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发表于 2010-12-18 11:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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post by nonchalantking / 2010-12-11 22:25 Saturday / 英语 /


Rudd told US to ready to use force in China: leaks


translated by nonchalantking





by Madeleine Coorey – Sun Dec 5, 10:25 pm ET



SYDNEY (AFP) – Then-Australian leader Kevin Rudd told the United States it should be prepared to use force against China "if everything goes wrong", a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks reveals.

悉尼(美联社) - 维基泄密泄露的一份美国外交电报显示,时任澳大利亚总理陆克文告诉美国,应该准备好“在必要的时候”对中国动武。

In wide-ranging talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rudd also described Chinese leaders as "paranoid" about Taiwan and Tibet, and said that his push for a new Asia-Pacific body was designed to contain Chinese influence.


The State Department cable detailing a March 2009 conversation over lunch between Rudd, who was then prime minister, and Clinton in Washington states that the Australian leader described himself a "brutal realist on China".

这份国务院电报对于时任澳大利亚总理的陆克文和希拉里在 2009 3 月进行的一次午餐会进行了详细的描述。在这次餐会上,陆克文将自己形容为“面对中国的冷酷现实主义者”。

It said Rudd, a Mandarin-speaking former diplomat who was once posted to Beijing, argued for "multilateral engagement with bilateral vigour" in China. He called for "integrating China effectively into the international community and allowing it to demonstrate greater responsibility, all while also preparing to deploy force if everything goes wrong", the cable states.


Rudd, now Australia's foreign minister, has not commented on the cable.


But Attorney-General Robert McClelland said the leak would not affect growing ties with China, which has become Australia's largest trading partner as it imports natural resources to feed its booming economy.

但首席检察官 Robert McClelland 称这次泄露不会影响澳中两国日益紧密的关系。中国为满足自己蓬勃发展的经济而大量进口澳大利亚的自然资源,已经成为澳国最大的经济合作伙伴。

"We have a very strong relationship with China ... and that arrangement will continue," McClelland told journalists.

There was no immediate response from Beijing.

The cable reveals Clinton affirmed Washington's desire for a successful China, with "a rising standard of living and improving democracy at a pace Chinese leaders could tolerate".

“我们和中国有着非常坚实的关系 而这种势头还将继续,” McClelland 告诉记者。



It said Washington wanted China to take greater responsibility in global economics, build a better social safety net for its citizens, and a better regulatory framework for the goods it manufactures.


But Clinton also questioned the challenges arising from Beijing's growing economic clout, asking: "How do you deal toughly with your banker?" China is the single biggest holder of US Treasury debt.


Rudd reviewed Chinese leaders for Clinton, saying President Hu Jintao "is no (predecessor) Jiang Zemin" and opining that Hu's likely successor Xi Jinping could rise above his colleagues, thanks in part to his family's military connections.


On Taiwan, Rudd said the feelings of Chinese leaders were "sub-rational and deeply emotional" while hardline policies on Tibet were designed to send messages to other ethnic minorities.


Rudd told Clinton he had urged China to agree to a "small 'a' autonomy" deal with the Dalai Lama on Tibet but that he saw little prospect of this idea succeeding.


Rudd also revealed that the thinking behind his ambitious "Asia-Pacific Community" was mostly to ensure Chinese dominance in the region did not result in "an Asia without the United States".


Pakistan and Afghanistan were also discussed at the lunch, according to the memo, one of some 250,000 US cables being released by the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.

泄密网站 WikiLeaks 公布了 250000 份美国电报,这份备忘录只是其中一份。据这份资料显示,巴基斯坦和阿富汗也在此次餐会上被谈及。

Rudd said Australia would be prepared to offer special operations and counterinsurgency help to Pakistan should it be requested, noting that success in war-torn Afghanistan would unravel if Pakistan fell apart.


The Australian government has previously condemned the release of all the cables and said it would support any US law enforcement moves against WikiLeaks, founded by Australian-born hacker Julian Assange.

澳大利亚政府之前已经对于电报的泄露表示谴责,称澳政府将支持美国政府采取的一切针对维基泄密的法律行动,该网站由澳大利亚出生的黑客 Julian Assange 建立。

Independent lawmaker Andrew Wilkie, whose support is critical to the government's narrow majority in parliament, said it was likely Rudd was posturing.

Following the advice in the memo was an "inconceivable notion", said Wilkie, a former intelligence analyst turned Iraq war whistleblower.

对于政府在议会的少数优势至关重要的独立立法者 Andrew Wilkie 认为陆克文更像是在作态。 Wilkie 称备忘录里的建议是一个“难以置信的想法”。 Wilkie 曾经是一名情报分析人员,后来成为伊战揭发者。



Oh Great! Now we should start a war with our own banker? Sure! As if we had the money, the military readiness, and the will to attack a huge nuclear armed country when we have been unsuccessfully trying for 10 years to defeat a bunch of goat herders.
Rudd can round up his own military and go for it, if he wants to. Oh! right! he is no longer Prime Minister.



How to deal toughly with your banker ? Rebuild the US economy and quit shipping quality middle class jobs overseas. And then pay off the loan.


It is true politics is dirty. You can not trust a politician on their face-value.


Tell Rudd that the US is broke, busted up, tired and in no mood or condition for another fight, especially not with China. So if he's a real man and a real leader, he'll use his own force and the force of his own country to achieve his agenda instead of begging for someone else to do his work. Use force with China? Easy to say, not easy to do. I can tell my neighbor he should fight Tyson but he's smart enough to tell me to fight him myself. YOU use force with China and tell us how that went.


No wonder this guy can only be a Minister for Foreign Affairs instead of being staying as a prime minister. I wonder how long he can stay as the Minister for Foreign Affairs with such kind of evil intent.


US and Australia are a threat to China.


I got a flyer in the mail for a Christmas sale at a hardware store. Not a single item in it, was made in America. Most likely, any item in the 8 pages was made in China. Ok, America is finished. Got it people? The jobs are gone. There is nothing left but welfare for Americans. Borrow money from China, and give out those food stamps Obama. Woo Hoo! America, such a great nation. Can't even make a screwdriver now.

我收到一份五金店的圣诞促销传单。上面没有一件东西是美国造的。整整 8 页内容,大多数都是中国制造。好吧,美国已经玩完了。明白了没各位?工作机会都没了。除了福利,没啥剩下给咱美国人了。奥巴马从中国借钱,给美国人发粮票。嗷喔!美国,多么伟大的国家啊!现在连个螺丝刀都不能生产。

world politics is dirty as hell especially the US and its allies who are the most evil of them all

世界政治 TMD 的脏透了,尤其是美国和他那些盟友中最邪恶的几个。 (看名字估计是拉丁裔)

doesnt this say a lot about australian intelligence,or more to the point how little of it they have.
that idiot wanted america to be prepared to use force on china, he belongs in an asylum, the mans a complete looney,
china would be preparing their dinner after leaving the whole of the u.s. smoking like a massive barbeque. i suppose we couldnt expect anything better from the prime minister of a huge holiday resort.


(如果中美开战,) 中国会在把美国搞得跟个巨型烧烤场似的之后回家吃晚饭。我觉得除了一个巨大的度假胜地,没啥其他好事能指望陆克文了。

George W and the Republicans sold the U.S. to China a long time ago. We already lost that war.

The GOP cares nothing for democracy, God, the USA, or you. They are corporate tools, lining their own pockets. They lie and cheat and send young Americans to their death solely for their own profit. They hide behind @#$% patriotism and hypocritical religious posturing (Jesus was all about love and charity-the opposite of republican practice) to advance their greedy destruction of democracy. They have cut education over and over and over until the average U.S. citizen is stupid enough to believe their lies.


共和党压根不关心民主,上帝,美国,或者你 (普通美国人) 。他们是企业的工具,为他们自己的利益考虑。他们为了自己的利益扯谎作弊,让美国年轻人去送死。他们以 CTM 的爱国主义和虚伪的做作姿态【耶稣是爱与仁慈(指摆出的这种姿态) 恰好与和共和党的准则相反】为幌子,来进行他们对民主的破坏。他们不断减少教育预算,直到普通美国民众 (因教育缺失而) 蠢到对他们的胡话深信不疑。

this is looking down on asians as inferior to western peoples this guy should apologize .

这看起来像是在歧视亚洲人,认为他们比白人低一等。他 (陆克文) 应该道歉。

If Rudd wants war, Australia can wage it and be sure to remind him that all the young men in his family need to be front line soldiers. If the thought of his son Nicholas, shooting off against People's Liberation Army soldiers unnerves him, perhaps he should advocate peace instead.

如果陆克文想打仗,澳大利亚可以发动它。记得提醒陆克文,他家所有的年轻人都必须到前线去战斗。如果想到他的儿子 Nicholas 和解放军发生正面冲突就会让他发疯,那他或许该主张和平,而不是战争。

It looks like the world doesn't like US but secretly use US to do their dirty work or start a cause.


it's time for China to occupy australia and enslave its people.

看起来是时候让中国占领澳大利亚,奴役澳大利亚人了。 (名字似乎是华人 ==

This is hilarious, we can't even financial continue the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, how on earth do people expect us to afford a confrontation with China? Oh yeah I forgot, we can ask the Chinese to buy some of US bonds to finance our war against them and maybe while were at war, they could possibly forgive our payments on the loans until after the war. That should work. Boy are we (US) dumb or what?


同志, (你觉得) 我们美国人是傻还是怎么着?




Australia and Free Asia

Rudd may not have been able to get anything completed as PM, but this does not mean his take and stance on China was wrong!!! IN fact he was and is dead right!!! Prepare for Free Asia to ACT on No Korean and China if and when the time comes! USA-JAPAN-TAIWAN-REP of KOREA-THAILAND-AUSTRALIA!!!! Defend Liberty/Freedom/Independence/DEMOCRACY!!!!

Agree (1 people agree)

Disagree (2 people disagree)


陆克文也许没能在总理任上将所有事情做好,但这不意味着他关于中国的行动和立场是错的!!!实际上在这点上,他曾经并且依然太对了!!!当时间到来时,准备好为自由亚洲而和北朝鲜和中国开战!美国 - 日本 - 台湾 - 韩国 - 泰国 - 澳大利亚!!!!保卫自主、自由、独立、民主!!! (我勒个去 ==


China is already a threat though. They have flexed some muscle not long ago with their rare earth economic monopoly. Their military capability is not as big as the US but China will get to a point where the US and the world will become very intimidated. If anything WW3 will involve China one way or another. Taiwan, South Korea and Japan will be the first to fall. It got to this stage because of cheap Chinese labour that took away the manufacturing industries of so many countries. Very grim.

Agree (3 people agree)

Disagree (10 people disagree)



Report Cards - Democratic Right

WikiLeaks is providing us a report card on our leaders; the very people that we employ to do a job! Let’s thank WikiLeaks for providing us these report cards free or charge.

Agree (8 people agree)

Disagree (0 people disagree)






【原文标题】: Rudd meets a brutal reality

【翻译作者】康康 Tainy
【原贴地址】: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/rudd-meets-a-brutal-reality-20101207-18oaz.html?comments=51#comments

【发布日期】: 2010.12.08
【翻译截止日期】: 2010.12.08
【翻译评论数 / 总评论数】: 24/51


China is owned and run by a totalitarian oligarchy interested in nothing but it's own survival and advancement. The fact that the country now makes things cheap for western consumers changes nothing. The close connection between the ambitions of so-called Chinese commercial interests and Australia's resources should be of national concern.

SteveH. - December 08, 2010, 7:13AM



Rudds wikileaks "revelations" are only shocking, surprising and scathing if u have no idea of the world around us...pick up a history book and u may be shocked even further!!!

Rob | ACT - December 08, 2010, 7:14AM



Eastern philosophical approaches are pretty much a closed book to western minds accustomed to a relatively crash through or crash approach. Those western approaches have been developed and consolidated during a period of unquestioned western hegemony and are not calibrated to deal with the gradual disappearance of that hegemonic power. The Chinese, in contrast, coming from a position of past relative weakness, and having learned much from thinkers like Sun Tzu, have a far more subtle and hard to anticipate approach. The West must learn to be far more subtle themselves if we are to cope with the emerging diplomatic realities of the Twenty First Century.

lesm | Balmain - December 08, 2010, 7:24AM

对西方式的思维来说东方式的哲学方法就是一本打不开的书(难解之谜),西方式的思维被认为是相对来说更具思辨性。毫无疑问,西方的(思维)方式形成于西方掌握霸权的时代,他们对这种霸权的逐步消亡还没有做好准备。相对来说中国的思维方式受过去较弱势的地位影响,吸取了很多类似孙子之类思想家的智慧,所以在对未来的预测方面比西方更加复杂微妙。如果西方要应对21 世纪的外交新形势就应该好好学习这种东方式的复杂微妙的思想。


When will people like Rudd understand the true threat in the big picture?

The US provokes most of the conflicts it is involved in. China is run by an oligarchical dictatorship. Their goal is to preserve their own power. Just like the USSR last century, the Chinese "Imperialist threat" is grossly exaggerated.

We should demand that our government follow the path of Jefferson's

statesmenship from 1799:

"I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment.

And I am not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against the principles of liberty."

alfredC - December 08, 2010, 7:30AM

像陆克文那样的人什么时候才能我们面对的世界格局?大部分美国卷入的冲突都是美国自己挑起的,而寡头独裁者统治的中国只是想保持住他们的实力,就像上世纪的苏联一样,中国的“帝国主义威胁”只是夸大其词。我们应该要求政府遵循1799 年杰弗逊的原则:




My experience and experiences I have heard from others is that the Chinese, as communists or capitalists were open and direct, We always regarded them as talented and capable, we gave our word and we respected their word. This showed in our communication. Try that for a change instead of wandering around like a bull in a china shop. They know their arsenal is obsolete before it comes off the production line so don't get all fussed up about their military.

peteg3 | Sydney - December 08, 2010, 7:32AM



I thought the favor was already repaid with the unexpected Australian lobster ban into China last week. Well this is much more than lobsters than......

Lalu | India - December 08, 2010, 7:33AM



One day Australians will wake poor, in a country with an economy nothing more than a hole in the ground and facile 'services'. Australia will end up being like some failed African state because we are a naive country, lacking the necessary self interest to survive in this world. Our future will be as second class citizens in our own country, where everything will be owned by overseas interests, all the best food will go overseas and the lucky Australians will get jobs as airport greeters for wealthy tourists.

Douglas - December 08, 2010, 7:38AM



This one seems straight out of the 70s. Most academics have moved beyond this kind of terminology to define China. It has undergone a significant shift in the post Mao era.

You could also argue the U.S. hegemony is a true threat and that our dealings with them is of great concern. Look at Julia Gillard's reaction to the Julian Assange case- what happened to the values that are meant to underpin Western society?

PromRB | Terrigal - December 08, 2010, 8:37AM

Steven H

这人像是70 年代来的。大多数学者已经不用这类术语定义中国了,毛时代之后中国已经历重大转变。

你该质疑美国的霸权,这才是真正能够威胁我们的,我们还要关注对美国的措施。看看Julia Gillard' (澳大利亚总理)对朱利安阿桑奇案的处理——构成西方社会基石的价值观现在成什么样子了?


What a strange democracy, here we have a man who lied and deceived and free to to con us more.

In a meantime we have WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange who is exposing the truth about how our sneaky our leaders are and is arrested with more lies.

Innocent before being guilty ??????

Rick | Sydney - December 08, 2010, 8:56AM




what a lot of tripe... China's political ideology is not even remotely close to ours... they're a business partner plain and simple but definitely not a friend... what should be borne in mind too is their own domestic situation forced repatriation of millions of people and the free thinking next generation may not be as stable as first thought.

Dino | Melbourne - December 08, 2010, 9:00AM

好多废话~~ 中国的政治形态和我们从不接近~~ 他们是好的生意伙伴,直接又简单,但不会是朋友~~ 需要牢记的事实是他们国内的形式使得数百万人被遣返回国,还有他们习惯自由思考的下一代不会比上一代更加稳定好管。


At last some sane analysis and commentary on China. For all this talk about power and 'deploying force' I cannot recall China invading, occupying and destroying any countries of late, let alone causing untold death, suffering and destruction. Were the horrific yet wholly pointless American adventures in Vietnam and Iraq evidence of a good international citizen?

Let's hope when China leads the world it uses its power and prosperity more constructively and usefully for the good and well-being of people.
War does not seem to help very much with anything and war-mongering rhetoric that some of our politicians like to indulge is just pathetic.

SwampFire - December 08, 2010, 9:06AM





I think the Chinese are dangerous and would turn on us if it suited them without blinking an eye.

John | Sydney - December 08, 2010, 9:17AM



As an Australian citizen I demand real leadership!!!! GET OUT-- GILLARD-RUDD-SWAN!!!

zac48 | Melb. - December 08, 2010, 9:37AM

做为澳大利亚公民,我要个真正的领导!!GILLARD (澳大利亚总理)- 陆克文- 天鹅滚出去!


For all who still are not sure how life would be when China dominates, check out how China treats her colonies, occupied terrritory throughout history. Any foreign domination on a country is not a good thing, despite all its negativity, I prefer American influence than Chinese.

- December 08, 2010, 9:57AM



The Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard ascendency has made us an utter laughing stock on the world stage.
A pity we don't have an adult like John Howard back running the country, and the likes of Alexander Downer and Peter Costello presenting an able of capable face to the world.
All we have with the ALP is a bunch of bumblers solely interested in power for its own sake.
As for dopey Kevin Rudd, he is the Labor gift that keeps on giving to the Coalition.

Frank Chamberlain
| Canberra On The Line - December 08, 2010, 10:03AM


很遗憾我们没有一个像约翰霍华德那样的人来执掌国家也没有亚历山大唐纳 (前澳大利亚外长)和 彼得霍华德科斯特洛(前澳大利亚财长)那样的人领导我们面对世界。


还有迟钝的陆克文,他就是一个工党送给联合政府/ 联合体的大礼包。


In my short lifetime, I have seen the extreme idealogy of the followers of Chairman Mao, take China back 500 years, culturally and economically, in 3 years of murderous, extremist rampage, that saw most of Chinas academics butchered, or sent to till fields.

The same followers of the same idealogy still run China, and there is no reason why the same events, that produced the Cultural Revolution of 1968, couldn't happen again - very quickly.
The Chinese are the shrewdest business operators on the face of the planet. They are getting rid of their massive U.S. dollars stockpile by exchanging them for hard assets, such as mines and energy sources - while the U.S. dollar is still worth something. They will end up controlling everything from their raw supplies to manufacturing, a la Henry Ford.

It's then we will have to watch out, as they squeeze our family jewels, with price increases and total control of manufactured supplies - and possibly even food.

They also quite devious when it comes to achieving their aims. Witness the stunt they pulled in the early 1970's, when they knew their very large, planned wool order, would affect the depressed wool market.

They quietly bought vast amounts of wool futures at low prices, then placed their wool order - and the wool price skyrocketed.

They sold off their wool futures at such a vast profit, the money they made, paid for all the Australian wheat they imported that year. We trust China implicitly at our peril.

Ron N
| Perth, W.A. - December 08, 2010, 10:14AM

在我短短的一生中我见识过毛泽东追随者的极端意识形态,这种意识形态3 年的肆虐就让中国的经济文化倒退了500 年,中国大多数学者被横行的极端主义残害,或者离开自己的研究领域。

现在执掌中国的还是这种意识形态的追随者,所以没有理由认为促成1968 年文革的事件不会再发生——也许很快就会。


我们还在观望,他们终会以商品价格上涨和控制工业产品供应来压榨我们的财富——说不定他们连食品都会控制。他们在如何达成目的方面手段老练,看看在 1970 年代他们得知巨量有计划的羊毛订单可以影响低迷的羊毛市场时,他们推出的惊人一幕。他们以低价悄悄地买下大量羊毛期货,然后拿出他们的羊毛订单——羊毛价格一下就冲上了天。他们再卖掉羊毛期货,获取大量利润,用这笔钱支付当年从澳大利亚进口小麦的货款。我们相信我们的巨大危险在于中国。


I always thought Rudd was arrogant, the latest revelations are to my mind foolhardy and damaging, so when is it time for him to be replaced? He just does not have the skill or demeanor to be an effective foreign minister, that should be plan enough, even for the most one-eyed labour party hack....ok, forgive me , I live in hope.

| Melbourne - December 08, 2010, 10:23AM

我一直认为陆克文傲慢无知,现在的证据让我觉得他还莽撞和坏事,那么他什么时候下台呢?就连做外长他都显得缺乏技巧和风度,那本该是她能得到的最高职位,即使对独眼的工党来说~~ 原谅我,我生活在希望中。


Let me ask you a very simple question. Mr Rudd, are we going to send our troop to Taiwan if China uses force to reunite Taiwan? I ask you another question, if two siblings live in the other end of the street has disputes, on what ground you want to intervene? China is not Afghanistan. Our cities could be destroyed by nuclear weapon attacks if we are involved unnecessary.

- December 08, 2010, 10:28AM



I think its great australian politicians speak there mind...do u want oz to keep going to senseless wars with the US because not going might offend them...GROW UP AUSTRALIA! Just because we have a history of being freightened by the big wide world doesnt mean its a rational fear...STOP BEING SCARED OF THE WORLD, we are all big boys and girls!!! Australias national interest far outways possibly offending another country...thought that would have been common sense!

| ACT - December 08, 2010, 10:52AM

我觉得澳洲政客说出他们的想法没什么不好,难道我们介入无聊的战争仅仅因为不这样做就可能得罪美国~~ 澳大利亚成熟点吧!我们有畏惧世界大佬的历史并不能成为这种畏惧就是合理的证据~~ 不要再被这个世界吓着了,我们都是大人了!!!澳大利亚的国家利益远高于可能得罪美国的顾虑~~ 这应该是常识吧!



Interestingly enough that is just what the Capitalist Russia did under the tutelage of the US when Russia emerged from the Soviet period. Indeed the Russian Oligarchs are known around the world as the most rapacious kleptocracy on the face of the planet. That also was theft, on a grand scale!

| Balmain - December 08, 2010, 10:56AM




China and India are the biggest threats to region and the world in this new century. Embolden by the outsourcing of western jobs to these countries (profits going straight to their respective leadership), they have started to exude an aura of entitlement.
These nations have been gifted, rather than earned their power (by stupid western governments who arranged the one way trade system against the best interests of the west)
Australia still has a chance to hold its own, and remain a relevant independent nation, As SE asia is doing now (resistance to Chinese Hegemony by Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Indonesia.)
We need real leaders looking out for Australia.

Tempest | Melbourne - December 08, 2010, 11:46AM

中国和印度是21 世纪最大的两个地区和世界威胁,西方国家给他们的外包工作(工作的获利都在领导人手里)更促进了他们的权利开始发出光芒。



我们需要找到真正的领袖。 可是太不幸了。


John, you need to be very clear in what you say.

Your claim thatChina is not a threat needs to be backed by facts. Please tell the readership what exactly China need nuclear weapons if they are not a threat? Also Please discuss why China need Aircraft carriers if they are not a threat? Aircraft carriers sole function is to enable fighter planes to become an offensive weapon. Also John, can you discuss what a peacful China needs enormous navies and is claiming ownership of the yellow sea?
It seems John Garnaut is making statements as to position Australia as some kind of lackey in a world where he perceives China as the sole superpower.

| Melbourne - December 08, 2010, 12:00PM

John (本文作者),你需要澄清你所说的。


John 的陈述让澳大利亚看上去像是中国的奴仆,在Jonh 的世界里中国是唯一的超级大国。


发表于 2010-12-18 11:56 | 显示全部楼层
Were the horrific yet wholly pointless American adventures in Vietnam and Iraq evidence of a good international citizen?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-18 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-18 21:32 | 显示全部楼层
It looks like the world doesn't like US but secretly use US to do their dirty work or start a cause.


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-19 12:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 古惑仔 于 2010-12-19 12:02 编辑

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-19 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
他们在如何达成目的方面手段老练,看看在 1970 年代他们得知巨量有计划的羊毛订单可以影响低迷的羊毛市场时,他们推出的惊人一幕。他们以低价悄悄地买下大量羊毛期货,然后拿出他们的羊毛订单——羊毛价格一下就冲上了天。他们再卖掉羊毛期货,获取大量利润,用这笔钱支付当年从澳大利亚进口小麦的货款。我们相信我们的巨大危险在于中国。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-19 12:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 孤独旅人 于 2010-12-19 12:18 编辑


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-20 03:49 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-20 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-20 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-20 11:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三季稻 于 2010-12-20 11:34 编辑



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-20 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-20 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-20 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-20 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-20 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-20 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-21 19:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-21 22:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-23 02:59 | 显示全部楼层
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