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【11.05.10 BBC】地震之后,成都依然没有兑现其承诺

发表于 2011-5-12 11:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Sichuan earthquake: Chengdu yet to fulfil office pledge
【原文作者】Michael Bristow







早在1999年,成都市政府就开始筹划一个新的办公区,把地方政府的各个部门合并在一起办公。同时,他们还希望能建造出“标志性”的建筑物。曾经设计过鸡蛋形状的北京国家大剧院的法国建筑师 Paul Andreu赢得了建筑物的设计权。








但是,当BBC记者采访时,发现他们依然在悄悄地使用4号楼。没有任何迹象表明这个壮观的建筑群是曾经为政府办公而设计的。 现在这个园区的名字是天府国际金融中心,包括中国民生银行在内的一些公司在这里安家。









A Chinese city government is still using an office building nearly three years after it promised to sell it and move out.

There is no sign outside building No 4 to indicate what goes on inside

Chengdu officials were in the process of moving into a plush new office complex when the Sichuan earthquake struck in 2008.

People were outraged it was happening just as the city was dealing with the aftermath of China's worst natural disaster in decades. Officials eventually pledged to sell the buildings and use the money for earthquake reconstruction - but one office block is still being used.

Considering the public outcry three years ago, it is not surprising that this is something Chengdu's leaders do not want publicised. They have gone out of their way to keep it out of the public eye.

French architect

As far back as 1999, Chengdu officials began planning a new office complex to bring together local government departments. Officials also wanted to build some "symbolic" architecture. French architect Paul Andreu - who designed Beijing's stunning egg-shaped national theatre - won the right to build the centre.

Work began in 2004 and finished three years later, after a massive investment of 1.2b yuan ($180m; £110m). Some departments began moving into the complex, comprising nine buildings set in gardens with trees and lakes, in March 2008.

But the timing could not have been worse.

Two months after the move began, disaster struck. The Sichuan earthquake, whose epicentre was just north of Chengdu, left 90,000 people dead or missing. Hundreds of thousands more were made homeless.

Chengdu's leaders promised to sell their new offices after the Sichuan earthquake

The idea of officials moving into luxurious new offices as others were struggling to survive was a situation that soon drew public criticism. The local government decided to postpone the move and then, at a well publicised news conference, announced it was selling the complex.

Three years on, though, officials have not completely fulfilled their promise. They say most of the buildings in the complex have been sold for a total of 1.5b yuan, which will be used to fund continuing reconstruction work.

Watchful guards

But they are still quietly using building No 4, as the BBC found out when we visited. There is nothing to suggest that the beautifully arranged group of buildings were once intended for government use. The complex is now called Tianfu International Financial Centre, home to businesses such as the China Minsheng Banking Corporation.

Chengdu chose a renowned international architect to construct a 'symbolic' complex

It is protected by watchful guards; visitors are not encouraged. Anyone who manages to get through the security checks will find it difficult to guess the use of building No 4.

Top-of-the-range cars bring a constant stream of visitors to the main entrance, but there is no sign to indicate the business taking place within. There is no helpful reception desk. But the building's corridors are home to local government departments: the city's news publishing department and the sports bureau are just two.

When the BBC visited, there was a meeting in the basement for firms wanting to register as city-level technology companies. Nearby was an exhibition on Chengdu's educational achievements.

City officials did not want to talk to the BBC about why they have not yet moved out of building No 4.

And for the moment, Chengdu's residents seem satisfied that the remaining government departments will, eventually, quit the complex.

"People paid a lot of attention to these buildings because they cost too much money - money that should have been used where it was needed most," said resident Xu Linli as she walked home from work past the controversial office complex. "The city government is resolving this issue by gradually moving out. But if it doesn't move, the dispute won't go away."

The secrecy surrounding the move suggests Chengdu's leaders already understand that point.




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发表于 2011-5-12 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
  Chinese-Style Post-Disaster Reconstruction Presented by Changes of Chengdu
  In the south-west of China, 70 kilometers north from Chengdu urban area, there is a town named Bailu. During these days, it is full of festive atmosphere. This town, characterized with French-style, will be open on May 12. You will never know that this town suffered 8.0 earthquake three years ago and became a ruin if you were not there before.
  I went there not long after the earthquake. The scene was so horrible that I don’t want to recall it until now. However, after only three years, a brand-new, traditional but also mixing French-style and exquisite town is presented to me. The speed of reconstruction and the high level of the result are really surprising. For more surprising, the great change of Bailu is not the only case but the universal one in Chengdu. I am really curious about the reasons of the Chengdu miracle and the experience of Chinese-style reconstruction.

Plan First, Developmental Style Reconstruction

  There are two 800-mile-long streets in the core district of Bailu town. In the south of it, there are full of French-style buildings, with the shape of ancient castle, high, pointed roof and arched windows; in the north, the buildings are in Chinese traditional style. “This is what we talk as the Chinese-French style,” the local official Gao Tiancheng introduces, “Bailu town presents the reconstruction idea of China governments at all level. It makes full use of the town’s both historical and natural resources. It considers not only the current requisition but also the sustainable development.
  Bailu town, with more than one thousand years history, enjoys agreeable climate and sound ecological environment. “Apart from the excellent natural conditions, the town possesses more than one hundred years of French culture origins,” Gao Tiancheng observes. One hundred years ago, a French missionary came here and presided over the construction of three Catholic Colleges. One of them was still preserved well before the earthquake and became the landmark of the town and national cultural relic. Many couples getting married always choose it as the background of their wedding photos.
  The 8.0 earthquake occurred on May 12, 2008. This town, only 40 kilometers away from the epicenter, was ruined with lots of people injured and great loss of property.
  Reconstruction is the initial target after the tension relief. Governments at all levels decided to adopt the ideas and methods of the developmental reconstruction, rather than a simple recovery-type reconstruction.
  “Considering the natural conditions and the historical culture, we decided to reconstruct Bailu town as a high level tour town with Chinese-French style,” says Gao Tiancheng. After the reconstruction, people in Bailu town are no longer only doing the mining, but mainly engage in tourism, wedding industry and diversified agriculture. They live a better life now.
  Over two years’ reconstruction, the extent of Bailu’s modernism, the level of its infrastructure and the living standard are totally different from the past. Gao says, “The Bailu that stands up from the ruin is like jumping at least over twenty years.”
  There are 16 post-disaster towns more with featured squares, stylish streets and tasty decoration like Bailu. They all adopted “developmental reconstruction” idea. It is not a copy of the past, but makes great progresses in the characteristics, the industry structure and the living standard.

  Co-ordinate Urban and Rural, Use Urban Standard to Build Rural Areas

  It takes one hundred million dollars to reconstruct Bailu but where is the money from?
  “Our country gives us great support and the representation of it is the one to one assistant construction,” says Gao Tiancheng.
  According to the national arrangement, the developed Fujian Province is the support for Pengzhou, Chengdu, which Bailu belongs to. The total amount of the support money reaches 500 hundred million dollars. Bailu broadcast station, schools, the administrative center and part of those permanent housing are all the result of the one to one assistant construction project. This kind of project is an innovation. It is reported that the Japanese government has sent specialists to China to learn about it.
  The Chinese government makes subsidies to every family for the rebuilding of the permanent housing. Governments at all level collect all kinds of donation to make allowance for every affected household so that they can afford the fees for rebuilding the houses.
  “Without the power of our country and the aid from the society, it would take us a long time to rebuild Bailu as the current one by ourselves,” Gao Tiancheng says.

Respect Public Opinion, Happy People

  The smell of bread and coffee floats out from time to time in Bailu. Many of those residents that once engaged in mining and agriculture now turn into the bosses of bars, coffee shops, bakeries, wedding photography gallery and etc. The lifestyle of the town changes a lot.
  The fifty-five resident, He Shengcai, opened the first supermarket in the town after the earthquake. Currently, he and his family invest more than one million Yuan to build a hotel. He Shengcai even learns some simple English for better service for foreigners. He smiles and says, “Everyone in our town can speak at least ten English sentences.”
  Yang Qingping, forty-four years old, once worked as miner, pork hawker, driver and some other professionals. Now he is engaged in tourism and owns a country hotel. This middle-aged man laughs a lot during our talks. Behind his name card, there is a poem that commends the new presentation of Bailu.
  Most people that live in Bailu and other post-disaster districts are now living a happy life like He Shengcai and Yang Qingping. During the past two years, while Chinese governments at all level doing the material reconstruction, they also pay much attention to the spiritual aspect. They rebuild the residents’ confidence and cultivate the sense of civilization, self-reliance and thanksgiving through counseling, seminars and cultural and sports activities.
  The reconstruction of Chengdu after the earthquake promotes not only the material living standard but also people’s cultural literacy.




  规划先行  着力发展式重建


  统筹城乡  城市标准建乡村

 尊重民意  受灾群众面貌新

  从2010年起,成都还在包括白鹿镇在内的所有灾后重建集中居住区开展“新家园、新生活、新风尚”活动,在帮助受众群众建设物质家园的同时,帮助曾经世代居住在乡村的人们快速养成城市人一样的生活方式,建设美好的精神家园。作者:EDISON GAO



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