



楼主: 悉尼华人

>>>>讲述真实的西藏,Heaven ,our Tibet-组图<<<<

发表于 2008-4-17 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-17 19:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-20 01:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-10-10 18:27 | 显示全部楼层

【鸣谢】感谢AC编译组 Bonbon 提供译文

【声明】译文版权归ANTI-CNN 所有,谢绝转载!

【精准版】请见94楼,由AC 高级编译dakelv 校正




Telling the Truth of Tibet

I traveled  all over Tibet to let people know the beauty of Tibet and the lives of Tibetans on April 3 ,2008.
Spring has already come,so we can see many beautiful Rape flowers and colorful peach flowers. What's more ,we can feel the joy that the change of seasons brought to us.
I want to come to Hengduan Mountains on  Qinghai-Tibet Plateau this time to know whether the sleepyheaded flowers wake up or not.
Of course ,I will not miss Jinsha River in the Spring when it can be compared with female charm .
Moreover,some old friends need to be visited by the way.If I am lucky enough ,I may make some new friends .


I set off in the afternoon on April 3, and drived a car as usual.
I left Chengdu and reached the famous Sichuan-Tibet highway from Yaan highway at nineteen o'clock.


I stoped at Liziping which is 50 kilometers from Erlang Mountain Tunnel at eight past eight am.And I ate fish in Shilixiang restaurant. The bosses of the restaurant said that it's very safe all the way .And they were worried about their business because few guests came to their restaurant now. But when they knew that I wanted to learn the situation all along the road, they immediately stood happily to show that it's very safe on the road now and welcome to eat fish in their restaurant.


At one o'clock, Beijing time I arrived in Kangding.
Strolling along the sreet,I saw people who sold grilled food . They must pack up before twelve o’clock the day before yesterday,but now they can sell for a longer time.
From Chengdu to Kangding,we only saw two police checking-points, they only asked for some informantion and even didn't check my ID card.

At midnight,fresh meat of yak was grilled on the street of Kangding .

At seven o'clock in Kangding, it was not allowed to stop car on the road.

I met a Tibetan villager who drived a short-distance coach and he insisted the security of Kangding.

I returned to Zheduo Mountain which is 4268 meters.

川藏路 Sichuan-Tibet Highway

I came across a strange phenomenon today that Tibetan villagers were willing to be taken pictures by strangers which they did't like before.

塔公寺 Tagong temple

As I can see smiles from their deep hearts everywhere,there is no need to worry .

Turning to northern Sichuan-Tibet highway from Xindu bridge,I only found one car on the way where there were many cars before.


Driving to the famous pine forest in northern Sichuan-Tibet highway,an interface of the gasoline pipe slacked leaking petrol.
But I did't take tools with me ,so I drived to highway maintenance squad and asked for help.There was only a Tibetan villager who did't know Chinese. I went under the the bottom of the car asking for a knife .After the Tibetan villager passed me a Tibetan knife,I tried to repair.He and his son with a runny nose watched curiously lying on their stomaches.
After a while ,he felt something was wrong,so he returned to highway maintenance squad and gave me another knife which helped me a lot.

Beautiful flowers run riot everywhere in Daofu.

A Tibetan aunt who lived in Tibet-village, nothern part of Kangding ,repeated continuously that it's very safe in Daofu.

The aunt's daughter came to add :“ Daofu is very safe now,if not, I will not take my kid out”

A Tibetan girl in Daofu restaurant said“Big brother, you are the first guest to came to our restaurant these days”

这是道孚的街上 A street in Daofu.

道孚民居很有特色 Dwelling houses are quite unique in Daofu.

The road of Luhuo doesn't lead to a county,so I drived through the outskirts.

Northern Sichuan-Tibet highway lies across the snow mountain.

As afternoon drew to a close,I reached Ganmei county where all the residents have the same wish that everyone understands.I shot some of them at random during my way.

I followed the tractor silently thinking that I have grasped the life attitude of Tibetan villagers.

After following several kilometers,the family changed to a path from the highway and disappeared from my sight.

I have got too many sincere simles.

I will always remember the date :April 4,2008,because I got too many sincere smiles.

After uploading pictures in the net bar ,I shot the picture below during mine way back to the hotel at five past one, Beijing time in the Ganmei county.

On April 5,2008 at half past six ,long-distance coaches began to depart at a station in Ganmei county.

I also started to leave.

清晨中,轻轻给大路口站岗的武警挥挥手,在严寒中站了一夜的武警默默给我点点头。 说真话,我非常喜欢这次遇到的值勤武警,他们从来没有拦下我的车检查,都是礼貌给我一个非常漂亮的通行动作。唯一一次例外,是进入一个重要山口时候,我看见前面雪山太漂亮,就一个急刹。车停下,突然看见前面几个值勤的武警,呵呵,我想这个急刹动作给武警感觉很意外。这几个武警挥手让我过去检查身份证,然后大家又开心说了几句雪山、越野车,在他们注意安全的嘱咐中,我又远去了。

In the morning,I waved gently to a policeman who was on duty all the cold night at a crossing and received his nodding in return. To tell the truth,I enjoyed coming across policemen on duty.And they never made me stop to be checked. Instead,they politely gave me a vigorous gesture to let me go.

Only the road saw my lonely applause

Tibetan houses were immersed in the coldness and silence.

甘孜县到玉树的长途客车呼啸过去 我认为,只要长途客车正常运行的地区,肯定是安全的、和平的、稳定的。
Seeing a long-distance coach from Ganmei county to Yushu city rushed by,I thinked that the district must be very safe if a coach can drive by normally.

Snowy mountains began to wake up.

2008-4-13 01:32

Life kept as usual at the roundabout of Mani town,Sichuan, Tibet and Qinghai.

The main summit about 6000 meters high of Queer mountain.

Northern Sichuan-Tibet highway extends to the west.

Xinlu sea was still immersed in the icy snow.

海拔4380米的雀儿山三道班,工作了28年的班长李毅民说:“昨天晚上11点才把最后一个车送走,现在西藏方向还没有来车,估计有大货车在雪山上困住了。” 然后,做出一个大胆决定,让新洋的001号越野车带领车队上雪山去。

Monitor Li Yimin who have worked for 28 years at 4380 high Querer mountain in the third highway maintenance squad said that they have seen off the last car at eleven o'clock pm yersterday and there has not been a car from Tibet till now.He thought trucks maybe stucked on the snowy mountain.

[ 本帖最后由 Nicolle 于 2008-10-15 02:12 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-10-10 18:46 | 显示全部楼层

( 续) AC 编译 Bonbon 提供翻译。版权归ANTI-CNN所有,谢绝转载。

[color=blue][b]【精准版】请见95楼,由AC 高级编译dakelv 校正[/b][/color]

Then he made a brave decision to make Xinyang vehicle No.001 lead the fleet go through snowy mountains.

After that,he ordered a member of the third squad to leave a message saying that we will first help cars from Chengdu come through the mountains and then let cars from Tibet go ,and drived Xinyang vehicle to a squad in the opposite side of Queer mountain.

The fleet led by No.001 vehicle.

Go ahead and you will see the most dangerous Queer mountain all over Sichuan-Tibet highway.

The No.1 car of“428 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Race Relay Game” has already reached halfway of the mountain,but his fleet still run at the foot of the mountain.

Queer Mountain about 5050 meters

Those migrant workers of Sichuan came from Tibet stayed on the snowy mountain all the night yesterday.

Several Tibetan staff in the Derpartment of Transportation at Dege county helped repair wire ropes themselves .You can image how tired it was to work here.  

At last, they cleared the road. I can feel the happiness of all the staff.

In such a special circumstance,this holiday, there are still many people who help others silently.

I did't know when those two Tibetan villagers on a motorcycle came.But when I took pictures of them,they smiled happily drinking beer on the snow.

Here are another two Tibetan villagers on a motorcycle who smiled joyfully.

Just drived down from Queer mountain ,I saw many national flags  in Tibetan Keluodong village.

I asked :why do the villagers insert national flags?

Yang Hongying from Keluo village said with her hands closed“I love  Communist Party sincerely because it brings happiness to our lives.”

I said I drived all the way ,but I only found flags in your village.

A picture of national flag shot on the request of a Tibetan villager.

Tibetan girls of Dege town.

Dege Scripture-printing House

There are 60 homes at Gongya village ,and all of them hung flags

They were very proud when talking about the phenomenon.

Jiang Cuo ,a Tibetan uncle said :We live better and better now. Thanks to  the government.

The opposite side of Jinsha river is Tibet.

After shooting the bank of Jinsha river ,I came across Jinsha river bridge to Tibet . I shot another picture and went back.

A policeman asked me why and I simled :I want to tell to the liars that they said Jinsha river can not be walked across because none of them have ever come here.
It is a remote path .And Tibetan villagers did't know Chinese ,but they always smiled happily.

两个藏族大姐比画着,意思想坐坐001到前面去,我挥挥手让她们上来。简直没有想到,一个藏族大姐先坐上副驾位置,然后把孩子抱起来,接着另外一个藏族大姐又挤上副驾位置。 我的妈呀,这又不是逃难!!!我赶紧打开后门,让另外一个藏族大姐坐后面。
Two elder Tibetan sisters wanted to go by NO.001 car,and I waved my hand to let them in. To my surprise, one of them sat in the copilot's seat and carried kid in her arms and the other sister  also tried to squeeze into copilot's seat. My god, this was not escape!
So I quickly opened the back door of the car to let she in.

山野集体舞 路过一个正在建的房子,所有藏族兄弟都开心对我呐喊。等我把车停下,拿出相机时候,那场面可以用兴高采烈来形容。屋子上的藏族兄弟都拼命对我挥手,特别是图片上那个正在学鸟飞的藏族兄弟——他当时是边飞边拍着屁股转圈。

Communal Dance in the Field
Coming across a house being built,I saw many Tibetan friends shouted to me.And when I took my camera out, the scene became elated.
Tibetan friends waved their hands to me desperately, especially a Tibatan in the picture below who imitated the flying of birds——he was “flying” with his buttock swaying.

All of the Tibetan family  were busy with the building.But when they saw my camera ,they smiled joyfully,especially a Tibetan aunt who waved her hands just like a cute  girl in her sixteen or seventeen.

All the lovely Tibetan villagers conveyed me a kind of goodness.Driving slowly alone,I walked to Tibet again when I saw the drawbridge on Jinsha river.

On April 5,2008 I have taken so many emotional pictures.

Being citizens of People’s Republic of China are very good ,because we have so many goodnatured and lovely brothers and sisters.

在白玉放完照片已经18:30,计划穿越山岩原始父系氏族部落只能取消。 出城时,问了问两个民警,前面最近的乡村有多远,民警劝我不要走。我反问他们是不是不安全,他们说非常安全,我就说想到藏区的小村子住住,看看是不是真安全。民警说你努力跑3个小时就到一个村子,他们越野车基本三小时到。

After I finished shooting in Baiyu ,it was already half past eighteen.So I have to cancel my plan to drive across Shanyan ancient male line of the original tribal clan. I asked two policemen how far it was to the nearest village ahead when I went out of the city.Then the policeman persued me not to leave and I parried whether it was dangerous .They replied it was very safe ,so I told them I just want to stay in a small village to know whether it was really safe.And they told me it would cost three houres to reach a village because they usually spent three hours .

Please got out of the way quickly,yaks. I have to drive 100 kilometers before the night drew.

It was getting dark,and I only taken pictures of the cowboys  ,because we can not communicate.

I did’t understand what they said,so did they.

爬上沙鲁里雪山,已经漆黑一遍,这时候想问题非常清晰。 现在,我决定去一个地方,只依据以下两个因素:第一,长途客车是不是正常运行;我都开始考虑是不是找个藏族老乡家睡觉去,这个漆黑一遍的村子出现了,准确说就是路上逛满野狗,有几所房子的地方。

When I climbed to the Shalu snowy mountain,it was already dark,but I can think over questions clearly.Now,I decided to go to a place which was decided by two factors below: First,whether long-distance coaches can be operated nomally;Second ,whether I should find a Tibatan villager's home to sleep.Then a village in the darkness appeared ,to be exact ,it was a place that many stray dogs hung around with several houses there.

A couple who have stayed in Nanchong for thirty years took me in.

Tibetan sisiter helped me watch over my car.

A warehouse-like hotel which I slept for a night.

On April 6,2008 I knew it clearer snd clearer that the majority of Tibatans hope for stability and they are quite satisfied with their lives at present.
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发表于 2008-10-10 19:00 | 显示全部楼层

(续) AC编译Bonbon 提供翻译; 译文版权归ANTI-CNN所有,谢绝转载


【精准版】请见96楼,由AC 高级编译dakelv 校正

After saying good-bye to the Tibatan sister,I went on.

All of them felt very satisfied.

2008-4-13 03:00

Children are healthy ;Yaks are not sick ; they can drink barley wine in their spare time and dance Guozhuang at festivals——Never impose your or my concepts of happiness on them.

Climing to Haizi mountain.

A range of Queer mountian

Haizi mountain is the product of icy age ,and we love Qinghai-Tibet Plateau very much.

Ganmei town was in a good order.

Appreciating snowy mountains in Ganmei county.

Crossing from nortern Sichuan-Tibat highway along Yagong river gorge,I reached southern Sichuan-Tibat highway.

雅龚江峡谷Yagong river gorge

路遇藏族老乡 Coming across a Tibetan villager

The kind-hearted Tibetan villager invited me to drink tea in his house.

进入理塘 Entering Litang.

To my surprised, I can not find a car on southern Sichuan-Tibet highway where many cars drived passed before.



On April 7,2008 I heard and I understood that the majority of Tibetans are really in favor of the measures taken by the government .You can considered if a thug was prepared to rob your property and set fire to your house ,wouldn't you call 110,or wouldn't you wish to get protection of the People's Liberation Army immediately?

And most of Tibetans are simple and they understand that it is the government that help them repair their houses , fence yak field for them and  will rescue them immediately if they suffer from snow and mud-rock flow.

Only a wealthy,powerful and united country can improve people's standard of living in a large scale,which is impossible for some person to do.A person can only give relief to few people.

After I had supper ,Tibetan sisiters desperately persuaded me not to climb Gaoersi mountain at night,so I returned to Yajiang to sleep.

At midnight half past zero in Yajiang town.

Sourthern Sichuan-Tibet highway lies on Gaoersi mountain.

Shooting Gongga mountain peaks, I met two men driving verhicles from Chengdu.They asked about the situation in the town ahead,and I replied that it’s better than before. After hearing this ,they laughed .

A few days later,the number of cars began to increase again in Zheduo Mountian.

Kangding is almost the same as it was before.


On April 8,2008 I remembered I inquired the situation all the way when I entered into Kangding-Tibet district.But now,on the way back I told honey-sellers ,petrol-sellers and fish-sellers that :
First,most of the Tibatans are kind and they welcome our travel.;
Second ,the security along the way is even better than before ,and people live in good order.
Third,it is safe on the road ,however there are only few cars.

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发表于 2008-10-11 14:35 | 显示全部楼层
顶上,我去过西藏,那里的人们很热情,好客。完全不是国外那些**们说的,(刚开始时我还以为它们说得是哪个小国了)。西藏是个美丽,神秘的地方,在那里你会受到最热情的款待,看见最美的人们。这是我的经验之谈    如果有机会我会把我的家人都带去看看
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发表于 2008-10-12 01:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-12 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-12 13:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-12 16:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-12 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-12 20:26 | 显示全部楼层

my lord!

thanks lot for your effort!

I will never have a chance to go there... but that is kind of ..... thanks again!
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发表于 2008-10-15 02:18 | 显示全部楼层


【鸣谢】AC 编译组 高级编译 dakelv 译文校正

【声明】译文版权归 ANTI-CNN 所有,谢绝转载


Telling real Tibet Stories

Starting from April 3, 2008, I traveled  all across Tibet and here I would like to share with all of you the beauty of Tibet and the lives of Tibetans.

Spring has already come.After we enjoyed many beautiful Canola flowers and colorful peach flowers,we can feel the joy that the change of seasons brought to us.

I want to go to Hengduan Mountains on  Qinghai-Tibet Plateau this time to see whether the sleep-loving  flowers have waken up or not.

Of course ,I do not miss Jinsha River, which can be compared with female charms in sprint time .

Moreover,some old friends need to be visited by the way.If I am lucky enough ,I may even make some new friends .

I set off in the afternoon on April 3 ,and  drove a car by myself, as usual.

I left Chengdu and reached the famous Sichuan-Tibet highway from Yaan highway at 19:00.

I stopped at Liziping which is 50 kilometers from Erlang Mountain Tunnel at 20:08. I ate fish in Shilixiang restaurant.


The bosses of the restaurant said that it was very safe all the way.T were worried about their business because few guests came to their restaurant now. After they knew that I came to him to obtain information on the, they immediately stood up, smiling to us. He was trying to convince us that it was very safe on the road now and we were welcome to eat fish in their restaurant.

At one o’clock, Beijing time I arrived in Kangding.
Strolling along the sreet,I saw people selling grilled food . The day before yesterday, they had to pack up before twelve o’clock, but now they can sell for a longer time.

From Chengdu to Kangding, we only saw two police checking-points,.the police only asked for some information and didn't even check my ID card.

At midnight, fresh   yak meat was grilled on the street of Kangding .

At seven o’clock in Kangding, it was not allowed to stop car on the road.

I met a Tibetan villager who drove a short-distance coach and he insisted that Kanding was very safe.

I returned to Zheduo Mountain which is 4268 meters high.

川藏路Sichuan-Tibet Highway

I found out to my surprise that Tibetan villagers were willing to be taken pictures by strangers which they didn’t like doing before.

塔公寺Tagong temple

As I can see spontaneous smiles everywhere, there is no need to worry.

Turning to northern Sichuan-Tibet highway from Xindu bridge,I only found one car on the way where there were many cars before.

Driving to the famous pine forest in northern Sichuan-Tibet highway, a gasoline pipe connector of my was loose and gas was leaking. I didn’t bring any tools with me so I stopped and ask a Tibetan man for help. He didn not understand Chinese.

I get under the the car asking for a knife .After the Tibetan villager passed me a Tibetan knife,I tried to repair.He and his son with a runny nose watched curiously.

After a while ,he felt something was wrong, so he returned to highway maintenance squad and gave me another knife which helped me a lot.

Beautiful flowers run wild everywhere in Daofu.

A Tibetan woman who lived in Tibet-village, innorthern part of Kangding ,repeatedly assured us that Daofu was very safe.

The woman’s daughter came and added :“ Daofu is very safe now; If not, I would not have taken my kids out.”

A Tibetan girl in Daofu restaurant said “Big brother, you are the first guest to come to our restaurant these days.”

这是道孚的街上 A street in Daofu.

道孚民居很有特色 Houses are quite unique in Daofu.

The road of Luhuo doesn’t pass downtown, so I drove through the outskirts.

Northern Sichuan-Tibet highway lies across the snow mountain.

As afternoon drew to a close, I reached Ganzi county where all the residents have the same wish that everyone understands. I took some pictures randomly on my way.

I followed the tractor silently thinking that I have a glimpse of the life attitude of Tibetan villagers.

After following several kilometers, the family changed to a path from the highway and disappeared from my sight.

I have got too many sincere smiles.

I will always remember the date: April 4,2008, because I got too many sincere smiles.

After uploading pictures in the net bar, I shot the picture below on way back to the hotel at 1:05 AM ,Beijing time, in the Ganzi county.

6:30 AM, April 5, long-distance coaches began to depart at a station in Ganzi county.

I also started to leave.

清晨中,轻轻给大路口站岗的武警挥挥手,在严寒中站了一夜的武警默默给我点点头。 说真话,我非常喜欢这次遇到的值勤武警,他们从来没有拦下我的车检查,都是礼貌给我一个非常漂亮的通行动作。唯一一次例外,是进入一个重要山口时候,我看见前面雪山太漂亮,就一个急刹。车停下,突然看见前面几个值勤的武警,呵呵,我想这个急刹动作给武警感觉很意外。这几个武警挥手让我过去检查身份证,然后大家又开心说了几句雪山、越野车,在他们注意安全的嘱咐中,我又远去了。

In the morning, I waved gently to a policeman who was on duty all the cold night at a crossing and received his nodding in return. To tell the truth, I enjoyed coming across policemen on duty, and they never stop me and check.  Instead, they politely gave me a vigorous gesture to let me go. The only exception was once when I was just about to enter a major mountain pass. I noticed that the snow mountain ahead of me looked really beautiful, so I brought my vehicle to a sudden stop. After the car was stopped, I suddenly noticed a few armed police on duty. I knew that the police would feel surprised by my sudden stop. They waved to me so I went over and showed them my ID. After chatting with me about the snow mountain and SUV and reminded me to be careful, they waved me good-bye.

I am the only cheerer to myself on the road.

Tibetan houses were immersed in the coldness and silence.

甘孜县到玉树的长途客车呼啸过去 我认为,只要长途客车正常运行的地区,肯定是安全的、和平的、稳定的。
Seeing a long-distance coach from Ganzi county to Yushu city rushed by, I believed that the district must be very safe if there were normal bus services.

Snowy mountains began to wake up.

2008-4-13 01:32  马尼干戈,四川、西藏、青海重要分路口,生活依旧。
Life was as usual at the major crossroads of Mani town, Sichuan, Tibet and Qinghai.

The 6000-meter high main summit of Queer mountain.

Northern Sichuan-Tibet highway extends to the west.

Xinlu sea was still immersed in the ice and snow.

海拔4380米的雀儿山三道班,工作了28年的班长李毅民说:“昨天晚上11点才把最后一个车送走,现在西藏方向还没有来车,估计有大货车在雪山上困住了。” 然后,做出一个大胆决定,让新洋的001号越野车带领车队上雪山去。

Group leader Li Yimin who have worked for 28 years at 4380-meter high Querer mountain in the third highway maintenance squad said that they have seen off the last car at eleven o'clock pm yesterday and there had not been a car from Tibet till now. He thought trucks might have been stuck in the snowy mountain. Then we made a brave decision and asked Xinyang’s vehicle No.001 to lead the fleet   through snow mountains.

[ 本帖最后由 Nicolle 于 2008-10-15 02:29 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-10-15 02:20 | 显示全部楼层


【鸣谢】AC 编译组 高级编译 dakelv 译文校正

【声明】译文版权归 ANTI-CNN 所有,谢绝转载

After that, he ordered a member of the third squad to leave a message saying that we would first allow cars from Chengdu to come through the mountains and then allow cars from Tibet to pass ,and drove Xinyang’s vehicle to a squad in the opposite side of Queer mountain.

The fleet led by No.001 vehicle.

Go ahead and you will see the most dangerous Queer Mountain all over Sichuan-Tibet highway.

The No.1 car of “428 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Race Relay Game” has already reached halfway of the mountain, but his fleet is still  at the foot of the mountain.

Queer Mountain is about 5050 meters high.

Those migrant workers of Sichuan came from Tibet stayed on the snowy mountain all  night yesterday.

They were originally going to work in the coal mines in Tibet. Since now explosives could not be transported, they had to return to Sichuan.

Several Tibetan staff in the Department of Transportation at Dege county helped repair wire ropes themselves .You can image how tired it was to work at such an altitude.  

At last, they cleared the road. I can feel the happiness of all the staff.

Even in holiday, there are still many people who help others silently.

I did’t know when those two Tibetan villagers on a motorcycle came, but when I took pictures of them, they smiled happily while drinking beer on the snow.

Here are   two more Tibetan villagers on a motorcycle who smiled joyfully.

Just drove down from Queer mountain ,I saw many national flags  in Tibetan Keluodong village.

I asked : why do the villagers put up national flags?

Yang Hongying from Keluo village said with her hands in a praying position “I love  Communist Party sincerely because it brings happiness to our lives.”

I said I could see from far away that your village was full of flags.

A picture of national flag shot on the request of a Tibetan villager.

Tibetan girls of Dege town.

Dege Scripture-printing House

There are 60 homes at Gongya village ,and all of them hung flags

They were very proud when talking about the flags.

Jiang Cuo ,a Tibetan elder said: We live better and better now. Thanks to the government.

The opposite side of Jinsha river is Tibet.

After shooting the bank of Jinsha river , I came across Jinsha river bridge to Tibet. I shot another picture and went back.

A policeman asked me why and I simled : I want to tell to the liars who said Jinsha river could not be walked across because none of them have ever come here.

It is a remote path. Tibetan villagers did't know Chinese, but they always smiled happily.

两个藏族大姐比画着,意思想坐坐001到前面去,我挥挥手让她们上来。简直没有想到,一个藏族大姐先坐上副驾位置,然后把孩子抱起来,接着另外一个藏族大姐又挤上副驾位置。 我的妈呀,这又不是逃难!!!我赶紧打开后门,让另外一个藏族大姐坐后面。

Two elder Tibetan sisters wanted a ride on NO.001 car, and I waved my hand to let them in. To my surprise, one of them sat in the copilot's seat and carried kid in her arms and the other sister also tried to squeeze into copilot's seat. My god, we were not refugees! I quickly opened the back door of the car to let the other sit at the back in.

Communal Dance in the Field


Passing by a house being built, I heard many Tibetan friends shouted to me.  When I took my camera out, the scene became elated. Tibetan friends waved their hands to me desperately, especially a Tibetan in the picture below who imitated the flying of birds——he was “flying” with his buttock swaying.

这家藏族老乡,全部都在屋顶上忙碌,看见我的相机以后,全家都在开心的笑。 特别是藏族妈妈,摇摆着双手,如一个16、17岁的可爱女孩子。这家藏族老乡不会说汉语,却比画着让我去喝茶,我推辞不过,进去坐了几分钟。

All of the Tibetan families  were busy with the building, but when they saw my camera ,they smiled joyfully. Tibetan woman who didn’t speak Chinese used sign language to ask us come in for tea. Unable to resist her hospitality, I went in a stayed for several minutes.


All the lovely Tibetan villagers showed me their kindness. Driving slowly alone,I walked to Tibet again when I saw the drawbridge on Jinsha river.

April 5,2008 I have so many moving memories.

It’s really nice to be a citizen of the People’s Republic of China, because we have so many good-natured and lovely brothers and sisters.

在白玉放完照片已经18:30,计划穿越山岩原始父系氏族部落只能取消。 出城时,问了问两个民警,前面最近的乡村有多远,民警劝我不要走。我反问他们是不是不安全,他们说非常安全,我就说想到藏区的小村子住住,看看是不是真安全。民警说你努力跑3个小时就到一个村子,他们越野车基本三小时到。

After I finished shooting in Baiyu, it was already half past eighteen so I have to cancel my plan to drive across Shanyan ancient matriarchal clanof the original tribal clan. I asked two policemen how far it was to the nearest village ahead when I went out of the city.Then the policeman tried to persuade me not to leave.  I asked them whether it was dangerous. They replied it was very safe , so I told them I just wanted to stay in a small village to know whether it was really safe.   They told me it would take three hours to reach a village because that was how long it would take their Jeep.

Please get out of the way quickly, yaks. I have to drive 100 kilometers before dusk.

At dusk, I came across late-returning herdsmen. I only took pictures of,because we could not communicate.

I didn’t understand what they said, neither did they understand me.

爬上沙鲁里雪山,已经漆黑一遍,这时候想问题非常清晰。 现在,我决定去一个地方,只依据以下两个因素:第一,长途客车是不是正常运行;我都开始考虑是不是找个藏族老乡家睡觉去,这个漆黑一遍的村子出现了,准确说就是路上逛满野狗,有几所房子的地方。

When I climbed to the Shalu snowy mountain, it was already dark, could think clearly. Now, whether I decide to go to a place or not would depend on whether there were bus services. Second ,whether I should find a Tibatan villager's home to stay over night.Then a village in the darkness appeared, To be exact ,it was a place With some homeless wild dogs and a few houses.

A couple who have stayed in Nanchong for thirty years took me in.

Tibetan sister helped me watch over my car.

A warehouse-like hotel which I slept for a night.

On April 6,2008 I knew it clearer and clearer that the majority of Tibetans hope for stability and they were quite satisfied with their lives at present.  

[ 本帖最后由 Nicolle 于 2008-10-15 02:30 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-10-15 02:21 | 显示全部楼层


【鸣谢】AC 编译组 高级编译 dakelv 译文校正

【声明】译文版权归 ANTI-CNN 所有,谢绝转载

After saying good-bye to the Tibatan sister,I went on.

All of them felt very satisfied.

2008-4-13 03:00
Children are healthy; Yaks are not sic ; they can drink barley wine in their spare time and dance Guozhuang at festivals——Never impose your concepts of happiness on them.

Climing to Haizi mountain.

A range of Queer mountian

Haizi mountain is the product of icy age, and we love Qinghai-Tibet Plateau very much.

Ganzi town was in a good order.

Appreciating snowy mountains in Ganzi county.

Crossing from northern Sichuan-Tibat highway along the Yagong river gorge,I reached southern Sichuan-Tibat highway.

雅龚江峡谷Yagong river gorge

路遇藏族老乡 Coming across a Tibetan villager

The kind-hearted Tibetan villager invited me to drink tea in his house.

进入理塘 Entering Litang.

My heart sank when I could not find a car on southern Sichuan-Tibet highway where many cars d passed by before.


April 7,2008. I heard and I saw and I understood that the majority of Tibetans are really in favor of the measures taken by the government . Think about it: if a thug was going to rob your property and set fire to your house, wouldn't you call 110,or wouldn't you wish to get protection from the People's Liberation Army immediately?

And most of Tibetans are simple and they understand that it is the government that help them repair their houses, fence yak field for them and  will rescue them immediately if they suffer from snow and mud-rock flow.

Only a wealthy, powerful and united country can improve people's standard of living in a large scaleA single  person could only give relief to few people.

After supper,the Tibetan sisters who owned the restaurant desperately persuaded me not to climb the Gaoersi mountain at night, so I returned to Yajiang for the night.

00:30. A Yajiang town.

Sourthern Sichuan-Tibet highway lies on Gaoersi mountain.

While taking pictures at the peak of the Gongga mountain, I met two men driving verhicles from Chengdu. They asked about the situation in the town ahead, and I told them that it was better than before. After hearing this, they laughed .

A few days later, the number of cars began to increase again in Zheduo Mountian.

Kangding is almost the same as it was before.

On April 8,2008 I remembered  that kept asking for information about the situation all the way when I entered into Kangding-Tibet district. Now, on the way back, I told honey-sellers, petrol-sellers and fish-sellers that :

First, most of the Tibatans are kind and they welcome us to go there as tourists.;

Second , the security along the way is even better than before , and people live in good order.

Third, it is safe on the road; however there are not many vehicles.

[ 本帖最后由 Nicolle 于 2008-10-15 02:30 编辑 ]
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