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发表于 2008-12-20 15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】China After 30 Years of ReformFour-Part Series


China After 30 Years Of Reform, II

Gordon G. Chang, 12.17.08, 06:10 PM EST

Beijing won't bail out the world economy.

Everyone wants the Chinese to rescue the global economy with their $1.9 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, the product of 30 years of economic reform.

Unfortunately, for two principal reasons, Beijing will not do so. First, using the reserves would expose the

Chinese government to substantial risk. Second, Chinese leaders are reluctant to become an integral part of an international rescue effort. Their main contribution to global recovery, they continue to say, will be to stimulate their own economy.

Can they do so? Beijing, lamentably, has maintained an economic model particularly ill-suited to deal with faltering global growth. Much of its success in recent years has been due to exports, and Beijing's initial response to shrinking consumer demand around the world has been to boost this critical sector, which now accounts for about 38% of the Chinese economy, by direct and indirect measures.

The most important of these export-boosting measures involves the currency. Until July 2005, the renminbi was tightly pegged to the dollar. From that month until July 2008, Beijing permitted a managed float against an undisclosed basket of currencies. As a result, the renminbi appreciated 9.4% against the dollar in this three-year period.

Last July, however, the ruling Politburo switched gears, dropping the fight against inflation and starting a campaign to stimulate growth. As a part of its growth campaign, it adopted measures to stimulate exports, including keeping the value of the renminbi at artificially low levels to give the country's exporters important price advantages.

This month, the People's bank of China, the country's central bank, engineered a one-day fall of almost 1% of the value of the renminbi, apparently a warning that Beijing would resume its efforts to cheapen its currency.

Such steps can only aggravate tensions between China and its trading partners, but, more importantly, they show that Chinese leaders are not seriously trying to get their economy to more stable ground. Long term, China will prosper only if it develops a large internal market.

Why? The world will not--actually, cannot--indefinitely continue to absorb Chinese goods in ever-increasing amounts. So Beijing has no practical alternatives other than to create internal demand. But driving down the value of its currency--one of Chinese officialdom's principal responses to the global economic crisis--inevitably depresses consumption, which
accounts for just 35% of the Chinese economy. In no nation does consumption play a smaller role.

Falling consumption dashes hopes around the world that Chinese consumers will be buying foreign products and thereby stimulating growth in other countries. Yet foreign expectations were never realistic to begin with. As an initial matter, it would take years for Beijing to reorient its economy from exporting to consumption. Moreover, Chinese officials have always been reluctant to allow their internal market to power growth overseas. China's record trade surplus in November was largely the result of a precipitous fall in imports.

Understandably, central government technocrats are too worried about their own economy, which is decelerating at an alarming pace, to help others. In 2007, China's gross domestic product grew by an impressive 11.9%; this quarter, analysts say they expect 5.8% growth, which really means it will grow by 5.2 or 5.3%. If this trend continues, next year's growth will come in well below the World Bank's most recent forecast of 7.5%.

It is true that most other nations would welcome 5.8% growth, yet that level is dangerous for an economy that was expanding twice as fast just a few months ago. The slowdown has been so sudden that Chinese economists are now worried about deflation.

The slowdown creates another risk for the economy: the prospect that both domestic and foreign parties will convert their renminbi to other currencies and take their money out of China. In the first week of December, there were signs they might be beginning to do so. If "hot money" flows reverse and funds illicitly leave China, the consequences could be severe.

Among the first victims would be the Chinese banks, which are likely counting large amounts of questionable loans as good assets on their books. In the last few years, they have gone on a lending spree, blowing up their balance sheets in the process. Continual growth has papered over these loan-quality issues. As money leaves the country and the economy slows, however, many bank customers--especially hard-pressed local governments--could have trouble paying back their loans. No one knows the extent of the problems in these financial institutions, but the central government's statistics showing single-digit nonperforming-loan ratios have a too-good-to-be-true quality to them.

To reverse the downturn in growth, Chinese leaders have decided to step up their investment in the economy, especially infrastructure. Early last month, the State Council, the central government's cabinet, unveiled a $586 billion spending program over nine calendar quarters. The downturn is so sharp, however, that Beijing announced it is working on a second stimulus package and now issues a continual stream of bulletins--almost all of them vague--on new initiatives. The problem is that, even after 30 years of reform, Chinese leaders have yet to develop an economy that can stand on its own.

As we saw in the Great Depression, countries with large current account surpluses are especially vulnerable to deteriorating global conditions. This time, China, which has been accumulating these surpluses, now finds it cannot adjust its economy quickly enough to make up for the sharp decline in exports.

The Chinese were once protected from external financial disruptions, such as last decade's Asian financial crisis. But at this moment, due to 30 years of integration of their economy into the global system, they are particularly vulnerable.


Gordon G. Chang08.12.17美国东部时间下午6:10



















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【美国福布斯】《中国即将崩溃》一书作者看改革30年之后的中国 (3)

【美国福布斯】《中国即将崩溃》一书作者看改革30年之后的中国 (4)

Gordon G. Chang

Gordon G. Chang




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