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Making global labor fair 让全球劳动者共享公平

发表于 2010-12-1 16:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Hydra 于 2010-12-1 16:39 编辑

  This cellphone started its trajectory in an artisanal mine in the Eastern Congo. It's mined by armed gangs using child slaves, what the U.N. Security Council calls "blood minerals," then traveled into some components and ended up in a factory in Shinjin in China. That factory -- over a dozen people have committed suicide already this year. One man died after working a 36-hour shift. We all love chocolate. We buy it for our kids. 80 percent of the cocoa comes from Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana and it's harvested by children. Cote d'Ivoire, we have a huge problem of child slaves. Children have been trafficked from other conflict zones to come and work on the coffee plantations. Heparin -- blood thinner, a pharmaceutical product -- starts out in artisanal workshops like this in China, because the active ingredient comes from pigs' intestines. Your diamond: you've all heard, probably seen the movie "Blood Diamond". This is a mine in Zimbabwe right now. Cotton: Uzbekistan is the second biggest exporter of cotton on Earth. Every year when it comes to the cotton harvest, the government shuts down the schools, puts the kids in buses, buses them to the cotton fields to spend three weeks harvesting the cotton. It's forced child labor on an institutional scale. And all of those products probably end their lives in a dump like this one in Manila.

  These places, these origins, represent governance gaps. That's the politest description I have for them. These are the dark pools where global supply chains begin -- the global supply chains, which bring us our favorite brand name products. Some these governance gaps are run by rogue states. Some of them are not states anymore at all; they're failed states. Some of them are just countries who believe that deregulation or no regulation is the best way to attract investment, promote trade. Either way, they present us with a huge moral and ethical dilemma. I know that none of us want to be accessories after the fact of a Human Rights abuse in a global supply chain. But right now, most of the companies involved in these supply chains don't have any way of assuring us that nobody had to mortgage their future, nobody had to sacrifice their rights to bring us our favorite brand name product.

  Now I didn't come here to depress you about the state of the global supply chain. We need a reality check. We need to recognize just how serious a deficit of rights we have. This is an independent republic, probably a failed state. It's definitely not a democratic state. And right now, that independent republic of the supply chain is not being governed in a way that would satisfy us that we can engage in ethical trade or ethical consumption. Now that's not a new story. You've seen the documentaries of sweatshops making garments all over the world, even in developed countries. You want to see the classic sweatshop, meet me at Madison Square Garden, I'll take you down the street, and I'll show you a Chinese sweatshop.

  But take the example of heparin. It's a pharmaceutical product. You expect that the supply chain that gets it to the hospital, probably squeaky clean. The problem is is that the active ingredient in there -- as I mentioned earlier -- comes from pigs. The main American manufacturer of that active ingredient decided a few years ago to relocate to China because it's the world's biggest supplier of pigs. And when their factory in China -- which probably is pretty clean -- is getting all of the ingredients from backyard abattoirs, where families slaughter pigs and extract the ingredient. So a couple of years ago, we had a scandal, which killed about 80 people around the world, because of contaminants that crept into the heparin supply chain. Worse, some of the suppliers realized that they could substitute a product which mimicked heparin in tests. This substitute cost nine dollars a pound, whereas real heparin -- the real ingredient -- cost $900 a pound. A no-brainer. The problem was that it killed more people.

  And so you're asking yourself, "How come the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allow this to happen? How did the Chinese state agency for food and drugs allow this to happen?" And the answer is quite simple: the Chinese define these facilities as chemical facilities, not pharmaceutical facilities, so they don't audit them. And the U.S. FDA has a jurisdictional problem. This is offshore. They actually do conduct a few investigations overseas -- about a dozen a year -- maybe 20 in a good year. There are 500 of these facilities producing active ingredients in China alone. In fact, about 80 percent of the active ingredients in medicines now come from offshore, particularly China and India. And we don't have a governance system, we don't have a regulatory system able to ensure that that production is safe. We don't have a system to ensure that Human Rights, basic dignity are ensured.

  So at a national level -- and we work in about 60 different countries -- at a national level we've got a serious breakdown in the ability of governments to regulate production on their own soil. And the real problem with the global supply chain is that it's supranational. So governments who are failing, who are dropping the ball, at a national level have even less ability to get their arms around the problem at an international level. And you can just look at the headlines. Take Copenhagen last year -- complete failure of governments to do the right thing in the face of an international challenge. Take the G20 meeting a couple of weeks ago -- stepped back from its commitments of just a few months ago. You can take any one of the major global challenges we've discussed this week and ask yourself, where is the leadership from governments to step up and come up with solutions, responses, to those international problems? And the simple answer is they can't; they're national. Their voters are local. They have parochial interests. They can't subordinate those interests to the greater global public good.

  So if we're going to ensure the delivery of the key public goods at an international level -- in this case, in the global supply chain -- we have to come up with a different mechanism. We need a different machine. Fortunately, we have some examples. In the 1990's, there were a whole series of scandals concerning the production of brand name goods in the U.S. -- child labor, forced labor, serious health and safety abuses -- and eventually President Clinton, in 1996, convened a meeting at the White House -- invited industry, Human Rights NGO's, trade unions, the Department of Labor -- got them all in a room and said, "Look, I don't want globalization to be a race to the bottom. I don't know how to prevent that, but I'm at least going to use my good offices to get you folks together to come up with a response." So they formed a White House task force, and they spent about three years arguing about who takes how much responsibility in the global supply chain. Companies didn't feel it was their responsibility. They don't own those facilities. They don't employ those workers. They're not legally liable. Everybody else at the table said, "Folks, that doesn't cut it. you have a custodial duty, a duty of care, to make sure that that product gets from wherever to the store in a way that allows us to consume it, without fear of our safety, or without having to sacrifice our conscience to consume that product." So they agreed, "Okay. What we'll do is we agree on a common set of standards, code of conduct. We'll apply that throughout our global supply chain regardless of ownership or control. We'll make it part of the contract." And that was a stroke of absolute genius, because what they did was they harnessed the power of the contract, private power, to deliver public goods.

  And let's face it, the contract from a major multinational brand to a supplier in India or China has much more persuasive value than the local labor law, the local environmental regulations, the local Human Rights standards. Those factories will probably never see an inspector. If the inspector did come along, it would be amazing if they were able to resist the bribe. Even if they did their jobs, and they cited those facilities for their violations, the fine would be derisory. But you lose that contract for a major brand name, that's the difference between staying in business or going bankrupt. That makes a difference. So what we've been able to do, is we've been able to harness the power and the influence of the only truly transnational institution in the global supply chain, that of the multinational company, and get them to do the right thing, get them to use that power for good, to deliver the key public goods.

  Now of course, this doesn't come naturally to multinational companies. They weren't set up to do this; they're set up to make money. But they are extremely efficient organizations. They have resources, and if we can add the will, the commitment, they know how to deliver that product. Now, getting there is not easy. Those supply chains I put up on the screen earlier, they're not there. You need a safe space. You need a place where people can come together, sit down without fear of judgment, without recrimination, to actually face the problem, agree on the problem and come up with solutions. We can do it; the technical solutions are there. The problem is the lack of trust, the lack of confidence, the lack of partnership between NGO's, campaign groups, civil society organizations and multinational companies. If we can put those two together in a safe space, get them to work together, we can deliver public goods right now, or in extremely short supply.

  This is a radical proposition, and it's crazy to think that if you're 15 year-old Bangladeshi girl leaving your rural village to go and work in a factory in Dhaka -- 22, 23, 24 dollars a month -- your best chance enjoying rights at work is if that factory is producing for a brand name company which has got a code of conduct and made that code of conduct part of the contract. It's crazy; multinationals are protecting Human Rights. I know there's going to be disbelief. You'll say, "How can we trust them?" Well, we don't. It's the old arms control phrase: "Trust, but verify." So we audit. We take their supply chain, we take all the factory names, we do a random sample, we send inspectors on an unannounced basis to inspect those facilities, and then we publish the results. Transparency is absolutely critical to this. You can call yourself responsible, but responsibility without accountability often doesn't work. So what we're doing is, we're not only enlisting the multinationals, we're giving them the tools to deliver this public good -- respect for human rights -- and we're checking. You don't need to believe me. You shouldn't believe me. Go to the website. Look at the audit results. Ask yourself, is this company behaving in a socially responsible way? Can I buy that product without compromising my ethics? That's the way the system works.

  I hate the idea that governments are not protecting Human Rights around the world. I hate the idea that governments have dropped this ball. And I can't get used to the idea that somehow we can't get them to do their jobs. I've been at this for 30 years, and in that time I've seen the ability, the commitment, the will of government to do this decline, and I don't see them making a comeback right now. So we started out thinking this was a stopgap measure. we're now thinking that, in fact, this is probably the start of a new way of regulating and addressing international challenges. Call it network governance, call it what you will, the private actors, companies and NGO's, are going to have to get together to face the major challenges we are going to face. Just look at pandemics -- swine flu, bird flu, H1N1. Look at the health systems in so many countries. Do they have the resources to face up to a serious pandemic? No. Could the private sector and NGO's get together and marshal a response? Absolutely. What they lack is that safe space to come together, agree and move to action. That's what we're trying to provide.

  I know as well that this often seems like overwhelming level of responsibility for people to assume. "You want me to deliver Human Rights throughout my global supply chain. There are thousands of suppliers in there. It seems too daunting, too dangerous, for any company to take on. But there are companies. We have 4,000 companies who are members. Some of them are very, very large companies. The sporting goods industry in particular stepped up to the plate and have done it. The example, the role model, is there. And whenever we discuss one of these problems that we have to address -- child labor in cottonseed farms in India -- this year we will monitor 50,000 cottonseed farms in India. It seems overwhelming. The numbers just make you want to zone out. But we break it down to some basic realities.

  And Human Rights comes down to a very simple proposition: can I give this person their dignity back? Poor people, people whose Human Rights have been violated -- the crux of that is the loss of dignity, the lack of dignity. It starts with just giving people back their dignity. I was sitting in a slum outside Gurgaon just next to Delhi, one of the flashiest, brightest new cities popping up in India right now, and I was talking to workers who worked in garment sweatshops down the road. And I asked them what message they would like me to take the brands. They didn't say money; they said, "The people who employ us treat us like we are less than human, like we don't exist. Please ask them to treat us like human beings." That's my simple understanding of Human Rights. That's my simple proposition to you, my simple plea to every decision maker in this room, everybody out there. We can all make a decision to come together and pick up the balls and run with the balls that governments have dropped. If we don't do it, we're abandoning hope, we're abandoning our essential humanity, and I know that's not a place we want to be, and we don't have to be there. So I appeal to you, join us, come into that safe space, and let's start to make this happen.

  Thank you very much.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-1 16:32 | 显示全部楼层
  这个手机 来自 刚果东部工匠的双手, 。 在武装监管下,由儿童奴隶 开采, 联合国安全理事会把它 称作“血矿”, 然后流通到一些环节, 最后到达中国深圳的 工厂。 今年这个工厂中超过12个人 已经自杀。 其中一个人在36小时轮班后死亡。 我们都喜欢巧克力。 我们买给我们的孩子。 百分之八十的可可豆来自科特迪瓦共和国和加纳, 均由儿童收获。 在科特迪瓦共和国,有大量的儿童奴隶。 来自其他冲突地区,儿童被非法贩卖到此, 在咖啡种植园工作。 肝磷脂--血液稀释剂, 一种药品-- 来自中国 类似于手工作坊, 因为活性成分 来自猪的肠毒素。 你的钻石:你可能从“血钻”这部电影中听说过。 现在这个矿位于 津巴布韦。 棉花:乌兹别克斯坦是全球 第二大棉花出口国。 每年到了棉花收获的季节, 政府关闭学校, 把孩子们载到棉花生产区, 花三周时间来采摘棉花。 在制度上 强制执行童工。 所有的这些产品可能就结束了他们的生命, 在垃圾场,类似马尼拉的这个。

  这些地点,这些原产点, 有管理上的漏洞。 那是我得到的 最官方的描述。 全球供应链从这些黑暗的地方 开始-- 这些全球供应链 最后生产了我们熟悉的知名品牌产品。 这些管理漏洞 来自无赖的政府。 其中一些已经不再是政府了; 他们是失败的政府。 一些政府 只是认为违规或者没有监管 是吸引投资和促进贸易的 最好方法。 他们展现给我们的任何一种方式, 都是道德和伦理的两难境地。 我认为没有一个人想成为附属品, 在全球供应链的 滥用人权的 事实中。 但是现在, 大部分卷入这些供应链的公司 都没有办法 说服我们: 没有人会抵押他们的未来, 也没有人会牺牲他们的权利 不去生产我们喜欢的 品牌产品。

  现在我不是消极的告诉你, 关于全球供应链的事情。 我们需要事实去核查。 我们需要重新认识我们拥有这个权利 的重要性。 这是一个独立的共和体, 也可能是失败的政府。 它绝对不是一个民主的政府。 现在, 在供应链中的独立共和体 通过一种方式管理, 这种方式不可以通过道德交易或者 道德消费,来满足我们自私的需求。 现在这些已经不是一个新的故事了。 你已经看过了关于全球制衣的 血汗工厂的纪录片, 甚至在发达国家的。 你想看经典的血汗工程, 跟我来麦迪逊广场, 我将带你进入街巷,给你展现中国的血汗工厂。

  以肝磷脂为例。 它是制药产品。 你指望供应链把它带入医院, 可能吱吱响的干净。 问题是这里的活性成分-- 正如我前面提到的-- 来自猪。 那些活性成分大部分美国 生产商 几年前就驻扎在中国, 因为这里是全球最大的猪肉供应地。 中国的这些工厂-- 大概都很干净-- 从屠宰场获得 活性成分。 但家庭作坊屠宰猪, 然后提取活性成分。 几年前,一个谣言流传着: 全球大概有80人死亡, 因为环境污染 蔓延到肝磷脂供应链中。 更糟糕的是,一些供应商 找到了一种替代产品, 在测试中可以替代肝磷脂。 该替代品每磅九美元, 而真正的肝磷脂--有效的活性成分-- 每磅九百美元。 一个缺乏思考的人。 问题是更多人由于它死亡。

  因此大家扪心自问, “为什么美国食品药品监督管理局 允许这些发生? 为什么中国政府的食品药品部门 允许这些发生?” 答案非常简单: 中国认为这些工厂 是化学工厂,不是药厂, 因此无法监管。 而美国食品药品管理局 也存在司法问题。 这是在海外。 他们实际上很少监管海外调查研究-- 大概一年调查十二个,在好年头也许二十个。 而仅仅在中国 生产这样的活性成分的工厂 就有500多家。 事实上,现在大概百分之八十的 药品活性成分 都来自海外, 特别是中国和印度。 我们没有一个政府系统, 没有监管系统 去保证 产品安全。 没有一个系统保证 人权和基本的 尊严。

  在国家层面上-- 我们工作在六十多个国家-- 特指国家层面上, 我们有严重的管理漏洞, 去监管他们本土的 产品。 全球供应链的真正问题是 跨国问题。 失败的管理, 把球踢来踢去, 在国家层面上 无法插手一个 国际层面上的问题。 仅看新闻头版。 以去年哥本哈根气候大会为例-- 在面对国际挑战时 政府间要做正确的事情却 面临彻底失败。 几周前的G20会议为例-- 退回到几月前的决议。 你可以随便挑一个 我们这周讨论的全球主要挑战, 问问你自己,哪个政府领导能 直面问题,解决问题, 回应 那些国际问题? 简单的回答是他们不能,因为他们是国家性的。 他们的选民是当地的。 他们有地方性利益。 他们不能屈从于 更大的全球公共利益。

  因此我们打算保证 主要的公共利益 在国际层面上-- 这里是全球供应链-- 我们必须采取不同的机制。 我们需要不同的机构。 幸运的是,我们有一些例子。 二十世纪九十年代, 发生了一系列丑闻 涉及到美国品牌商品-- 童工,强制劳动, 危害健康和滥用安全-- 甚至克林顿总统在1996年 在白宫召开了一个会议-- 相关工业,人权非政府组织, 贸易联盟,劳工部-- 聚集到一起, 说:“瞧, 我不想让全球化成为底层恶性竞争。 我不知道如何阻止, 但至少我打算在我的办公室 把你们召集起来 解决问题。” 特此他们组成了白宫特别工作组, 花费三年时间争论 关于谁应该在全球供应链中 负多少责任。 公司并没有感到自己的责任。 他们不拥有工厂。 他们没有雇佣那些工人。 他们不负法律责任。 在座的人都 说:“流言不会自己停止。 你应负有监督的职责,关心的责任, 保证产品 从储藏到商店上架 可以买卖的过程中 不能危害我们消费者的安全, 不能牺牲我们的道德来 买卖商品。” 他们同意了,“好吧,我们所做的 是在商品标准和管理上 达成一致。 把它应用在 全球供应链中, 无论拥有物权关系或者控制权。 均作为合同一部分。” 那绝对是天才的一击, 因为他们所做的 产生合同的效力, 私人的力量, 供给公共产品。

  拿它来说, 多国品牌合同 对印度或者中国的供应者 有更多的说服力, 比起当地法律, 当地环境法规, 当地人权标准。 那些工厂将可能再也看不到巡视员。 如果巡视员来了, 就是考验他们能不能 抵挡住贿赂。 甚至他们做了本职工作, 他们列举这些设施的违法行为, 罚金会是微不足道的。 但是你就失去那个 大品牌合同, 这差异就是 要么继续运营要么破产。 那是不同的。 我们以前所做的是, 损害 能源和环境 只针对在全球供应链中的跨国机构 。 在跨国公司中, 让他们做正确的事情, 在商品中使用相应的权利, 供给核心的公共产品。

  当然,这个不会由跨国公司 自动执行。 他们不会因此而关注;他们关注的是挣钱。 但是他们是特别有效的组织。 他们拥有资源, 如果我们有决心和责任, 他们知道如何供给产品。 现在这么做不简单。 我之前演示的那些供应链, 他们就不这么做。 你需要一个安全的空间。 需要一个地方,可以让大家聚在一起, 坐在一起,不用担心决议, 和揭丑, 直面问题, 达成一致和解决办法。 我们可以做到:这里有科技解决办法。 这些问题归于缺乏信任,缺乏信心, 缺乏合作 在非政府组织,竞选组织, 国内社会组织, 以及跨国公司之间。 如果在一个安全的地方,我们把他们放在一起, 让他们合作, 我们立刻就可以供给公共产品, 或者特别快地提供。

  这是一个激进的主张, 疯狂的想法: 如果你是一个15岁的孟加拉国女孩, 远离自己的村庄, 在达卡(孟加拉首都)的一家工厂工作-- 一个月22,23或者24美元-- 工作中最大的享受权利是 如果工厂生产 一个大品牌, 它拥有企业经营管理法规 把管理法规作为合同的一部分。 这非常疯狂; 跨国公司都保护人权。 我知道有人不相信。 你可能说:“我们怎么信任他们?” 是的,我们不相信。 古老的控制方法: “信任,并核查。” 因此我们进行审计。 我们审计供应链,核实工厂名字, 随机采样, 按照一套非公开的规则,派送人员 调查那些工程, 然后我们公布结果。 这个是完全透明的。 你可以自己负责, 但是没有问责制的责任 是往往行不通的。 因此我们所做的,不仅仅是为跨国公司进行罗列, 我们提供工具,为他们供给公共产品-- 尊重人权-- 然后我们进行核查。 你不需要信任我,也不应该信任我。 上网,查看审计结果。 扪心自问,这家公司是否 负有社会责任? 我是否为购买这个商品而 失去了我的道德观? 那就是这个系统工作的模式。

  我痛恨 世界上的政府不保护人权。 我痛恨 政府们互相推卸责任。 我不能忍受 我们无法使他们做好本职工作。 我为此努力了30年, 在此期间我见识过 政府应对的能力,许诺 和愿望,在这点本职工作有退步, 直到现在我还没有看到他们卷土重来的实际行动。 因此我们开始认为 这只是一个权益之计。 事实上,现在我们认为 这可能只是 一个调节和解决 国际争端的新方法的开端。 我们称之为网络管理,你想怎么称呼都行, 私营部门 公司和非政府组织, 正打算联合起来 应对我们要面临的主要挑战。 看看现在流行的-- 猪流感,禽流感,H1N1。 看看各国的医疗系统。 他们是否有资源 来面对严重的流行病? 没有。 私营部门和非政府组织 能否联合起来,并进行整顿? 当然。 他们缺乏的是安全的地方 聚集起来,达成一致, 做出决定。 那正是我们努力达到的。

  正如我知道的, 这正是 人们期望的 责任的最大化程度。 “你想让我在全球供应链中 讲讲人权。 其中包含成百上千的供应商。 这似乎太令人畏缩,太危险 以至于没有一个公司可以实现。 但是仍然有一些公司实现了。 我们拥有4000个成员公司。 一些是非常非常大的公司。 特别是运动商品公司 已经提前完成了。 角色模型就是一个例子。 当我们讨论 必须面对的问题之一-- 印度棉籽农场中的童工-- 今年我们跟踪了印度的5万家棉籽农场。 这似乎大得惊人。 这个数字似乎让人想出局。 但是我们逐项列出一些基本的现实情况。

  人权 是非常简单的主张: 我能否归还他们的尊严? 穷人, 被侵害人权的人们-- 他们的症结是 失去尊严, 缺乏尊严。 刚开始是归还他们的尊严。 我坐在Gurgaon的贫民窟外, 在德里(印度城市)旁边, 一个快速繁荣的新城市 现在正在印度崛起, 我和一些工人聊天。 他们为地下制衣血汗工厂工作。 我问他们希望带给品牌商什么讯息。 他们没有提到钱; 他们说,“那些雇主 进行非人的虐待, 似乎我们劳工根本不存在。 请告诉他们,进行常人的对待。” 这是我对人权的简单理解。 那是我的简单主张, 对每个决议制定者的简单请求, 在场的人,以及外面的每个人。 我们可以一起 做出决定, 捡起球,跟随着那个 政府丢掉的球。 如果我们不做, 我们就放弃了希望, 放弃了基本的人性, 我知道那不是我们想要的, 我们没必要到那个地步。 因此我呼吁大家, 加入我们,来到安全的地方, 让我们为此开始努力。


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