上,这并不scandalize人[海外]这是一个新的期望, "说,公关顾问。他承认,这些问题会越来越重要,即使没有游戏,但说: "奥运会确实是强化了注意"
发表于 2008-4-6 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
当北京被授予该游戏早在2001年,希望是,他们的演出将推动中国去开拓。在4月2日写信给西藏自由运动,副本,其中,获得新闻,可口可乐公司首席执行官内维尔体育isdell采用了相同的论调,以捍卫他的公司的赞助火炬接力说: "我们相信...使用一旦把政治上对中国施加压力,将削弱能力,在奥运会上作出贡献,以持久的变化,在中国及与世界其余地区" 。
但正因为北京是有决心举办图片完美的奥运会,政府已宣布,战争对任何人构成问题。目标虽然并非所有遥远,因为维吾尔族和藏族人;上周,北京法院以贪污罪判处34岁的活动家胡佳以三年半的时间在监狱,罪名是"煽动颠覆国家政权" 。即使有的话,也禁止外国观察员和媒体从胡锦涛的试验表明,法律诉讼甚至变得"越来越透明和更加不透明, "比以前说,康原。他的总部位于旧金山的堆华基金会的估计,有多少政治犯,中国今年将超过去年的计数( 742 ) ,因为预计将涌入西藏犯人和cyberdissidents 。

每一个新的抗议活动能启发他人。故障发生在拉萨3月10日,为纪念一个失败的, 1959年西藏叛乱,并动乱恶化时,当局开始锁定城市的寺庙。即使在部队平息暴力在西藏首府,喷发持续在周边省份至少要等到四月三日。流亡海外的维吾尔活动人士热比娅说,委员的她族群,在远西部省份新疆无不感到欢欣鼓舞西藏人和愤怒先发制人的宵禁,这是强加的,以保持维吾尔人从重复拉萨爆破。她声称,有多达1000名妇女参与了和田抗议,要求取消禁止佩戴头巾

但在西藏问题上,或什至任何中国的躁动不安的少数民族地区,涉及北京的,最令人担心的国家都不解散。在3月2日的音乐会在上海,冰岛歌手björk吓了一跳,她的接见,在结束她的最后宋, "宣布独立" ,高喊"西藏!西藏" !经过这次事件之后,中国apparatchiks "开始忧心" ,一位总部在北京的外交官,他们没有结清,就记录在案。各式各样的创意项目,涉及外国人的脑子突然有了要获得批准,由中国的内阁。

由于拉萨的抗议活动,外国驻北京大使已被召到外交部在所有时间,即使在复活节周日。它们早就讲学,对中国版本的事件;呈现出长时间的视频就3月14日以"打,抢,砸,并焚烧事件"们的时候,他们的政府领导人回到家庭中,有提及可能的一个奥林匹克抵制,并施加压力,使公开声明支持中国的"克制"反应,给西藏暴动。印度驻华大使, nirupama饶,只好丢在她的衣服中,找到一个大使馆司机及trundle给外交部下午2时,有一天早上听到中文安全顾虑后,西藏示威者违反墙在中国驻美使馆在新德里举行。 (中国官员坚称,饶是治疗"非常respectably " ) ,有一点阿拉伯联盟大使召见,并询问赞同西藏严打"作为我们的朋友,在苏丹已经做了" 。 "现在,我们看到的行为,中国作为一个超级大国, "一位驻华大使,赢得了被称为在少数的时候,在许多天。 "我们看到有一个要付出的代价,为那些签署了所有这些大中文合同或接受北京的经济援助" 。
一些本是平原clumsiness 。但该制度也知道代理强硬有助于它同中国的年轻,他们的热情,是难以预料的。现有的资料多数成员的这一代人已受到严重局限,检查和精密cyberpolicing 。他们知之不多,dl喇嘛逃离拉萨, 1959年后,没有反抗-从而充分相信北京的老写照,他是一个邪恶的"分裂" 。 "许多中国人不理解,为什么人们在西方批评中国,说: "丽贝卡轻松,一个总部设在香港的中国问题专家的互联网文化。 "他们认为, '为什么都是藏族正因如此忘恩负义吗? "当谈到任何问题,涉及中国的领土,这一代中国人推向政府要站起来,以外国势力和积极分子,保卫国家的荣耀。
发表于 2008-4-6 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
中国的反应有动乱,也挖掘到了一个丑陋应变的种族主义。许多汉人,曾看见,他们的前途产生不可估量的提高超过了过去30年来,满腹牢骚的少数民族一样,西藏人好像落后malcontents 。一个藏族女子,她卖的传统耳环和小饰物,在北京地铁站说,没有人买她的首饰也不再遮遮掩掩,因为没有汉族"要被误认为是藏族...没有人愿意看到, [即使]发言与西藏人" 。她说,中文通勤者,诅咒她的每一天,因为抗议活动变成血淋淋的。她和她的朋友们也不敢创业户外好几天后, 3月14日。 "我们听到了[中文]被投掷石块和啤酒瓶在我国的妇女并企图殴打我们的孩子,说: "卖主,一名要求匿名的,因为她住在北京的非法入境者。

有迹象表明,至少有一些中国官员承认,这一制度是绘画本身成为一个角落,它的行为。国内媒体已经开始把更多地强调了信息,即双方的西藏人和中国人遭受了从拉萨暴动,而不是专注于韩中的受害者。看管人员,他们带来了一组外国的外交官到拉萨,截至三月底,强调同样的主题。 "中国… …应花费较少的时间,妖魔化自己的政治敌人,并有更多时间告诉正面的故事,他们如何要去解决问题,在国,哪有他们要去帮助受害者的暴乱事件,在西藏,不论其种族, "说,总部在北京的公关顾问。 "价格的全球化… … [是] ,寻找一条出路,以平衡内部和外部听众" 。如果中国要展示它的准备毕业后,这是一个教训政权,需要学习,快捷。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 16:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 17:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 18:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
真是搞笑 政府凭什么利用我们

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