这是CNN对中国政府决定给予无辜受害者赔偿的报告,以下链接为证: This is the lastest news that CNN reports, the following link shall be a hard evidence: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/03/29/tibet.compensation.ap/index.html
批驳: 首先AP是另外一家通讯社,CNN可以说它对AP报道的理解而写的这篇新闻,所以写错了也不要怪他们。
Lies: "BEIJING, China (AP) -- Beijing will compensate victims of anti-government protests in Tibet," CNN的英语水平够“高”的,这句话可以理解为:北京将会对西藏反政府游行中的被杀害的游行者做出补偿。 如果正确报道,英文表述应该是:
Truth: Beijing will compensate victims killed by bullies during the anti-goverment roit in Tibet. 这是中国政府所宣布的,CNN给改了。 真是是可忍,孰不可忍,连我们政府的话都要歪曲报道,请问这是中立的报道吗?! CNN若给不出解释就请滚出中国! Get out from China if you can't offer an explaination! |
beijing, clashes, CNN, Tibet, victims, beijing, clashes, CNN, Tibet, victims, beijing, clashes, CNN, Tibet, victims