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[翻译完毕] 【10.03.10 半岛电视台】UN urged to act on Chinese lawyer

发表于 2010-3-11 09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 青蛙小王子 于 2010-3-17 13:00 编辑

A global team of lawyers has petitioned the United Nations to condemn the alleged detention of a high-profile Chinese activist, who has been missing for more than a year.
Gao Zhisheng, an outspoken rights defender, has not been seen since he was taken away by security services on February 4, 2009, campaigners say.

The group of lawyers, who filed their petition to the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday, say the body should declare Gao's disappearance as a violation of international law.
"There is reason to believe that his health and safety are in serious jeopardy while he remains in Chinese custody and barred from communication with the outside world," the petition said.

Torture claims
Gao has taken on cases involving the banned Falun Gong spiritual group and defended cases against the government involving alleged police corruption, land seizures and religious freedom.
The petition said the the government has failed to officially arrest and charge Gao with a crime and has not notified his family where he is being held - all violations of Chinese law.
Signatories to the document include Jerome Cohen, a leading expert on Chinese law at New York University; Irwin Cotler, member of Canada's parliament and former minister of justice; and Albert Ho, chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party and a member of the territory's legislature.
Western reporters in Beijing have repeatedly pressed China's foreign and public security ministries for information on Gao, but both have declined to provide specifics on his whereabouts.
Following years of legal activism, Gao was convicted of subversion in 2006, but given a suspended sentence.
In 2007, Chinese authorities detained and severely tortured him, threatening to kill him if he disclosed the details of his torture, which he did in 2009, the Washington-based rights group Freedom Now said.
"I hope that the United Nations will ask the Chinese government to follow its own law and to release him," Freedom Now quoted Gao's wife Geng He as saying.
Geng fled China for the United States early last year.
The UN human rights body, whch has no enforcement powers, has not yet commented on the petition.




发表于 2010-3-11 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
Gao Zhisheng ?   outspoken rights defender?
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发表于 2010-3-17 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AK22 于 2010-3-17 13:00 编辑

UN urged to act on Chinese lawyer

A global team of lawyers has petitioned the United Nations to condemn the alleged detention of a high-profile Chinese activist, who has been missing for more than a year.

Gao Zhisheng, an outspoken rights defender, has not been seen since he was taken away by security services on February 4, 2009, campaigners say.

The group of lawyers, who filed their petition to the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday, say the body should declare Gao's disappearance as a violation of international law.

"There is reason to believe that his health and safety are in serious jeopardy while he remains in Chinese custody and barred from communication with the outside world," the petition said.

Torture claims

Gao has taken on cases involving the banned Falun Gong spiritual group and defended cases against the government involving alleged police corruption, land seizures and religious freedom.

The petition said the the government has failed to officially arrest and charge Gao with a crime and has not notified his family where he is being held - all violations of Chinese law.

Signatories to the document include Jerome Cohen, a leading expert on Chinese law at New York University; Irwin Cotler, member of Canada's parliament and former minister of justice; and Albert Ho, chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party and a member of the territory's legislature.

Western reporters in Beijing have repeatedly pressed China's foreign and public security ministries for information on Gao, but both have declined to provide specifics on his whereabouts.

Following years of legal activism, Gao was convicted of subversion in 2006, but given a suspended sentence.
In 2007, Chinese authorities detained and severely tortured him, threatening to kill him if he disclosed the details of his torture, which he did in 2009, the Washington-based rights group Freedom Now said.
在2007年,设立在华盛顿的人权组织“Freedom Now”披露,中国当局扣留并且残酷迫害他,威胁要杀死他,如果他敢交出受刑讯的证据。而在09年他确实交出了那些证据。

"I hope that the United Nations will ask the Chinese government to follow its own law and to release him," Freedom Now quoted Gao's wife Geng He as saying.
“Freedom Now”引用了高的妻子的话“我希望联合国能质问中国政府去履行自己的法律,并施放我的丈夫。”

Geng fled China for the United States early last year.

The UN human rights body, whch has no enforcement powers, has not yet commented on the petition.




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发表于 2010-3-17 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
UN urged to act on Chinese lawyer

A global team of lawyers has petitioned th ...
AK22 发表于 2010-3-17 12:58

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