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【口语】just what the doctor ordered等

发表于 2010-3-5 12:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. just what the doctor ordered

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionary, just what the doctor ordered 意为"exactly what is wanted or needed”

What would you want for dinner? 晚上你想吃什么?
How about some steaks and mashed potatoes? 吃牛排和土豆泥怎么样?
Oh, that's just what the doctor ordered. Let's go. 正合我意。咱们走吧。
Okay, I'll drive us to the restaurant. 好,我来开车去餐馆。

2. stock up(on/with something)

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionary, stock up意为"to get a large quantity of something so that you will have it for later use”

Did you hear the blizzard is coming? 听说了吗,暴风雪就要来了。
Yes, I'm planning to stock up on water and food. 嗯,我正打算贮存(囤积)水和吃的呢。
That's a good idea because all the stores will be closed. 想的没错,到时商店都会关门。
You should stock up on everything, too. 你也该好好准备一下了。

3.fancy another

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionary, fancy可指"to take pleasure in (something)”

This cheesecake is delicious. 这个芝士蛋糕好好吃哦。
I just baked it. Fancy another? 新鲜出炉的。要不要再吃(享用)一块?
I'd better not. I'm trying to maintain a healthy diet. 不了,我正为健康控制饮食呢。
Okay, I'll put the cheesecake away then. 好吧,那我就收掉了。

4. tough cookie

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionary, cookie可指"person”。

What do you think of Zhao? 你觉得赵怎么样?
Well, I think she's a real tough cookie. 嗯,我觉得她真的很坚强。(坚强的人)
Why's that? 怎么说?(为什么?)
She just discovered that she has cancer, and yet she seems very positive. 她前不久发现得了癌症,但她还是很积极乐观。

5. spring for

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionary, spring for意为"to pay for (something) :to spend money on (something)  ”

I just found out that I'm getting a raise! 我刚刚知道我要涨工资了。
That's great! What should we do to celebrate? 哇塞,该庆祝一下吧。
Let's go eat at the most luxurious restaurant! 我们去奢侈一把吃大餐吧。
Good idea! But you have to spring for the entire meal! 好呀,但得由你买单哦。





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