鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:33


给我的印象是外国人学中文所提的问题 还真是好囧 好好玩 。。。。
先翻译点然后 扔地址:(另外他们学中文谷歌起了 让我们意想不到的作用 哈哈 )


I came across this sentence "她美得一塌糊涂", which was translated as "She is cute as hell".
I wonder if the translation is correct and if the Chinese sentence sounds natural. " 一塌糊涂" is more like "into a complete mess", isn't it?


翻译 :
我无意间发现一句话 :“她美得一塌糊涂”,翻译尽然是“她非常的美丽”

鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:37

4th February 2010, 05:49 PM    #3
momoamwRe: 她美得一塌糊涂


as far as i am concerned:
if u want to appreciate someone ,it can translated in this way :"she is awfully pretty.''
if u r ironic,it can translated in this way :"she is too pretty to appreciate.''
or "she is not pretty at all ,even ugly"
就我的理解来看:如果你待见某人,他可以这样翻译:“她简直美的可怕”如果你想讽刺某人 ,可以这样翻:“你美的我都没法欣赏了”或者 “她一点也不美,丑爆了”

鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:41

4th February 2010, 07:35 PM    #6
skyleeRe: 她美得一塌糊涂


The Chinese sentence sounds natural. If someone is 美得一塌糊塗, then I would think that she is so beautiful that the viewer is enchanted in a 一塌糊涂manner.
这句话挺平常的。如果有人美的一塌糊涂,那我觉得可能是她太美了让看她的人像中了魔法一样 处在一个 一塌糊涂的状态。

鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:44

本帖最后由 鄱阳之风 于 2010-2-18 20:47 编辑

4th February 2010, 07:07 PM    #4
miss_China_so_muchRe: 她美得一塌糊涂


帅得掉渣: someone is so handsome...his "hansomeness" is so full that it's actually "falling off...
Or, 帅得掉渣 is "copied" from 土得掉渣。。。
####:某个人太帅了 。。。。。他的帅太多了于是(脸装不下 )就掉了下来
Re: 她美得一塌糊涂
Thank you all for very helpful replies. I'll just have to find out what 土得掉渣 means now! http://www.chinese-forums.com/images/smilies/01.gif

she is so beautiful that the viewer is enchanted in a 一塌糊塗 manner.

Yes, I can imagine someone can be 美得令人糊涂! http://www.chinese-forums.com/images/smilies/01.gif

谢谢你的帮助!我现在也知道 土得掉渣 是什么意思了
是也,我可以把他想象成 有人美的令人糊涂!

FireEyes 发表于 2010-2-18 20:45


航海者 发表于 2010-2-18 20:49


鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:49


25th January 2010, 05:13 PM    #1
xifbk "Bob and I" vs "I and Bob"


How would you translate this? ie "Bob and I watch tv"?




Does it matter which way it goes, if so why?

翻译:(这个不用翻了吧 )

happytree 发表于 2010-2-18 20:51

4th February 2010, 07:35 PM    #6
skyleeRe: 她美得一塌糊涂

----------------------------------- ...
鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:41 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


下个月 发表于 2010-2-18 20:51

five talk four beautiful three love

鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 20:57

25th January 2010, 05:42 PM    #2
anonymooseRe: "Bob and I" vs "I and Bob"


Technically, I think both are OK, but from my experience, it sounds as though usually people put 我 first. (I'm not a native speaker though.)
Also, it sounds to me as though the sentence is missing something.
Again, I emphasise that I'm not a native speaker, so you might like to wait until a native speaker can confirm or otherwise. But I think it would be more natural to say 我跟Bob一起看电视 or 我跟Bob都看电视, depending specifically on what it is you are trying to express
还有 ,我要强调 下我不是母语者,所以你可以看看有没有母语者来解决这个问题之类。。但我觉得 “我跟Bob一起看电视 or 我跟Bob都看电视”都挺好 ,得看你想着重表达什么。

richthofen 发表于 2010-2-18 21:01


鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 21:02

25th January 2010, 06:06 PM #3
Re: "Bob and I" vs "I and Bob"
In German it is impolite to put myself before the others in a sentence, so "I and Bob" would be grammatically correct, but not socially acceptable. I always thought this is true for most languages, even in English.



25th January 2010, 07:59 PM #4
Re: "Bob and I" vs "I and Bob"
Technically, I think both are OK,

I agree.

it sounds to me as though the sentence is missing something. Again, I emphasise that I'm not a native speaker, so you might like to wait until a native speaker can confirm or otherwise. But I think it would be more natural to say 我跟Bob一起看电视

Yes it does sound better if the OP wants to say Bob and I watch TV together.

是的(呼应我也觉得缺少了什么)说“我 跟BOB一起看电视 ”更好。

鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 21:11

囧囧有神的来了哈哈 :

25th January 2010, 10:31 PM #8
Re: "Bob and I" vs "I and Bob"
I look forward to some input from native Mandarin speakers, but in the meantime I decided to cheat on Google.

"跟我": 35 million hits
"我跟": 20 million hits

This seems to indicate that 跟我 is the more popular format, but we don't know what comes before 跟 or after 我, so I narrowed it down a little ...

"你跟我": 30 million hits
"我跟你": 45 million hits

Now I'm confused! Not only did the order swap, but there are more hits for 我跟你 than there are for just 跟你. How is this possible?

"他跟我": 16 million hits
"我跟他": 2 million hits

In this case, the "跟我" has a clear lead.

In conclusion, not being a native speaker, I don't know the answer. However, using a "common usage" on the Net approach, my guess is "跟我" looks more common, although the alternative is common enough to not worry me about using it either.


我不字字翻了 ,大家都能看的出其中的囧囧趣味:
他却谷歌用中文搜:发现“跟我 ”要比 “ 我跟 ”多然后他又谨慎的加上“你跟我 ""我跟你”搜出来之后自己陷入了深深的迷惑。。。。
然后不死心的 又搜“他跟我 ”“我跟他”答案很清楚
最后他的结论是:不是母语者 ,不知道答案。。。。。。


鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 21:14

汗:::::转语言学院了   喂 。。。版主大人啊我是 当趣闻发帖啊不是讲科普知识也。。。。。。

玉泉公子 发表于 2010-2-18 21:17



鄱阳之风 发表于 2010-2-18 21:19

26th January 2010, 03:18 AM    #15
HofmannRe: "Bob and I" vs "I and Bob"


My impression is that whatever is first is usually the subject and the topic.

我跟Bob看電視。 The subject is 我, and 我 is 跟-ing Bob to 看電視.
Bob跟我看電視。 The subject is Bob, and Bob is 跟-ing 我 to 看電視.

这个 老外发的更好笑嘿嘿 明天在来看有人回不?有人回继续发 嘿嘿。。。。

红色的血 发表于 2010-2-18 21:23

到不如用这三个字 wu戊 xu戌 shu戍 来玩玩,相信很多中国人也头大

逆卷炎灵 发表于 2010-2-18 21:52


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-2-19 09:14


ms_justice 发表于 2010-2-21 11:27

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