irislee 发表于 2010-4-22 15:36

//官方宣传部每次出手还是那么笨拙, 民间没出几个以英语为主的宣传和攻击手在长期作战,反华宣传写作已经成为美国媒体里的一种专业, 现在只差美国的大学明里还未开一个叫反华宣传写作的学系,但是暗里这些专写文章攻击中国的西方记者真的没有受过这方面的专业训练吗?呵呵 !在这方面的较量, 我们还是处于"石器时代",除了挨打, 没有反击的条件, 也没有化被动为主动的优势,长路漫漫!//


st_aster 发表于 2010-4-22 17:26


在北京 发表于 2010-4-22 17:46


sam712 发表于 2010-4-22 19:31

还有, 要标签地震为藏震, 不是叫中国地震, 也不是叫中国西北部地震, 要叫它做"西藏地震"


sam712 发表于 2010-4-22 19:34

我初到美国时在学校图书馆天天阅读NYT和WSJ这些所谓大报, 那是90年代初期, 那时候不是这样天天发文章攻击 ...
hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-21 23:05


rlsrls08 发表于 2010-4-22 19:43

翻出一篇有关这个记者Andrew Jacobs的文章注:颜色是我标的。黑色的英文原文,蓝色是译文,红色是原博主评论。

纽约时报对中国抵制家乐福报道:见证中国力量 !
(2008-05-05 14:13:56)

美国纽约时报是一个中左媒体, 他对中国的报道可能是美国对中国报道比较而言不太偏激的一个. 5月2日, 纽约时报在其网站头版第三篇的位置上, 报道了中国民众对家乐福的抵制行为, 描述了家乐福客流大减的客观现象, 但其标题却和内容相反,有浓厚的标题党的味道, 这和这家媒体报道美国,欧洲事件的一贯敏锐相去甚远. 我花了一点时间, 全文翻译如下加上本人的认知, 让有兴趣的网友有一个了解.对只浏览标题的人来说, 似乎中国人厚颜无耻, 毫无血性到这种程度. 这和本文的内容并不相符, 说明作者Andrew Jacobs的狡猾. 作者似乎怕美国人民了解中国草根抵制的威力

Anti French Boycott Falters in China
评论 - 从内容上看, 成果是比较大的; 基本上去家乐福的都是一些网络和短信没有覆盖到的老年群体; 到家乐福购物的人, 也基本上有一种负罪感.文章还搬出了一些众所周知的理由, 不应该抵制JLF, 比如说4万名中国员工, 和中国供应商的利益.

May 2, 2008

BEIJING — They came. They expressed patriotic fervor. Then they shopped.
他们来了, 他们表达他们爱国的狂热.然后他们就买东西.
评论- 文章第一段, 一看就是标题党, 对只浏览标题的人来说, 似乎中国人厚颜无耻, 毫无血性到这种程度. 这和本文的内容并不相符, 说明作者Andrew Jacobs的狡猾. 作者似乎怕美国人民了解中国草根抵制的威力

On Thursday, the first day of a planned boycott against Carrefour, a French retail chain here, there were a few low-key protests around the country, but many Carrefour outlets did a healthy business in peanut oil, petit fours and family packs of litchi juice.
本周四, 预计抵制法国连锁超市家乐福的第一天,全国各地都发生了一些低调的抗议活动, 但是许多家乐福的连锁店, 在一些品种上, 比如说, 花生油,petit fours 和家庭装荔枝汁, 销售不错.
评论- 其实从这些描述中可以看出, JLF强作欢颜.诺大超市仅仅在卖粮食和低值易耗品.

In the grass-roots boycott call, publicized through text messages and popular Web sites, Chinese consumers have been urged to avoid the stores as punishment for what China considers France’s shabby reception of the Olympic torch. During the Paris leg of the relay last month, pro-Tibetan agitators lunged at a Chinese torch bearer in a wheelchair. The images of her shocked and wounded expression have fueled a backlash against Western countries that many here believe are seeking to spoil China’s Olympic moment of glory.
在这场有草根民众发起的地址中, 通过手机短信和互联网,中国的消费者被呼吁抵制家乐福, 以惩罚中国所认为的对奥运火炬漫不经心的怠慢.在上月火炬在巴黎的产地过程中,亲西藏的抗议人士袭击了一位在轮椅上的火炬手.她受伤而震惊的形象,激起了中国民众对西方国家的强烈对抗心理, 多数中国人认为, 他们在试图破坏中国奥运, 这原本神圣的奥林匹克时刻

It did not help that the Paris City Council followed up by making the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader in exile, an honorary citizen. Many Chinese believe that the Dalai Lama was responsible for anti-Chinese rioting in Tibet in March.
但这并没有阻止巴黎市议会授予达赖喇嘛, 西藏流亡精神领袖, 巴黎荣誉市民称号.许多中国人相信, 达赖喇嘛策划了今年3月西藏发生的反中国暴动.

评论 - 幸灾乐祸; 说明巴黎对中国民众的蔑视,和作者对中国人的蔑视相联系 “他们来了, 他们表达他们爱国的狂热.然后他们就买东西.”

On Thursday, the start of a three-day national Labor Day holiday here, there were reports of small rallies at a dozen Carrefour outlets around the country, but the absence of any mammoth groundswell, and the presence of throngs of unapologetic shoppers, suggested that nationalistic fury might be fading.
本周四, 3天五一假期的第一天,有报道说, 家乐福的十几家连锁超市发生了小规模的游行示威活动,但是没有出现任何巨大的”海啸”. 伴随着成群结队的并不觉得抱歉的消费者,民族主义的狂怒似乎已经退潮
评论 - 一厢情愿, 似乎极力在营造一种中国人没心没肺的感觉 - 民族主义的狂怒似乎已经退潮

“Politics is one thing, but the people have to eat,” said Zheng Wu, 55, a Beijing housewife whose shopping cart was loaded with a 12-roll bundle of toilet paper, two large sacks of rice, a box of cornflakes, three pairs of pink flip-flops and a plunger.
一位55岁的北京家庭主妇说 “ 政治是一码事, 但是人们必须得吃饭”,她的购物车了, 装着一包12卷的卫生纸, 两大袋大米,一盒膨化食品,3双粉色的拖鞋和一个通下水道的拔子.

评论- 一个子无须有的例子 ; 即使这个是真的例子, JLF也会饿死的.这些都是高度比价的产品, 老大妈们会一个一个超市的比价钱.

The government has also been trying to dampen the anti-French zealotry. Government ministers have gone on television reminding people that the 40,000 employees at the nation’s 112 Carrefour stores are Chinese. Newspaper editorials have hinted that bygones may as well be bygones, urging citizens to heartily embrace foreign friends, about 1.5 million of whom will be arriving here in August for the Olympics. “We Smile to the World,” read an editorial headline in The People’s Daily celebrating the 100-day countdown to the Games.
中国政府也试图为这种狂热降温.政府的部长们来到电视台提醒人们乐福的112家连锁店, 雇佣了将近4万名员工.报纸的编辑们暗示大家过去得就让他过去吧,呼吁公众真诚地接纳外国人, 毕竟有将近150万的外国人8月份会来参加奥林匹克运动会. “我们对世界微笑” 人民日报在庆祝距奥运会100天的头版头条里这样说.

评论 - 忽视了中国草根的愤怒, 以及中国民众和政府么默契. 毁掉一个法国民用品牌是一件不坏的事情, 杀鸡给猴看.还给中国民用民族品牌一个机会 ; 这种事很多, 沃尔玛不是从德国, 韩国完全退出了吗??

In case that did not do the trick, state censors made it hard for organizers to get the word out. In recent days, some text messages championing the boycott have been blocked; on Thursday, typing Carrefour into Chinese-language search engines returned blank pages explaining that such results “do not conform to relevant law and policy.”
如果这样还不奏效的话, 国家通信和互联网审查的官员,rang类似抵制的言论的传递变得更加艰难.在最近的几天里, 号召大家抵制的手机短信服务号北屏闭了.在星期四, 使用中文搜索家乐福的相关信息会看到空屏或者”搜索内容不符合法律和政策” 的信息.

评论 - 中国政府的姿态.

Still, a few protests drew hundreds of people to Carrefour stores in Xian, Chongqing, Shenyang and Changsha, although the police made sure the rallies were brief. A demonstration in Fuzhou drew 400 people, according to Xinhua, the official news agency, with students carrying Chinese flags and banners saying “Oppose Tibet Independence” and “Love China.” The authorities quickly dispersed the crowds and hauled away those who refused to yield, Xinhua said.
但是, 西安,重庆,沈阳,和长沙还是发生了数百人规模的示威游行, 虽然警察极力确保示威的时间短暂.据新华社报道, 福州也爆发了400人以上规模的示威活动.学生们打着国旗,和标语. 标语的内容为”反对西藏独立”和”爱我中华”.新华社说, 当局很快驱散了民众, 并把拒绝撤离的人脱离了现场.

评论 - 这其实本文的重要内容,作者狡猾的把它从标题里提出了出去.

Here in Beijing, which has nine Carrefour stores, clerks said the crowds were noticeably thinner, especially for a holiday. The only protest that was reported in the capital was at a Carrefour near the city’s university district, where despite a heavy police presence, a young man rushed up to the entrance holding aloft a sign that said “Boycott Carrefour, Denounce CNN.” (The reference to CNN reflected popular anger here over what the Chinese consider its unfair coverage of the Tibet protests.)
在北京一共有9家家乐福超市,收银员表示客流显著减少, 尤其是在公众假期里.首都唯一一起被报道的抗议活动, 发生在城市的大学园区附近.不顾大批警力的干涉, 一名年轻人仍然冲到超市入口, 挂起了大标语”抵制家乐福, 谴责CNN” ( 对CNN的谴责反映了对其偏袒西藏暴动的普遍愤怒)
评论 - 这其实也是本文的重要内容,作者狡猾的把它从标题里剔出了出去.

The man, who wore a white mask and a T-shirt covered in nationalistic slogans, was quickly bundled away by the police. A few people in the crowd grabbed his sign and struggled against the police to hold it up. Onlookers cheered them on with chants of “Go China!” and “Go Beijing!”
打标语的青年人,带着白色的面具, T 恤上印着民族主义的口号, 被警察迅速带离现场.剩下的人很快地接过他的标语, 试图和把标语重新挂起来, 并和警察发生了冲突. 旁观的人去对他们的加油鼓劲, 有节奏地高喊 “到中国” “到北京”

评论 - 进入高潮. 如果是脏毒在抗议, 这些媒体肯定大书特书, 不过好歹写出来了. 对警察的描写, 我无法判断.

But as a few hundred others looked on with evident curiosity, the police managed to wrest the sign away and lead several young men into police vans. Then they told the crowd to disperse.
但是在数百名好奇的旁观者关注下,警察费力的取下了标语, 并把那几个年轻人带进了警车里. 接着警察要求人们散去.

At a Carrefour at the opposite end of town, shoppers were happy to fill their carts without interference. A handful of older people said they had not heard of the boycott call, but others, taken aback by a reporter’s questions, insisted they had bought only a few low-cost necessities.

评论 - 只有现代媒体没有覆盖到的群体还在去JLF; 而且只是低价值的必需品. 从这里可以看出民众的力量.

“We should oppose Westerners who try to bring down China,” said Li Chen, 22, a biology student, as he left the store with a week’s worth of staples. He then opened his bags to prove he had avoided foreign-made goods. Asked about the bottles of Pepsi, he said, “These days, everything is made in China.”

Many shoppers, however, said they opposed the protests and condemned those they blamed for fomenting xenophobia at a time when China is eager to embrace the outside world. Guo Sheng Zhang, 26, who recently quit his job as a hotel worker, said a boycott would only damage China’s image and potentially mar the Olympics. “And what about the Chinese employees who will lose their jobs?” he said.

评论- 呵呵. 不过对失业的人确实不容易, 困难的时候大概一两个月后就能显现出来

Shi Anbin, a professor of media studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said he thought anti-French sentiment would quickly subside, and not just because of government intervention. He noted that French officials had tried to make amends for the torch debacle by dispatching the president of the French Senate, Christian Poncelet, to apologize to the disabled fencer in the wheelchair who was attacked in Paris. President Nicolas Sarkozy invited the athlete, Jin Jing, to a state visit.

评论 - 有这个人吗? 言论倒是四平八稳。

In interviews with the Chinese press, Carrefour executives have expressed horror at the incident and denied rumors that their company provided financing for Tibetan independence groups.

评论 - 下次不要过了2-3周后再表态, 记着这一课, 中国民众给上得。

Professor Shi said: “I think the French understood that what happened with the torch in Paris was a loss of face. And they made sure to resolve it quickly.”

评论 - 看了这句话很难受,“让中国颜面扫地” 不过是事实。

Standing in the checkout line of a Carrefour in Beijing, Wang Junyu, 41, said she worked too hard to pay attention to anti-foreign campaigns. She was, however, pleased with her purchases. “Look at this,” she said, holding a tub of ice cream. “I don’t know much about the French, but this is a really good price.”

评论 - 无法判断, 不过如果是真的, JLF也不用紧张了。可能吗?

Edward Wong contributed reporting, and Yuanxi Huang contributed research.

rlsrls08 发表于 2010-4-22 19:53


Andrew Jacobs and Dan Levin
A tipster, prompted by yesterday's article about the gay mafia at the New York Times, reminds us that we're missing at least a couple of names: Andrew Jacobs and his boyfriend, Dan Levin. Truth be told, the Times gay mafia isn't really much of a mafia. It's not as if the group, which includes political reporters such as Patrick Healy and Adam Nagourney, plots to pink the Gray Lady and introduce America to the homosexual agenda. Nor is it directly responsible for Dan Levin's soaring byline count since the young freelancer started dating Jacobs. But connections definitely help. And Levin's Times commissions have nicely tracked his dating life. Last month the cute couple traveled together in Ohio; on March 4, they both filed pieces on the state's primary campaign. The only giveaway more obvious would have been a double byline. After the jump, a cuddly photograph from Levin's Facebook profile (Jacobs is on the left) and proof of their Times-funded trip to Ohio.

shuishenlan 发表于 2010-4-22 20:16


medien 发表于 2010-4-22 20:43


happytree 发表于 2010-4-22 20:51


Andrew Jacobs and Dan Levin
A tipster, prompted by yesterday's article ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2010-4-22 19:53


红色的血 发表于 2010-4-22 21:33

代表资产阶级的华尔街日报相对之下还是比较友善的 ...
yayoo 发表于 2010-4-22 02:39


hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:25

本帖最后由 hong_hai_er 于 2010-4-22 23:30 编辑

中国网长期用中文转载这家报纸的文章, 传播他们的观点,当中不乏 Andrew Jacobs 的文章,
人家贬中国的, 嘲弄中国的意图, 在翻译时巧妙和谐了这种攻击,
出来的效果, 这家报纸的文章都是正气的, 观点都是权威的,
在只供译文没有原文的情况下, 国内读者没法看见纽约时报怎样恶毒, 不会看英文的更加不用说了!



原文]China Hunts for Art Treasures in U.S. Museums

重新编辑, 一段一段中英并列, 附上评论:


[*]    China Hunts for Art Treasures in U.S. Museums 中国网翻译成: 中国“寻宝团”美国搜寻文物记 (实际上人家在说你中国在美国的博物馆猎取艺术财宝)


中国网  时间: 2009-12-18  
美国《纽约时报》2009年12月17号文章:中国“寻宝团”在美国博物馆搜寻文物 记者:安德鲁•雅克布斯(ANDREW JACOBS)一位中国代表团成员在美国大都会博物馆拍摄展品


中国“寻宝团”上周出现在纽约大都会艺术博物馆时,有些傲慢的博物馆亚洲部主席屈志仁(James C.Y. Watt)已做好了双方对峙的准备。


China’s “treasure hunting team” descended on the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York last week, and James C.Y. Watt, the patrician head of Asian art, braced for a confrontation.




For the past two weeks, the delegation of Chinese cultural experts has swept through American institutions, seeking to reclaim items once ensconced at the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, which was one of the world’s most richly appointed imperial residences until British and French troops plundered it in 1860.




With a crew from China’s national broadcaster filming the visit, the Chinese fired off questions about the provenance of objects on display, and when it came to a collection of jade pieces, they requested documentation to show that the pieces had been acquired legally.




But then, with no eureka discovery, the tension faded. The Chinese pronounced themselves satisfied, smiled for a group photo, and drove away.


“截 至目前情况还不坏,”屈志仁说。


“That wasn’t so bad after all,” Mr. Watt said.


Emboldened by newfound wealth, China has been on a noisy campaign to reclaim relics that disappeared during its so-called century of humiliation, the period between 1842 and 1945 when foreign powers subjugated China through military incursions and onerous treaties.
[*]人家说 Emboldened by newfound wealth仗着新创建的财富,China has been on a noisy campaign 中国已经在吵吵闹闹地行动, 你中国网译成: "随着国力富强,中国开始进行大动静的行动", 掩藏了人家对中国的贬意 ![*]百年屈辱 century of humiliation 前面人家加上 "so-called" ("所谓") 两个字, 中国网又和谐地略去了 !
But the quest, fueled by national pride, has been quixotic, provoking fear at institutions overseas but in the end amounting to little more than a public relations show aimed at audiences back home.
[*]人家在贬你在说你的诉求 quixotic, 你轻描淡写地译做 "不那么现实" ,如果只是说你"不那么现实", 他为什么不轻描淡写地说: not so practical ?[*]quixotic 字源来自: Don Quixote 堂吉诃德, 在字典的解释是:foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially: marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or   extravagantly chivalrous action
根本上讲,中国发出的这些不同信号是中国自尊心不断增长后的应有产物。这是一个发展中国家成为帝国主义牺牲品的鲜活记忆?还是世界最大出口国急于确保自己和外界良好关系,以此保护依赖贸易的经济体?原文:At its core, such mixed signals are an outgrowth of China’s evolving self-identity. Is it a developing country with fresh memories of its victimization by imperial powers? Or is it the world’s biggest exporter, eager to ensure good relations with the outside world to protect its trade-dependent economy?评:

这段写得多么刻薄, 你中国网拿自己的平台来宣传美国人对中国的贬乏?   什么叫一个发展中国家成为帝国主义牺牲品的鲜活记忆 ? 帝国主义抢人国宝就是贼, 追讨失落海外的国宝是我们中国的权利, 你中国网没有自己的观点么?不会从中国人的角度去报导追讨国宝的新闻么?不宣传美国人的观点会死么?

以下都是贼国对中国追讨文物之行的观点, 中国网间接帮他们传播这些窃公的歪理 :




“China is like an adolescent who took too many steroids,” said Liu Kang, a professor of Chinese studies at Duke University. “It has suddenly become big, but it finds it hard to coordinate and control its body. To the West, it can look like a monster.”




Recounted in Chinese textbooks and in countless television dramas, the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, or Yuanmingyuan as it is called in Chinese, remains a crucial event epitomizing China’s fall from greatness. Begun in the early 18th century and expanded over the course of 150 years, the palace was a wonderland of artificial hills and lakes, and so many ornate wooden structures that it took 3,000 troops three days to burn them down.




“The wound is still open and hurts every time you probe it,” said Liu Yang, a Beijing lawyer and a driving force in the movement to regain stolen antiquities. “It reminds people what may come when we are too weak.”




Stoked by populist sentiment but carefully managed by the Communist Party, the drive to reclaim lost cultural property has so far been halting. While officials privately acknowledge there is scant legal basis for repatriation, their public statements suggest that they would use lawsuits, diplomatic pressure and shame to bring home looted objects — not unlike Italy, Greece and Egypt, which have sought, with some success, to recover antiquities in European and American museums.


原文:“The ideal scenario would be for the holders of these relics to donate them back to China,” said Chen Mingjie, the director of the palace museum, whose grounds include a shabby exhibition hall and an evocative pile of stone ruins that are instantly recognizable to any Chinese elementary school student.
"卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证"!这里加一笔说圆明园展厅破旧 , 就是说说中国没有良好的博物馆, 中国没有能力去安置讨回的圆明园国宝吧, 那就顺理成章应该让贼国继续保管这些圆明园的文物好了?

原文:The Communist Party has long used the narrative of foreign subjugation as a binding force, one that has become especially useful in recent years as the credo of market economics overruns the last remnants of its Marxist ideology.


原文:But arousing nationalist sentiment, Chinese officials have learned, is a double-edged sword. In 2005, officials allowed public ire against Japan, over territorial disputes and textbooks that glossed over Japanese wartime atrocities, to boil over into violent street protests. After some of the anti-Japanese slogans began morphing into demands for action by Chinese leaders, the authorities clamped down.
哈哈哈, 讲到政府处理05年的反日游行, 敏感了, 整段略去了 !


在美国的追讨文物代表团像是卷进了一场政治漩涡。对文物的追讨力度今年加重了,佳士得在巴黎拍卖圆明园一对生肖铜首时,这场拍卖引起了中国的愤怒。最后拍卖遭流拍,一位中国买家先以每个兽首1800万美元的最高价拍下,最后却拒付拍卖款。原文:The delegation traveling to United States museums appears to have been caught up in a political maelstrom. The relics quest intensified this year after Christie’s in Paris auctioned a pair of bronze animal heads that had been part of a fountain on the palace grounds; the sale was met with outrage in China. In the end, a Chinese collector sabotaged the auction by calling in the highest bids — $18 million for each head — then refusing to pay.
原文:The United States scouting tour — visits to England, France and Japan will come early next year — quickly turned into a spectacle sponsored by a Chinese liquor company. As for the eight-member delegation, a closer look revealed that most either were employed by the Chinese media or were from the palace museum’s propaganda department.

“最近哪怕在圆明园建个厕所都会成为人民日报的头条新闻,”参加此次行程的研究员刘阳说。原文:“These days even building a toilet at Yuanmingyuan would be front-page news in People’s Daily,” said Liu Yang, a researcher who joined the trip.
他们在20天内查看了10几座博物馆后却没有什么特别成果。代表团团长武家璧(音)是考古学家,他说此行虽有实质性接触但也承认代表团并未发现不合法的文物。原文:But the 20-day spin through a dozen institutions has not been especially fruitful. Wu Jiabi, an archaeologist and the leader of the delegation, said that meaningful contacts were made but acknowledged that the group had not discovered illicit relics.
此次考察也有意外。并非所有安排的博物馆都接待了中国代表团。代表团发现堪萨斯市的纳尔逊•阿特肯斯艺术博物馆(Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art)在美国中西部而非东北部后便放弃了访问。原文:The visit has had its share of mishaps. Not all the museums on the itinerary were prepared for the delegation. One stop, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Mo., was scrapped after the group realized the museum was in the Midwest, not in the Northeast.

代表团一路上碰到的艺术专家提供了一致建议:圆明园流失文物大部分在私人藏家手里,包括香港、台湾和大陆的收藏家。“最好去查下苏富比和佳士得的拍卖目录,”大都会博物馆屈志仁说。原文:The art experts whom the group met along the way offered consistent advice: the lion’s share of palace relics are in private hands, including those of collectors in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. “The best thing would be to look through the catalogs of Sotheby’s and Christie’s,” said Mr. Watt of the Metropolitan Museum.

尽管中国公众大致支持收回这些文物,一些批评家却认为此举只是为了转移视线,让人们忽略国内对历史建筑和考古遗迹的不断破坏。这个月的一份政府调查报告显示,近年来因盗窃和非法买卖导致23600件已注册文物失踪,还有上万个文化遗迹由于发展经济之需而被拆迁。原文:Although the Chinese public broadly supports recovering such items, a few critics have suggested that the campaign merely distracts from the continued destruction of historic buildings and archaeological sites across the country. A government survey released this month found that 23,600 registered relics had disappeared in recent years because of theft or illicit sales, while tens of thousands of culturally significant sites had been plowed under for development.

What’s more, said Wu Zuolai, a professor at the China Academy of Art, the obsession with Yuanmingyuan ignores the plunder of older sites that are more artistically significant.

“中国历史并非始于清朝,这个寻宝之旅就是个政治秀。媒体把他描绘成爱国行为,可却是在散播仇恨。”他说。 原文:
“Chinese history did not start with the Qing Dynasty,” he said. “This treasure hunting trip is just a political show. The media portray it as patriotic, but it’s just spreading hate.”

基斯•威尔森(Keith Wilson)负责萨克勒美术馆(Arthur M. Sackler Gallery)以及佛利尔美术馆(Freer Gallery of Art)的中国文物,和其他代表团上周会见的馆长一样,他说他不确定代表团成员到底在找什么。“他们拍了那么多视频,可最后我觉得他们没法控制自己的前途。”他说。
原文:Like many of the curators the delegation met last week, Keith Wilson, who oversees the Chinese art collection at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and Freer Gallery of Art, both part of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, said that he was unsure what delegation members were really after. “They took a million miles of video, but in the end, I really felt they were not controlling their own destiny,” he said.

学者刘阳也承认了这点,他抱怨说政治抢了学术的镜头。就算他发现了一件圆明园文物,他也会犹豫要不要带回去,他所在研究院的展厅没有暖气,更像是个军营。“实话实说,你把一个暖瓶放我们办公室都会破的,”他说。原文:Mr. Liu, the researcher who was part of the delegation, seemed to admit as much, complaining that politics had upstaged scholarship. Even if he stumbled upon a palace relic, he said, he would be reluctant to take it back to an institution whose unheated exhibition space resembled little more than a military barracks. “To be honest, if you leave a thermos in our office, it gets broken,” he said.

致命一击!引你中国学者的话来说明中国没有能力照顾好文物, 找到还是不要带回中国去了! 这种学者这样对西媒说话也是有问题的, 国家出钱让你去找失落海外的文物, 你居然说找到也犹豫要不要带回去 ?



“Maybe it’s better these things stay where they are.”(翻译:齐磊)----------------------------------------------------------------------

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:32

翻出一篇有关这个记者Andrew Jacobs的文章注:颜色是我标的。黑色的英文原文,蓝色是译文,红色是原博主评论 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2010-4-22 19:43

   辛苦了!感激分享 !

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:36

看着这些媒体,感觉好像只有僧侣才是西藏或青海的藏民,喇嘛高兴就是藏民高兴,喇嘛不高兴就是藏民不高兴, ...
Looking 发表于 2010-4-22 13:14

    这是西方大众传播的"艺术" :lol:

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:38

st_aster 发表于 2010-4-22 17:26

    不用申请了, 拿去转载吧 !

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:44

说实话我服了,能政治到这种地步,难怪有人说美国的意识形态冷战固态思维最严重 ...
sam712 发表于 2010-4-22 19:31

    在美国的角度来说, 冷战从未结束, 消灭了苏联但是还没消灭中国, 北韩, 古巴, 还有拉美的新兴社会主义国家

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:50

应该像新加坡那样对付外媒!有虚假报道就告他们!让他们登报道歉巨额赔偿! ...
sam712 发表于 2010-4-22 19:34

应该驱逐出境, 这种人在中国混几年, 回到美国又像那个Rebecca Mackinnon 一样成为"中国问题专家"了!

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-22 23:56


Andrew Jacobs and Dan Levin
A tipster, prompted by yesterday's article ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2010-4-22 19:53

哈, 我找到照片时也看得出他是GAY的了, 不过还是你厉害, 这样的证据都被你找到, 高人真是高人!

百姓 发表于 2010-4-23 00:08


hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-23 00:38

irislee 发表于 2010-4-22 15:36

教育程度高的外国人, 都免不了是这种媒体的长期读者, 这种人特别顽固, 闭塞, 他们内心对中国的看法, 已经生根, 你跟他们说, 他们礼貌地不跟你辩论, 把你气晕!反而教育程度一般的老百姓, 还会相信眼前这个中国朋友是真实的, 媒体是乱吹的 !
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