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【每日电讯报20121019】英媒质疑本国GDP数据真实性 中国躺枪

发表于 2012-10-27 20:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Accuracy of UK GDP data 'worse than China', says Jim O'Neill
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Britain must abandon its “obsession” with the eurozonecrisis to look to the true deciders of its future, said Jim O’Neill, theeconomist who defined the “BRIC” economies, as he voiced doubts over officialUK growth figures.

The UK's economic potential depends far more on howbusinesses ride the growth coming from China and the rest of the world’s newereconomic powers, argued Mr O’Neill, chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
吉姆是高盛资产管理公司的主席。他认为,英国经济的增长潜力十分依赖于中国和 世界其他新兴经济体的增长。

Peopleshould not be as obsessed about this [eurozone] issue as they seem to be inthis country – and certainly our political leaders should not be blaming all ofour problems on them [the euro members],” he told The Telegraph’s Festival ofBusiness.
吉姆在电讯报的采访中说:“英国国民似乎很受欧元区危机的影响,但这其实不必要。当然了,我们的政治领袖也不应当将我们自己所有问题都 归根于欧盟成员。”

“It’snot really 'what about the [US] fiscal cliff', or whether Greece will survivein the eurozone or not. It’s what is going on in China, Brazil, Russia, India,and some of these other nations that are becoming so important to us aswell."

Last year China’s growing economy created the equivalent ofa new Greece every three months, he said. Together the BRICs – Brazil, RussiaIndia and China – created the equivalent of a new Italy, the world’s eighthbiggest economy, in just 12 months.

Thisis the big opportunity for Britain’s post crisis future in terms of raising ourexports to these nations,” Mr O’Neill argued.

He pointed to Germany, which he said now exports more toBRIC countries than it does to France, insulating it from the effects of theeurozone crisis in other euro countries. In the next 18 months, it is “quitepossible” that Germany will export more to China than it will to any othercountry in the world.

The next decade, as he defined it, will be about Chinabecome “more like us” – boosting consumption, exporting less – and the UKbecoming more like China.

Mr O’Neill also voiced his “growing suspicious” is that theUK’s economic data is not accurately reflecting growth. “The guys that publishthe GDP data are worse at it than the Chinese,” he said.

Next week, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shouldreport that the economy grew between 0.7pc and 1pc in the third quarter of thisyear, he said. However he said he could guarantee that the initial estimatecoming from statisticians will be later revised.

The ONS, which gives its first growth estimates faster thanmany of its counterparts in other countries, has defended its track record inthe face of such criticism. Some argue that early estimates of growth arehelpful, even if later revised.

Looking to 2013, around two thirds of attendees in theaudience predicted via a poll that the UK would grow up to 1pc next year, witharound 30pc prepared for growth of between 1pc and 3pc. Just the minorityremaining thought that the UK economy would shrink.

Addressing Europe, Mr O’Neill described the eurozone crisisas the “most unnecessary crisis” he had seen in his 30 years in finance.

Only one of its members, Finland, would today meet thecriteria to join the currency as defined by Germany and its other membersoriginally. However, he did not see the situation as a sovereign debt crisis,arguing that eurozone has the money to save itself.
只有芬兰这个成员国,如今最符合当年德国和其他成员国定义的货币政策。然而, 奥尼尔也并未看到主权债务危机的情况,他认为欧元区有足够的资金来拯救自己。

The problem is that domestic politics is interfering withthe area operating as a true shared currency region, he said.


消费是个问题,太多不好  发表于 2012-11-19 09:11




发表于 2012-10-27 21:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-10-27 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
滔滔1949 发表于 2012-10-27 21:58


你想多了,高盛在牛B 没有美国佬在后面用拳头撑着什么也不是
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发表于 2012-10-28 02:55 来自 四月社区 手机版 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-28 09:14 | 显示全部楼层
说到高盛,如果不是Henry Paulson恰好在那段时间做财长,和雷曼就是同样命运。
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