trytrytry 发表于 2010-11-11 17:24

八荣八耻和谐社会的口号是错误 有害的么?   又或者说你我的道德水平够高也不需要提醒了?

sdying213 发表于 2010-11-11 17:53

嗯 作者明显是不需要考虑薪水的旅游党根本就不关心更深的层次 他去别的国家只不过是旅游的请不要当真

hmm770929 发表于 2010-11-11 18:46


BK6141 发表于 2010-11-11 21:23

“ 北京有一家国际体育服装商店,出售NBA的运动服和中国奥林匹克运动员服装——一排排的商品整整齐齐 ...
滔滔1949 发表于 2010-11-10 20:42


davidhuyi 发表于 2010-11-11 22:46

如果你看到美国大街和校园里满是十诫之类的,还有圣经里的话,那才能和中国对应 ...
和解团结 发表于 2010-11-11 11:38


popop_ryan 发表于 2010-11-11 22:52

本帖最后由 popop_ryan 于 2010-11-11 22:58 编辑


1. At 2:51pm on 03 Nov 2008, manpetwrote:I would be interested to read your possible articles of comparing thefollowing two areas:

History of the United Kingdom and China;
The current two countries of the United Kingdom and China.
6. At 4:33pm on 03 Nov 2008, Bobsy26wrote:Nice to have you back, James. A question:

"At the very least, I thought I could sing the Internationale and wave ahammer and sickle if I got into trouble."

Was there any sense of fraternity between the two countries? As two of the lastcommunist countries left in the world, do they have much of a bond on a publiclevel?在那里有中巴两国间是兄弟般关系的感觉吗?作为这个世界上仅存的最后几个共产主义国家中的两个,他们在公众层面上会有很紧密的联系吗?

7. At 4:44pm on 03 Nov 2008, bbscoukuserwrote:well. at least they have one of the best health caresystems in the world. american can go there to get treated. may brits can dothat as well, instead of waiting for a year to get an appointment.嗯,至少古巴人民他们有一个世界上最棒的医疗保健制度,美国人能去那里得到治疗,兴许我们英国人也能那样做,免去了要等待一年才能得到一个医疗预约的痛苦~
9. At 5:08pm on 03 Nov 2008, onjournalismwrote:Welcome back! James,

I am sure you are missed by many of us, including those who delight in findingfault with every single word you write and those who continue to keep a watchfuleye on you----a potential ‘poison pen’ western journalist who might ‘patronise’or even ‘distort’ China with his wry humour.

Well, just like love and hatred are reversible, time can change even the mostdeeply entrenched national pride and prejudice----maybe longer for thoseobstinate minds and iron-clad hearts.

Interesting comparisons between Cuba and China, a bit hard to relate to though,except for sports----two countrys often meet in international volleyballmatches.欢迎回家,james我敢肯定我们中的很多人都很想你,包括那些喜欢从你写的每一个文字中挑错以及继续小心观察着你的人。你就是那个‘毒舌’的西方记者,可能表现地‘高人一等’,甚或用带有讥讽意味的幽默‘曲解’中国。

11. At 6:40pm on 03 Nov 2008, ishkandarwrote:Fidel was, and still is, the hard line Communist. Raul isa more pragmatic Socialist, more in line with the current Chinese thinking. Andboth are looking to learn more from the one truly successful Socialist countryin the world - Singapore !!菲德尔过去是,现在依然是最坚定的共产主义阵营的支持者。劳尔卡斯特罗是比较实用主义的社会主义者,他的想法观点更加像现在的中国人。他们都在向新加坡,这个世界上真正成功的一个社会主义国家,寻求学习更多。

12. At 6:52pm on 03 Nov 2008, gpitincwrote:?There are just five Communist states left in the world: China, NorthKorea, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba. ?


You are wrong again! There are far more than 5 communist countries in today?sworld.

For instance, USA is a communist country: monopoly is illegal; big banks arenationalized; primary schools are free? All these (total 10 points) are statedin The Manifesto of Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels ascharacteristics of communism:这个世界上只剩下五个共产主义国家?james,你又错了。远不止五个~比如,美国就是一个共产国家。垄断被定为违法,大银行应贵国有,小学教育免费等等,所有这些【总共有10部分】条例,作为共产主义的特征,被写入马克思与恩格斯的共产党宣言里面去了。

13. At 6:58pm on 03 Nov 2008, flibblesanwrote:beijing_2008: I can understand that English is not yourfirst language as you have unfortunately misunderstood our good friend James.

As you quoted, James wrote "In China, the enemy is a West apparently keento keep the country down and go back to the days of 19th centurycolonialism."

James did not write that the west is an enemy to China. He actually means thatChina considers her enemy to be western attempts to keep the country in thepast, which in my opinion doesn't really happen.

Regarding the Chinese artifacts in the British Museum. They are on display inthe British museum in respect of China and to allow everybody to enjoy them.Britain taking these prevented them being destroyed during the culturalrevolution. You should be thankful that we helped keep Chinese history alive.beijing_2008:我能理解英语不是你第一语言,因为你很不幸地误解了我们的好朋友james。

soocool 发表于 2010-11-11 23:02

回复 14# 言论自由否


无可就要 发表于 2010-11-12 00:49


popop_ryan 发表于 2010-11-12 08:14


ft1255576 发表于 2010-11-12 08:29

回复 27# soocool

    {:13_640:} 偷偷的说一句,是国家垄断资本主义!

汉家公主 发表于 2010-11-12 11:08


我们中国的共产党人可从来不觉得我们的革命道路跟古巴的相似……而是觉得相差太多了= =

soocool 发表于 2010-11-12 11:49

回复 30# ft1255576


滔滔1949 发表于 2010-11-12 13:23

BK6141 发表于 2010-11-11 21:23


nhkbbs 发表于 2010-11-12 20:09


青木川 发表于 2010-11-12 21:44


言论自由否 发表于 2010-11-13 01:13

回复 27# soocool


lichen7454 发表于 2010-11-13 13:14

看了个大概 真不敢相信 这样的人还说自己在中国生活了2年 他难道2年在中国都是几乎不出门的? 连一些基本国情都不懂

sound 发表于 2010-11-13 18:15


阎魔瞳 发表于 2010-11-14 02:20


    干脆点说是权贵资本主义吧!普通的共产党员一样是受剥削和压迫的对象,但是有关系的 ...
言论自由否 发表于 2010-11-13 01:13

    Q20) 这句话说心坎里去了

cjaugust 发表于 2010-11-14 10:13

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查看完整版本: 【10.11.03 BBC】比较中国和古巴