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发表于 2008-4-13 03:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
流亡藏人要求宗教自由—“多杰雄登”(Dorje Shugden)冲突




1996年12月,在印度的喇嘛进行了一场抗议示威。起因是当年5月,dl喇嘛开始禁止藏人崇拜“多杰雄登”(Dorje Shugden 或者 Dholgyal)。dl认为,对多杰雄登的崇拜会危害西藏的利益,并且威胁他自己的生命。没有遵守他指示的藏人不断地收到匿名信 [1]。西藏人民议会要求所有的藏人在听完dl喇嘛录音带并且打消了对这项禁令的疑问后,“独立”决定立场(1996年6月)。

多杰雄登的塑像从寺庙中被抬出来,销毁,然后碎片被扔在垃圾场。一场签名活动也在流亡政府的监督下进行。藏人们被要求签名承诺不再崇拜多杰雄登。拒绝签名的人每天生活在恐惧中。他们的姓名地址,他们孩子的姓名学校被张贴在公共场所。其他藏人向他们的房子扔石头,有时候甚至把他们赶出去然后放火烧屋。在他们一直生活的社区里,别人都不愿意和他们交流,“就像是二战前德国人对待犹太人一样”[2]。Swiss public TV在1998年的时候制作了一部纪录片[1]。一位接受采访的老喇嘛表示了不满和困惑。在纪录片还未完成前,他就被人用刀袭击,侥幸活了下来。dl喇嘛和流亡政府一直在否认暴力活动的存在:“有人在传谎言,说有人被骚扰,还有人被从政府中提名。这些案例都不是真的”。dl喇嘛在接受Swiss public TV采访的时候也加以否认。甚至在记者告诉他自己亲眼看到了暴力的受害者,他也继续否认。






English (original):

Tibetans’ demand for religious freedom - Tibetan’s Dorje Shugden Conflict (www.TibetPedia.org)

"Religious prosecution", "Human violation", "Demand religious freedom". If you heard these words from a Tibetan in exile, you would think they're talking about P.R.C. Can you imagine they may refer to the Tibetan government in exile?

In December of 1996, a protest was held in India against a newly issued ban of worshipping "Dorje Shugden" (a.k.a Dholgyal), a respected religious deity Tibetans have been worshiped for 300 years. The ban was issued by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He regarded the worshipping of such deity harmed the Tibetan cause and his personal health. Anonymous threats were spreaded against anyone who obeys his directness [1]. The Assembly of Tibetan people's Deputies also officially instructed the Shugden worshipper to make "independent" decision after they listened to the teaching of His Holiness and cleared the doubts in their minds (Jun. 1996).

The statues of Dorje Shugden were removed from temples and destroyed. A forced signature event was also held to make people promise to stop the Shugden worship [2]. Those who refused to sign lived their life in great fears. Their names and address and their Children's names and schools were posted in public. People threw stones at their houses. Sometimes their houses got burned. They were treated as outcasts in their communities. Swiss public TV filmed a documentary about the Shugden conflict in 1998 [1]. An interviewed old Lama who expressed his discontent was later attacked by a knife and barely survived. The response from Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile was negative. "Some people have been spreading lies that individuals were harassed and their objects of worship seized for propitiating Shugden, and that government officials were expelled from job, etc. Not a single of these allegations were found to be true"[3]. When Dalai Lama was asked about the violence during an interview by Swiss public TV [1], he insisted that those did not happen, even so after the interviewer told him that he had seen it with his own eyes.

In the Tibetan in exile community in India, it's against the law to object Dalai Lama's teaching and decision [1]. And it's been repeated told that practicing Shugden worship would endanger His Holiness's life. Some Shugden activists were declared murderers and had to go exile again. The exiled Shugden activists often found supports in the west. They have also established their own organization to demand their right of religious freedom. The Tibetan government in exile declared that those organizations are funded and supported by the Chinese authority.

The Tibetan government in exile insisted that they didn't violated religious freedom, since religious freedom does not include the freedom of choosing which deity to worship.

On Feb 13 2008, Tibetan Government in exile tried to resolve the conflict once for all with a vote, which has been taken in 14 monasteries of Gelug establishments. Those who do not want to share spiritual and material relation with Dorje Shugden followers would pick the yellow colored vote-stick. Those who continue Dholgyal worship and who want to share spiritual and material relation with them need explanation of picking the red colored vote-stick. Coincidently, yellow is the color of Tibetan Buddhism (yellow hat religion) and red is usually regarded as the color for the communist China.

Ironically. when Dalai Lama fled China in 1959, it was Dorje Shugden's oracle that told him to run. The specific escaping routes were also told by the oracle [1]. Along the routes chosen by Dorje Shugden, U.S. military and CIA dropped numerous supplies, otherwise he and his body guards could not survive. Some of his body guard were confused after they learned Dorje Shugden was indeed a demon and was trying to harm Dalai Lama's life.

The government has been led by Dalai Lama since 1963. The deputies can be elected but the Dalai Lama is forever the highest government official. Not even a single bill has been passed against Dalai Lama and, according to an interviewed official, never will be. More on that, the passed billed has to be approved by Dalai Lama before it's effective. This again shows how important a fully democratic system is. Even the holiest and greatest living human being can be drowning in absolute power. It's unimaginable how will Dalai Lama and his government bring the Shugden conflicts from a small Indian village of 110,000 Tibetans, to a 2400,000 square kilometers land of 6 million Tibetans.

[1]The documentary filmed by Swiss public TV in 1998
[2]An open letter to Dalai Lama
[3]Tibetan Parliament in Exile's Resolution of June 1996
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-13 08:49 | 显示全部楼层



"Religious prosecution", "Human violation", "Demand religious freedom". If you heard these words from a Tibetan in exile, you would think they're talking about P.R.C. Can you imagine they may refer to the Tibetan government in exile?

In December of 1996, a protest was held in India against a newly issued ban of worshipping "Dorje Shugden" (a.k.a Dholgyal), a respected religious deity Tibetans have been worshiped for 300 years. The ban was issued by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He regarded the worshipping of such deity as harming the Tibetan cause and his personal health. Anonymous threats were spreaded against anyone who obeys his directness [1]. The Assembly of Tibetan people's Deputies also officially instructed the Shugden worshipper to make "independent" decision after they listened to the teaching of His Holiness and cleared the doubts in their minds (Jun. 1996).

The statues of Dorje Shugden were removed from temples and destroyed. A forced signature event was also held to make people promise to stop the Shugden worship [2]. Those who refused to sign lived their life in great fears. Their names and address and their Children's names and schools were posted in public. People threw stones at their houses. Sometimes their houses got burned. They were treated as outcasts in their communities. Swiss public TV filmed a documentary about the Shugden conflict in 1998 [1]. An interviewed old Lama who expressed his discontent was later attacked by a knife and barely survived. The response from Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile was negative. "Some people have been spreading lies that individuals were harassed and their objects of worship seized for propitiating Shugden, and that government officials were expelled from job, etc. Not a single of these allegations were found to be true"[3]. When Dalai Lama was asked about the violence during an interview by Swiss public TV [1], he insisted that those did not happen, even so after the interviewer told him that he had seen it with his own eyes. In the Tibetan in exile community in India, it's against the law to object Dalai Lama's teaching and decision [1]. And it's been repeated told that practicing Shugden worship would endanger His Holiness's life. Some Shugden activists were declared murderers and had to go exile again. The exiled Shugden activists often found supports in the west. They have also established their own organization to demand their right of religious freedom. The Tibetan government in exile declared that those organizations are funded and supported by the Chinese authority. The Tibetan government in exile insisted that they didn't violated religious freedom, since religious freedom does not include the freedom of choosing which deity to worship.

The conflict has caused many exiled Tibetan to convert back to Chinese stance. Dalai Lama started to worry that the Chinese authority would use the conflict as a political leverage. He decided to solve it once and for all. On Jan 9th, 2008, Dalai Lama proposed a solution in a democratic manner: if more than 60% of the people chose to continue the worship, the ban would be removed. On Feb 13th 2008, a vote was conducted under the supervision of the Tibetan Government in exile. It was taken place in 14 monasteries of Gelug establishments. Those who do not want to share spiritual and material relation with Dorje Shugden followers would pick the yellow colored vote-stick. But those who continue Dholgyal worship and who want to share spiritual and material relation with them need explanation of picking the red colored vote-stick [4].

Ironically. when Dalai Lama fled China in 1959, it was Dorje Shugden's oracle that told him to run. The specific escaping routes were also told by the oracle [1]. Along the routes chosen by Dorje Shugden, CIA dropped numerous supplies, otherwise he and his body guards could not survive. Some of his body guard were greatly confused after they learned Dorje Shugden was indeed a demon and was trying to harm Dalai Lama's life.

The government has been led by Dalai Lama since 1963. The deputies can be elected but the Dalai Lama is by-law the highest government official. Not even a single bill has been passed against Dalai Lama and, according to an interviewed official [1], never will be. More on that, the passed billed has to be approved by Dalai Lama. This again shows how important a fully democratic system is. Even the holiest and greatest living human being can be drowning in absolute power. It's unimaginable how will Dalai Lama and his government bring the Shugden conflicts from a small Indian village of 110,000 Tibetans, to a 2400,000 square kilometers land of 6 million Tibetans.

[1]The documentary filmed by Swiss public TV in 1998 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5sOm-uQH9Y&feature=related
[2]An open letter to Dalai Lama http://www.cesnur.org/testi/fr99/gkg2.htm
[3]Tibetan Parliament in Exile's Resolution of June 1996 http://www.tibet.com/dholgyal/CTA-book/chapter-3-1.html
[4] http://www.dorjeshugden.com/
[5] Dalai Lama's talk on Jan 9th, 2008 http://blog.sina.com.tw/d44443/a ... 1128&entryid=577270
[ 本帖最后由 pz797_mizzou 于 2008-4-13 08:51 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-13 09:14 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-13 09:16 | 显示全部楼层
Dorje Shugden 这个词我一直不晓得怎么翻译和理解,以前只是笼统按照“金刚派喇嘛”来看待...
发表于 2008-4-13 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 09:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wwh5441 于 2008-4-13 09:58 发表 或许是班禅喇嘛吧。。。。

发表于 2008-4-13 10:05 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

尝试着接受,但是相关的水平还没有达到,所以想向楼主发出一个请求,能不能把一些其它的资料也发给我,让我对西藏的历史有个更好的了解,谢谢了(一个中国男孩的请求) 请发到 244359233@qq.com
发表于 2008-4-13 10:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 明堂大道 于 2008-4-13 10:06 发表 标准翻译为"多吉雄丹",一般称为"金刚具力",或者"雄天"意思就是大力金刚,属于世间护法部的重要护法神,也是格鲁派抵制其他教派思想影响的护法神,格鲁派认为,当若干世纪后现在的世间护法神王白哈尔成为出世间护法神以后 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-13 10:36 | 显示全部楼层




[1] Swiss piblic TV 的纪录片,大概25分钟,内容很详细。





http://blog.sina.com.tw/d44443/a ... 1128&entryid=577270


强烈推荐swiss public TV的纪录片,那些可怜的藏胞一把鼻涕一把泪的诉说。还有对dl和塔政府官员的访问,看看dl是怎么当面撒谎的,看看他的官员是怎么不把人命当回事的。如果大家什么连接看不到,我可以转过一些内容来。谢谢大家转发这个帖子到西方人的论坛。
[ 本帖最后由 pz797_mizzou 于 2008-4-13 10:40 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-13 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-13 11:11 | 显示全部楼层



-----主  题:西藏文化谈(二十):Dorje Shugden事件(上)

  喇嘛教徒日常生活中最重要的工作之一就是巫术占卜,至今dl喇嘛的重大政治决定都得靠占卜,其中最重要的巫师就是西藏“国立神棍”Nechung,它就是Dorje Shugden事件的起源。占卜的方法有很多种,有兴趣的读者可以去dl喇嘛流亡政府的官方网页,看看里面的介绍:(www.tibet.com/Buddhism/divination.html)
  ---聆听占卜;等等,当然那些“重要”的,“神秘”的占卜方法是不会在此网页上公开的。十七世纪时,大权在握的五世dl建立了“国立神棍”机构 Nechung(中文中有翻译成“神谕寺”),作为他政府事务的顾问。Nechung神棍就是一个人,用“神灵附体”的方式传达神的旨意。Nechung 是一个单独的寺院,神灵就“附体”在寺里地位最高的喇嘛身上。Nechung寺内部的颜色绝大部分是黑色的,阴暗的墙上挂着奇怪的,据称有魔力的武器,角落里摆着剥制的野兽标本,虎,雪豹,猫头鹰等。到处挂着凶神恶煞的图像,一个被全西藏都恐惧的干皮制成的面具印入来访者的眼帘。Nechung寺的主要图案还有人的肋骨。
  占卜时先有歌唱,念咒,熏香等仪式,然后Nechung喇嘛就“神灵附体”了,此时他闭着双眼,脸上肌肉颤动,脸色变为黑红,汗如雨下,然后在别的喇嘛帮助下,将一个四十公斤重的铁帽子戴到他头上,神棍开始狂舞起来,从他泛着白沫的嘴里吐出含糊不清的字眼。这是一种所谓的 “神语”,需要经过大喇嘛的翻译才能知道神说了什么。
  附在Nechung喇嘛身上的神叫Pehar,但通常被请来附体的只是Pehar的助手 Dorje Drakden,因为Pehar的出现是那样的暴虐,Nechung喇嘛甚至会有生命危险!Pehar手下一共有五个凶恶的神,合起来叫“守护轮”。几百年来Pehar对西藏的政治有着重要的影响,我们来看看他到底是什么样的:Pehar有三个不同颜色的脸,头戴竹笠,上有一金刚,它手上拿着弓箭,刀剑和鞭子,它的坐骑是雪狮子。Pehar的来源是藏北,青海,它是格萨尔王传中魔鬼之国蒙古部落Hor的战神。敦煌出土的文献称Hor为“吃人肉的红色魔鬼”,Hor的王曾来西藏杀掠,将格萨尔之妻抢走。通过一场血腥的战斗,Hor被格萨尔征服,Hor的主神Pehar被迫下毒誓服从格萨尔。格萨尔虽使 Pehar无害,但真正驱使Pehar确是莲花生(Padmasambhava)。传说中,莲花生用金刚杵点在Pehar头上,用法术降服了它。从此 Pehar就是喇嘛教的众神中的一个了。Pehar的贡奉地原是桑耶寺(Samye),它在建寺中被令干苦活。900年后五世dl将它迁到哲蚌寺附近的 Nechung寺并将它“提升”为西藏“国立神棍”。因为Pehar不愿意记起它当年被格萨尔打败的事,所以在哲蚌寺和其它任何Pehar到过的地方都不准念《格萨尔王传》。那么为什么是Pehar,这个西藏以前的凶恶敌手,来做西藏政府和dl喇嘛的“高参”?逻辑上将应该是一个菩萨或者格萨尔王这样的 “民族英雄”才更合理呀!要回答这个问题就得去看五世dl时期的宗教情况,我们知道,五世dl是借助蒙古卫拉特和硕特顾始汗的力量取得西藏的政教大权的,当时西藏的“民族力量”支持的是藏巴汗和Karmapa,明白了这个历史,就不会奇怪为什么五世dl选Pehar做黄教政权的“高参”。Pehar的任务就是要驯服那些西藏的“民族力量”。另一方面五世dl自己就出生于一个远祖是Hor蒙古人的贵族家庭。Pehar虽然发了毒誓,但喇嘛认为他有可能会有一天自毁誓言,反过来报复藏人。那时会发生什么呢?Pehar曾对莲花生说过,那时它会毁灭房屋和田地,西藏的儿童会挨饿直到发疯,冰雹和蝗虫会将所有的庄稼毁灭,强壮者会死光,只有羸弱者残留下来,整个高原会陷入战争。Pehar会打断喇嘛的冥想,剥夺他们的法力,把他们赶向自杀。男人会强奸自己的姐妹。智慧女会毒死大法师,然后逃奔异教徒之国,“我Pehar,寺庙佛塔和经文的主人,将会占有所有处女的身体!”
  那么今天的西藏流亡政府的运作是怎样的呢?当人们听到dl喇嘛口口声声的“民主”“自由”“人权”,也许会以为这种求签问卜的政治方式已不流行了。事实正相反!达兰撒拉的政治决定仍然是依靠占星,问卜,析梦,抽签!每一个政治决定都要通过这些方式来解决,每一次都得去问那个凶恶的蒙古神Pehar!这种巫卜的方法在最近几年反而更多了,除了Nechung,还有三个神棍参与dl政府决策。其中有一个来自康区的年轻女子。dl喇嘛自己怎么看这个问题呢?他说:“有些“进步”的藏人问我为什么还用这种老方法取得信息?原因很简单,根据以往的经验,占卜的结果总是正确的。我不仅相信鬼魂,我更相信各种各样的鬼魂。其中有“国立神棍”Nechung,我们认为它很精确,1000年来它没有出过任何错。”(来源 Dalai Lama XIV: Das Buch der Freiheit, Bergisch Gladbach 1993)(来源 瑞士报纸 Tagesanzeiger 1998.3.23)
发表于 2008-4-13 12:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 13:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 明堂大道 于 2008-4-13 12:44 发表 补充一点,雄天护法所代表的是当前一派与格鲁派传统势力相对抗的新兴宗教势力,或者说是格鲁派原教旨主义反dl势力,另一种叫法是"新噶丹派".这些人在宗教上抵制历代dl喇嘛对藏传佛教其他教派理论思想的吸收融合政策,反 ...

发表于 2008-4-13 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-13 15:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 明堂大道 于 2008-4-13 13:05 发表 另外,可笑的是60年代开始,DL喇嘛开始全面反对雄天护法,称其为"亲汉护法",但是查遍相关资料,真的很难看出这尊格鲁派正统教意保护神的护法和汉地有什么联系,反对他的一个理由是59年就是否武装叛乱进行的降神时,代表雄 ...

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