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[社会] 我军透明的太快,专责中国事物的美议员开始抱怨国防部的情报太慢了!

发表于 2011-5-10 20:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-5-10 20:24 编辑


James Randy Forbes
Virginia的共和党议员,众议院军事委员会委员,军事委员会战备分委员会主席,国会中国核心小组(Congressional China Caucus)创始人。

他抱怨了国防部连续延误提供情报并列举了。。。(请参见原文),还特别强调了 “Y-7 AWACS?” 运-7预警机。

In Search of the 2011 DoD Report on China's Military
The following is available here in PDF format.

Dear Secretary Gates:

As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Readiness of the House Armed Services Committee, charged with providing oversight of the Department of Defense, and as founded and co-Chair of the Congressional China Caucus, I am concerned with the Department of Defense's continued disregard for the legal submittal deadline for the required Annual Report to Congress on the Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China. Pursuant to Section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, you shall submit not later than March 1 each year, a report on the current and future military strategy of the People's Republic of China. To date, no such report has been submitted to the specified congressional committees for the Fiscal Year 2011.

Last year, this report was submitted to Congress six months after its required legal deadline, a deadline that was set so as to provide vital information on China's intentions and capabilities to Congress as it begins the national defense authorization process each spring. This year, once again, Congress is beginning its discussion of the National Defense Authorization Act without this tool to understand the Department of Defense's perspective on China.

Since the delayed submission of last year's report, China has made considerable advancements in military capability. In late 2010, China began the process of deploying an anti-ship ballistic missile, the DF-21D, capable of targeting U.S. aircraft carriers within one thousand miles of the Chinese coast. The DF-21D event was followed by the January test of China's J-20, the nation's first stealth jet-fighter. Then, in March and April we learned that China has neared completion of its first aircraft carrier and is developing the new J-15 jet-fighter designed for carrier development. Considered separately, each of these advancements has enormous implications for U.S. military planning. In the aggregate, they mark an unprecedented era of Chinese military modernization. Yet Congress is left without guidance from the Department of Defense on such advancements as it considers the preparedness of our forces to respond.

Since this report was first produced in 2002, it has been routinely submitted to Congress months after the legal deadline. The most recent precedent set by last year's delay of six months is unacceptable. As my colleagues and I begin considering a range of proposals within the NDAA, we do so without the Department of Defense's analysis of the significant developments in China's military capability over the last six months. By failing to meet the report's legally required deadline, the Department of Defense is not meeting its obligation to properly inform Congress of readiness needs and emerging challenges in the Western Pacific.

As the head of the Department of Defense, you are responsible for ensuring that this matter receives top-down attention. I, like you, share the goal of a strong, efficient and effective national defense that protects our nation from current threats and deters the threats of the future. For Congress to support our Armed Forces in that goal, it is imperative that the Department of Defense provide timely reports on the nature of those threats. I look forward to continuing to work with you in this regard.

J. Randy Forbes
Member of Congress

The China report has a hit and miss record, and by that I note that it is often what it does not say that is most telling. The DoD is trying to fit China into their narrative, and that narrative is political. The facts as they are known always leak through, but rarely do the reports demonstrate any consistency with which any Congressman should base a budget on them. I will say the China military report has been getting better the last two years, but the ONI China report on the PLA Navy is usually better than the DoD report on the PLA Navy. I don't know the reason for that.

Here is a list of items the China Military Report will hopefully cover that will raise eyebrows.

DF-21D goes IOC. I honestly wonder if the DoD Military Report on China this year will be as comprehensive as this article from Andrew Erickson on the DF-21D. I doubt it.

Shi Lang Sea Trials. We are only a few months, or several weeks depending upon how you look at it, from the first sea trials of the Chinese aircraft carrier Shi Lang. A lot of people are worked up over this, but of the things China is doing this one doesn't really bother me. This carrier is a bridge, the USS Langley of China.

New Aircraft Carriers. All signs in the open source now point to China building at least one aircraft carrier at the Jiangnan Changxing Shipyard. The question is whether there are signs a second aircraft carrier preparing to be built there, or at Dalian shipyard. Only the DoD report can tell us if the second carrier is under construction. This matters, because it is the difference between China having 3 aircraft carriers at sea by 2020, or five aircraft carriers at sea by 2020.

Since I intend to still be writing in 2020, I'll go ahead and say it. My impression is, based on the upgrades to the shipyards and the way 5-year plans have worked out over the last ten years, China is building 2 carriers in each five year plan - meaning 4 indigenous design aircraft carriers built and at sea by 2020. When the first aircraft carrier is at sea in 2013 and the second visibly under construction at that time, I'll be sure and let you know I told you so.

China's New Aircraft. The J-15 and J-20 are getting a lot of headlines, but did you see the blurry photos of the Y-7 AWACS? The J-15 and J-20 are important, but what the Y-7 tells us is much more critical towards our planning metrics in the budget. Will the DoD report discuss the Y-7 and what it represents for the future? It damn well better, or Congress isn't getting their money's worth from the DoD.

Shipbuilding Outpaces DoD Report. Have you read Ronald O’Rourke's April 22, 2011 China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress (PDF) Congressional Research Service Report? In several places in the report Ronald O'Rourke borrows from the most recent DoD China military report the estimates for Chinese shipbuilding. Page 22, for example, shows China will build 1 Yuan class in 2010 and 0 Yuan class in 2011 for a total of 3 by 2011. There is a problem though, it looks like at least 5 and maybe 6 Yuan class submarines are in the water based on photos from the shipyards. Page 34 shows a Janes chart with the PLA Navy fielding eight Type 054As by 2012. One problem though, Feng highlighted last week that the eleventh Type 054A is about to launch from HP shipyard (the 6th built there alone). The same is true for virtually every platform, and explains why the DoD added 40 Type 022s to last years report to catch up to the actual number of Type 022s that had already been fielded.

What is Congress going to do when the President cuts $400 billion in October while the DoD decides to add a dozen extra PLA Navy destroyers and frigates the following April just to catch up with the amount of construction that was previously not disclosed? That transparency thing... it matters.

China White Paper 2010. For China, the 2010 Whitepaper is about as transparent as it gets. It has a long way to go, but the DoD report must add context to the following (from the whitepaper):
A few notable goals and tasks of China’s national defense in the new era are defined as follows:
Safeguarding national sovereignty, security and interests of national development. China’s national defense is tasked to guard against and resist aggression, defend the security of China’s lands, inland waters, territorial waters and airspace, safeguard its maritime rights and interests, and maintain its security interests in space, electromagnetic space and cyber space.
Maintaining social harmony and stability. … They organize preparations for military operations other than war (MOOTW) in a scientific way, work out pre-designed strategic programs against non-traditional security threats, reinforce the building of specialized forces for emergency response, and enhance capabilities in counter-terrorism and stability maintenance, emergency rescue, and the protection of security.
Accelerating the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. …[The PLA] intensifies theoretical studies on joint operations under conditions of informationization, advances the development of high-tech weaponry and equipment, develops new types of combat forces, strives to establish joint operation systems in conditions of informationization, accelerates the transition from military training under conditions of mechanization to military training in conditions of informationization, presses ahead with implementation of the strategic project for talented people, invests greater efforts in building a modern logistics capability, and enhances its capabilities in accomplishing diversified military tasks in order to win local wars under the conditions of informationization, so as to accomplish its historical missions at the new stage in the new century.
Maintaining world peace and stability. … China adheres to the concepts of openness, pragmatism and cooperation, expands its participation in international security cooperation, strengthens strategic coordination and consultation with major powers and neighboring countries, enhances military exchanges and cooperation with developing countries, and takes part in UN peace-keeping operations, maritime escort, international counter-terrorism cooperation, and disaster relief operations.
Massive Coastal Security Services Expansion. China has several types of maritime security agencies, all of which are expanding rapidly with bigger and more numerous ships. It is difficult to imagine the DoD can ignore the rapidly expanding Chinese Coast Guard and other maritime security agency vessels, particularly as some of these vessels are as large or larger than the Littoral Combat Ship. At the current rate China will build at least 30 vessels similar to US Coast Guard patrol cutters in the current 5 year plan. Ironic, considering the US Coast Guard is having its budget slashed even though the average age of the US Coast Guard cutter fleet is somewhere north of 39 years old.

I am not a China Hawk. I do not ever want to see the United States go to war with China, because I believe that war will go nuclear. With that said, the lack of transparency by China combined with the military expansion by China is remarkable, and the speed is intimidating.

Since 2005, the DoD report has consistently underestimated the growth of the PLA Navy and China has consistently grown their military budget by double digit percentages every year over the last several years. China's internal security budget alone is now estimated over $115 billion by some estimates, which is easily the largest police state in history and that total is not included in the estimates for China's defense budget - even though it is very much defense type spending.

Until there is more transparency and realism in the Chinese military discussion, it is only prudent to be concerned - as there is no information offered by either the DoD or China to take any other responsible position.




发表于 2011-5-10 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-10 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-10 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-10 22:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-5-10 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bigbenANTIcnn 于 2011-5-10 22:22 编辑


1 国防部屡次拖延提交报告,已成老赖令人气愤
Since this report was first produced in 2002, it has been routinely submitted to Congress months after the legal deadline. The most recent precedent set by last year's delay of six months is unacceptable.

2 议员抱怨美国海军情报办公室(ONI)的军事报告比国防部(DoD)的要好

I will say the China military report has been getting better the last two years, but the ONI China report on the PLA Navy is usually better than the DoD report on the PLA Navy. I don't know the reason for that.

3 议员怀疑国防部报告质量不能达到中国通报告水准
I honestly wonder if the DoD Military Report on China this year will be as comprehensive as this article from Andrew Erickson on the DF-21D. I doubt it.

4 议员抱怨Y-7照片质量太糟糕,应该派间谍拍一张清晰的。。。
The J-15 and J-20 are getting a lot of headlines, but did you see the blurry photos of the Y-7 AWACS? The J-15 and J-20 are important, but what the Y-7 tells us is much more critical towards our planning metrics in the budget. Will the DoD report discuss the Y-7 and what it represents for the future? It damn well better, or Congress isn't getting their money's worth from the DoD.

5 中国海军造船速度超过国防部的报告预测。。。
Shipbuilding Outpaces DoD Report.

6 国防部报告应该从中国政府白皮书里面抄一些内容(议员主动要求被洗脑)
比如说:中国军队有项很重要的2项任务就是:1 维持社会的稳定与和谐,俗称维稳。。。2 维护世界和平与稳定。。。
China White Paper 2010. For China, the 2010 Whitepaper is about as transparent as it gets. It has a long way to go, but the DoD report must add context to the following (from the whitepaper): Maintaining social harmony and stability. Maintaining world peace and stability.

7 不希望和中国打仗,因为无可避免的走向核战。。。
I am not a China Hawk. I do not ever want to see the United States go to war with China, because I believe that war will go nuclear.






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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-11 07:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-5-11 07:56 编辑

1。信 是 议员的
2。图片 及 其下 是 Galrahn的
3。因有新更新,具体链接在:http://www.informationdisseminat ... .html#disqus_thread
4。某营 超大贵宾 che 已经 进行了 N 分钟的辛勤翻译

以下 是 che 作品



自从去年的报告迟交,中国已在军事能力相当的进步。 2010年年底,中国开始了部署反舰弹道导弹的过程中,东风21天,在千瞄准了中国英里海岸美国航空母舰的能力。东风21天活动后对中国的J - 20,全国第一个隐形喷气式战机一月的考验。然后,在三月和四月,我们了解到,中国已接近其第一艘航母完工,并正在开发新的J - 15喷气战斗机为运营商开发设计。分开考虑,这些进步都有美国军事计划产生巨大影响。总体来说,它们标志着中国军事现代化的一个前所未有的时代。然而,国会没有接收到国防部指导等进步,因为它认为,我们的部队准备作出回应。






东风21天进入国际奥委会。老实说,我不知道美国国防部的军事报告,今年中国将作为由安德鲁埃里克森,因为这对东风- 21天的文章全面。我对此表示怀疑。



由于我打算在2020年仍是写作,我将继续和说。我的印象是,基于对船厂升级和5年计划已经工作了近十年留下来的,中国正在建设2个五年计划,每个运营商 - 这意味着4本国设计建造的航空母舰在海上,到2020年。当第一个航母是在2013年在海上和明显在当时建设的第二,我一定让你知道我告诉你。

中国的新飞机。在J - 15和J - 20已经看到了很多头条新闻,但是你看到的Y - 7预警机的模糊照片吗?在J - 15和J - 20是重要的,但在Y - 7告诉我们的是更对我们的计划,预算指标的关键。美国国防部报告将讨论的Y - 7和它所代表的未来?这绝对做得更好,否则国会不能从美国国防部的钱的价值。



维护社会和谐与稳定。 ...他们比战争组织,科学的方式(非战争军事行动)其他军事行动的准备工作,制定针对非传统安全威胁的预先设计的战略方案,强化专业应急队伍建设,提高反恐能力,并维护稳定,应急救援,以及安全保障。
加快国防和军队现代化建设。 ... [解放军]强化联合作战理论研究信息化条件下,推进高新技术武器装备,研制开发出新型的作战力量,努力建立信息化条件下联合作战系统,加速从军事转型根据机械化向信息化条件下军事训练条件的培训,提前与人才战略工程的实施压力机,投资建设一个现代化的物流能力更大的努力,增强在完成多样化军事任务,以赢得局部战争的能力信息化条件下,努力实现新阶段,在新世纪的历史使命。
维护世界和平与稳定。 ...中国坚持开放,务实和合作的概念,扩展其在参与国际安全合作,加强与主要大国和周边国家的战略协作和磋商,加强与发展中国家的军事交流与合作,可参与联合国维持和平作业,海上护航,国际反恐合作和灾难救援行动。


自2005年以来,美国国防部的报告一直低估了中国人民解放军海军和中国经济增长一直以两位数的百分比增加其军事预算在过去几年每年。中国国内的安全预算单是目前估计超过1150亿美元据估计,这无疑是最大的警察国家在历史上,总不包括在中国的国防预算估计 - 即使它是非常防御型的消费。

直到有更多的透明度和军事讨论中的现实主义,它只是谨慎地关注 - 因为无论是由国防部或中国愿意采取负责的立场没有任何其他信息。
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发表于 2011-5-11 12:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-11 12:48 | 显示全部楼层
1。信 是 议员的
2。图片 及 其下 是 Galrahn的
4。某营 超大贵宾 ...
diver18 发表于 2011-5-11 07:49

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-11 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
bigbenANTIcnn 发表于 2011-5-11 12:48

Take it easy.
话说 che 的翻译 是 机器的?不能太相信权威,我找的几个 关键词,他/她一个没用!
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发表于 2011-5-11 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-11 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
Take it easy.
话说 che 的翻译 是 机器的?不能太相信权威,我找的几个 关键词,他/她一个没 ...
diver18 发表于 2011-5-11 13:42

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发表于 2011-5-11 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
The China report has a hit and miss record.
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