nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 10:43

【09.07.27 news.com】西澳总理说西澳需要引进中国的技术工人

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 18:30 编辑

【原文标题】Premier says WA needs skilled Chinese workers

Premier says WA needs skilled Chinese workers

西澳总理 说西澳需要引进中国的技术工人

Article from: AAP

July 27, 2009 03:30pm

PREMIER Colin Barnett may ask the Federal Government to relax foreign worker allowances to prevent labour shortages at major WA projects.WA faces severe shortages of skilled workers in 2011, when there is expected to be peak activity in WA's resources sector, Mr Barnett told a media conference in Perth today.

Colin Barnett总理可能要求联邦政府放松引进外国工人,来防止西澳重点工程项目的劳动力短缺。Colin BarneTT先生今天在佩斯的新闻发布会上说,到2011年,西澳的资源部门将处于最忙碌的时候,那时将面临技术工人严重短缺。

The premier's comments come as a large Chinese steel maker, Ansteel, contemplates the viability of developing WA's first steel mill.


Other massive projects planned for the state include Woodside Petroleum Ltd's Pluto Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project, Chevron's Gorgon LNG project, a new deep water port at Oakajee and CITIC Pacific's Sino Iron project.

西澳州还有其他重大的工程项目,包括Woodside Petroleum Ltd's 的液化天然气项目,Chevron's Gorgon液化天然气项目,Oakajee的一个新的深水港和中国信托投资中太铁矿项目。

I expect we will face serious skills shortages if these projects go together at the same time,'' Mr Barnett said.Hopefully,we can build these projects with Australian labour but I expect there will be skill shortages, in particular trades areas.We need to be prepared to bring in some of their (Chinese) workers.''


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 10:58

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 12:46 编辑


Wrong Colin...WA doesn't need to plan to take Chinese workers in 4 years time...we need a government who cares more about it's own popluation and not focused on giving our jobs away. You know there will be a skills shortage...you know the state's unemployment rate will probably exceed 7%...train WA people Col. What sort of premier sells out on his own people? I will remember this at the next election. Even so Col, why must these workers come from China...the world is a big place we could get them from anywhere. Or are you feeling the pressure from Chinese investors who want cheap Chinese labour?????

错了, Colin,西澳在4年内不该计划引进中国工人,我们需要能更关心自己人而不是让我们失去工作的政府,你既然知道未来劳力短缺,。。。你知道州失业率将有可能超过7%啊,。。。培训西澳人民吧, Colin...。有几个总理敢出卖自己的人民?我将在下届选举的时候记住这些。即使如此,Colin,为什么非得引进中国工人。。。。这世界大着呢,我们可以从任何地方引进啊,是不是你受到了中国投资方的压力,希望中国廉价劳动力?

nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 11:30

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 12:46 编辑

If the Chinese can come an work here in Trades and Mining, when can they come and work in Parliment, after all we need someone who knows what there doing dont we. Good for one industry good for them all Hey COL !!!!! onya matey

如果中国人能在贸易和矿业到这里来工作,他们也能来这里到国会工作,毕竟我们需要一些人知道他们将怎么样对付我们。这个行业正好! 他们真好!嗨Colin!!!朋友

nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 11:33

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 12:47 编辑

It's the same all over the world now, in every country. You can't run. They are coming to get you.


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 11:40

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 12:47 编辑

Sorry Canuck, took your comment 180 degree's the wrong way. You are dead right mate, sorry again.


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 11:44

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 12:47 编辑

Heading should read "WA needs to export Barnett to China"

文章的标题应该写“西澳需要把Barnett 总理出口到中国去”

火星神牛 发表于 2009-8-6 12:09

希望能有更多有远见的政治家 正视 面对中国实力

nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:10

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 13:22 编辑

What absolute rubbish! We've had thousands of workers laid off because of the GFC, and this premier wants to import cheap Chinese labour, along with their scant regard for health & safety! This is all about saving his industry bosses some money, and nothing to do with skills shortages! It must not be allowed to happen.

完全是废话!我们因为G FC使千把个工人失业了,这个总理想进口廉价中国劳动力,乃至扩展到健康和安全领域!这完全是在帮那些老板省钱,根本不是缺少熟练工人,绝不允许此事发生。

nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:16

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 13:23 编辑

Idont think so Colin


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:26

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:12 编辑

I don't think so... all it will mean is that companies can use this import work force to drive wages down.. if this crisis has taught us anything that these big companies couldn't give a stuff about workers so why should we be asked to help them lower their bottom line



nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:35

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:13 编辑

There are two years until these workers are needed - why not train them over here? What he needs is a big bureacracy to train people with the required skills for the work that needs to be done and somewhere to train them. I suggest you call these DET and TAFE!

需要这些工人还需要两年时间----为什么不培训这里的人呢?他只有一个草棚就可以培训一些为那些工种的熟练工人,在任何地方都可以培训他们,我建议你打个电话到那些DET and TAFE机构问问(注:澳大利亚的培训机构)

nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:38

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:18 编辑

Well, why aren't we encouraging young West Aussies to develop the skills necessary to plug these skill holes?


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:54

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:19 编辑

Maybe it's time for Mr Barnett to go as he is not connected with reality. WA is staring down the barrel of mass unemployment as many of the planned projects are bing put back or placed overseas as it is. Or maybe he'll build a pipeline to Albany, another idiot idea to go with the canal from thr Ord.

如果Barnett先生看不到事实,那么也许他该下岗了。实际上西澳许多工程项目推迟或放到了海外,都在盯着大量失业这个火药桶。也许他该建造一个通向 Albany(纽约州)的管道,另外一个同样白痴的想法就是开条到thr Ord.的运河

nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 13:59

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:20 编辑

I hope our W. Aussies get first refusal at a job..............I know quite a few people who would just LOVE a job. .......before we start importing workers


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 14:05

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:20 编辑

That is lunacy. The biggest problem we have in WA at the moment is the housing shortage, causing unaffordably high prices, and the premier wants to bring more people into the state. What is the state government going to do about the housing situation?


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 14:13

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:20 编辑

Wow, the government harps on and on about unemployment but is willing to ship in foreign workers to staff domestic projects. They've got a year and a half to prepare for this but it's unlikely they can be agile enough to create an effective solution. Where do they find these clowns, I mean, politicians


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 14:21

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:21 编辑

How about training the unemployed Aussies to fill these jobs. Sounds like the Chinese kiss ass strategy that this state (WA) and federal government love to employ.


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 14:39

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:22 编辑

i wish they would train me up. where can i find job ads for these vacancies!!!


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 14:40

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:24 编辑

What is Barnett's real connection with China? I would really like to know.


nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-6 14:44

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-6 15:24 编辑

mr barnett can go and live in china if he likes it so much. we have to protect locals and their jobs, and only buy foreign when we do not have a choice (or no comparative advantage)

先生barnett 如果这么喜欢中国,去中国过日子好了。我们必须保护本地居民和他们的工作,只有当我们别无选择(或没有相对优势)的时候,我们才买外国商品
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