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发表于 2011-12-13 20:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美媒收集到的几种 RQ170 栽在伊朗的情形:首推 无人机进入了自动降落的缺省设定

While intelligence officials are investigating a handful of scenarios to explain the lost CIA drone now held in Iran, Fox News has learned that a leading scenario is that the drone went into a default setting for an automatic landing pattern.
美媒收集到的几种 RQ170 栽在伊朗的情形:首推 无人机进入了自动降落的缺省设定
But the pressing question remains what triggered it.
"The forensics are ongoing," said an official.
One U.S. official said the landing was in line with an "internal or system failure" that would be consistent with the "default setting" theory.
另一小子说:栽落 和 内部或者系统错误 有关,吻合 缺省设定的理论。

Two intelligence sources, who work cyber issues, say the other scenarios include a catastrophic or navigational malfunction that caused the RQ170 to break contact with its base. But that scenario is problematic, the sources said, because it does not fully explain the "soft landing, one where it lands and lands well, not scratched up."
两种来自网络方面专家的情报来源说, 第二种情形包括一种 灾难性的导航故障 使它失去了和基地的联系。但这种推测很矛盾,因为它不能自圆 “和平投诚" 的事实, 即 它降落了,而且还安全降落了,没有”玉碎“。
Once contact with the operators is broken, drones such as the RQ170 are programmed to circle an area until contact is re-established, sources said. If contact is not re-established during a pre-programmed period, it is designed to return to base or to self-destruct -- directed through a separate channel or program. A common outcome is that the drone crashes and is burned by its fuel.
理论上,一旦和基地失去联系,无人机会按程序绕飞直到重新建立联络。要是在预定的时间里恢复不了联系,理论上它是被设计为返回基地 或者 自毁--直接通过另一个独立的频道 或 程序。通常的结果就是 无人机玉碎 和 被自身的燃料烧掉。
Most concerning to investigators is that none of these steps occurred.

Under a third scenario, which is described as "plausible, but remote," the drone's data stream was compromised or jammed. One U.S. official emphasized that there was "no evidence of jamming" or that "hostile fire took down the drone."
第三种情形是一种 似是而非 的 遥控说,无人机的数据通讯 受损或堵塞了。 但美国官方强调 没有堵塞 或者 被对方击落 的迹象
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