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[已被认领] [联合翻译]【globalresearch】Geo-Strategic Chessboard: War Between India and Chi ...

发表于 2009-12-23 11:28 | 显示全部楼层



The Hindustani Wild Card: India as a Eurasian Wedge against China?
印度万能牌: 印度作为欧亚大陆的楔子制衡中国?

To obstruct the unification of Russia, Iran, and China the Bush Jr. Administration in 2004 intensified the venture of using India as a Eurasian wedge or counter-weight to China. The U.S. aim is to eventually undermine the coalition between Russia, China, and Iran by using India or alternatively to use India as a spearhead against the Chinese. This latter tactic would be similar to the strategy used by the U.S. government in relation to Iraq and Iran, which resulted in the Iraq-Iran War in 1980.  

In this Iraq-Iran War model both Baghdad and Tehran were seen as enemies by U.S. strategists and the aim was to get both Middle Eastern republics to neutralize one another. Henry Kissinger summed this U.S. policy by saying the point was for both the Iraqi and Iranian sides to destroy one another. The same scenario could happen and be applied to India and China. The realization of this confrontational project has already been announced by the Indian military. What has long been thought has become public and that is that the Indian military has been preparing for war against Beijing. This is the second element to the question about the Indian military build-up.

在两伊战争模式中,巴格达和德黑兰均被美国的战略家视为敌人,目的是要让这两个中东国家互相抵消。基辛格概括美国的政策说: 关键就是让伊拉克和伊朗毁灭对方。同样的情况可能发生和适用于印度和中国。印度军方已经宣布了开始实施这一对抗性项目。人们长期以来一直猜测的已经成为公开的事情,那就是,印度军方已开始对北京备战。这是印度增强军事力量的第二个元素。

The Hindustan Times reported on March 26, 2009:


The Indian military fears a [sic.] ‘Chinese aggression’ in less than a decade. A secret exercise, called ‘Divine Matrix’, by the army’s military operations directorate has visualised a war scenario with the nuclear-armed neighbour before 2017.


“A misadventure by China is very much within the realm of possibility with Beijing trying to position itself as the only power in the region. There will be no nuclear warfare but a short, swift war that could have menacing consequences for India,” said an army officer, who was part of the three-day war games that ended on Wednesday.  


In the military’s assessment, based on a six-month study of various scenarios before the war games, China would rely on information warfare (IW) to bring India down on its knees before launching an offensive.   


The war games saw generals raising concerns about the IW battalions of the People’s Liberation Army carrying out hacker attacks for military espionage, intelligence collection, paralysing communication systems, compromising airport security, inflicting damage on the banking system and disabling power grids. “We need to spend more on developing information warfare capability,” he said.

通过战争演习,将军们对黑客攻击提高了关注。解放军可能利用黑客进行军事间谍活动,收集情报,瘫痪通信系统,损害机场安全,摧毁银行系统和破坏电网。 “我们需要花更多的钱发展信息战能力。”他说。

The war games dispelled the notion that China would take at least one season (one year) for a substantial military build-up across India’s northeastern frontiers. “The Tibetan infrastructure has been improved considerably.  The PLA can now launch an assault very quickly, without any warning, the officer said.

该官员说: 战争演习改变了印度对中国至少需要一个季节(一年)的时间在印度东北部边界大量集结军事的看法。 “西藏的基础设施已大有改善。解放军现在可以毫无预兆地,很快地发动攻击。

The military believes that China would have swamped Tibet with sweeping demographic changes in the medium term. For the purposes of Divine Matrix, China would call Dalai Lama for rapprochement and neutralise him. The top brass also brainstormed over India’s options in case Pakistan joined the war to [sic.; too]. Another apprehension was that Myanmar and Bangladesh would align with China in the future geostrategic environment.  


Although the materialization of a war against China is not a guaranteed event, war preparations are being made against the Chinese. The disturbances within the borders of China in Xinjiang and Tibet and in Myanmar (Burma), which is important to Chinese energy security, that are so widely advertised in the name of democracy and self-determination in the U.S. and E.U. are part of an effort to destabilize and weaken China. It is also in this context that India is involved with operations, such as supporting the Tibetan government-in-exile of the Dahali Lama, that have been destabilizing China.


The Australian military has also announced it is expanding its military in preparation for a forecast major war in the Asia-Pacific region. [7] Japan has also been expanding its military, while Tokyo has been preparing itself to join a NATO-like sister-alliance in the Asia-Pacific that would include Australia, the U.S., and South Korea and be directed against China, Russia, and North Korea. [8] Myanmar and Laos can be targeted too by this military build-up and NATO-like alliance, as can the other Southeast Asian states of Indo-China, specifically Vietnam and Cambodia, if they change their policies.

澳大利亚军方也宣布将扩大军备,为了预测的亚太地区的重大战争。 [7]日本也一直在扩充军力,东京一直在准备加入类似北约的亚太联盟组织,其中包括澳大利亚,美国和韩国,以对抗中国,俄罗斯和北朝鲜为目的。 [8]缅甸和老挝可能也被军事集结和类似北约的联盟当成目标。其他东南亚国家,特别是越南和柬埔寨,如果他们改变政策的话也同样被视为目标。


The Strategic Ties of New Delhi and Tel Aviv: Indo-Israeli Military and Space Cooperation


On January 21, 2008 a new chapter in Indo-Israeli strategic cooperation was unveiled; India launched a Israeli spy satellite, known as TecSAR (TechSAR) or Polaris, into space via an Indian space rocket at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Padesh. [9] The Israeli satellite was bragged to be mainly aimed against Iran by Israeli sources. [10] Israel’s spy satellite launched by India has greatly enhances Israel’s intelligence-gathering capabilities against Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.

2008年1月21日揭开了印以战略合作新篇章。在安得拉邦斯里哈里科塔的航天中心,通过一个印度的太空火箭,印度发射了一颗以色列间谍卫星(称为TecSAR或北极星)进入太空。 [9]以色列方面说卫星的主要目的是针对伊朗。 [10]通过印度发射的以色列间谍卫星大大增强了以色列对伊朗,叙利亚和黎巴嫩的情报收集能力。

The satellite launch by New Delhi has revealed that the Indian government has little reservations in assisting in any Israeli or Anglo-American military ventures in the Middle East against Iran and its allies. Tehran immediately voiced its strong and official disapproval to India for aiding Israeli military objectives against Iran’s national security. The Israeli satellite launch was delayed several times. The Jerusalem Post and one of its noted reporters, Yaakov Katz, published an article that claimed that the delayed space launch of the Israeli satellite was a result of strong Iranian pressure on the Indian government. [11]

新德里的卫星发射显示印度政府在协助以色列和英美中东联盟,针对伊朗及其盟友上几乎毫无保留。伊朗立即表示强烈反对,并正式谴责印度援助以色列军方威胁伊朗的国家安全。以色列卫星发射被推迟数次。耶路撒冷邮报及其记者--定居以色列的卡茨--发表文章声称以色列推迟太空发射卫星是伊朗向印度政府施加巨大的压力的结果。 [11]

Politicians in India opposed to Indo-Israeli military and space cooperation denounced the Indian government’s attempts to present the launch as merely “business as usual” by hiding the military implications and objectives behind an act with underlying hostile intentions against Iran. The Indian government officially argued to the Indian people that the satellite launch was just a commercial transaction between Tel Aviv and New Delhi, but the military implications of the deal reveal that India is no longer neutral in regards to Tehran. The fact that the Israeli spy satellite has been described by Tel Aviv as a means to confront Tehran and Damascus (officially described as “enemy states”) is an omission in itself that New Delhi is knowingly an accomplice to hostile acts against Iran and Syria.


The satellite launch was shrouded in complete secrecy by the Indian government. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) which had always announced all its space launches as a symbol of national pride kept silent for the Israeli satellite launch. Large numbers of different Indian groups and people across India condemned the secrecy behind the mission and cited it as a sign of guilty by the Indian government. People's Democracy, the official mouth piece of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CP-M), complained that the citizens of India had to learn about the details of the launch from Israeli news sources. [12]  

印度政府把卫星发射计划完全保密。作为民族自豪感的象征,”印度空间研究组织”一贯通报其所有的空间计划,这次为以色列发射卫星却保持了沉默。很多不同的印度组织和人民谴责使命背后的秘密,并引述它为印度政府的罪咎。印度马克思主义共产党的喉舌"人民民主"抱怨说: 印度公民只得从以色列的消息来源来了解发射的细节。

The Israeli spy satellite was built by Israel Aerospace Industries, which has major business interests in regards to India. On February 18, 2008 Israel Aerospace Industries, and the Tata Group signed a corporate agreement with Israel Aerospace to cooperate and jointly develop military hardware and products through a memorandum of understanding. [13] Like a tell-tale sign this agreement was announced less than a month after the launch of the Israeli spy satellite built by Israel Aerospace Industries. The Tata Group and its companies also have corporate agreements with Boeing, Sikorsky Aircraft, and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), which are all competing against Russian arms manufacturers.

以色列间谍卫星由"以色列航空航天工业"建造,"以色列航空航天工业"在印度具有重要的商业利益。2008年2月18日"以色列航空航天工业"和塔塔集团签署了一项协议,合作和共同发展军事装备和产品。 [13]如同一个信号,在卫星发射后不到一个月,"以色列航空工业公司"便宣布了这项协议。塔塔集团及其下属公司还与波音,西科斯基飞机公司,欧洲航空防务和航天公司(EADS)签有协议,这些都是俄罗斯军火制造商的竞争对手

Indian cooperation with Israel extends all the way into the realm of nuclear politics and policy. On September 17, 2008 at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna a vote was almost unanimously cast for a IAEA resolution urging all Middle Eastern states to abandon making nuclear bombs. In a case of irony, the only state that voted against the IAEA resolution was Israel, which accuses Iran and Syria of pursuing nuclear weapons. Tel Aviv voted against the IAEA resolution, while Tehran and Damascus voted for it and the U.S., Canada, Georgia, and India all in support of Israel abstained.  

印度与以色列的合作一直延续到核武器政治政策领域。2008年 9月17日,在总部设在维也纳的"国际原子能机构",要求所有中东国家放弃制造核炸弹的决议几乎获得全体一致地表决通过。具有讽刺意味的是,唯一投了反对票的国家是以色列。以色列一直指责伊朗和叙利亚寻求核武器。对原子能机构提出的这项决议,特拉维夫投了反对票,伊朗和叙利亚投赞成票,而美国,加拿大,格鲁吉亚和印度为了支持以色列而投了弃权票。


New Delhi Deepens ties with the U.S., NATO, and Israel


In military terms, there is a real strategic “American-Indian-Israeli Axis.” New Delhi’s strategic ties with the U.S., NATO, and Israel have been deepening. The strategic axis formed by the U.S., India, and Israel has also been denounced by various political parties and figures across the political landscape of India.


Firstly, the geo-strategic rationale for an alliance between the U.S. and India is the encirclement or containment of the People’s Republic of China. The other rationale or intentions of such cooperation are the neutralization of Russia as a player in Central Asia and the securing of energy resources for both the U.S. and India. In this project, the U.S. sees India as a natural counter-weight to China. The U.S. also has used India in its objective of trying to isolate Iran.  


In regards to Tel Aviv, Israel sees India as part of a broader periphery. This broader or so-called “new periphery” was imagined and utilized as a basis of geo-strategy by Tel Aviv after 1979 when the “old periphery” that included Iran, which was one of Israel’s closest allies, buckled and collapsed with the 1979 Iranian Revolution. [14] In this context, Israel’s “new periphery” has been conceptualized against both the Arab World and Iran (or compounded as the Arabo-Iranian World). This is why the Israeli relationships with India, Georgia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Turkey are important, and in some cases full fledged alliances. [15]

至于特拉维夫,以色列认为印度是更广泛的外围。这一更广泛的或所谓“新边缘”,是1979年以后特拉维夫设想和使用的一个地理战略的基础。“旧边缘”包括曾经是以色列最亲密的盟友之一,1979年被伊朗伊斯兰革命推翻了的伊朗。 [14]在这方面,以色列的“新边缘”被概念化,以对抗阿拉伯世界和伊朗(或混合起来,阿拉伯伊朗世界)。这就是为什么以色列跟印度,格鲁吉亚,阿塞拜疆共和国和土耳其的关系非常重要,在某些情况下它们是完全成熟的联盟。 [15]

Likewise NATO and India also have shared interests in Afghanistan and Central Asia, which India sees as part of its own periphery or “near abroad.” These shared interests and the mutual animosity to Chinese energy interests in Central Asia has brought India and NATO, led by the U.S., into the same camp. NATO also sees India as a military partner in its strategy to become a global military alliance. In addition, dealing with Pakistan is also another shared commonality between NATO and India.





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发表于 2009-12-23 11:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-24 16:13 | 显示全部楼层
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-23 11:34

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发表于 2009-12-24 16:13 | 显示全部楼层
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-23 11:34

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发表于 2009-12-26 01:29 | 显示全部楼层
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-23 11:34

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发表于 2009-12-27 02:03 | 显示全部楼层
MiaT 发表于 2009-11-17 09:44


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发表于 2009-12-27 19:07 | 显示全部楼层

The Project for “Greater South Asia” and Indian Ambitions in its “Near Abroad”


As Hindu means everything beyond the Indus and Hindustan the “land beyond the Indus” in ancient Iranian, the word “Industan” can be used to talk about the land and basin around the Indus River. Hereon, this term will be used to refer to the geographic area adjacent the Indus to India’s western flank. [16] This area includes Pakistan and can be extended to include Afghanistan and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. Although Industan may not be exactly an accurate definition for the area beyond Pakistan, Industan still fits well, especially in light of Indian geo-political thinking. That is why the term will be used.


Industan, is part of India’s “near abroad” or periphery, and in a sense even a part of an expanded periphery that emerged with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It is with this in mind that India established its first military base, at Ayni, on foreign soil in Tajikistan. [17] The converging interests of the U.S. and India are clear in the U.S. State Department’s re-definition of Central Asia as a part of “Greater South Asia.” Greater South Asia is the conceptualization of Central Asia as a region within South Asia, which is synonymous with the Indian sub-continent. The concept of Greater South Asia is part of the project to bring the former Soviet republics of Central Asia into the orbits of the U.S. through cooperation with India, as a regional gendarme.  


Turning to Pakistan, India has a shared interests with the U.S. and NATO in the subjection of Pakistan. Pakistan would cease to be a client state of the U.S. or a manageable state, because of a likely revolution that would occur in the scenario of a broader war in the Middle East against Iran or a far larger Eurasian war involving China and Russia. Nuclear weapons in the hands of such a revolutionary government in Islamabad would be a threat to Indian national security, NATO operations in Afghanistan, and Israel. It is in the shared interests of the U.S., NATO, Israel, and India to neutralize such a strategic and tactical threat from emerging in Pakistan. This is why NATO has underpinned the objective of balkanizing Pakistan and why the U.S. has talked about taking over Pakistani nuclear facilities via the U.S. military. The subjection of Pakistan is also territorially and militarily to the advantage of New Delhi, because it would eliminate a rival and allow India to gain territory that in the view of many Indians was lost with the partition of India in 1947.

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发表于 2009-12-28 10:55 | 显示全部楼层

The Naval build-up in the Indian Ocean and the Geo-Politics of the Sri Lankan Civil War


To the southern borders of Eurasia is the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean is the scene of major international rivalries and competition(s). Sri Lanka is also a front in these rivalries. It is in this context that India is part of a major naval build-up running from the coastline of East Africa and the Arabian Sea to the waves of Oceania. Aside from the fleets of the U.S. and its NATO allies that have large presences in the Indian Ocean, the naval fleets of Iran, India, China, Japan, and Australia are also all being expanded in league with this trend of militarization. Also, India and China are working to release large nuclear submarine fleets into the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The naval encirclement of Eurasia and the naval expansion of China are also reasons why U.S. Navy ships have been repeatedly caught violating Chinese waters and illegally surveying Chinese territory.


The water around the Arabian Peninsula all the way around from the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, and the Gulf of Aden to the Red Sea (Arabian Gulf) carries large fleets of ships either belonging to the U.S., NATO, or their allies. At any point the U.S. and its allies can stop international shipping in these waters. The problem of piracy in these waters is very closely linked to their militarization and is a justification for militarization. This is one of the reasons that the Gulf of Aden and the waters off the Horn of Africa, where Somalia is located, have seen the deployment of the naval forces of Russia, China, and Iran as a strategically symmetric move. [19]


It should be noted that relations between Sri Lanka and India started to unravel in 2009. The Sri Lankan government has accused the Indian government of supporting the Tamil Tigers drive to create a Tamil state by dividing Sri Lanka. Much of this has to do with the geo-strategic struggle between the Periphery and Eurasia in the Indian Ocean.


In this regard, India is not only working against Chinese interests in the Indian Ocean, but it is also actively cooperating with the U.S. and its allies. In the scenario of a conflict between Eurasia and the Periphery or between China and India the maritime route that passes by Sri Lanka would be vital to the Chinese military and Chinese energy security. For this reason Sri Lanka has joined the SCO as a “dialogue partner” under the protective umbrella of Russia, China, and their allies. Not only has Sri Lanka joined the SCO, but it also hosts a Chinese port in a pivotal point in the Indian Ocean and near the borders of India that has put Colombo at odds with New Delhi.

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发表于 2010-2-15 01:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-2-15 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
考试的原因,上回认领的部分没能交上来,孜心的三段我先接过来做吧…… ...
MiaT 发表于 2010-2-15 01:32

好久不见。。。 楼上是被某猫给拉回来的么。。。
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发表于 2010-2-20 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
回复 30# rhapsody

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发表于 2010-2-20 18:52 | 显示全部楼层




Since 1947, India has not fully pledged itself to any camp or global pole during the Cold War and as a result was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement (N.A.M.). Since the post-Cold War era that position has eroded. New Delhi has been gradually moving away from its traditional position, relationships, and policies in the international arena for over a decade.


India has been vied for as an ally in the Great Gamethat is underway, once again. This round of the Great Gameis, however, being played under a far broader spectrum than the one played between Britain and Czarist Russia. In question is the Indian power relationship with two geo-political entities: the first is the Peripheryand the second is Eurasia.


The Periphery and Eurasia: Vying for India on a Geo-Strategic Chessboard


Physical geography alone does not form or carve or determine geographic entities. The activity of people also is of critical importance to this process. Geographic units, from blocs and countries to regions, must be understood as a product of people interacting in socio-economic and political terms. The geographic entities that are subject herein are social constructions. In this conceptual context, Eurasia itself can be defined as a geo-political player and entity.


In a physical sense, Eurasia as a geographic landmass and spatial entity is neutral, just as are other geographic regions or units, and carries no meaning or value(s). Eurasia in socio-political terms as an active player, however, is altogether different. Herein, it is this active and politically organized Eurasia that is a product of the anti-hegemonic cooperation of Russia, China, and Iran against the status quo global order of the Periphery that is the Eurasia being addressed.


The Periphery is a collective term for those nations who are either geographically located on the margins of the Eurasian landmass or altogether geographically outside of the Eurasian landmass. This grouping or categorization of geo-political players when described are namely the U.S., the E.U., and Japan. In almost organic terms these players at the broader level strive to penetrate and consume Eurasia. This objective is so because of the socio-economic organization and political mechanisms (all of which serve elitist interests) of the Periphery. Aside from the U.S., the E.U., and Japan, the Periphery includes Australia, Canada, South Korea, Singapore, and Israel.


It is in this tugging match that India is centred. It is also in this geo-strategic bout that India has adopted a pragmatic policy of open opportunism. Yet, New Delhi has also been steadily moving towards a stance favouring the Periphery against Eurasia.


Indias historically warm relationship with Iran has been tainted because of negotiations with the U.S. and E.U. and New Delhis relationship with China appears cordial on the surface, but it is fragile and double-edged. Although Russia and India maintain cooperation in regards to the purchase of Russian military hardware by India, this relationship too is in question regardless of continued Russian weapons supplies.


State policy, in turn influenced or controlled by local elites, is also pivotal to the formation of the larger geographic entities being addressed. The ruling circles and elites of India are pragmatic opportunists and their is no question in this. This characteristic, however, is a trademark of almost all elitist circles and is not unique to Indian elites alone. The position of the Indian elites, however, is noteworthy because they can flex their muscles and they can play both sides.





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发表于 2010-2-20 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
好久不见。。。 楼上是被某猫给拉回来的么。。。
rhapsody 发表于 2010-2-15 14:44


Since 1947, India has not fully pledge ...
MiaT 发表于 2010-2-20 18:52

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发表于 2010-2-20 20:08 | 显示全部楼层

vivicat 发表于 2010-2-20 19:04

木有什么意思。。。 随便问问。。。而且还猜对了:

回复  rhapsody
MiaT 发表于 2010-2-20 10:57
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发表于 2010-2-21 17:39 | 显示全部楼层



New Delhi Caught between Alliances?


As stated, New Delhi has been walking a pragmatic path between the emerging Eurasian pole and between the more established Peripheral pole. The Eurasian pole was originally formed out of a reluctant necessity for survival against the thrust of the Periphery by Moscow. As the Russian-initiated Eurasian-based alliance gains global momentum it is also working to cultivate an end to Eurasian rivalries.


Since 2003, the lines of cooperation with the U.S., Britain, Germany, and France have been shifting and continuously restudied by Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, and their other allies, such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Tajikistan. The U.S., Britain, Germany, France and their shared proxies, NATO and the European Union, have been trying to obstruct the solidification of a united Eurasian entity. This is where India is key.


A factor that has obstructed Eurasian cooperation, with the inclusion of India, is the mutual suspicions of the Eurasians and, in general terms, their underlying resource rivalries. Due to these factors, the Eurasians appeared to be working together and alternatively to be keeping the lines of cooperation open with both the Periphery.  A case in standing of this schizophrenic policy is what was once called the Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axisthat clasped Russia on one side and France and Germany on the other. This Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axis flexed its muscles in international relations and at the U.N. during the Anglo-American march to war against Iraq in 2003.





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发表于 2010-2-22 14:49 | 显示全部楼层



India and the Encirclement of China


New Delhi is not a constituent of the Periphery. Nor does India fully trust the nations of the Periphery. India does,, however, appear to favour the Periphery. This can be attributed to the demographic nature of global resource competitions and long-standing Sino-Indian cleavages and tensions. The tensions and cleavages between China and India have also been capitalized on by the Periphery just as the Sino-Soviet split was by Henry Kissinger during the Cold War to keep China and the Soviet Union divided.


Due to tensions with China, the Indian ruling establishment still holds onto a vision about a showdown with the Chinese. Both states are demographic dinosaurs and are competing between themselves and with the status quo Peripheral powers for resources. Despite the fact that it is the nations of the Periphery that are disproportionately exploiting a far larger share of global resources, in the eyes of many in New Delhi the perception is that it is far easier to reduce the effect of global resource competitions by working to eliminate China rather than competing with the Periphery. It is these two reasons that are the basis for the formation of Indian animosity to Beijing.


An encircling military ring that involves India has been created around China. New Delhi has been involved in the framework of military cooperation with the Periphery aimed at China. Under this framework, India has joined Japan, the U.S., and Australia in forming a de facto Quadrilateral Coalitionto neutralize China through the establishment of a ring of containment that could see a naval blockade form in the event of a war around the borders of China. [1]


In a war between China and an outside power, cutting off Chinese energy supplies would be central to defeating Beijing. Without any fuel the military hardware of the Peoples Liberation Army would be rendered useless. It is from this standpoint that India is building its naval strength and cooperating militarily in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific with the Periphery. It is also with Chinese energy supplies, Indian naval expansion, and the encirclement of China in mind that the Indian military has prepared to introduce, by 2014, what it calls Indigenous Aircraft Carriers(IACs), each with two takeoff runways and one landing strip for up to 30 military aircraft. [2]


China, as well as Iran, also has a direct border with NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan, which can be used as a military hub against the more vulnerable western flank of China. In this regard, the massive American-led NATO military build-up in Afghanistan is monitored with the utmost suspicion by Beijing and Tehran. In many senses, the Periphery is moving or pushing inwards towards the heart of Eurasia. The encirclement of China also parallels the rings of military alliances and bases created around Russia and around Iran. China also faces the threat of a missile shield project in East Asia just as the European core of Russia faces one in Eastern Europe and Iran faces one via such countries as the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, Israel, and Turkey in the Middle East.





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