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发表于 2009-7-23 12:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jshi6210 于 2009-7-23 12:19 编辑

我觉得在美国的可以给州Senator/Representative写抱怨信. 不知道会有多大效果, 可以试试看. 在这里可以找到你的州的Senator/Representative: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/directory/congdir.tt?command=congdir

我写了封准备发的信, 付在这:


The Honorable (Name)

Dear Senator/Representative (Name):

I am writing about NED (National Endowment for Democracy) that misuses our taxpayer’s money. I am asking for your support and leadership in efforts to initiate an investigation of NED cash grants in supporting terrorist organizations and to end any possible NED practices in directly or indirectly supporting terrorism.

You may know that NED is a non-profit organization, which is supposed to promote democracy by providing cash grants funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress. The current Director of NED is Dr. Moisés Naím.

When I read the newspaper “The Philadelphia Inquirer” last Sunday, I was shocked by so many rumors in the article of "Activists ignore China's persecution of Uighurs", written by Dr. Moisés Naím and published on 7/19/09 at page C3. As the Director of NED who has the power to use and distribute taxpayer’s money, Dr. Moisés Naím has losed the creditabilities that a trustful and honest person should have. As a taxpayer, I have really worried about the situation. The truth about Uighurs in China in the article was extremely distorted, and lots of accusations were completely false. Dr. Moisés Naím basically just ignored facts and made up rumors.

Let me just to give you an example. "...Their language is forbidden in schools," Dr. Moisés Naím wrote in his article. However, the fact is Uighurs' language is taught in schools at Xinjiang province, China, including elementary schools up to colleges. As a matter of fact, lots of Uighurs use their language daily and some of them are barely able to speak the China’s official language (like English in US). To ignite ethnic tensions and make excuses to kill innocent people, terrorist groups often use this kind of rumors. How could Dr. Moisés Naím say the same thing as terrorist groups do? Whom did he learn from?

For your reference, this article can also be found at http://www.philly.com/inquirer/currents/51108207.html under the title: “Muslim world's rage missing over Uighurs' plight. Although the title is changed, contents are exactly the same.

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue. I hope that you will be able to help in efforts to end any possible NED practices in supporting terrorism.

Sincerely yours,


 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jshi6210 于 2009-7-24 23:51 编辑




The Honorable (Name)

Dear Senator (Name):

I am writing about NED (National Endowment for Democracy) that misuses our taxpayer’s money. I am asking for your support and leadership in efforts to initiate an investigation of NED cash grants in supporting terrorist organizations and to end any possible NED practices in directly or indirectly supporting terrorism.

You may know that NED is a non-profit organization, which is supposed to promote democracy by providing cash grants funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress. The current Director of NED is Mr. Moisés Naím.

When I read the newspaper “The Philadelphia Inquirer” last Sunday, I was shocked by so many rumors carried in the article of "Activists ignore China's persecution of Uighurs", written by Mr. Moisés Naím and published on 7/19/09 at page C3. As the Director of NED who has the power to use and distribute taxpayer’s money, Mr. Moisés Naím has already lost the creditability that a trustful and honest person should have. As a taxpayer, I have really worried about the situation. The truth about Uighurs in China in the article was extremely distorted, and lots of accusations were completely false. Mr. Moisés Naím basically just ignored facts and made up rumors.

Let me just to give you an example here. "...Their language is forbidden in schools," Mr. Moisés Naím wrote in his article. However, the fact is Uighurs' language is taught in schools, including elementary schools up to colleges, at Xinjiang province, China. As a matter of fact, lots of Uighurs use their native language daily and some of them are barely able to speak the China’s official language (like English in US). To ignite ethnic tensions and make excuses to kill innocent people, terrorist groups often use this kind of rumors. How could Mr. Moisés Naím say the same thing as terrorist groups do? Whom did he learn from?

For your reference, this article can also be found at http://www.philly.com/inquirer/currents/51108207.html under the title: “Muslim world's rage missing over Uighurs' plight”. Although the title is changed, contents are exactly the same.

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue. I hope that you will be able to help in efforts to end any possible NED practices in supporting terrorism. I’m looking forward to hearing from you on this issue.

Sincerely yours,




The Honorable (Name)

Dear Representative (Name):

I am writing about NED (National Endowment for Democracy) that misuses our taxpayer’s money. I am asking for your support and leadership in efforts to initiate an investigation of NED cash grants in supporting terrorist organizations and to end any possible NED practices in directly or indirectly supporting terrorism.

You may know that NED is a non-profit organization, funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress. The current Director of NED is Mr. Moisés Naím.

When I read the newspaper “The Philadelphia Inquirer” last Sunday, I was shocked by so many rumors carried in the article of "Activists ignore China's persecution of Uighurs", written by Mr. Moisés Naím and published on 7/19/09 at page C3. As the Director of NED who has the power to use and distribute taxpayer’s money, Mr. Moisés Naím has already lost the creditability that a trustful and honest person should have. Mr. Moisés Naím basically just ignored facts and made up rumors.

Let me just to give you an example here. "...Their language is forbidden in schools," Mr. Moisés Naím wrote in his article. However, the fact is Uighurs' language is taught in schools, including elementary schools up to colleges, at Xinjiang province, China. To ignite ethnic tensions and make excuses to kill innocent people, terrorist groups often use this kind of rumors. How could Mr. Moisés Naím say the same thing as terrorist groups do? Whom did he learn from?

For your reference, this article can also be found at http://www.philly.com/inquirer/currents/51108207.html under the title: “Muslim world's rage missing over Uighurs' plight”. Although the title is changed, contents are exactly the same.

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue. I hope that you will be able to help in efforts to end any possible NED practices in supporting terrorism. I’m looking forward to hearing from you on this issue.

Sincerely yours,


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发表于 2009-7-26 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 免禽 于 2009-7-26 20:24 编辑


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