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发表于 2011-10-1 17:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The lift-off was flawless. The orbit immaculate. But while China's leaders were celebrating the triumphant launch of Tiangong-1 space lab on Thursday, viewers of state television footage were treated to a bizarre choice of soundtrack: America the Beautiful.


Rocket's red glaring error: China sets space launch to America the Beautiful

Video of Tiangong-1 space station is distributed with US patriotic song as background music in latest Chinese propaganda gaffe
Warren Murray guardian.co.uk, Friday 30 September 2011 03.46 BST

The lift-off was flawless. The orbit immaculate. But while China's leaders were celebrating the triumphant launch of Tiangong-1 space lab on Thursday, viewers of state television footage were treated to a bizarre choice of soundtrack: America the Beautiful.

To mark the launch, the Chinese space agency and China Central Television (CCTV) released a proud animation, set to rousing orchestral strains, of the "Heavenly Palace" thrusting skyward, lofting above the Earth and docking with a Shenzhou crew capsule.

The only problem being that the backing music in question is America the Beautiful – more or less an unofficial national anthem of the United States. The Guardian spotted the blunder after picking up the video from the Reuters news agency while covering the launch.

America the Beautiful, which was composed by a New York church organist in 1882, has long been a favourite of US patriots. It has been proposed as the national hymn and a replacement for The Star-Spangled Banner as US national anthem.

It could hardly be more different from the music associated with the launch of China's first rocket in 1970. That satellite transmitted the Cultural Revolution anthem, The East is Red, extolling the virtues of the Communist party and Chairman Mao.

The choice of soundtrack for the Tiangong launch raised several questions. Is this the work of an idealist seeking to usher in a new era of trans-Pacific co-operation, a nationalist who wants to colonise American culture as well as outer space, or simply a propaganda gaffe?

When asked why an American hymn was chosen, the state channel appeared to be stumped.

"I don't know how to answer your question," Chen Zhansheng of the CCTV propaganda department said. "I cannot help you."

Unfortunately for China's government PR mandarins, they have boldly gone here before, and spotting the slip-ups they make in the name of bolstering national pride and unity has become a kind of internet sport.

In January CCTV aired a bulletin about air force training that included a clip lifted from the Tom Cruise film Top Gun.

Then in June some officials in Sichuan province had themselves Photoshopped into a picture of a new road to make it look like they were doing an inspection. But at least it was a Chinese road.

To be fair, the Chinese are not alone in such mistakes. Perhaps drawing inspiration from the Sichuan example, the Syrian official news agency got in on the game in July, in the midst of national upheaval releasing a business-as-usual photo that appeared to show President Bashar al-Assad levitating slightly.

And in September 2010 Egypt used the power and versatility of digital cut-and-paste to move Hosni Mubarak to the front of a red-carpet procession of world leaders – ahead of Barack Obama, when the original image had Mubarak behind.

CCTV has posted the offending Tiangong-1 animation on the English version of its own website – though the link may well die once the error comes to the station directors' attention. The clip carrying America the Beautiful was also distributed to western news agencies.

发射中令人瞩目的失误:伴随着《America the Beautiful》横空出世的“天宫一号”

于2011-10-01 10:52:35翻译

最近中国的宣传出现了一项令人哭笑不得的失误:在中国发射天宫一号空间实验站发射的模拟视频中,背景音乐却是美国著名的爱国歌曲《America the Beautiful》。

    发射过程是完美的,入轨运行同样毫无瑕疵。但是当中国的领导人在庆祝天宫一号空间实验站的成功发射时,中国国内宣传媒体却在官方宣传视频中为观众选择了一段奇异的背景音乐:《America the Beautiful》。


    唯一的问题就出在这段视频的背景音乐,英国《卫报》(The Guardian)通过路透社(the Reuters news agency)提供的有关此次发射的视频发现了这一重大失误,这首被作为背景音乐使用的乐曲名为《America the Beautiful》,是一首非官方的赞美美国的爱国歌曲。

    《America the Beautiful》,由一位纽约的教堂风琴手创作于1882年,长久以来深受美国爱国者们的喜爱。曾经甚至被提议用其替代《不落的星条旗》(The Star-Spangled Banner)作为美国国歌。





    在一月份中国中央电视台曾发布了一段有关空军训练的报道,其中居然包括了一段来自汤姆-克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的电影《壮志凌云》(Top Gun)的剪辑。


    公正的来讲,这种错误不仅中国在犯。也许是受到了四川会理县的启发,叙利亚官方媒体在七月份也玩了这样一出“游戏”,在一幅内容试图显示在国家动乱时期“一切如常”的照片中,叙利亚总统(Bashar al-Assad)呈现出一种略微漂浮的效果。

    在2010年9月,埃及媒体利用数码“剪切-粘贴”的力量将侯赛因-穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)在一次隆重的世界领导人聚会中移动到众多领导人之前,排在先于巴拉克-奥巴马(Barack Obama)的位置——在原始的照片中穆巴拉克排在奥巴马后面。

    中国中央电视台(CCTV)已经在自己的官方网站上发布了发射天宫一号的动画视频的英文版,顺带着也将《America the Beautiful》在西方新闻媒体中散布开来。尽管相关链接在引起相关领导注意后可能就会立即被删除。




发表于 2011-10-1 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-8 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
说明天宫也开始国际化呗 美国人也感到骄傲了
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