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【联合翻译】NPR: China Earthquake: A Year Of Recovery

发表于 2009-5-9 11:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-5-9 23:49 编辑



China Earthquake: A Year Of Recovery

Coverage Then And Now
【1】A year after a massive earthquake devastated southwestern China, the struggle to recover goes on for the millions who lost loved ones and were left homeless. NPR continues to report on the recovery, rebuilding and rebirth of this ruined land.

【2】Poem Inspires U.S. Sculptor To Honor Quake Victims

May 9, 2009 · A week after a massive earthquake rocked southwest China last year, NPR aired a poem called "Elegy," by Chengdu poet He Xiaozhu. One NPR listener was so inspired by the poem that he decided to make a sculpture based on it.

【3】China Releases Toll Of Children Killed In Quake
May 7, 2009 · In its first official tally of children killed in last year's earthquake, the Chinese government said Thursday that more than 5,300 died. NPR's Melissa Block and Anthony Kuhn talk about the government's response to angry parents, activists and the media over the past year.

【4】For Parents, Justice Elusive In China School Collapse
May 7, 2009 · The most politically sensitive story to come out of the earthquake that hit southwest China last May is the question of why so many schools collapsed. Since the earthquake, parents who have demanded accountability for the deaths of their children have been punished. One couple shares their frustration.

【5】Workers Find Opportunity In Quake-Hit China

May 6, 2009 · The May 2008 earthquake in southwest China upended the local economy, and many jobs were lost in factories that were damaged or destroyed. But now a sea of laborers is working to rebuild Sichuan province.

【6】In China, Quake Tourism Becoming Big Business

May 6, 2009 · China's government and developers are sinking money into tourism projects around the zone where tens of thousands of people died in last May's earthquake. From laser tag in Baoshan to a museum in Dayi that will feature quake simulators, they're aiming to boost the local economy — and memorialize the dead.

【7】Grieving Chinese Family Quells Memories To Heal   => rlsrls08认领

May 5, 2009 · Two days after the earthquake struck southwestern China last May, Melissa Block interviewed a couple as rescue workers searched for their toddler son and his grandparents who were buried under a collapsed apartment building. Block checks in with the boy's aunt to see how the family is coping with the loss of its loved ones.

【8】Building Safer Homes Before The Next China Quake

May 5, 2009 · Last May, an earthquake devastated southwest China, toppling buildings. The culprit, says earthquake engineer Elizabeth Hausler, was precast concrete slabs. Hausler is now on a mission in Sichuan to help people build homes that can withstand future earthquakes.

【9】For Disabled Chinese Girl, An Uncertain Future

May 4, 2009 · Huang Meihua lost her legs when her school collapsed on her last May in the China earthquake. Now, she struggles with classmates gawking at her prosthetic legs. And she and her parents worry about where she'll attend classes when her temporary school closes.

【10】Ruined Beichuan Starts Anew

May 4, 2009 · When the 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit southwest China in May 2008, Beichuan county was among the hardest hit. Now, Beichuan is abandoned, but it's becoming a tourist attraction. Vendors like Mu Zhenxian, who lost 16 family members, sell photos of the burial ground.

【11】Chinese Seek Answers In Student Quake Deaths

May 4, 2009 · Nearly a year after the deadly May 12 earthquake in southwestern China, the government has not released figures of the number of children killed in collapsed schools. Some parents allege shoddy construction. Activists continue to investigate the deaths, despite the efforts of authorities to block them.

【12】Chinese Earthquake Victims Still Anxious For Relief

December 4, 2008 · Six months after the devastating Chinese earthquake, disaster victims are struggling with unemployment and worries about the future. Members of one family are losing their optimistic outlook about help from the government, and their future seems to be on hold.

【13】After Quake, Entrepreneurs Do Business In Tents

August 6, 2008 · Despite government claims that it will restore the living standards of quake survivors in just three years, many Chinese aren't waiting for a permanent structure to open shop. They're using tents for barber shops, restaurants and stores.

【14】In China, Anger Still Simmers Over School Collapses

July 26, 2008 · As the physical reminders of the massive earthquake that killed thousands of school children are swept away, Chinese officials are waging a campaign to tamp down on potential unrest among survivors and bereaved parents.

【15】China Approaching Quake Housing Deadline

July 21, 2008 · The Chinese government set an ambitious Aug. 1 deadline for providing temporary housing to survivors of the May 12 earthquake. Prefabricated shelters have been constructed in many areas, but many residents remain without accommodations.

【16】China Panda Center Copes With Sagging Tourism

July 16, 2008 · Two months after a massive earthquake struck China, a panda research base is struggling with major losses in revenues caused by a slowdown in tourism following the disaster. A new book about a panda named Jingjing is being launched to help raise money for the center.

【17】China's 'Biggest Coward' Finds Sympathy

July 14, 2008 · A teacher in China is chastised for writing a blog post about fleeing his classroom during the massive May earthquake. Fan Meizhong says he was later fired for "speaking improperly" about the event.




 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-9 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
Memories To HealMay 5, 2009 ·

Two days after the earthquake struck southwestern China last May, Melissa Block interviewed a couple as rescue workers searched for their toddler son and his grandparents who were buried under a collapsed apartment building. Block checks in with the boy's aunt to see how the family is coping with the loss of its loved ones.
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发表于 2009-5-10 01:36 | 显示全部楼层

【10】Ruined Beichuan Starts Anew

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发表于 2009-5-10 04:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 eternity 于 2009-5-10 05:53 编辑


Ruined Beichuan Starts Anew

All Things Considered, May 4, 2009 ·

Beichuan, in China's Sichuan province, was devastated by the May 12, 2008, earthquake. More than 80 percent of the buildings were destroyed, and thousands of people were killed.(Shiho Fukada)
北川,位于中国四川省境内,在2008年5月12日的地震中遭到毁坏。80%以上的建筑物被毁,数万人民丧生。(Shiho Fukada摄影)

When the 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit southwest China on May 12, 2008, Beichuan county was among the hardest hit. Twenty thousand people died in that county alone. In the county seat, it's believed half the population perished.

Thousands of bodies remain entombed in the rubble of Beichuan. The city is in a deep valley, with mountains on all sides. The force of the earthquake sheared off the sides of those mountains, and the landslides roared straight down onto the city.

Tourists often visit the hillside above the old city of Beichuan, which has been condemned owing to its unsafe conditions.(Shiho Fukada)
游客们经常去老北川边的山腰,那里因条件不安全而被谴责。(Shiho Fukada摄影)

The city of Beichuan is abandoned. A fence topped with concertina wire prevents entry. But the ruined city has become a tourist attraction anyway.

When I visited recently, I walked by vendors who line the mountain road, selling earthquake memorabilia. Visitors can buy DVDs of disaster footage taken in the immediate aftermath of the quake: aerial before-and-after photographs of the city, and photo books that the vendors make sure to leave open to the most ghastly image of a half-dozen broken, gray young bodies, buried in the rubble.

Local vendor Mu Zhenxian lost 16 relatives in the quake. She now sells photos and DVDs of earthquake destruction on a hill overlooking the city of Beichuan( Andrea Hsu/NPR)
地方上的小贩穆珍娴,在地震中失去了16位亲人。她在出售从山上俯拍北川的地震毁灭照片和DVD。( Andrea Hsu/NPR摄影)

I walked away from the haggling and the cameras on tripods, up a narrow dirt path. I climbed past altars where visitors burn incense and candles, past plaques to honor the earthquake dead. Just before I reached the barrier fence, I found Mu Zhenxian, sitting at a low table behind her earthquake wares.

'I Cry Several Times A Day'

Mu Zhenxian trades in images of the earthquake that wiped out much of her family. She lists the casualties.

"My mother, my brother, my daughter, my niece, my grandson: They didn't come out," she says, meaning they're still somewhere down below her overlook, buried in the debris.

All told, she lost 16 extended-family members.

She pulls out one of the laminated photographs she is selling — an aerial view of the ruined city — and points to one spot.

"My daughter is buried here, underneath this building," she tells me. She points to another spot. "My niece was in the elementary school right here."

Mu's granddaughter survived, but she is still hospitalized a year later.

"The government pays the medical bills," Mu explains. "But we have to pay for our living expenses. So I have no choice. That's why I'm here, with this tiny business."

When I ask her if she's bothered by all the noise and the tourists taking photographs of her family's crude burial ground, she nods.

"I cry several times a day," she says. "People ask me to talk about what happened, and whenever I try to tell them, I cry."

Build Safe And Build Fast

Anew city of Beichuan will be built 15 miles south of the old city.Here, He Xian, the deputy chief of Beichuan county, reviews the masterplan for rebuilding.(Andrea Hsu/NPR)
一个新北川将会建在老城以南15英里处。这儿,贺县,北川县长,评论着重建模板规划。(Andrea Hsu/NPR摄影)

The plan is for the old, abandoned Beichuan to be turned into a memorial site and attraction. Tourists will be able to visit a quake museum and walk through the city wreckage.

Old Beichuan is surrounded on all sides by high mountains — beautiful, but lethal in the end.

The new Beichuan will be built on an absolutely flat river plain, 15 miles south. Right now the new site is just a broad, open field stretching away toward the distant mountains.

They cleared away eight villages on this spot to make way for the new city. There is no construction under way. But local officials promise that by the end of 2010, the new Beichuan will be complete: A new city will have risen, with homes for 30,000 people.

From China's top leaders on down, the message to local planners has been clear — build safe, and build fast. Local officials such as Beichuan's deputy county chief, He Wang, are feeling the pressure, both from the government and from locals who are tired of a year spent in temporary housing and are anxious to get into their new homes.

'We Do Feel The Burden Is Heavy'

He, 31, is an architect and urban planner, a graduate of China's top university, Tsinghua. He is charged with designing the new Beichuan.

"All of these expectations have landed on us city planners," he says. "We do feel the burden is heavy and the pressure is quite high."

It says something about the central government's commitment to this project that He has been sent to Beichuan, all the way from Beijing, 1,000 miles away.

He's helping to fill a dramatic leadership vacuum: 400 Beichuan officials were killed in the earthquake, one-quarter of its leaders.

He lists the six qualities that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has insisted must be included in the new Beichuan: safety, livability, the character of the ethnic Qiang people, prosperity, a modern civilization and harmony.

"That's a tall order!" I tell him. "And, do it fast. Do you think you can do it? Are you optimistic?"

He answers with a smile, "Optimistic — and confident."

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发表于 2009-5-10 06:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 19:31 | 显示全部楼层
【09.05.05 美国NPR】地震后一年重建系列之七:悲痛的中国家庭-用忘却来疗伤




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 19:33 | 显示全部楼层
'Afterquake': Rebuilding Sichuan With Song
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