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[已被认领] 【每日镜报12.6】中国玩转熊猫外交

发表于 2011-12-6 10:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-12-6 20:56 编辑

How China plays politics with pandas                                                 
by Tom Parry, Daily Mirror         6/12/2011               
        Yang Guang settling into his new home at Edinburgh Zoo        
                PADDING curiously around their new designer home, giant pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang make very unusual foreign ambassadors.
        But panda presents have always been a reliable indicator of the state of relations with Beijing and their arrival in Britain at the weekend is seen as a major diplomatic gift from China.
        The black and white bears are more than just celebrity guests at their Edinburgh Zoo home.
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        Female Tian Tian (meaning Sweetie) and male Yang Guang (Sunshine) are part of a tradition of panda diplomacy dating back to the People’s Republic’s dealings with the West in the 1950s.
        And this pair’s importance was underlined on Sunday when a host of dignitaries greeted their arrival at the airport.
        Qin Gang, China’s charge d’affaires in London, said the pandas will bring “joy and friendship, and spread understanding and co-operation between the two countries”. He added: “We are committed to working with our British and Scottish colleagues to grasp this opportunity.”
        Tian Tian and Yang Guang are on loan for 10 years before returning to their native Sichuan province. During this period the zoo will pay more than £600,000 a year.
        The eight-year-olds – the first giant pandas to come to Britain in 17 years – have such VIP status that they are now occupying a £250,000 suite and will have their organic food flown in.
        In return, the zoo expects more than a million extra visitors, which will rise even higher with the hoped-for arrival of a panda baby.
        Such lavish spending shows the importance of panda politics – but it is seen as a price worth paying.
        From 1958 to 1982, China gave 23 pandas to nine countries. The most historic donation was the arrival of two pandas in the US in 1972 which came straight after President Richard Nixon’s visit to Chairman Mao in Beijing, and symbolised a thawing in the Cold War between East and West.
        Prior to the pandas’ arrival, Americans were deeply suspicious of communist China but the cuddly visitors helped build bridges. The pandas, Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, attracted 20,000 visitors on their first day in Washington DC and proved China’s readiness to do business with the US.
        Impressed, British Prime Minister Edward Heath asked for pandas during talks in China in 1974 and a few weeks later Chia Chia and Ching Ching arrived in London Zoo.
        They replaced Chi Chi, who had been in the capital since 1958 after being refused entry to America because of a ban on importing “communist goods”.
        Chi Chi became the inspiration behind Peter Scott’s design for the World Wildlife Fund’s logo , which is still being used today.
        Just three years ago, following intense wrangling, the long-running feud between China and Taiwan was smoothed over by the gift of two pandas.
        The battle to move the pandas to what is considered by Beijing to be a Chinese territory dragged on for years.
        The idea was popular with the Taiwanese public but was opposed by political leaders who saw the gift as so significant that it undermined their independence.
        In 2008, Chinese president Hu Jintao said: “Giant pandas are very popular among the  Japanese and a symbol of the friendly ties between Japan and China” after promising to loan a pair.
        And when they arrived in Japan this year just a few weeks after the tsunami they were greeted as a sign of renewed hope after the natural disaster.
        On the weekend,  Britain’s Deputy PM Nick Clegg hailed our visitors as a sign of the “strong relationship” between the UK and China.
        “The loan of a breeding pair of giant pandas, Tian Tian and Yang Guang, is a sign that we can co-operate closely on a broad range of environmental and cultural issues, as well as commerce,” he said.
        Of course, pandas are not just great diplomatic bargaining chips.
        The cash from the 10-year loans is vital for funding conservation efforts to maintain their natural habitat in south-west China.
        But their political significance cannot be ignored.
        The two pandas now making their home in  Edinburgh Zoo outnumber Tory MPs in Scotland.
        And it could be argued that these gentle diplomats have considerably more political influence.
        70 years of panda diplomacy
        1938 Floyd Tangier Smith captured six giant pandas in Sichuan, China.
        They were shipped from Shanghai to Britain. Five pandas arrived in London on December 24, and three of these – who were named Ming, Sung and Tang – were  eventually sold to London Zoo bosses.
        1945 Lien Ho, a male panda, was brought to London in December as a goodwill gift from the governor of Sichuan province.
        1958 Female Chi Chi was captured in 1955 and spent several years touring zoos around Europe before arriving in London.
        1966 Chi Chi went on a mating trip to see An An in Moscow from March 11 until October 17 but without success. An An was also sent over to London to mate from August 1968 until May 1969 but, again, no offspring came of the liaison.
        1974 Chia Chia and Ching Ching, both gifts from China, arrived following then Prime Minister Edward Heath’s visit.
        2011 Tian Tian and Yang Guang arrived at Edinburgh Zoo in December.

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