a song 4 cnn
华侨出歌证实事实 反对zd 爱我中华
华侨出歌证实事实 反对zd 爱我中华一起期待我们的奥运会!我们要奋起反抗!强烈谴责丑陋的CNN!希望大家都加入关注奥运事件的行列中~!!!!补充视频;http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ2Njg2MDA=.html 这个世界上只有一个中国,如果你们想把中国分裂出去,那是不可能的事情,不管你是来自哪里,Australia?canada?british ils?south africa, and the united states of America,中国有资格举办奥运会,西藏是中国的一部份,坚决反对分裂,维护祖国统一. 让我来告诉你一个真实的西藏, 1949年,中国人民解放战争取得了决定性胜利,中华人民共和国成立. 1951年,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府的代表就西藏和平解放的一系列问题达成协议,签订了《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》西藏地方政府积极协助人民解放军进入西藏,巩固国防西藏实行民族区域自治,我在说一遍是巩固国防,不是入侵,这些都是历史,是就是,不是就不是,这就是事实, To wake up daily, And sleep better nights Thats what we all wish for to seek a better life, right? It's unfortunate, when tragedys strike But the truth is reality bites march 14,08.a day residents fear Strangers??? yet they were my blood and flesh This happened in China, But you ain't gotta be asian to relate To the struggle, pain and hard aches 作为一个华侨,我感到很骄傲.中国举办奥运会,我引以为荣.我们都是上帝的种子,都一样是人,我们虽然看起来不同,但是我们能看同一篇天空... If you don't know where you came from You can't get the way your trying to go You may have heard a lot about Chinese invasion of Tibet OR about Tibet Independent movement in Western media.British and America working hard to separate Tibet from China since 19th century. Do you know that China has 56 nationalities?? Do you know that Tibetan immigrated to Tibet several thousand years ago from other part of China? i hope u can all read from the Tibet history and report the TRUTH and do some homework before passing your judgment about a nation you have been misled in centuries 西藏是中国的一部分,爱我中华.热爱祖国是每个中国人的责任, 来来来,让我们一起,团结起来,来来来,全世界的华人团结起来.yea,i dont know what else i can say,宣传西藏真相,聊聊自己的看法..我知道我没有什么资格在这里乱放倔词,但是我只想说,这个世界只有一个中国,包括台湾,西藏,都是中国的一部分..爱我中华,PEACE,this is abc小寺,只有一个中国. |