花落无声 发表于 2012-1-13 15:42


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 17:16 编辑


【原文标题】China uses a new tactic to influence Taiwan’s election: silence





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Three days before Taiwan goes to the polls to hold the country’s fifth-ever presidential and parliamentary elections, there’s the most unexpected sound coming from the other side of the Taiwan Strait: silence.


The elections in Taiwan – as usual – are very much about China. How close does this island of 23 million people want to get to their giant cousin next door? Do Taiwanese want independence from, or rapprochement with, Beijing?


The People’s Republic has an obvious stake in these elections. The four years since President Ma Ying-jeou won a landslide victory have seen an unprecedented warming of ties and an escalation of trade and tourism between the Communist-controlled Chinese mainland and the island that got away in 1949. Beijing’s dream of reunifying the two sides of the strait – unthinkable with Mr. Ma’s predecessor Chen Shui-bian – is back within the realm of the possible.


There’s no question Chinese President Hu Jintao would like to see Mr. Ma and his Nationalist (Kuomintang) Party win another term in office. A victory for his rival Tsai Ing-wen – whose Democratic Progressive Party has long promoted formal independence for Taiwan – would be seen in Beijing as proof that Mr. Hu’s softer line towards the island had failed, potentially strengthening those who would like to see the military option brought forward again.


But one thing Mr. Hu or any of the official organs of the Communist Party won’t do this week is say overtly that they’re rooting for Mr. Ma and the KMT.


Give Beijing credit for learning. It tried threats and bombast in the past – firing missiles into the Taiwan Strait in 1996 in an attempt to warn voters against choosing Lee Teng-hui and threatening war in 2000 if Mr. Chen and the DPP were elected – only to see its pressure backfire each time.


This time, with the race between Mr. Ma and Ms. Tsai considered too close to call, Beijing isn’t saying a word for fear of tipping the result against Mr. Ma. (Most polls currently suggest Mr. Ma will win a narrow victory, although some are predicting Ms. Tsai will emerge as the winner, particularly if independent candidate James Soong has a strong showing and draws away some KMT supporters.)


There has been nary a word of commentary on China’s official Xinhua newswire this week about the election, only a straightforward summary of last weekend’s “Super Sunday” rallies by the candidates. When The Globe and Mail called around asking for interviews with experts on Beijing’s policy towards Taiwan, the uniform response was that they had been barred from speaking to the press until after the election was over.


That’s not to say the People’s Republic won’t have any influence on how Taiwan’s election plays out. In its silence, Beijing has left intact the impression that the cross-straits co-operation of the Ma era would end the moment Ms. Tsai is elected. There have also been persistent rumours that China has been encouraging or even subsidizing some of the 200,000 Taiwanese businesspeople living on the mainland to return and vote (based on the premise most would support Mr. Ma’s softer line towards Beijing).

这并不是说中华人民共和国对台湾大选的结果不会有任何影响。在沉默中,北京已经给大家留下了 “从蔡英文当选的那一刻起,马英九时代的两岸合作就会结束”的印象。并且一直有传言说中国在鼓励甚至资助200000名居住在大陆的台湾商人中的一些回到台湾投票(前提是大部分人都会支持马先生对北京的温和立场)。

In other words, the People’s Republic is starting to understand how democracy works on the island next door.


Telling people how they should vote doesn’t work. Quietly convincing them that it’s in their best interest just might.



9:11 PM on January 11, 2012
Giving the choice to join China or join USA, more than 90% of Taiwanese people will vote to join USA.
This is pure rubbish, not all like American dream.


Rob L
12:18 AM on January 12, 2012
American dream is a thing of the past, it's turning into American nightmare.


1:37 PM on January 12, 2012
China is silent, Mark is very agitated and bored to death for having nothing bad mouth about.


3:24 PM on January 12, 2012
Oh Mark LOL ... how well you misread all things Chinese.

Silence in the West is given as an act to honour the dead. In Chinese society some employ professional mourners to make as much noise as possible.


Silence in Chinese society is just respect because if you have nothing to say being silent is very good. Maybe you should remain silent if you are clueless.


8:15 PM on January 11, 2012


This is not really a good analytical report.


Nobody including China is not making any noise about Taiwan election simply for the reason that the election there is getting much less controversy and confrontation.


Both Ma and Tsai vying for the President post, are much smarter than the incongruous Chen Shui Bian. They accepted the fact that Taiwan can only survive peacefully based on the good relationship with China.


6:07 PM on January 11, 2012
China's not the only one trying to influence Taiwan's elections using silence, so is Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain ... do I need to go on?




8:15 AM on January 12, 2012
A new tactic of Mark using silence (or inaction) as influence?

Wouldn't we wish America behave the same to others? Peace to the world.



2:06 PM on January 12, 2012
a new low for the g&m and Mr Mark. Even when China does nothing, she becomes a reason to write a front page article. As I've said before, the g&m should create a China only section within its World section as a nod to its China fetishes.


5:14 PM on January 11, 2012
Taiwan should return to the motherland and make a strong China together.


Rob L
12:22 AM on January 12, 2012
Silence is a tactic? Is there anything that China does or does not that G&M won't twist it into a China bashing story? If silence is a tactic, it's one used by almost every other country in the world, will G&M write something about that?


Rob L
9:08 PM on January 12, 2012
The whole world is silent on other country's elections, except the US who wants to stick its nose into everyone's business. Silence is golden, try it sometimes Mark, makes you look like less of a fool.


Charles the Great
2:30 PM on January 12, 2012
name already taken
5:42 PM on January 11, 2012
China is giving Taiwan the same deal it has given to Hong Kong: one country, two systems. 50 years.

Ask people in Hong Kong and Taiwan and the answer would be they do not want to be apart of the People Republic of China. Hong Kong's Democracy is been stolen from the people who do not want to live under communism. Also Mainland China is a ticking time bomb like the Middle East was? I really doubt the communists will not be around for long and the communists know their own people are their worse nightmare and the clock is ticking.



4:07 PM on January 12, 2012
HK never had a democracy. How come posters like you only discover the merits of "democracy" when China reclaimed HK? Where were you when the Brits were subjugating you and treating you like a 2nd class citizen?


Rob L
9:05 PM on January 12, 2012
Read a little history and see how Hong Kong was taken from China. Talk about ignorance. Did anyone had a say whether they wanted to be part of Britian? HK never had democracy under Britian's rule. When Britian started handing over HK back to China, all of a sudden everyone's interested in democracy. Hypocrites.


name already taken
7:09 PM on January 11, 2012
Lan Fang Republic was in Kalimantan (Borneo). The Southmost area ruled by the Chinese. The Dutch destroyed the Lan Fang Republic and ethnic cleansed the Chinese from the Lan Fang Republic.

Now the Chinese is back! My guess is that China will entice Singapore to join China. China will rule from the heat of the Tropics to the freezing cold of Manchuria



name already taken
6:06 PM on January 11, 2012
Taiwan's economy is not so bad. But Chinese people still suffer from Confucian Philosophy - respect your elders - do not show them as buffoons until you reach at least 18 years of age.

Confucian Philosophy is so limiting - choking initiative - especially youth initiative, to death. USA is well ahead - shedding conventions, inhibitions, and elder respect to the dustbin. Unless the Chinese adopts the USA free spirited self initiative, even when China exceeds USA in GDP, the lion share of inventions and initiatives will remain in USA.

Giving the choice to join China or join USA, more than 90% of Taiwanese people will vote to join USA.




6:10 PM on January 11, 2012
Then why do Canadian and American universities need to import Chinese engineers to do the invention for them?

And people in Taiwan were given a choice, and tens of millions choose to live on the mainland, I wonder why.



滔滔1949 发表于 2012-1-13 16:20


fanancai 发表于 2012-1-13 17:16


师子吼 发表于 2012-1-13 18:00



小草两头倒 发表于 2012-1-14 00:12


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云岭樵夫 发表于 2012-1-15 09:22

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妇科主任 发表于 2012-1-15 10:48

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