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发表于 2009-9-19 00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-9-19 00:21 编辑




BERLIN (Own report) - The German foreign intelligence service is predicting shifts in the global power constellation and is demanding "a geo-strategic debate in Germany." According to a classified Federal Intelligence Service (BND) study, the collapse of the western national economies, whose recuperation is unpredictable, could lead to a drastic acceleration of China's rise and the decline of West Germany's long-term primary ally, the United States. This intelligence service paper is being currently discussed in Berlin and excerpts have been leaked to the press to prepare public opinion for possible changes in global policy orientation. "A long-term global crisis" cannot, for the moment, be excluded, assesses the BND, who, if this happens, is anticipating "massive unemployment and movements of migration in unprecedented dimensions" as well as an escalation of nationalism and very serious international tensions. An essential question, for the future global conflict constellations, according to this paper, will be if Russia can be bound to the West or if Moscow will go over to the Chinese adversary.
德国情报机构预测全球大国版图将发生斗转星移,并引发了“德国境内的一场地缘策略辩论”。根据联邦情报局(德语Bundes Nachrichten Dienst,简称BND)的一项机密研究,西方国家经济的坍塌(复苏尚无法预期),可能大大加速中国的崛起,而导致西德的长期主要盟友——美国的衰落。这篇情报部门的文章现时正在柏林进行讨论,而一些摘录的段落已经泄露到了新闻界,以使民意做好对全球政策定位可能转变的准备。联邦情报局估计,“长期的全球危机”暂时还无法排除;而如果这危机真的发生了,联邦情报局预期将会有“史无前例的庞大规模的失业和移民潮”,以及民族主义情绪的高涨和相当严重的国际间紧张态势。文章中对于未来全球冲突版图的一个基本问题,是俄罗斯会追随西方,还是会转向中国这个对手。

The Asian Century

The "confidential" BND study on the effects of the world economic crisis on global power constellations has been discussed in Berlin's government circles since last spring. The gist of the paper is now being expounded upon in the specialized periodical "Internationale Politik" to "generate a geo-strategic debate in Germany."[1] The journal's preface explains that "the world economic crisis is accelerating the dawn of the 'Asian Century.' The global balance of power is being shifted to the East."[2] In its study, the BND developed various scenarios on how this shift could take place. "We are possibly experiencing a geopolitical metamorphosis"[3] summarized BND President, Ernst Uhrlau, the anticipated serious transformations in the international system of states - having recourse to terminology rich in German tradition. Both German attempts to conquer world power last century, were accompanied by "geopolitical" contemplations. For decades, following the Second World War, that term fell into desuetude, until it suffered a renaissance in the 1990s.

Shift Eastward

The BND study's "Scenario No. 1", parts from the premise of "a recuperation of the market situation and a return of confidence in the world's economy".[4] Even though, in this scenario, the USA will be able to still maintain its predominance "for awhile," this will have "no influence" on "China's steady rise," according to the BND. "The weight between the major blocks: the USA, the EU and China" will inevitably "slowly shift eastward," predicts the German foreign intelligence service. This paper's "Scenario No. 1," which the authors doubt will materialize, includes an enhanced margin of maneuver for the most important exporters of raw materials, such as Russia, the Arab countries, Iran and Venezuela, due to their increase in prosperity as well as the rise in the price of raw materials, "with all the advantages and disadvantages that this would entail." This could lead particularly Venezuela and Russia to "act more self-confident on the political stage," warns the BND.

The China Scenario

According to the BND, "Scenario No. 2" would be "much less pleasant." The unprecedented billions of US dollars in bailouts could be a complete flop, the infamous excessive indebtedness of the US credit card could burst new finance bubbles, pulling the economy further into the abyss. If, in spite of the West's collapse, China succeeds in continuing its technological race to catch up, it "will very rapidly rise to become the predominating power in Asia." Whereas the USA has been forced to limit "its radius of action sooner than planned, out of financial considerations" Beijing could play its winning hand throughout the international arena. "The stronger China, and the weaker the USA appear" the more unambiguously many states could begin "to politically orient themselves" on the East, warns the BND. Decisive in this question is in which direction Russia will turn. The foreign intelligence service hopes that Moscow will stick with the West "to avoid having to take on the role of the ascending China's junior partner." But it is also imaginable that Russia will "rely offensively on Peking."[5] Berlin's "Strategic Community" has been contemplating this possibility for some time. Last year the Federal College for Security Studies openly speculated about a "threat of military conflict" between the West (EU, USA) and the East (China, Russia). (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[6])

World War Potential

Whereas the intelligence service officially anticipates a development between Scenarios No. 1 and 2, they have also discovered tendencies that could make a "Scenario No. 3." This scenario predicts "a long-term global crisis" that would lead to an extensive re-nationalization of the world's economies. As a matter of fact, over the past few months, imports and exports in Germany, China, and Japan have dramatically collapsed. If this crisis endures, it could lead to the spread of "political instability" in countries furnishing raw materials due to a lack of exports. In such a case, China would also be threatened with an "unprecedented massive unemployment and movements of migration." The BND anticipates that China - as well as Russia - could pass through this period "by fomenting nationalism" to "redirect [domestic] aggressions toward overseas," eventually even against the West. "One needs little imagination, to picture the conflict that could evolve, for example with the USA" the paper explains in reference to "Scenario No. 3's" potential for a world war.[7]


The BND's three scenarios point out the basic lines of Berlin's debate on the global political development for the next few years and decades. The few elements of this study that have been divulged to the public, pass in silence over German tendencies in the domestic crisis - here too nationalism is on the rise [8] - along with the aggressive potential in Berlin's foreign policy. Nonetheless the initiator of the study provides elements of what can be expected in German domestic developments. It was not one of Berlin's political establishment think tanks or one of the large foundations of private corporations that provided the German government with this study on the expected shifts in global power constellations. It was the foreign intelligence service, whose influence over the past decade has already significantly grown. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[9]) Once again, the main prompter proves to be the repressive and espionage apparatus, rather than the civilian establishment in Berlin.




 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-19 00:09 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-9-19 00:21 编辑

【原文标题】Die Zukunft Ost-Turkestans


(Eigener Bericht) - Berlin nutzt die Unruhen in der westchinesischen Region Xinjiang zu scharfen Attacken gegen Beijing. Die Volksrepublik müsse "eine schnelle und vorbehaltlose Aufklärung" der blutigen Auseinandersetzungen in die Wege leiten, fordert die Vorsitzende von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Claudia Roth. Einflussreiche deutsche Medien erklären die Minderheitenpolitik Beijings für "gescheitert" und sehen China vor der "Explosion". Die uigurischen Separatisten, die am Wochenende mit einem antichinesischen Pogrom die mörderischen Unruhen in Gang gesetzt hatten, unterhalten bereits seit Jahren enge Verbindungen nach Deutschland. Federführend ist der World Uyghur Congress in München, der im Westen um Unterstützung für die uigurische Sezessionspolitik wirbt. Die Organisation hat im Mai auf ihrer jüngsten Generalversammlung in Washington ihre nächsten Schritte festgelegt. Sie findet auch im Auswärtigen Amt Gehör. Der World Uyghur Congress hat kurz vor den aktuellen Unruhen zu Kundgebungen gegen Beijing aufgerufen. Berichten aus China zufolge trägt er Verantwortung für die blutige Gewalt am Wochenende.

Bei den Unruhen in Urumqi, der Hauptstadt der Autonomen Region Xinjiang in Westchina, sind am Wochenende mindestens 150 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Spannungen in dem Gebiet nehmen schon seit geraumer Zeit zu. Im September steht der 60. Jahrestag der Wiedereingliederung Xinjiangs in die Volksrepublik China bevor. Uigurische Separatisten wollen dagegen protestieren. Bei den Uiguren handelt es sich um die in Xinjiang lebende muslimische Minderheit, die eine Turksprache spricht; manche von ihnen möchten Xinjiang als "Ost-Turkestan" an andere turksprachige Territorien Zentralasiens anschließen. Die Sezession aus der Volksrepublik gilt als Voraussetzung dafür. Weiter verschärft hatten sich die Spannungen in Xinjiang bereits Ende Juni nach gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Uiguren und anderen Chinesen in Südchina, bei denen zwei Uiguren umgebracht worden waren. Am Wochenende starteten Uiguren in Urumqi jetzt ein antichinesisches Pogrom und griffen mit Knüppeln, Steinen und Messern Nicht-Uiguren und deren Immobilien und Fahrzeuge an. Wieviele Nicht-Uiguren bei dem Pogrom und wieviele Uiguren durch chinesische Sicherheitskräfte bei der Niederschlagung der Angriffe zu Tode kamen, ist bislang unbekannt.


In die Eskalation der Spannungen und möglicherweise auch in die Aufrufe zu dem antichinesischen Pogrom vom Wochenende ist eine Organisation mit Hauptsitz in München involviert: der World Uyghur Congress. Der Verband steuert Uiguren im westlichen Exil und hat Ende Mai seine dritte Generalversammlung abgehalten - in Washington. In Verbindung damit führte er gemeinsam mit dem US-amerikanischen National Endowment for Democracy (NED) eine "Menschenrechtskonferenz" durch, die auch "Lösungen für die Zukunft Ost-Turkestans" erarbeiten sollte. Auf der Rednerliste der Konferenz wird ein Abgesandter der deutschen Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) genannt. Wirkte bereits die Teilnahme von US-Parlamentariern an der Veranstaltung [1] motivierend auf die uigurischen Separatisten, so rief der World Uyghur Congress danach, Anfang Juli, zu weltweiten Kundgebungen vor den Botschaften Chinas auf - mit der Begründung, gegen den Tod der beiden Uiguren bei den Auseinandersetzungen Ende Juni in Südchina protestieren zu wollen. Laut der chinesischen Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua folgten auf die Demonstrationsaufrufe via Internet verbreitete Appelle, jetzt noch "tapferer zu sein" und "etwas Großes zu tun" - Floskeln, die als verklausulierte Aufforderungen zu gewalttätigem Vorgehen in Xinjiang verstanden worden seien.[2]

In vorderster Reihe

Der World Uyghur Congress basiert auf Strukturen jahrzehntelanger deutsch-US-amerikanischer Kooperation gegen China. An seiner Gründung wirkte maßgeblich der prominente Sezessionist Erkin Alptekin mit; seine Familie genießt in uigurischen Kreisen hohe Anerkennung. Alptekin hatte im Jahr 1971 seinen Wohnsitz in München genommen und dort als "Senior Policy Advisor" den Direktor des US-Senders Radio Liberty beraten - zu einer Zeit, als der US-Geheimdienst CIA mit dem Aufbau von Kontakten zu uigurischen Sezessionisten begann. "Einige von ihnen wie Erkin Alptekin, die für den Münchner CIA-Sender Radio Liberty gearbeitet hatten", schreibt der Analytiker B. Raman, ehemals Kabinettssekretär der indischen Regierung, "befinden sich inzwischen in der vordersten Reihe der Sezessionsbewegung".[3] Alptekin war Gründungspräsident des World Uyghur Congress, der im April 2004 in München ins Leben gerufen wurde und nach Auskunft Beijings Kontakte zu terroristischen Milieus unterhält.[4]
世界维吾尔大会建立在数十年的德美反华合作基础之上。著名的分离主义者艾尔肯·阿尔普特金在该组织的成立过程中起到了重要的作用;他的家族在维吾尔人的圈子里享有很高的声望。阿尔普特金于1971年定居于慕尼黑,并在此担任美国广播机构“自由广播电台”台长的“高级政策顾问”――这个时候,正是美国的情报机构中央情报局开始同维吾尔分离主义者建立联系的时候。“他们当中的几个 ,如艾尔肯·阿尔普特金,曾经为慕尼黑的中央情报局自由广播电台工作过”,时任印度政府内阁秘书的分析家B·拉曼写道,“他们处在分离运动的最前沿”。阿尔普特金是世界维吾尔大会的创始主席,该组织于2004年4月在慕尼黑成立;根据北京的信息,该组织与恐怖组织保持着联系。

Im Auswärtigen Amt

Alptekins Nachfolgerin Rebiya Kadeer, Ende der 1990er Jahre die reichste Geschäftsfrau der Volksrepublik China, lebt seit 2005 in den Vereinigten Staaten im Exil. Im November 2006 wurde sie zur Präsidentin des World Uyghur Congress gewählt - in München - und besuchte aus diesem Anlass zum ersten Mal Berlin. Nur ein Jahr später, im Oktober 2007, traf sie mit Vertretern parteinaher Stiftungen und dem Ausschuss des Bundestages für Menschenrechte zusammen und konferierte zudem im Auswärtigen Amt.[5] Systematisch wird sie zur PR-Figur für die Außendarstellung der Uiguren aufgebaut - nach dem Vorbild des Dalai Lama, der Sympathiewerbung für den tibetischen Separatismus betreibt. Rebiya Kadeer ("Mutter der Uiguren") war schon mehrfach Kandidatin für den Friedensnobelpreis, ihre Biographie ist in der Bundespressekonferenz vorgestellt worden und wurde damals in den deutschen Medien mit entsprechender Aufmerksamkeit bedacht.

Drei Völker

Deutsche Medien weisen mit Interesse darauf hin, dass das von Sezessionisten bedrohte Gebiet Xinjiang für China erhebliche Bedeutung besitzt: Es bildet eine geostrategische Brücke nach Zentralasien und ist reich an Bodenschätzen. Insbesondere werden umfangreiche Erdöl- und Erdgasvorkommen dort vermutet, auch Gold und Uran sind in Xinjiang zu finden. Vor allem jedoch sind die uigurischen Separatisten keineswegs isoliert.

Sie unterhalten neben ihren Kontakten zu Regierungskreisen im Westen auch gute Beziehungen zu Abspaltungsbefürwortern aus den Autonomen Regionen Tibet und Innere Mongolei. "Unsere drei Völker sind durch Geographie und Geschichte miteinander verbunden, und in diesen Tagen auch noch durch die chinesische Besatzung", behauptete der Dalai Lama Ende der 1990er Jahre: "Ich bleibe optimistisch, dass sich in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft das wahre Sehnen der Völker Ost-Turkestans, der Inneren Mongolei und Tibets erfüllen wird".[6] In der Hoffnung, den strategischen Rivalen VR China durch Abspaltung riesiger Landesteile von Tibet über Xinjiang bis zur Inneren Mongolei empfindlich schwächen zu können, liegt die Ursache für die Sympathie, die Berlin den uigurischen Sezessionisten entgegenbringt.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-19 00:09 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-9-19 00:16 编辑

【原文标题】Fear of Demotion


BERLIN/WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Own report) - EU political strategists are alarmed by US proposals for a closer cooperation between the USA and the People's Republic of China. According to the EU think tank European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) "fears" are revived "within Europe that it could be sidelined in a new world order." These fears are fomented by proposals by the former US presidential advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, for regular informal US-Chinese consultations on important global issues. Brzezinski would like to see this cooperation between Washington and Beijing at the same level as the meetings of the eight most significant industrial nations ("G8") dubbing it "G2" ("Group of Two"). The apparent global balance of power shift from the Atlantic to the Pacific is heightening the tone in anti-Chinese agitation that has always been quite harsh in Berlin. This agitation found its latest expression in the Xinjiang campaign, the EU's and Germany's reaction to the Uyghur massacre of nearly 140 non-Uyghur Chinese. This campaign is directed toward weakening the Chinese rival in its strategically important Western regions, thereby impeding China's further rise.

Too Powerful Too Soon

The current debate is taking place in the context of the People's Republic of China's steady advance. China is playing an important role in the struggle against the economic crisis, because it holds "the largest monetary reserves worldwide," assesses US billionaire George Soros. "China's decisions will have an affect on the future of the world's economy to the same extent as President Obama's." The People's Republic of China has become "too powerful too soon."[1] The German EU think tank, the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), is also pointing to China's rapidly growing importance: Particularly the USA is financially dependent on China and Chinese support is also needed to influence the Iranian nuclear program. China could not only use its veto power in the UN Security Council, but also its exclusive economic influence to intervene on the ground. And lastly, the Afghan-Pakistani war zone borders on China, therefore necessitating joint action.[2]


Because China's ascension no longer can be ignored, former US President Jimmy Carter's national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, had submitted a proposal on the future relationship with China, already last January. In the 1970s, Brzezinski had played a leading role in the rapprochement between China and the USA, striking a serious blow against the Soviet Union.[3] Brzezinski now explains that the fact that the USA today is largely depending on the People's Republic makes a corresponding institutionalization of the cooperation between the two countries necessary. It no longer suffices, to hold consultations within the framework of larger multinational meetings ("G14", "G16" or "G20"). The top leaders of both states should "therefore meet informally on a regular schedule for personal in-depth discussions" not only about bilateral issues but about "the world in general." Borrowing from the example of the conferences of the eight largest industrial countries ("G8"), Brzezinski promotes a "G2" ("Group of Two").[4]


Though very controversial with many opponents inside the USA, Brzezinski's proposal provoked serious concern in Europe. The former US presidential advisor conceives of the "G2" as being on a par with US-European and US-Japanese relations. But one can imagine that with China's rapid growth in influence, the "G2" could, in the long run, play a decisive role. The prospect that the most focal global issues could no longer be regulated at a transatlantic but a transpacific level is setting off alarms in European capitals. The prospect of "G2", ECFR writes, "revives fears within Europe that it could be sidelined in a new world order that exploits its weakness."[5] ECFR does not expect an imminent implementation of "G2". "No one in the Obama administration has yet used the term" and "it is seldom even mentioned" in China. But the basic apprehension is obviously there.

No Longer a Mediator

Berlin would particularly be hit by Chinese-US consultations. Special methods of German foreign policy always included positioning itself between opposing powers as "mediator" and making deals with one or the other side - a seesaw policy practiced exemplarily in Germany's relations to Russia and the United States.[6] If the United States and the People's Republic of China would establish a cooperation framework, Germany could no longer play this role in relation to the coming decades' two central powers. For years, Berlin has been contemplating this possibility.[7] The German government is therefore particularly interested to thwart regular consultations between Washington and Beijing.

The Xinjiang Campaign

The apparent global balance of power shift from the Atlantic to the Pacific has already been heightening the tone in traditional anti-Chinese agitation. This agitation finds its latest expression in the Xinjiang campaign, initiated in the West in the aftermath of the Uyghur massacre of nearly 140 non-Uyghur Chinese. This campaign, blaming the Chinese security forces for the massacre, rather than the Uyghur culprits, is patterned after last year's Tibet campaign both in being aimed at Beijing and in the use of falsifications and classical propaganda techniques.[8] This campaign is aimed at weakening the Chinese rival in its strategically important Western regions. At the same time it is strengthening anti-Chinese forces in the USA involved in the subversive activities in Xinjiang as well as in Tibet, a coincidental and welcomed contribution toward thwarting special US-Chinese consultations à la "G2".
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发表于 2009-9-19 00:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-19 00:42 | 显示全部楼层
rhapsody 辛苦了!

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发表于 2009-9-19 01:23 | 显示全部楼层

达赖喇嘛 果 然 是 大 师 啊
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发表于 2009-9-19 01:51 | 显示全部楼层
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