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[翻译完毕] China bars foreigners from Tibet

发表于 2009-2-25 05:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-3-1 07:53 编辑

China bars foreigners from Tibet

Page last updated at 10:44 GMT, Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Foreign tourists planning to visit Tibet have been told by travel agencies that the region has been closed to outsiders until the end of March.

Human rights groups are reporting increased security in and around Tibet

The month marks the 50th anniversary of the escape into exile of the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

In March last year, Tibet witnessed a wave of violent anti-China protests - the worst unrest there for 20 years.

Tibetan exiles are planning to boycott their own New Year celebrations on Wednesday in protest at Chinese rule.

The Dalai Lama has called for Tibetans not to celebrate New Year, or Losar, partly in memory of those killed or jailed in a crackdown after last year's riots.

China said at least 18 people were killed during the unrest. Rights groups and activists say about 200 people were killed and several hundred more are still missing.

China does not allow foreign journalists unrestricted access to Tibet or restive areas surrounding it, making it extremely difficult to verify reports from the region.

'Civil disobedience'

"This year it's going to be observed as a day of prayer in memory of all the Tibetans who died and all those who are still suffering under Chinese rule," Tenzin Taklha, the Dalai Lama's India-based spokesman, was quoted by AFP as saying.

Groups representing Tibetans-in-exile have described the move as an "act of civil disobedience" against Chinese "repression".

The defiant stance comes amid reports by human rights groups of increased security in Tibet and neighbouring Tibetan-populated regions of western China.

Last year's protests took the Chinese authorities by surprise, and the BBC's James Reynolds in Beijing says the state wants to make sure that there is no repeat.

The BBC has also been told privately by senior Chinese sources that no foreign journalists will be allowed into the region during March. Travel agencies say that permits already issued to foreigners have been cancelled.

However, Chinese foreign ministry official Ma Zhaoxu told the BBC that Tibet currently enjoys social stability and growth, and that foreigners can apply to visit the region through normal channels.

Opposing views

China has ruled Tibet since 1951 and views it as an integral part of its territory.

It believes that the Chinese Communist Party liberated the Tibetan people from the oppressive feudal rule of the Dalai Lama, following a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule.

On 28 March 1959 the Communist Party announced the dissolution of the existing local government in Tibet - following the Dalai Lama's flight a few days' beforehand.

China says that this move freed about one million Tibetans from serfdom and slavery.

But to Tibetan groups in exile, the events of March 1959 and the exile of the Dalai Lama were a tragedy.

The Dalai Lama has said he does not want independence for Tibet, only meaningful autonomy.




发表于 2009-2-25 07:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-25 08:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-25 09:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-2-25 19:57 编辑

China bars foreigners from Tibet

Page last updated at 10:44 GMT, Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Foreign tourists planning to visit Tibet have been told by travel agencies that the region has been closed to outsiders until the end of March.

Human rights groups are reporting increased security in and around Tibet
The month marks the 50th anniversary of the escape into exile of the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.
In March last year, Tibet witnessed a wave of violent anti-China protests - the worst unrest there for 20 years.
Tibetan exiles are planning to boycott their own New Year celebrations on Wednesday in protest at Chinese rule.
The Dalai Lama has called for Tibetans not to celebrate New Year, or Losar, partly in memory of those killed or jailed in a crackdown after last year's riots.
China said at least 18 people were killed during the unrest. Rights groups and activists say about 200 people were killed and several hundred more are still missing.
China does not allow foreign journalists unrestricted access to Tibet or restive areas surrounding it, making it extremely difficult to verify reports from the region.

'Civil disobedience'
"This year it's going to be observed as a day of prayer in memory of all the Tibetans who died and all those who are still suffering under Chinese rule," Tenzin Taklha, the Dalai Lama's India-based spokesman, was quoted by AFP as saying.
达赖喇嘛的印度发言人Tenzin Taklha在对法新社的采访中说:我们将把今年视为那些死难者为那些生活在中国管控下人而祈祷的活动年。
Groups representing Tibetans-in-exile have described the move as an "act of civil disobedience" against Chinese "repression".

The defiant stance comes amid reports by human rights groups of increased security in Tibet and neighbouring Tibetan-populated regions of western China.
Last year's protests took the Chinese authorities by surprise, and the BBC's James Reynolds in Beijing says the state wants to make sure that there is no repeat.
去年的骚乱活动使中国政府相当意外,BBC记者James Reynolds在北京声称中国政府要防止此事的再次发生
The BBC has also been told privately by senior Chinese sources that no foreign journalists will be allowed into the region during March. Travel agencies say that permits already issued to foreigners have been cancelled.
However, Chinese foreign ministry official Ma Zhaoxu told the BBC that Tibet currently enjoys social stability and growth, and that foreigners can apply to visit the region through normal channels.
然而,中国外事官员Ma Zhaoxu在对BBC的采访中回答说西藏一切都在稳定中发展,想进入西藏的外国人可以通过正常渠道申请进入西藏。
Opposing views
China has ruled Tibet since 1951 and views it as an integral part of its territory.
It believes that the Chinese Communist Party liberated the Tibetan people from the oppressive feudal rule of the Dalai Lama, following a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule.
On 28 March 1959 the Communist Party announced the dissolution of the existing local government in Tibet - following the Dalai Lama's flight a few days' beforehand.
China says that this move freed about one million Tibetans from serfdom and slavery.

But to Tibetan groups in exile, the events of March 1959 and the exile of the Dalai Lama were a tragedy.

The Dalai Lama has said he does not want independence for Tibet, only meaningful autonomy.





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发表于 2009-2-25 19:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-2-25 20:01 编辑








据法新社报道,Tenzin Taklha ,DL在印度的发言人宣称,“今年的这一天可以看作是为了那些死去的人们和那些仍然在中国压制下受苦的人们的祈祷日。”

去年的抗议出人意料地触犯了中国中国当局,BBC的James Reynolds(大家还记得去年那个“道歉”的BBC的SB记者么)说北京想确保去年的那一幕不再重演。







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发表于 2011-8-28 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
How can Foreigners Travel to Tibet ?
Foreign tourists how to travel in Tibet?
Why foreigners need to handle “the ratification of travel to Tibet”?

Considering the need of Tibet’s special ethnic customs, historical sites and ecological environment, as well as traffic conditions, service facilities and reception places, the government enforces a provision that before travel in Tibet, non-Chinese citizens must handle “the ratification of foreigners’ travel to Tibet”, which need possess a permit by TTB(Tibet Travel Bureau). And these non-Chinese citizens include foreign country visitors, visitors from Taiwan and overseas Chinese (excluding the people in Hong Kong, Macao who hold the passport of special administrative region (SAR) or the ratification of returning homeland), in addition, the government also has another provision that foreign journalists or diplomats can’t enter into Tibet as the visitors.

Which group of people need handle “the ratification of travel to Tibet?”

Non-Chinese citizens ID card holder—visitors from Taiwan, China;

Non-Chinese passport holders--foreign passport holders

Tips: overseas Chinese also should handle ““the ratification of travel to Tibet” if they don’t have Chinese passport.

Tips: now the government has cancelled the provision that people from Hong Kong, Macao must provide ratification of travel to Tibet. The visitors from Hong Kong, Macao can travel to Tibet if they hold the passport of Special Administrative Region (SAR) or the ratification of returning homeland (the ratification was issued before 1998, and has 10-year validity) or the pass of movements to mainland of the residents in Hong Kong, Macao.

Notes for foreigners to Tibet
According to the provision from the National Tourism Bureau, foreign visitors, Taiwan visitors and overseas Chinese (except the Hong Kong, Macao residents who hold the passport of Special Administrative Region  or the ratification of returning homeland) in Tibet are not allowed to travel by themselves. They must travel in group whatever there are how many visitors.

Any organized travel groups from overseas must apply for the ratification to Tibet in Tibet Travel Bureau and its administrative institutions in various places by the travel agency you entrusted. For the foreign visitors who want to visit Tibet, the Tibet Tourism Bureau has build up  administrative institutions in various places to serve for them, such as in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Ge’ermu  and so on.                                                   

How to handle “the ratification of foreigners’ travel to Tibet”?
Issue a passport: at first, foreign country visitors need issue passports in the foreign country embassy to the People’s Republic of China, excluding the countries which have concluded the agreement of non-issuing passports.   

E-mail: Tibettour01@yahoo.cn
Application for the ratification of travel to Tibet:
Please send your personal information (including your name, nationality, age, gender, vocation and passport number), route, approximate travel time, travel intentions and your contact phone number to the Tibet Tourism Bureau in offices around the designated directly or through the local agency .And at the same time send us the copy of your passport home page and visa by fax or E-mail, and you will receive relevant confirmation formality of entering in Tibet in 2 or 4 days.
E-mail: Tibettour01@yahoo.cn
You can immediately get the “ratification of foreigners’ travel to Tibet” while your passport and visa have been received.
Although only need 3 days to verify and issue the ratification, please conduct your application procedures as soon as possible, because we need to arrange the booking work of your airport ticket, hotel, guide and car etc. Therefore, your relevant data about your travel line in Tibet, the time, and the place and etc. can be confirmed.


西藏拉萨市北京西路208号(西藏中国旅行社总社)  8-26-2011 19:13 UploadDownload attachment (83.05 KB)

西藏中国旅行社北京办事处:010-51938570  51938553  
西藏中国旅行社上海办事处服务电话: 021-51099759
Tibet China Travel Service                  -----Beijing Office

Beijing Tel:0086-10-51938552/ 51938553
         0086-1051938570  51938571  
Tibet tel:0086-0891-6543201
E-mail: Tibettour01@yahoo.cn

Web: http://www.tibet-tours.cn
Address:5th floor, MachineryBuilding, NO.248 Guanganmen Wai Street, Xuanwu district, Beijing
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