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[08.08.27 美国 Chination Report] 运动员年龄和伊拉克战争情报

发表于 2008-8-28 00:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【08.08.27 美国 Chination Report】中国体操运动员的年龄和美国伊拉克战争前的情报
【标题】Chinese Gymnasts Age and American Pre-war Iraq Intelligence 中国体操运动员的年龄和美国伊拉克战争前的情报

Chinese Gymnasts Age and American Pre-war Iraq Intelligence
By: Chinationreport Editor

Allegedly three Chinese Gymnasts are under 16, theminimum age allowedto compete in the Olympic gymnastics. This incidenthas caused seriousglobal consequences, namely:

  • America lost one to two gold medals in the Beijing Games.
  • The hard work of American gymnasts is not fairly awarded and recognized.
  • The feelings of 300 million Americans are hurt.
  • The feelings of Chinese gymnasts are also hurt. They insist that they did nothing wrong.
TheChinese government denies this allegation andhas since shown variousofficial documents and explanation to prove itsinnocence.

According to numerous sources, the pre-war Iraq intelligence was forged. The Huffington Post reports on August 5th, 2008:

A new book by the author Ron Suskind claimsthat the White Houseordered the CIA to forge a back-dated, handwrittenletter from the headof Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein. Suskindwrites in "The Way ofthe World," to be published Tuesday, that thealleged forgery -adamantly denied by the White House - was designed toportray a falselink between Hussein's regime and al Qaeda as ajustification for theIraq war.

By now we also know that the forged CIA intelligence has had and is still having some severe global consequences, namely:

  • A war has been waged against Iraq.
  • Saddam was captured and executed, followed by domestic violence in Iraq and increased tensions between US and Iran.
  • Over 4000 American soldiers lost their lives.
  • An Opinion Research Business (ORB) surveyconductedAugust 12-19, 2007 estimated 1,220,580 violent deaths due tothe IraqWar (range of 733,158 to 1,446,063). Out of a national sampleof 1,499Iraqi adults, 22% had one or more members of their householdkilled dueto the Iraq War (poll accuracy +/-2.4%). – Source:Wikipedia.org/Iraq-War
  • Duringan NPR interview on March 3rd 2008, Nobel Laureate JosephStiglitz,co-author of The Three Trillion Dollar War explains thatAmericans willspend decades treating the physical and psychologicalwounds of Iraqveterans — and when the economic consequences of theinvasion are takeninto account, the costs are staggering. – NPR.org
  • Indirect consequences may include: US record budget deficit, record oil price, US and global financial crisis
On August 24, 2008, I searched ‘CIA Forged Document’ and ‘under age gymnasts’ on Google with the following results:

Results 1 - 10 of about 59,600 for cia forged document
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,110,000 for under age gymnasts

My dear loyal visitors:

I am not trying to defend China on this agecontroversy. I am not tryingto accuse the USA on its CIA intelligence.History will be our bestjudge. I ask why our freedom loving Westerncitizens, given the dramaticdifferent impact of these two incidents,you are more outraged byChina’s unproven cheating than America’swell-documented lying?
If China is proven wrong, the medals can bereturned to the USA. WhenUSA is proven wrong, can any lives bereturned to their loved ones?


27-08-2008 10-04-38 AMChination Editor.png (93.64 KB)
2008-8-27 10:08




  • 美国选手在北京奥运会丢掉了一枚或者两枚金牌。
  • 美国体操运动员的艰苦努力没有得到公平的奖励和承认。
  • 三千万美国人民的感情受到了伤害。


另据多个消息来源,美国在伊拉克战争前的情报是假造的。Huffinton Post 2008年8月5日报道:



  • 一场针对伊拉克的战争已经发起
  • 萨达姆已被抓捕并处死。随之而来的是伊拉克国内动荡,美国和伊朗的关系也日益紧张
  • 4000多名美国士兵丧命
  • 一份在2007年8月12日到19日期间进行性的民意研究调查显示:大约有一百二十二万零五百八十人在伊拉克战争而死亡(确切数字在733,158和1,446,063之间)。在抽样调查的一千四百九十九名伊拉克成年人中,22%有一个或者多个家庭成员在伊拉克战争中死去(精确度+/-2.4%)。数据来源:http://www.wikipedia.org/Irag-War
  • 在2008年3月3日国家公共电台的采访中,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,《三兆亿元的战争》一书的联合作者约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨说,美国人需要花费数十年的时间来医治伊拉克战争退伍军人的身体和精神创伤。如果我们把这场侵略的经济后果计算在内的话,这场战争的花费之巨是惊人的。来源:NPR.org。
  • 间接后果还可能包括:美国历史上创纪录的财政赤字,创历史记录的油价,美国及全球财政危机。
2008年8月24日,我在Google上搜索“CIA Forged Document" (CIA 假造文件)和"under age gymnasts" (不够年龄的体操运动员”,搜索结果如下:








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