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【原文标题】Tsien Revisited

【登载媒体】Caltech News 加州理工学院新闻(校刊)

这是加州理工大学一篇关于钱老的文章。采访了当年的一位同事与好友Frank Marble,钱老乘船离开美国前几天就是住在他家里。这位同事后受邀到中科院讲学,与钱老又有过几次接触。



Tsien Revisited

A life in interesting times:Tsien with Marble (right) at Los Angeles Harborin September 1955, preparing to board ship to China.
有趣时期的生活: 19559月,钱学森和弗兰克.马勃()在洛杉矶港口,准备登船前往中国。

First he was accused, thendetained, then deported. Any of this sound familiar?


But there was a twist to this tale. A Caltech professor talks about his long friendship with theCaltech-trained scientist who became the “father of Chinese rocketry."


This past December, FrankMarble, PhD ’48, and his wife, Ora Lee, went to China to visit and help honor theirlongtime friend Tsien Hsue-Shen, PhD ’39. Many Caltechers, along with Americanswho lived through the Red Scare days of the ’50s, have at least a glancingfamiliarity with Tsien’s story: a brilliant student and later colleague ofaerospace pioneer Theodore von Kármán, commended by the U.S. Air Force for hiscontributions to its technological development after World War II, theChinese-born scientist was accused of harboring Communist sympathies andstripped of his security clearance in 1950. Tsien and those who knew him bestsaid that the allegations were nonsense, and no evidence ever came to light tosubstantiate them. Despite that, and over a barrage of protests from colleaguesin academia, government, and industry, the INS placed him under a delayeddeportation order, and for the next five years he and family lived under U.S. governmentsurveillance and partial house arrest. In September 1955 they were permitted toleave for China.

去年12月,1948年博士学位获得者弗兰克·马勃(FrankMarble)和他的妻子欧拉·李(OraLee)前往中国访问,并向老朋友,1939年博士学位获得者钱学森颁发荣誉。许多加州理工学院的人,特别是那些跟美国人一起经历过五十年代的红色恐怖岁月的,对钱的故事多少都知道一点:一个优秀的学生,后来成为航天先驱冯卡门的同事,因二战后对技术发展做出的贡献得到美国空军的赞扬,这位中国出生的科学家被指控同情共产党,在1950年被取消机密工作资格。钱和那些了解他的人都说这些指控是无稽之谈,也没有任何证据证明这一点。尽管如此,移民局不顾来自学术界,政府和工业界的抗议,对钱下达了延迟驱逐令。在后来的5年里,他和家人在美国政府的监视和软禁中生活。 1955年9月,他们被允许离开美国前往中国。

Received with open arms inhis homeland, Tsien resumed his research, founded the Institute of Mechanics,and, as one of the world’s leading authorities in aeronautics, went on tobecome the “father” of China’s missile program, a trusted member of thegovernment and Party’s inner circle, and the nation’s “most honored scientist.”


Early in the INS saga,Tsien and his wife had planned to visit China so that their parents couldmeet their American-born grandchildren for the first time. But the INSimpounded his luggage and charged him with concealing classified documents—themost “secret” of which, suspected of containing security codes, turned out uponinspection to be a table of logarithms. In the meantime the FBI had decidedthat Tsien posed a security risk and imprisoned him in San Pedro; he was freedtwo weeks later after Caltech president Lee DuBridge, among others, flew to Washington to interveneon his behalf. These incidents undoubtedly helped Tsien to conclude, as heconfided to friends, that he had become “an unwelcome guest” in the country inwhich he had spent his whole scientific life. In any case, he was determined toavoid such problems again, and when he sailed to China, he deliberately left all ofhis research notes and papers behind.


Tsien dining with Mao.

Among the handful of peoplewho saw the Tsien family off in 1955 were Frank and Ora Lee Marble. Marble andTsien had struck up a warm friendship as aeronautics colleagues, and the Tsienfamily had stayed at the Marbles’ Pasadena home during their final weeks in theUnited States. After Tsien’s departure, he and Marble correspondedintermittently; then, with the onset of the Cultural Revolution in China, Marblestopped hearing from him. In 1979 Caltech named Tsien a recipient of theDistinguished Alumni Award in recognition of his pioneering work in rocketscience, but Tsien, although he sent a gracious acknowledgment, did not come tocampus to collect it.

在1955年只有几个人目睹了了钱一家人离开美国,弗兰克和欧拉夫妇就是其一。弗兰克和钱是航空学术上的夥伴和好朋友。在美国停留的最后几个星期里,钱和家人就住在弗兰克位于帕萨迪纳的家中。钱离开美国后和弗兰克断断续续的有联络,文化大革命开始之后,弗兰克就再也没听到他的消息。 1979年,鉴于他在火箭科学上的创举,加州理工学院授予钱"杰出校友"的名誉。尽管钱发出了礼貌的回复,但并没有到加州理工来领奖。

Time passes. In 1981, Frankand Ora Lee received an invitation from the ChineseAcademy of Sciences to come to Beijing and teachcombustion technology and English. respectively, at the Academy’s newlyestablished Graduate School of Science andTechnology, a small research institute partly modeled on Caltech. Shortlyafterward, the Marble and Tsien families were reunited for the first time in 25years. Marble recalls his feelings before they met. “We had had very differentexperiences and lived in such different circumstances. Would our old, easygoingfriendship and discussions resume? Or was that something that just wasn’t goingto happen?” After half an hour, he says, he had his answer. “There was noobstacle.”

时光流逝。 1981年,弗兰克和欧拉收到了中国科学院的邀请,来到北京,在中科院新成立的研究生院(一个小型的研究机构,有点类似加州理工)一个教燃烧技术,一个教英语。紧接着,弗兰克和钱一家在分别25年后首次团聚了。弗兰克回忆重逢前自己的感受道: “我们有着截然不同的经历,生活在截然不同的环境。曾经的轻松的友谊和讨论能否重现?还是什么都不会发生?“半小时后,他得到了答案: “毫无问题”。

Tsien with Marble in Beijing in 1991.

The two families kept intouch after that and saw each other again in China in 1991. In the years sinceTsien had returned to China,Marble had taken on the project of collecting and organizing the extensiveresearch notes—two large file cabinets worth, it turned out—that Tsien had leftat Caltech. Tsien repeatedly said he did not want them back, telling Marble attheir 1981 reunion, “Frank, American students need them much more than Chinesestudents.” A decade or so ago, however, he had a change of heart, and, with thehelp of Tsien’s colleague Cheng Che-Min, PhD ’52, Marble returned thecollection to China.Some papers went to the Institute of Mechanics, founded decades earlier byTsien, and others now form the core holdings of the Tsien Library, which theChinese government had established at Xi’an Jiatong University, about 600 milessouthwest of Beijing. The Chinese Academy of Sciencessubsequently brought out selections from the collection as an elegant, coffeetable-type book entitled Manuscripts of H. S. Tsien 1938–1955, whosepublication coincided with the December 2001 symposium cele-brating Tsien’s90th birthday.

自此,这两个家庭保持联系,在1991年他们又相聚了。钱回国之后,弗兰克接手了收集和整理大量的研究笔记的项目--两个大文件柜的笔记,结果这些是钱离开加州理工学院时留下的。钱一再表示,他不打算要回。1981年团聚时他对弗兰克说: “弗兰克,美国学生比中国学生更需要它们。”然而十多年前他改变了主意,在钱的同事郑哲敏(加州理工1952年博士)的帮助下,弗兰克将笔记还给了中国。一部分笔记到了钱多年前创立的力学研究所,其他的成为今天钱学森图书馆的核心财产,钱学森图书馆是中国政府在西安交通大学设立的。中国科学院后来在这些笔记中选取一部分,出版了一本优雅的适合放在茶几阅读的书,叫《钱学森手稿(1938~1955)》,这本书出版时,2001年12月,碰巧是庆祝钱90岁生日的专题讨论会。

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 03:33 | 显示全部楼层


In December 2001, receivingCaltech’s Distinguished Alumni Award. From left, Tsien, Ora Lee Marble, Frank Marble, and Tsien’s wife, Tsiang Ying.
200112月,获得加州理工学院授予的"杰出校友"奖状。从左至右: 钱学森,欧拉,弗兰克,钱妻蒋英

When Marble went to visitTsien for that event, he went both as a friend and as the official emissary ofCaltech and President Baltimore, bringing with him the Distinguished AlumniAward that the Institute had presented to Tsien in absentia 23years ago. Tsien is now permanently confined to bed, so Marble made the formalpresentation at his bedside in a ceremony that received widespread coverage inChina, and at last provided a fitting coda to Tsien’s long, complicated, andnever completely sundered association with Caltech.


Marble, who is Caltech’sHayman Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Jet Propulsion,Emeritus, spoke with Caltech News editor Heidi Aspaturian about his recent tripand earlier visits with Tsien in China.

Tsien does not speak muchEnglish any more, but his family tells me that he still understands it quitewell. He was thoroughly aware that I was presenting Caltech’s highest honor tohim at the official request of David Baltimore, and I think he was deeplyimpressed with and appreciative of that.


We weren’t able to talk muchduring my most recent visit, but when I saw him in 1991 and again in 1996, wehad some very interesting conversations. I think in general we both felt lessconstrained than we had during our reunion in 1981. One comment he made to mein 1991 particularly stands out: “You know, Frank, we’ve done a lot for China. Peoplehave enough food. They’re working and progress is being made. But Frank,they’re not happy.” He felt very bad about that—almost, I think, a little bitresponsible for it, although it was not an area he was involved in at all. Hisarea of activity was military and civilian rocketry, and this was strictly apersonal observation. That was about as far as he ever went in saying thatthings were not ideal.


He obviously has good memoriesof Caltech. He speaks of the Institute most fondly, and I think that he feelsthat his time on campus was one of the most enjoyable of his life. In a letterthat his wife, Tsiang Ying, wrote us after our recent visit, she said thatTsien still loves to reminisce about Theodore von Kármán and the wonderfultimes he had at Caltech and to tell the old von Kármán jokes. So I think hestills feels very emotionally tied to the Institute. But it’s important to rememberthat during the entire five-year episode with the INS, Caltech was very good tohim. The Institute continued to honor his professorship and to respect hisreputation. My understanding is that Lee DuBridge, who vigorously supportedTsien, had difficulties with the Board of Trustees, some of whose members wereembarrassed by Tsien’s situation.


Once Tsien returned to China, I don’tthink he ever made another trip West. He did travel once to the Soviet Union. Evidently he did not endear himself to hishosts, and he never went back. Otherwise, so far as I know, he did not leave China. I wouldguess that this was largely by choice—he never was a great one for traveling. Ithink that he felt he had so many things to do at home that he had no realdesire to go elsewhere.


Tsien never spoke to me abouthow his life and scientific career in America had ended. He was not aperson for looking back or for ruminating about how things might have been. Hewas very much a realist, and my feeling is that he just tuned those last fiveyears in Americaout. I do know that he felt, at least when all this started, that he would beable to do better work in the United States than he would initially in China,where research conditions at the time were very primitive. I believe that oncehe returned to China,what he found there was pretty much what he had expected. But he did have veryable people working with him. Many of them had studied in the United States,and they were devoted to him. I met a few of those who had worked with him inthe early days, and they had the highest praise for the way he had laid out anddirected the program for rocketry development. I think that Tsien also had thegreat personal advantage of being technically and scientifically on top ofthings, and he also had the ear of the government. By virtue of his expertiseand reputation he could convince officials of what needed to be done and accomplishthings that other people couldn’t.


He did not talk about hisexperiences during that era. We were both very careful to avoid discussionabout anything that touched on sensitive issues. We would talk about everyother subject—family, music, literature, and some scientific work that wasmutually interesting. He was very enthusiastic and intrigued about some of thework I was doing on combustion processes in vortex flows and told me, “Frank,you have been more honest to von Kármán than I have.” What he meant was that Iwas still involved in the fundamental research areas that von Kármán had workedin, but that he
was now in a very different mode of operation.


Tsien, of course, became ahigh-ranking, trusted Party official, but it was evident that he had hadtrouble during the Cultural Revolution. I heard from his colleagues, but neverdirectly from him, that like many leading scientists and intellectuals, hewrote one or two letters of “confession.” Ying, his wife, had a veryinteresting experience. She was head of the Western Vocal Music Department atthe Beijing Conservatory, and commuted between work and home on a motorbike.Apparently the Red Guard was after her in some way and so for severalmonths—maybe as long as a year—she just lived at the conservatory until shethought it was safe to go out again. Her students brought her food and othernecessities.


I also spoke to one of Tsien’sclose colleagues, Ch’ien Wei-Zhang. He had earned his doctorate in Canada, was apostdoc at Caltech, and had worked with Tsien at JPL. He also went back to China andpursued a very productive career there. During the Cultural Revolution, the RedGuard accused him of all sorts of things, and he wound up spending some time inthe countryside, stoking an open-hearth furnace for a time at asteel-manufacturing facility. He had a very difficult time of it. So bothTsien’s family and his research circle were affected, although Tsien himselfdoes not talk about that period beyond referring to it as “the 10 lost years.”


Many people have said thatduring his last years in Pasadena Tsien was bitter. I never sensed that. He wasno doubt hurt, but I never saw him brooding about it. It was something that hadhappened, and, as he saw it, he had to react in a way that was appropriate.When he felt he was no longer welcome, he resigned from all the technicalsocieties and sometimes his letters were a bit curt. That was about the extentof it. Apart from the first six months between the cancellation of his securityclearance and the INS hearing, he and his family more or less went on with theirlives as usual. Their circle of acquaintances and friends did narrow, whichmust have been hard. A lot of his former colleagues had become a bit afraid ofassociating with him socially.

His children were both bornhere, and they have spent time in the United States as adults. His sondid graduate work at Caltech. His daughter studied medicine on the East Coastand has had quite a successful practice there, but she recently decided shewould return to Chinathis summer. Each of them now has a little boy. One of the tender-est picturesI have of Tsien shows him sitting in the backseat of his chauffeur-driven carwith one arm around each little four-year-old grandson.


I do think that after hisproblems with the INS, Tsien lost faith in the American government, but Ibelieve that he has always had very warm feelings for the American people. Thatcame through again and again in the public statements he made, both here duringthe INS hearings, and after he returned to China. But once he went back to China, I don’t think he wanted ever to deal withthe United Statesin an official capacity again. When Caltech’s former president Harold Brownvisited Chinaas secretary of defense in 1980, Tsien avoided seeing him. When I saw him thenext year, I said, “Tsien, you made a big error. Harold Brown is a great admirerof yours and a brilliant guy.” And he said, “I know. It was a mistake on mypart.” But that is how he felt about it.


Looking back, I think the mostremarkable aspect of the five years he was detained is the resilience withwhich he returned to his teaching and research, making this period one of hismost productive and innovative. He was instrumentally involved in thedevelopment of the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center,Caltech’s academic focus of instruction and research in jet propulsion.


There’s always been a kind ofsingle-mindedness about his work. He decides what is to be done and heorganizes it and does it. He does not stop to think halfway through, is thisreally what I should be working on? And I believe he adopted the same attitudeonce he returned to China.He did not take time to indulge in speculation or fantasies about “what mighthave been.” He never indicated to me that he had. He was confronted with a newset of problems, and he devoted himself to working full time to solve them.

他的工作中一直有一种单一思维的态度。他决定怎么做,然后他安排并完成它。他并不在中途停下来思考: 这真是我要做的吗?我相信当他返回中国,他也采取同样的态度。他没有沉迷于猜测和幻想“事情可能会怎么样”,他从来没有在我面前表现过这一点。他面临着一系列的新问题,和献出全身心来解决这些问题。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 03:36 | 显示全部楼层

背景资料: 关于钱学森,郑哲敏和弗兰克马勃

本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-11-5 03:38 编辑
































《科学时报》 (2009-11-4 A3 纪念钱学森先生特别报道)

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 03:39 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-11-5 03:46 编辑

ZT from http://tigerhead06.blog.sohu.com/135574738.html and http://oralhistories.library.caltech.edu/68/

INTERVIE: Lee Alvin DuBridge talks about Hsue-Shen Tsien

Lee Alvin DuBridge (Part II)
February 20, 1981
Pasadena, California
Subject area
Physics, administration

Physicist Lee A. DuBridge becamepresident of the California Institute of Technology in 1946. Inthis interview he recalls his dealings at Caltech with Linus Pauling; hismemories of George W. Beadle, Theodore von Kármán, and J. Robert Oppenheimer;the military Vista Project at Caltech; andthe difficulties surrounding the deportation of Hsue-shen Tsien, Caltech’sGoddard Professor of Jet Propulsion.Administrative information Access

GOODSTEIN: Let me ask you about [Hsue-Shen] Tsien.

DUBRIDGE: Oh, Tsien was such a marvelous guy. He had been here before the war[1938-1946]. I didn’t know him then. He had been in great demand during the waron variousaeronautic and jet propulsion projects. He was as prominent as vonKármán was. He was a real protégé of von Kármán—mutual admiration as far as Icould tell, between them. After the war, he went to M.I.T. as professor ofaeronautics for three years. Then Harry F. Guggenheim decided to finance tworesearch centers for aeronautics, one at Princetonand one at Caltech. And for each one there would be a Robert H. GoddardProfessorship of Jet Propulsion, and there would be financing for an expandedprogram in modern aeronautics, jet propulsion, supersonic flight, and all therest of it. Both Princeton and Caltech wantedTsien to be the Goddard professor, and we won. He came back here, to our greatpleasure. He fitted in so beautifully and was so imaginative and so effective,and so at ease, and respected by the faculty. He was a fine faculty member. Andthen he came in to see me one day [in 1950] and said, “You know I have someelderly parents in China.I

Fig 7. Hsue-Shen Tsien, undatedphotograph.
Caltech Archives.

haven’t seen them for a long time. Of course it wasn’t possible to go backduring the war, but I can probably get back there now. And I would just like totake a leave.” I said, “How long?” He said, “Well, I really don’t know how longI want to stay with them. It depends on my parents’ health. But a few monthsanyway.” And I said, “Of course, you can have a leave of absence.” So he made the arrangements perfectly openly and he told us all aboutit. Well, someone spoke to Dan Kimball, who was then assistant secretary of thenavy, saying that Tsien was going to make a visit back to China. Dansaid, “Oh, no, we shouldn’t let him go to China.”

You know, Chinawas not our best friend. Tsien obviously knew a lot, and Dan Kimball felt thatit was a little risky for him, Tsien, and for the U.S.to have Tsien back in China.Well, I didn’t feel that way. I trusted Tsien enough to know that he wasn’tgoing to take along a lot of his papers to work on, some of his aeronauticaltheoretical work. Well, the trouble is that somebody took Dan Kimball’s remarkseriously and said, “We’ve got to stop him.” How were they going to stop him?Well, the way they found out to stop him was to charge him with having been aCommunist. They found there was a little Communist group here in the thirties.

GOODSTEIN: I’ve heard that said before.

DUBRIDGE: I don’t know who was in it. But there was a little group here, asthere were at many universities back in the Depression days. They said thatthere must be a better economic system, and maybe the Russians had found it.Tsien’s version of his association with that group was as follows. When thischarge was first brought up, he came in to me and said, “I don’t understandthis.” And I said, “Well, did you have any connections with a Communist group?”And he said, “Well, there was a group of people here that had socialgatherings. When I came over to this country, a stranger, two or three of theseCaltech people invited me to their house for a little social gathering and I went several times.” He said, “I guess there was sometalk about politics; but it was mostly just talk about general things, and Iregarded them as purely social events. I certainly didn’t sign up in any waywith any Communist Party. And I didn’t even remember the word ‘communist’ beingmentioned at these affairs.” But somebody had written down on a piece of paperthe names of the people who had attended one of these meetings, and this waslater brought into evidence. I think there was a typewritten list, and over atthe side was written “Tsien.” Well, that killed him. He had been back to China oncebefore [1947] and returned to
this country. And apparently the standard procedure whenyou came back to this country was to answer the question, “Have you ever beenor are you now a member of the Communist Party?” And of course, he wrote “No.”So the charge was perjury—that he had been a member of this Communist group butwhen he reentered the country he had said he had not been.

GOODSTEIN: And the evidence was this list?


GOODSTEIN: Did you see the list?

DUBRIDGE: I saw a copy of it. It was put in evidence at his hearings. So he wasarrested and his baggage was seized, with his papers and everything else. Andthe customs or immigration officer said that there was a lot of “very highlytechnical material”—implying that it was secret material.

GOODSTEIN: Was that the first word you had of what was going to happen—whenthey arrested him?

DUBRIDGE: I had heard that there were some rumblings about Dan Kimball’s remarkthat he ought not to go. But I didn’t think they would really move on it. When[he was getting ready to leave], everything seemed to be all right. When we gotword of his arrest, that was the first time I heard of it—he called somebodyhere. They put him in a detention center in San Pedro, where we visited him. Hehad a little cubicle, a room, that was perfectly comfortable. It wasn’t ajail—but it was a detention center. He had a room and a desk and a light and abed and so on. But for him to be detained that way was a terrible blow tohim—to his ego, his self-respect. Here he thought he’d served this country sowell, which he had, and then to be treated in this way….It made him,eventually, very bitter. Well, Clark Millikan and I visited him often, talkedwith all the people we could think of.

GOODSTEIN: Did you talk to Kimball at that time?



DUBRIDGE: Clark certainly did. I don’tremember whether I saw Dan or not. Dan was also shocked. He said, “Well, Ididn’t mean that he should be arrested, you know. That’s terrible! He’s noCommunist. There’s no reason for detaining him.” He was irate at the action ofthe Immigration Service—and I think very angry that his passing remark had beentaken seriously, and that there hadn’t been some other way to persuade Tsien not to go. MaybeDan thought I should have persuaded him not to go—I don’t know. Anyway, it wasa sad event. I visited Tsien a couple of times down there and just talked tohim, to get his reflections about it. They finally put him on parole and hecame back to  Pasadena. But he could not leave Los Angeles County without permission. And he was put on parole under the supervision ofClark Millikan, who had to swear that he would report if Tsien left the county.It was a very humiliating experience. But finally the parole was lifted and hewent back to China anyway [1955].

Then he became a very bitter anti-U.S. man. Recently Caltech decided to offerTsien the Alumni Award, and he said he could not come. He wrote to Frank Marbleand said, “The reason I can’t come is because I’m still under a deportationorder. If I were to come back to the United States, I would assume that thatdeportation order would be brought out, and I would be excluded. So I don’twant to get into trouble. I would like to come back. I would like to visit.”

Marble sent me a copy of the letter and said, “What can we do about this?”Thisis just a few weeks ago. The only thing I could think to do was to write FrankPress [science advisor to President Carter]. Frank Press then wrote to me inreply, saying he was interested to hear about this and he would get somebody atwork on it promptly—but of course he left [the White House] January 1st, and Idon’t know what’s happened since.

GOODSTEIN: Was Tsien framed? Do you think it was a real piece of paper with areal list of people?

Frank E. Marble, now Hayman Professor of Mechanical Engineering and professorof jet propulsion, emeritus, was Tsien’s friend and closest associate atCaltech.
The award was hand-carried to China some twenty years later, in December 2001,by Frank Marble, who presented it to Tsien on behalf of Caltech


DUBRIDGE: Yes. I had no reason to doubt it, because wefound out during the McCarthy days that two or three Caltech graduate studentsand others were involved. It was really a small Communist group. And some ofthe people later admitted it. But I do believe Tsien when he said that he didnot regard this as joining the Communist Party. He was a lonesome stranger in this country, and to be welcomed by this nice group of people among the Caltechfamily and some people around town, I think….He said he had fine times at thesenice social gatherings, never dreaming that he was involved in anythingimproper. “Framed” is not the right word; I think it was just a series ofmisunderstandings and overreactions.

GOODSTEIN: Did the trustees become very upset about Tsien? They were upsetabout Pauling. The business with Tsien happened in the same time period.

DUBRIDGE: Yes. I suppose that the ones who didn’t like Pauling also believedthe charges against Tsien. I remember telling the trustees about it—that we hadlooked into it and that we were convinced that he did not belong to thisCommunist group but was associated with some of them, as a lot of people were.I don’t recall any vigorous remarks among the trustees about it. Some of them,I know, felt that [the way he was treated] was a shame. Some of them cooperatedwith us in seeing whether we could do something about it. But I suppose some ofthem thought,“Well, if he’s a Communist, then let’s just put him over in Chinaagain.”

GOODSTEIN: Well, they certainly produced a very ardent Chinese Communist as aresult.

DUBRIDGE: That’s right.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 03:48 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 03:53 | 显示全部楼层































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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 04:02 | 显示全部楼层

关于Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL) 美国喷气推进实验室的一点介绍

喷气推进实验室 (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)


  美国国家航空航天局(NASA)下属的喷气与推进实验室坐落在帕萨迪纳和La Canada Flintridge之间,靠近加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶。


  喷气与推进实验室的历史可追溯到1930年。当年加州理工学院的教授西奥多·冯·卡门(Theodore von Karmen)开始在当地进行火箭推进器的实验。实验室的联合创建者包括火箭科学家钱学森(Tsien Ysue-shen)和Jack Parsons。一些人甚至称此实验室为Jack Parsons实验室。尽管被称之为喷气与推进实验室,它从来没有进行过对涡轮增压推进器或者其他类型的喷气发动机的研究工作。火箭发动机直到1940年代中期经常被称为喷气发动机。第二次世界大战期间美国空军委托喷气与推进实验室对由纳粹德国研制的V2火箭及其他的军事项目进行战果评估。基于此研究成果,喷气与推进实验室首先研制了MGM5型导弹,此后又研制发展了MGM29A型短程地对地导弹,此项研究直到1958年才被停止。
  到了1958年,喷气与推进实验室的政府职权全部转移到了新成立的国家航空航天局,喷气与推进实验室的无人星际探索的任务就此开始。在职权转移后,喷气与推进实验室保留了其原来的名字。尽管大部分的关于喷气推进器的研究在1958年后就停止了,喷气与推进实验室在1995年又加入到了设计推进器的项目之中,这一次是和韦克曼空间探测器与推进器公司(Wickman Spacecraft and Propulsion Company)合作,共同研制和发展火箭发动机和喷气发动机。这种发动机可以通过直接燃烧火星大气层中的二氧化碳以产生动力。


  喷气与推进实验室坐落在La Canada Flintridge城中,总占地面积为177英亩(约为72公顷),占地皆归政府所有。但是实验室的大门及一些办公楼却坐落在小城Pasadena,所以它也就保留了在Pasadena的地址。五月公众开放日(也就是实验室真正地址)的地址为:4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Calif. 前往参观路线指南:From the 210 Freeway, take the Berkshire Avenue/Oak Grove Drive exit. All visitors should wear comfortable shoes -- no buses will be provided from JPL parking lots. JPL will provide vans for mobility-challenged guests.





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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-5 04:16 | 显示全部楼层

由于我曾经在加州洛杉矶的卫星城-Pasadena帕萨迪那住过几年,也有幸去过加州理工学院,并认识在那里就读的中国留学生和在JPL 美国喷气推进实验室工作的中国人,所以在翻译过程中看到这些名词实在是亲切。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-5 08:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-11-5 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-5 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-5 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-5 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-5 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-5 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-5 15:21 | 显示全部楼层
they have spent time in the United States as adults.





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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-5 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-5 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-5 22:39 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 02:47 | 显示全部楼层
they have spent time in the United States as adults.
忧心 发表于 2009-11-5 15:21

Thank you for the correction.
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