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[翻译完毕] 【arabnews.com】 Muslims decry violence against Uighurs

发表于 2009-7-11 22:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Muslims decry violence against Uighurs
Muslims decry violence against Uighurs
Siraj Wahab | Arab News                                                                                      

GREAT WILL OF CHINA: Unconcerned about a heavy police presence, a young Uighur boy with a toy gun strolls around an Urumqi street on Friday. (EPA)

ALKHOBAR: A large section of Muslims yesterday offered specialprayers for the well-being of their co-religionists in Urumqi andKashgar in China’s far-west Xinjiang province. They expressed shock atthe violence that is being meted out to Uighurs by Han Chinese in aregion that Muslims know as East Turkestan. They prayed for peace toprevail in the region and expressed complete solidarity with thebesieged people.

“The images that are coming out of Urumqi arevery painful. Club-wielding Han Chinese, who are being resettled in theregion, are roaming the streets. I have seen television images ofUighur women cowering in fear at the impending attacks.

“Weknew not everything was all right in the Muslim-dominated province ofChina, but we were oblivious to the scale of the anti-Muslim sentimentthere,” said Amin Nasser Kashgari, who works as a subcontractor for awater utility firm in Dammam. Amin Kashgari’s forefathers belonged toKashgar, which is close to Urumqi and which has also been the focus ofthe recent troubles.

“These are very dark days for the Uighurpeople. It is a repressive regime in China. Remember what they did totheir own people at Tiananmen Square. Uighurs are not Chinese. Theyspeak their own language. They have their own distinct culture. This iscertainly not to the liking of the Han Chinese who are being resettledin the predominantly Muslim region... Violence has been simmering inthe region for a long time,” he pointed out.

Saad MuhammadAl-Qahtani, who offered Friday prayers along with a large group offaithful at a prominent mosque in Alkhobar, said China enjoyed a goodreputation among Saudis. “We all know they are a hard-working people,that they are in line to become the world’s next superpower. However,this repression against Muslims in China has unnerved me. What I seeand hear is beyond words. Some people in our family circle havesuggested that what is happening there is certainly no different thanwhat is happening in Palestine. It is just that the media is not fullyaware of what is happening in China,” he said.

“Witnesses quotedby Arabic television channels have confirmed that demonstrators wereshot and beaten to death by Chinese police, and some were even crushedunder armored vehicles,” claimed an agitated Al-Qahtani. JameelMuhammad Hotani, a young science student at a local university, saidchat rooms frequented by Arabs were vociferously discussing the Uighurissue. “There is a lack of awareness about the region. Whateverinformation is available is available through the Western newsagencies. They are basically talking about only the current troubles.There is no mention of the roots of the problem,” he said. According toSaudis of East Turkestani origin, what is happening in East Turkestanis nothing less that what is happening in Palestine. “Just as Israel isbusy usurping Arab land and ‘Judaizing’ Jerusalem, China is usurpingEast Turkestan. In the 1940s and 1950s and 1960s China brought inmillions of Han Chinese to settle them on Uighur land. A lot of theseHan Chinese were basically criminal elements and they have wreakedhavoc in the region,” said Abdul Qader, Jameel Muhammad’s brother.

The Hotani brothers trace their ancestry to Hotan in East Turkestan.They said their father and grandfather were among the Uighur elite.They were part of the East Turkestani government. When China floodedEast Turkestan with Han Chinese, most of the Uighurs who had theresources fled the region. “It was in mid-1940s that our parents landedin Saudi Arabia. They were among so many Uighurs who were offered Saudihospitality,” said Qader. They urged China to heed internationalopinion and end all violence. “We call on the Chinese government toensure the safety of everyone living in East Turkestan,” Qader added.The violence in East Turkestan prompted Organization of the IslamicConference (OIC) Secretary-General professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu toissue two statements in the last three days. He expressed deep concernat the deteriorating situation in Uighur Autonomous Region of China andin particular the loss of life in great number among the civilians andthe loss of property.

Ihsanoglu deplored the climate of fearthat the Uighur people are obliged to live in. He called upon theChinese government to provide protection for the civilian populationand to allow them to return to their normal life.

“It is my belief that the chronic problem facing the Uighur people could not be solved through security measures alone.”
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