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发表于 2008-3-28 13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
具体的也不清楚, 只是看了一篇外媒报道,说是中情局是西藏流亡政府的资金来源, 并且为藏独提供多种形式的援助. 说的头头是道,很是详细. 我想了解中方的态度。 周四外交部记者会, 发言人秦刚一副准备接招的架式走上了前台. 于是乎,又是一片外国记者以质问的语气责问声. 到底在西藏地区死了多少人, 抓住关押多少人, 某某为什么被捕,西藏喇嘛说中国政府指使当地人说假话等等. 秦刚真是不错,隐隐地带有冷嘲热讽地回应了这些明显找碴的问题, 并且反问这些记者提这些问题是何居心, 对所谓的dl集团公布的死亡人数提出了质疑,请记者去调查是否有名有姓, 是否有确凿证据, 也就是暗示这些记者不要一味轻信dl的言论.(我也纳闷,这些西方记者,怎么一到了涉及中国敏感问题的情况,就成了彻头彻尾的反方,一味地不分是非地按照**的模式去看问题:只要是中国政府做的说的就全部打倒不信,只要是对立面就全部接纳.)  
今天,CNN记者质问秦刚:为什么没有让CNN参加政府组织的采访团,秦刚回答:"哼哼(小小的冷笑), CNN对于这次西藏事件给与了特别的(提高声调)关注,和特别的报道. 我对于你的心情表示理解. 可只有十几个名额. 不可能每一家都让去." 又问:"Anti-CNN是不是中国政府指使并且操纵的?"(一个反对西方媒体针对西藏不实报道的网www.anticnn.com ) 秦刚:"这是中国民众自发的,对西方不公正的,不属实的,缺德的报道给予批驳..... 这次西藏事件就像一面镜子,照出了西方媒体自己标榜的公正客观到底是个什么样子......"
举了半天手,才叫到我:“请问中方是否认为这次西藏以及涉藏地区骚乱的幕后指使会有更大的背景,比如美国中情局?”秦刚:“西藏自古以来就是中国的。 **这个词是什么时候出现的,你可以去查查,也就明白了谁是始作俑者。中国政府已经向一些国家提出不要以任何形式干涉中国内政,要尊重中国主权。另外我要特别强调, 中国有能力捍卫自己的主权!” 这就是比较明显的对我的问题的肯定答复。在外交辞令上,说到这个份儿上,也就是说明中国政府认为美国中情局在事件中没有起到好作用。而且中国政府也予以提醒过。
所以,美国中情局是藏独分子的后台,是dl集团的钱柜,是所有做着分裂中国梦的人的温暖的家- 我相信。
发表于 2008-3-28 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
西方媒体 VS  中国人民

发表于 2008-3-28 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-28 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-29 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-29 04:17 | 显示全部楼层
To Times' Jane Macartney: Stop ignoring Chinese People's VoiceDear Jane Macartney,(or can I call you chinese name 马珍 http://news.xinhuanet.com/sports/2008-01/09/content_7389239.htm) I am one of Chinese Netizen. Last night(Mar. 28), I happend to read you latest posts about Tibet on "Times Online", and I left my comments to you, but unfortunately seems they are not eligible to be shown on the site (at least till now). From your post, I know you're watching this forum. So I gonna leave my comments here to you, hope you will receive. The first post I read from you is . It's quit intresting to see how the western correspondent like you react to people's flooding phone call in China. And then I left my first comment which  exactly 1000 characters. "I am a chinese from China and find your post by google news. Sorry if people bothered your life, they are not meant to hurt you but just angry. I am one of the angry Chinese, too. I know you've been in China for quite a while (Yes, I searched your name on baidu and google), you should know how Chinese people are proud to hold the Olympic games in China to integrate with the world, and how people in China love their country. I was soooo disappointed about what the western news say after what happend in Tibet. I use google news to search China everyday and all news about China are negative and unjusted. How could you media say "punishing China" or "boycott Beijing games" or  comparing it with Nazi Germany's Olympics? Who you think you guys are? YOU DID insult China and Chinese people!!! Yes, you guys have the right to tell your side of story, but why no one jump out to say our side and most important when it's the truth? STOP Ignoring Chinese people's voice. You already own them a sorry." Your second report  made me a little bit on fire. Chinese lies?? Lies what?? Seems your points are "quite welcomed" by your reader, well, according to the comments. They don't know China but seems they are so willing to "free Tibet", "boycott Olympic" and even more ridiculous "free Chinese people"?! OK, so left my second comment to show my voice as a Chinese people. "I am from China. I respect you has your own story or opnion, but does any one of you hear or care our story? Check out it yourself,http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/photo/2008-03/21/content_6557098.htmhttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/china_lhasa_page.htmlDon't tell me that china daily is blocked in your counrty.How can you say they are not  terrorists?! They burn houses, kill Han Chinese and even Tibeten Chinese for human right?? I really can NOT understand!!I've post my opinions and comments on many western websites, BBC, Times and MSNBC, but they never show up on the sites. WHY? Anyway, I will never stop!Can anyone just Stop inoring Chinese people's voice?Good luck Beijing, good luck China! " Well that' was what I wanna say to you, and can you also answer my question?You are so concerned about the comments on chinese website Sina.com regarding your company Times. Why don't you just show a little bit concern or even a little bit mercy on those young lives who burn to death in Tibet?http://news.sina.com.cn/c/p/2008-03-21/093315195872.shtml AND, could you let me know how my comments can be eligible on Times Online? Don't tell me I have to add the words like "anti-China". In that case, I would rather "remain silence" becasue I LOVE CHINA same as those billion people who living in this country. But WE will keep shouting, till the day world can finally hear our voice! Sorry for my poor English if any, but I bet you can understand, as a western journalist. BTW, you were not that lucky to be the most hated woman in China. We don't hate you or any other western journalists, we just anti bias. Best regards,Your Chinese Reader  PS: You might be interested in who I am, again I just one of the Chinese Netizen WITH NO gov't backgound. I don't know why western media like to think all chinese people who can build website, speak English or even find News via google are working for gov't. How come?
发表于 2008-3-29 04:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-29 12:29 | 显示全部楼层
It is very hard for those western people to understand our problems with a very large population and many minority races. In fact Chinese goverment is similar to the U.N. or E.U.  But those western can't find it.  Some ideas succeeded in their country can't work in our country. But most of those western didn't know this situation.  And they still say somthing against the truth with their wrong imagination. It is really a shame!
发表于 2008-3-31 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 freedom 于 2008-3-28 23:35 发表 西方媒体 VS 中国人民 欲罢不能的西方媒体!! 这次西方媒体和中国人民交上了手,并且西方媒体已经到了欲罢不能的地步了。目前,西方媒体有两条路可走,第一条路是:向中国政府和人民承认错误的道歉,并且向全世界人民承认错误 ...

发表于 2008-3-31 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 freedom 于 2008-3-28 23:35 发表 西方媒体 VS 中国人民 欲罢不能的西方媒体!! 这次西方媒体和中国人民交上了手,并且西方媒体已经到了欲罢不能的地步了。目前,西方媒体有两条路可走,第一条路是:向中国政府和人民承认错误的道歉,并且向全世界人民承认错误 ...
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