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[08.08.23纽约时报] 友好高效?哦是的。但天性呢?

发表于 2008-8-25 21:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【本文标题】Friendly and Efficient? Oh Yeah. But Spontaneous? 友好高效?哦是的。但天性呢?
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Friendly and Efficient? Oh Yeah. But Spontaneous?

Published: August 23, 2008

BEIJING — The Beijing Games end Sunday with the greatest fears avoided and the greatest hopes unrealized. These Olympics will be remembered for the friendly embrace of the people and the stunning efficiency of the organizers, but also for strict control that left the Games feeling devoid of playfulness, passion and festive spirit.

The luminous Bird’s Nest track stadium and Water Cube pool lent an air of ethereal isolation. Even in summer, it felt as if the Games were held in an Olympic snow globe, as Tim Layden of Sports Illustrated so aptly put it.

Michael Phelps made for the perfect symbol — ruthlessly proficient in winning eight gold medals, unerringly prepared, perfectly ordered, but somewhat rehearsed and dull. Phelps was so tunnel-visioned, he did not notice the arterial pulse of lights on the Water Cube’s outer skin until his competition had ended.

It was left to Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter, to bring a sense of fun and spontaneity. He danced and shimmied his way to three gold medals, drawing warm and sustained applause at the Bird’s Nest, relieving the funereal disappointment that accompanied the limping exit of China’s most popular star, the hurdler Liu Xiang.

Of course, the buzzkill president of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, had to stamp out any sense of impromptu exuberance.

“He still has to mature,” Rogge said of Bolt, showing again that despite so-called reforms, the I.O.C. remains doddering in European paternalism.

What needless admonishment from a man whose smile is nearly as extinct as the ivory-billed woodpecker.

Apparently, Rogge preferred the artificial celebration of the opening ceremony, when Chinese authorities faked a song, putting one young girl on stage and piping another young girl’s voice through the public address system. When the Chinese flag was raised in the Bird’s Nest, suffocatingly devoid of moving air that night, the flag suddenly snapped to attention, fluttering in a synthetic breeze created by air jets in the flag pole.

Organizers were firmly determined to avoid imperfection and careless oversight. Even the brand name of the toilets in the main press center was covered in tape, lest anyone think American Standard had paid to be the official urinal of the Beijing Games.

When Liu could not continue in the first round of the hurdles, his Achilles’ heel literally being his Achilles’ heel, propaganda officials issued an edict, forbidding criticism of the fallen star. Apparently, China is not yet ready for sports-talk radio. We will have to wait a few years to hear Jing and the Mad Dog.

One thing did transcend the studied nature of these Games — the openness and affability and kindliness of the Chinese people. Sure, some of it was instructed. Greeters at the Green Homeland Media Village wore sashes that said “Welcome,” as if they were beauty contestants.

But there seemed nothing insincere about their welcoming and gracious behavior. Thousands of young volunteers were eagerly helpful, always smiling. Inside the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube, fans roared and cheered for everyone. Once, a taxi driver dropped me at the wrong location, realized his mistake, doubled back and wouldn’t take a cent to drive me to the correct address.

It was impossible to enter the restrooms at the main press center without a volunteer waving you inside, then breaking out the official Olympic squeegee to dry the sink when you left.

“How do they prepare?” said an awed Bob Condron, a spokesman for the United States Olympic Committee. “Do they have annual conventions? Do they elect officers?”

The buses ran on time. And there were no long lines at the stadiums. Who would have thought an authoritarian country would devise the least intrusive security system at any Olympics in recent memory?

Fears that Beijing’s air would smoke more than its residents proved mercifully overwrought. The skies cleared, and no one had to go all Andromeda Strain in the marathon, running in a biohazard suit instead of a track suit.

At times, though, it was difficult to tell that the Summer Games were actually taking place.

There was no Ramblas here, as in Barcelona in 1992, a place of throbbing Olympic nightlife. Spectators came and went orderly, stopping to take pictures in the concrete commons between the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube, but the stadiums felt remote from the rest of Beijing. Any celebrative atmosphere seemed as fenced off and secluded as the arenas.

No one wanted the tacky commercialism of the Atlanta Games, but it would have been nice to see the occasional Chairman Mao soap-on-a-rope, or Deng Xiaoping badminton set, just to remind us that the Olympics still hold a small place for good-humored cheesiness and mischief.

The Chinese, though, do not do Olympic wackiness.

Any chance that order would be disturbed brought a stern response. Two Chinese women, in their late 70s, were sentenced to “re-education through labor” for applying for to hold a legal protest during the Games.

A chaotic scene at the Brazil-Argentina soccer match resulted in a news media entrance being padlocked and reporters being threatened with arrest for trying to get to their seats in an overcrowded press box.

Organizers grew alarmed, believing that the five rings depicted on The New York Times’ Olympic pins were handcuffs. In truth, they were miniature Great Walls.

In the end, the friendliness of the people won the most important gold medal here. But work needs to be done to restore the fun of the Olympics at the 2012 London Games. A note to British organizers: lose the stiff upper lip.




发光的鸟巢体育场和水立方给人一种无形的隔绝感。体育画报(Sports Illustrated)记者Tim Layden恰当地比喻道:“虽然是夏天,这里却让人觉得像是在举办冬奥会。”(此段的确切涵义不甚确定,可能是因为鸟巢和水立方都是封闭半封闭的体育场馆,冷气又开得很大——开幕式时看台有外国人穿上夹克的镜头,但远离空调的场中央人们汗流浃背——这种情形有一种不够自然的感觉,而作者的愿望是那种美国式的橄榄球赛风格:露天场地、汗流浃背、啤酒和汉堡、笑骂和狂欢……我想作者可能是这个意思——译者注。)








当刘翔不能继续参加跨栏第一轮比赛时,他的阿喀琉斯之踵不折不扣地就是“阿喀琉斯之踵”。宣传部门发布命令,禁止批判这位失落之星。显然,中国还没准备好接受体育脱口秀,我们得等几年才能听到JingMad DogMad Dog为美国著名体育主持人,Jing查询未果。顺便说一句,如果那种美国式的口风恶毒不负责任的节目出现在中国,我坚决坚定坚持反对——译者注)




“他们怎么做准备?”一位美国奥委会发言人Bob Condron肃然起敬,“他们有年度大会吗?他们选举干事吗?”















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