本帖最后由 wyd2008 于 2010-5-22 09:16 编辑
Mariah Carey.-.[Hero]欧美经典百听不厌
There's a hero 这就是勇士
If you look inside you heart 如果你注视你的内心
You don't have to be afraid of what you are 你不必顾忌自己是谁
There's a answer 这就是回答
If you reach into your soul and 如果你正视你自己的内心
the sorrow that you know will melt away 就明白时间会融化掉一切伤悲
and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on 勇士的力量将带你向前飞奔
and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive 如果你能够战胜怯懦,你就知道自己学会了生存
so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong 当你感到生活无望的时候,反省自己就会变得坚韧
and you'll finally see the truth 你终将发现一个真理
that a hero lies in you 勇气就藏在你的自身
it's a long road 人生之路何其漫长
when you face the world alone 面对世界你孤独一人
no one reaches out a hand for you to hold 谁会向你伸出援助之手
you can find love if you search within yourself 抚慰只能求诸自身
and the emptiness you felt will disappear 心灵空虚的日子终将过去
and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on 勇士的力量将带你向前飞奔
and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive 如果你能够战胜怯懦,你就知道自己学会了生存
so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong 当你感到生活无望的时候,反省自己就会变得坚韧
and you'll finally see the truth 你终将发现一个真理
that a hero lies in you 勇气就藏在你的自身
lord knows dreams are hard to follow 上帝也知道梦不可追
but don't let anyone tear them away 梦亦可贵岂容损毁
hold on there will be tomorrow 坚韧不拔直到明天
in time you'll find the way 勇士的坦途定会出现
and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on 勇士的力量将带你向前飞奔
and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive 如果你能够战胜怯懦,你就知道自己学会了生存
so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong 当你感到生活无望的时候,反省自己就会变得坚韧
and you'll finally see the truth 你终将发现一个真理
that a hero lies in you 勇气就藏在你的自身
that a hero lies in you 勇气就藏在你的自身......
Mariah carey无疑是流行乐界唱海豚音的最高手,她的海豚音,不仅最高,而且还能有八度变化,音符跳跃,甚至可以在她的海豚音里听到歌词。