shenholmes 发表于 2009-10-15 16:54


对一个毒贩子仁慈就是侵犯千万本国 ...
中国平凡人 发表于 2009-10-13 19:47

andy007 发表于 2009-10-15 17:42


晴川历历 发表于 2009-10-15 18:37

中华守望者 发表于 2009-10-15 09:49

渔音谦谦 发表于 2009-10-15 22:10

本帖最后由 渔音谦谦 于 2009-10-15 22:24 编辑

接第八页顶楼 Rhapsody

Why have all people who get caught smugging drugs got some get out clause.
I know of not one who has stood up and said yes I am guilty.
Are there no people in this world who deliberately set out to smuggle drugs?
- Jon, Teesside, 11/10/2009 22:50

The Chinese are not unreasonable people; they may not see things quite the way westerners do, but there are reasons for that.
Let us hope, that in the spirit of furthering international understanding between East and West cultures, the Chinese people are willing to see this issue from many viewpoints and allow the West to determine appropriate punishment in this particular case.
- Chris, Cambs, UK, 11/10/2009 22:51

the Chinese don't give a fig for our opinions... if they spare him, it will be for political reasons, not humanitarian ones...
- Paul Cooke, Gloucester England, 11/10/2009 22:56

This is a very nice gesture on Mr Fry's part, but the bottom line is that Mr Shaikh was caught red handed and ought to suffer the penalty imposed by his captors.
Mr Shaikh is an intelligent man by all accounts and would have known the risks involved regardless of his mental state. Few people would agree with a public execution of a drug smuggler, but who are we, including Mr Fry to interfere in the politics of a major state such as China?
- P. Owen, Llandudno UK, 11/10/2009 23:02

What rubbish. A depressive (AKA. bipolar disorder) is fully aware of what he/she is doing in this case.
heroine = death and he had loads of it. Just another criminal looking for sympathy for getting caught.
- R McIntosh, Melbourne, Australia, 11/10/2009 23:13

Can't agree with the death penalty for any crime. Maybe I'm alone in this view but there's never justification for executing someone, no matter how severe the crime.
- Benny Austwick, Cardiff, Wales, 11/10/2009 23:15

first lets get this strait,bipolar disorder is just a fancy name for depression...
- g.taylor, swansea wales, 11/10/2009 15:24

What an ignorant comment.
- caddyb, UK, 11/10/2009 23:21

i totally agree with the fact he should be punished and not use his mental health to try avoid punishment, what he as done is very wrong and he deserves everything he gets but your comment offends me when you say bipolar is another word for depression, with a comment like that im guessing your not a psychiatrist, bipolar is much worse than depression so i think you should learn about illnesses before you throw around comments on things your clearly ignorant about.
To g.taylor:
- jax, leeds uk, 11/10/2009 23:21

Fry, this man should be left to fry in his own stew, drugs kill en-mass so let the chinese do what they have to do in order to stop a mass murderer.
- john lees, hamilton ontario, canada, 11/10/2009 23:21

Bipolar disorder is the American terminology for manic depression, a far cry from simple depression.
- Mike B, London, 11/10/2009 23:31

I am sorry but anybody caught dealing or carrying drugs should have the death penalty. Drugs cause nothing but heart ache and trouble. They all say Oh we didnt know about it.
- jacqui weemsj, southampton, 11/10/2009 23:33

Depression and Bipolar disorder are two different mental illnesses. Those who have classic depression do not go through the mood swings that include euphoria/mania which are a part of being Bipolar. Both illnesses are devasting to those who suffer from them.
As to those who blame his family for letting him leave the country, we don't know that they were aware of his plans to leave the country.
The problem here is the death penalty. We also know that China has harvested organs for transplant from dissidents/political prisoners.
To g.taloyer:
- Meg, Madison, WI, USA, 11/10/2009 23:33

"The former taxi firm boss was arrested after a suitcase he was carrying was allegedly found to contain 4kg of the drug, with a value of £250,000."
A former taxi-firm boss, with NINE POUNDS of heroin in his suitcase? Going to CHINA, of all places, where the penalty for most crimes of this sort is death? How interesting ... Mr. Shaikh he could probably beat this rap on a 'moron' plea - if he could find a suitable advocate, and if said advocate could stop laughing for five minutes..
- Philip, Bankrupted Britain, 11/10/2009 23:36

According to Reprieve nobody ever knowingly carries drugs. They are all fitted up. Just like Al Qaeda terrorists were looking for work in Afghanistan.
- gwilym rhys-jones, marbella spain, 11/10/2009 23:37

This man has been ill for several years with bipolar disorder. It would seem that the past few comments written here are full of ignorance. To be ill with bipolar disorder is not to simply be depressed. People with it fluctuate from being very manic and being very depressed. To be manic means that a person can be very hyperactive and enthusiastic, but not in control, often dellusional, they may do things like spend huge amounts of money, become very promiscuous, or do things which they wouldn't do if they were of sound mind. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that this person is innocent, but if he has been very unwell, it is likely that he did not know what he was doing at the time when he was caught with the drugs. We do not know the full story.
I cannot believe the level of ignorance when it comes to mental illness in this country.
- Ashley Phiip, Einburgh, Scotland., 11/10/2009 23:38

This man is responsible for his actions or his family would not have let him go to China on his own.
He commited the crime.
Now he must take his punishment.
Keep your nose out Fry.
- stephen john, waterlooville, 11/10/2009 23:40

Bipolar (which incidently g.taylor of Swansea, is most certainly not a fancy name for depression) causes massive highs and lows. During the lows, nothing seems like it will get any better, it is easier to manipulate people in this state as they are often highly passive. Same with mania - a highly dangerous state for many - you WILL do ANYTHING, and you will do it to the extreme. Mania is sometimes accompanied by psychosis - go figure. If you have not experienced the two states then there is absolutely no way you can understand fully how much behavior and judgement is affected.
Law-abiding citizen - by "seriously ill" the artice is obviously referring to Bipolar, which is a serious illness but not a physically-manifested one - of course he could still get to China.
Your comments cleary demonstrate a lack of education on mental health disorders.
- Felix, London, UK, 11/10/2009 23:41

People caught smuggling drugs always claim that they had no knowledge of the drugs and that they have been tricked. Usually there is no truth in it.
And having Bipolar disorder doesn't mean that he is not capable of understanding his actions or that he shouldn't be held completely responsible for them.
- Marie, Copenhagen, 11/10/2009 23:45

It seems you can do a crime (such as causing chaos to the USA's defence computers, or be a drugs donkey) and then claim some fancy illness in the hope you can get away with no punishment, these days. This is happening all too often. It seems to fool many who write here supporting criminals, too.
Depression is not a mitigating cause to have any sentence reduced. Don't traffic drugs where the penalty is death by hanging or firing squad ... in fact, don't traffic drugs at all as to do so would make you a murderer.
- Andy, Linc's, 11/10/2009 23:45

What a lot of total and ignorant comments have been made so far. Mental illness is not a bar to having a full and meaningfull life.
Anyone who has suffered from such things as BiPolar disorder knows only too well the effects that occur.
Plese Stephen continue your efforts on behalf of Akmal and ignore the comments of such idiots as noted above.
- James Westerman, Wisbech UK, 11/10/2009 23:55

OK, first off, to all of you who say that Akmal should not have been allowed to travel or even denied a passport need to re-evaluate your comments. Mr Fry admits that he suffers from the same illness and yet there has not been one mention that he should not be allowed to travel.
Secondly, you then need to do your research. Bipolar disorder is not "just" depression, it was formerly known as "manic depression" for good reason. The sufferer can move from moments of abnormally elevated mood where hyperactivity may not be uncommon (that's the manic) to episodes of such blackness that there seems to be no future (that's the depression) with these episodes commonly separated by periods of "normality" (although I'd ask anyone to define normality these days). People suffering from a Bipolar disorder can also suffer the manic and depressive phases at the same time.
Treated with medication, people suffering from Bipolar disorder may be able to lead a life close to normal.
- Johnny Was, Elsewhere, UK, 11/10/2009 23:55

Whats the alternative for him? A lifetime in a Chinese jail? Personally I agree with the Chinese method of dealing with convicted drug traffickers and for that matter other criminals. Perhaps thats one reason why our crime rates are soaring and our society is falling apart.
- Bruce, London, 11/10/2009 23:56

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health problem. People who enter a manic phase may end up behaving in ways that do not reflect their personality when in a more stable phase of their lives.
They often spend large sums of money, running up debts, have grandiose and delusional ideas, cannot sleep, and have inappropriate relationships and sexual liaisons. In short, they are extremely vulnerable.
g.taylor from Swansea, you are speaking from a position of ignorance. Depression and bipolar disorder are not the same thing although aspects of both mental health problems map onto each other. Someone in a 'high phase' can be psychotic, that is, not in their right mind. They are not legally responsible for their actions.
As a psychologist who has worked with people with bipolar disorder I can tell you that many of them are deeply ashamed, guilt ridden and traumatised over the effects of their behaviour.
Good luck to this man and Stephen Fry's campaign.
- B.D.J, Bristol, 11/10/2009 23:57

鬼雄 发表于 2009-10-16 11:00

this does not necessarily mean that this person is innocent, but if he has been very unwell, it is likely that he did not know what he was doing at the time when he was caught with the drugs. We do not know the full story.
这里的“this person”并非指弗莱,而是说阿克马尔沙伊克。

OK, first off, to all of you who say that Akmal should not have been allowed to travel or even denied a passport need to re-evaluate your comments.

yonghongy23 发表于 2009-10-16 15:17

以事实为根据,包括贩毒事实,贩毒数量,认罪态度,和精神检查结果。 以中国的法律为准绳进行判决,让外国人自己忙活去吧。此案的关键在于给国外犯罪分子一个有效地警示,提醒他们莫把国外肮脏的东西带到中国,否则后果很严重。中国加油,坚持到底就是胜利。

yonghongy23 发表于 2009-10-16 15:20

14# dorl 不能拿原则做交易,那样的话后患无穷。

yonghongy23 发表于 2009-10-16 15:22



yonghongy23 发表于 2009-10-16 15:27

121# shenholmes 枪毙精神病人就离谱了。所以,要查清他是不是精神病人,还是在借机逃脱法律的制裁。我们要让他死个明白。

yonghongy23 发表于 2009-10-16 15:35



拥抱和平 发表于 2009-10-17 13:55


QQ图腾 发表于 2009-10-17 14:42


mmc210 发表于 2009-10-18 20:35



yv_pg 发表于 2009-10-19 02:42









耳冉子 发表于 2009-10-19 02:48




2、什么人需要靠毒品生活 ...
yv_pg 发表于 2009-10-19 02:42


红旗74 发表于 2009-10-19 10:24

可怜的英国人 现在终于不能像以前那样通过东印度公司来中国贩卖鸦片了,这位“精神病”先生只能亲自贩卖鸦片如同个私盐贩子。

HongKongCCY 发表于 2009-10-20 03:43


抗美反日 发表于 2009-10-20 08:04


sunriseg62 发表于 2009-10-20 20:21


leonfx 发表于 2009-10-20 21:10

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查看完整版本: 【2009.10.12 每日邮报】史蒂芬·弗莱请求中国勿杀面临死刑的精神病英国人