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[政治] 外媒都关注我们些啥?BBC Monitoring

发表于 2011-6-9 07:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

BBC Monitoring quotes from China, Taiwan press 3 Jun 11
The following is a selection of quotes from editorials and commentaries carried in 2-3 June 2011 website editions of mainland Chinese, Hong Kong and Taiwan newspapers and news portals available to BBC Monitoring. Unless otherwise stated, the quotes are in Chinese. The figure in brackets after the quote indicates the date of publication on the website
Middle East, Africa

Beijing's Global Times (English-language edition of state-run newspaper Huanqiu Shibao) website in English: www.globaltimes.cn "...The NATO bombers have reminded us once again that for the power- politics era, the law of the jungle still applies. Lots of questions have been placed on the table as the humanitarian crisis is mounting amid the Libyan stalemate. Why were African countries' proposals for political and peaceful solutions eventually ignored by the Western powerhouses?.. It's time to keep an watchful eye on the West's intervention. Africa's year of elections is in a tricky phrase, given the turbulent conditions of its northern neighbours." (Prof He Wenping, director, African Studies Section, Institute of West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) (2)

Afghanistan, Pakistan

Beijing's Zhongguo Qingnian Bao (Chinese Communist Youth League newspaper China Youth Daily): zqb.cyol.com "...In the near term, the US military's pace of troop withdrawals [from Afghanistan] will be accelerated... Prior to the presidential election, the US is more likely to choose small-scale and highly frequent withdrawals to gain more popular support for [US President] Obama. After the election dust has settled, the US may slow down the rate of withdrawing troops out of a need to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan and stabilize troop morale on the battlefield. In the medium term, the US may retain troops on a certain scale in Afghanistan to win time for a pro-US Afghan regime to improve its ability to control Afghanistan... In the long term, the US military will withdraw all its troops, but it may keep a mechanism for their return..." (He Zude, Jiang Peijun, National Defence University) (3)

Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po (Beijing-backed daily): www.wenweipo.com "...Islamabad, which made great sacrifices for the US military's counter-terrorism, has not only failed to receive gratitude from the US, but has even been accused groundlessly of 'harbouring bin Laden'; and it must also withstand frenzied revenge by the Taleban, resulting in heavy casualties and property losses. Obama recently even hinted that in view of waves of retaliation by the Taleban, he is 'worried' that Pakistan's nuclear bombs will be used by terrorists and hopes that Pakistan will consent to its nuclear bombs being 'taken over' by the US. Obama's unreasonable demands have given rise to strong discontent in Pakistan and criticism by the international community. It also shows that the US is trying to control Pakistan on a crucial level..." (Huang Haizhen, commentator) (3)

Cyber warfare

Beijing's Zhongguo Qingnian Bao: "...The recent turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa has been known as a 'fruit basket- triggered revolution' and we can see a roadmap: A street vendor sets himself alight - WikiLeaks exposes a corrupt president - public opinion brews up - public opinion on Internet 'social platforms' spreads - the masses take to the streets - the security situation goes out of control - radiating to surrounding countries - Western powers meddle - there is a domino effect - Libya is targeted... The spectre of cyber warfare has been hovering over the skies of human society and the dark clouds of war seem even denser... Our country should attach great importance to cyberspace security and show the world that we will build a 'cyber border' to safeguard our principled standpoint of 'cyber sovereignty'..." (Ye Zheng, Zhao Baoxian, Academy of Military Sciences) (3)

Beijing's Renmin Ribao (Chinese Communist Party newspaper People's Daily) domestic edition: www.people.com.cn "...Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, the US is trying to monopolize global cyberspace supremacy with a series of strategic initiatives and singlehandedly draw up the game rules of cyber warfare to seize the high ground in future cyber warfare... A series of Internet policy papers introduced by the US highlight a 'two- handed strategy': Using so-called 'Internet freedom' as an important auxiliary measure for its global diplomacy and to continue to stir up trouble in the political turmoil in West Asia, North Africa and other places, while using 'Internet security' as a reason to suppress competitors to safeguard its own security..." (Wen Xian, reporter, Washington) (3)

2. "The US has not only upgraded cyberspace to a national security and economic security level in recent years, but even regards cyberspace as a new military field to vigorously establish and maintain the US' military superiority... The US' quest for 'cyber supremacy' is bound to trigger a global boom in cyberspace army building." (Lin Zhiyuan, research fellow, World Military Research Department, Chinese People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Science) (3)

Beijing's Global Times website in English: "Google said Wednesday [2 June] that hackers based in China targeted the Gmail accounts of US senior officials, military personnel, journalists and Chinese political activists... Such allegations lacking evidence clearly pollute China's image... The company has to provide further information if it chooses to point the finger at China... Google has witnessed a shrinking market share here over the past months. Announcing cyber-attacks from China is probably just part of Google's game with the Chinese government... It is a pity that China keeps silent while Google and some foreign politicians frequently rebuke China. Lacking information transparency is undermining China's own interests..." (Editorial) (3)

Beijing's Huanqiu Shibao (Global Times) website: www.huanqiu.com "...We may try hard to condemn others, but we also should reflect on ourselves. Opaque information has become a habit and being low-key seems to have become a counter-measure to respond to all things sensitive... The arrest of [artist] Ai Weiwei by Chinese police in April this year was a case entirely within the scope of China's judicial sovereignty, but why couldn't the relevant departments announce this quickly to the outside world, rather than leaving the Western media with hours of time to discredit China? They called Ai Weiwei's arrest a 'disappearance', and this word was branded deeply onto the Western media and it is still being used today. Who knows how much effort we have to spend to eliminate the impact of this word..." (Editorial) (3)

Regional security

Beijing's Jiefangjun Bao (Liberation Army Daily): www.pladaily.com.cn "...Since participating in the Shangri-La Asia security dialogue in 2007, China has participated in each dialogue with an earnest and responsible attitude to make contributions to the success of the forum. This year, Chinese State Councillor and Defence Minister Liang Guanglie will attend the Shangri-La Dialogue [in Singapore, 3-5 June]. This is the first time that a Chinese defence minister will attend the meeting and it is also the highest- ranking Chinese delegation to attend the meeting in years... This has shown the high value that China attaches to safeguarding and promoting regional security in the Asia-Pacific region..." (Prof Ouyang Wei, National Defence University) (3)

Beijing's Renmin Ribao overseas edition: "...Asia-Pacific countries have urgent needs and a consensus on strengthening regional security cooperation, but many differences still exist. The Shangri-La Dialogue has had differences of opinion and even collisions in previous years. It is normal for countries to have different views, but the dialogue should not become a place for individual countries to deliberately censure other countries, let alone become a tool for unilateral political pressure... All parties should strengthen communication based on the spirit of mutual respect and mutual understanding, so as to avoid quarrels and accusations undermining the entire atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation..." (Zhang Xuegang, deputy director, Institute of Southeast Asian and Oceania Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations) (3)

Beijing's Huanqiu Shibao website: "In the framework of the Sino- US game, ASEAN countries very much hope to become chips that the two sides compete for, but they will never wish to become the hostages of a tough struggle between both sides..." (Interview with Yuan Peng, director, Institute of American Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations) (2)


Beijing's Zhongguo Qingnian Bao: "...Despite India's unique geographical advantages, there are still multiple difficulties in truly achieving its 'Indian Ocean' strategy. First, controlling the Indian Ocean is most important for the US' global strategy... In terms of preventing the rise of great powers, holding naval supremacy in the Indian Ocean can play a major deterrent against Russia and other big countries... Controlling the Indian Ocean is even more favourable for Russia to counter-balance the US. In addition, Japan has recently used piracy as an excuse to send troops abroad to 'share the spoils' in the Indian Ocean. India has almost no possibility of monopolizing the Indian Ocean. There will continue to be undercurrents surging below the surface of the calm Indian Ocean." (Song Liwei, Sun Yefei, Xi'an Military Academy, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province) (3)

Beijing's Global Times website in English: "...We can't deny the competition and conflicts that may arise from both China and India strengthening ties with Africa, but it's not a zero-sum game... As more and more Chinese private enterprises begin to invest in Africa, we could learn from India's firms. Indian businesses cooperate in Africa but Chinese private firms are competing with each other fiercely. In terms of soft power, India has more advantages than China..." (Interview with Liu Zongyi, research fellow, Institute for World Economy Studies and Centre for South Asia Studies, Shanghai Institute for International Studies) (3)

2. "I don't think India faces any obstacles from third powers like China in engaging with Africa... There are enough scope for both India and China to rise and exploit the opportunities the globalized world offer to them... The policy-makers from both countries must sit together and adopt a common approach for multilateral cooperation and engagement." (Interview with Jagannath P Panda, research fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi) (3)

International Monetary Fund

Beijing's Renmin Ribao domestic edition: "...If the IMF cannot fully reflect diversified demands in the distribution of powers and responsibilities, it will have difficulty giving play to its role as an international platform for communication and coordination. Perhaps an important window of time has now been reached that requires practical reforms to the IMF governance structure. The election and representativeness of the director-general are just one link... Some basic preparation work is necessary for emerging market countries and developing countries. For example, further exploring and building reliable communication and coordination mechanisms, maintaining domestic monetary and economic stability, and expanding their own strength in international organizations." (Yuan Zengting) (3)

Shanghai's Dongfang Zaobao (Oriental Morning Post): www.dfdaily.com "...Even though the BRICS have fully expressed their position, the new IMF candidate may still come from a European country... When can the BRICS exert a crucial influence over the IMF director's candidacy? The answer is likely to be next year... By then, any new IMF director candidate proposed by Europe and the US will not only require consultations with the BRICS, but also the support of the BRICS. With this as a lever, the BRICS will be able to hold truly equal consultations with the US and Europe on the IMF director's candidacy and even demand that Europe and the US rotate the director's post with BRICS candidates." (Song Guoyou, associate professor, Institute for American Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai) (3)

European Union

Guangzhou's Diershiyi Shiji Jingji Baodao (21st Century Business Herald): www.21cbh.com "...China's foreign currency assets must be diversified to spread risk and they cannot be tied to the tree of US bonds... The economic locomotive of the eurozone has maintained strong momentum, while the euro has fallen to 1.3 or an even lower position against the dollar, so this is a good opportunity to buy euro assets... Of course, China should not and does not need to be a latter day Lei Feng [selfless communist hero] of the international market. If the eurozone's economic engine stalls, China cannot push up the euro alone. China, as a knight in shining armour, should not end up a loser with too low interest rates from European bonds. It can also call on the eurozone to open its gates to technology exports..." (Ye Tan, financial columnist, Shanghai) (3)


Beijing's China Daily (state-run newspaper) in English: www.chinadaily.com.cn "...It is noteworthy that a recent problem with the potential of serious influence on cross-straits political and security relations is whether the US will sell the F-16C-D [fighter jets] to Taiwan or assist it to refit the F-16A-B... Since the beginning of this year, some people in the US strategic research community have put forward some new ideas on the handling of arms sales to Taiwan and breaking the US-China security dilemma. The US government should value their opinions as they are thinking about the long-term interests of the US..." (Zhang Tuosheng, research fellow, China International Strategy Research Fund) (3)


Hong Kong's Apple Daily: appledaily.atnext.com "...Since mainland netizens have arranged through Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites to attend the upcoming June Fourth demonstrations in Hong Kong, we believe that a large number of Internet users will attend the candlelight vigil in Victoria Park... Tomorrow, the candlelight in Victoria Park will alert the authorities in Beijing once again: The Internet and publications in the mainland may only be able to mourn June Fourth obliquely because of censorship by the authorities, but mainland netizens will come to Hong Kong to participate in the memorial activities to support Hong Kong's freedom of assembly and procession, and then feed this back to the mainland. This trend cannot be blocked..." (Editorial by Lee Ping) (3)

Hong Kong's Ming Pao: www.mingpaonews.com "It has been 22 years since the 'June Fourth' massacre. My prediction 22 years ago has been proven by too many facts today. One can say that all kinds of abuses in Chinese society today stem from the massacre 22 years ago. I think that the political situation in China has had three major reversals in 22 years. Reversal one: Rampant corruption and moral degeneration... Reversal two: The national defence forces have been reduced to forces to protect the party... Reversal three: The Chinese Communists are brazenly turning public property into private property and looting the people's property..." (Ching Cheong, Hong Kong-based journalist previously jailed in the mainland for alleged espionage) (3)

(c) 2011 BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific. Provided by ProQuest LLC. All rights Reserved.

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