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发表于 2013-6-12 13:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.   Public utilities are carefully regulated here.

2.   The pressure maintained in the water main is two kilogram per square centimeter.

3.   The water has been treated (softened), but it is not drinkable water.

4.   The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220/380 volt.

5.   There is a switch board (control panel, distribution box) mounted on the wall.

6.   We have an emergency-standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts.

7.   The substation equipped with a transformer of 500 KVA is at the south of the plant.

8.   The pressure of the compressed air at the work site is about 7kg/cm2.

9.   There is a steam heating system (air conditioning system) in the work-shop.

10.   The Post Office is inRenmin Street, it is open from 7.a.m till midnight.

11.   You can send the letter by airmail (regular mail, registered mail).

12.   You may telephone me at ten o’clock, my telephone number is 4907(four –nine –0-seven).

13.   Here is the telephone directory.

14.   The telegraphic (cable, telex) address of the guest house is 6080.

15.   You may contact the receptionist if you want to make a long distance call (to make overseas call, to send a overseas telegram).

16.   The cargo vessel (passenger ship) docked at wharf number 5 yesterday afternoon.

17.   There is a freeway (main highway) from here toNanjing.

八、施工现场 On Construction Site
18.   Welcome to our construction site.

19.   It is very simple and crude here. Do not mind, please.

20.   Come in, please.   Be quick.   Just a minute, please.  Take care.
     请进。         快一点。  请稍等。          请小心。

21.   I am a site engineer (director, workshop head, chief of section, foreman, worker, staff member).

22.   Mr. Wang is responsible for this task.

23.   Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room).

24.   I have some thing (question) to ask of you.

25.   Thanks for your kindness.

26.   The shift will start at half past seven a.m.
27.   早班从7点半开始。

28.   We have flexible work hours during the summer.

29.   Pay attention to safety!  注意安全。

30.   Put on your safety helmet, please.  

31.   Danger! Look out! Get out of the way.  

32.   Here is our pipe prefabrication workshop (steel structure fabrication shop, machine shop, boiler room, air compressor station, concrete mixing unit).

33.   Would you like to see this process (machine)?

34.   Would you like to talk to the welder (inspector)?

35.   The factory (work hop, equipment) produces pipe fittings (spare parts, fasteners).

36.   I am sorry, do not touch this, please.

37.   Smoking and lighting fires are strictly forbidden at here.
38.   Look at the sign, danger keep out.

39.   There is a temporary facility for site brickwork.(wood work, ironwork, paintwork)

40.   Let me show you around and meet our workers.

41.   We would like to know your opinion about our site work.

42.   It is normal.  It is clear.   It is correct.  It is all right.
             正常       清楚       正确         良好

43.   Some training will fit them for the job.

44.   By the end of this month, we shall have carried out our plan.

45.   All has gone well with our site work plan.

design frequency ( 排水 ) 设计重现期
edsign hourly volume 设计小时交通量
design of evevation ( 城市道路 ) 竖向设计
design of vertical alignment 纵断面设计
design speed 计算行车速度 ( 设计车速 )
design traffic capacity 设计通行能力
design vehicle 设计车辆
design water level 设计水位
desiged dldvation 设计高程
designed flood frequency 设计洪水频率
deslicking treatment 防滑处理
Deval abrasion testion machine 狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)
diamond interchange 菱形立体交*
differential photo 微分法测图
direction angle 方向角
directional interchange 定向式立体交*
diverging 分流
dowel bar 传力杆
drain opening 泄水口
drainage by pumping station ( 立体交* ) 泵站排水
drainage ditch 排水沟
dressed stone 料石
drop water 跌水
dry concrtet 干硬性混凝土
ductility (of bitumen) ( 沥青 ) 延度
ductilometer ( 沥青 ) 延度仪
dummy joint 假缝
dynamic consolidation 强夯法
economic speed 经济车速
econnomical hauling distance 土方调配经济运距
element support 构件支撑
elevation 高程 ( 标高 )
embankment 路堤
emergency parking strip 紧急停车带
emulsified bitumen 乳化沥青
erecting by floating 浮运架桥法
erection by longitudinal pulling method 纵向拖拉法
erection by protrusion 悬臂拼装法
erection with cableway 缆索吊装法
evaporation pond 蒸发池
expansion bearing 活动支座
expansive soil 膨胀土
expantion joint 胀缝
expressway ( 城市 ) 快速路
external destance 外 ( 矢 ) 距
fabricated bridge 装配式桥
fabricated steel bridge 装拆式钢桥
factories and mines road 厂矿道路
factory external transportation line 对外道路
factory-in road 厂内道路
factory-out road 厂外道路
fast lane 内侧车道
faulting of slab ends 错台
feeder highway 支线公路
ferry 渡口
fibrous concrete 纤维混凝土
field of viaion 视野
fill 填方
filled spandrel arch bridge 实腹拱桥
final survey 竣工测量
fineness 细度
fineness modulus 细度模数
fixed bearing 固定支座
flare wing wall abutment 八字形桥台
flared intersection 拓宽路口式交*口
flash 闪点
flash point tester (open cup method) 闪点仪 ( 开口杯式 )
flexible pavement 柔性路面
flexible pier 柔性墩
floor system 桥面系
flush curb 平缘石
foot way 人行道
ford 过水路面
forest highway 林区公路
forest road 林区道路
foundation 基础
free style road system 自由式道路系统
free way 高速公路
free-flow speed 自由车速
freeze road 冻板道路
freezing and thawing test 冻融试验
frost boiling 翻浆
frozen soil 冻土
full depth asphalt pavement 全厚式沥青 ( 混凝土 ) 路面
function planting 功能栽植
general scour under bridge opening 桥下一般冲刷
geological section ( 道路 ) 地质剖面图
geotextile 土工织物
gradation 级配
gradation of stone ( 路用 ) 石料等级
grade change point 变坡点
grade compensation 纵坡折减
grade crossing 平面交*
grade length limitation 坡长限制
grade of side slope 边坡坡度
grade separation 简单立体交*
grade-separated junction 立体交*
graded aggregate pavement 级配路面
brader 平地机
grain composition 颗粒组成
granular material 粒料
gravel 砾石
gravity pier (abutment) 重力式墩、台
gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙
green belt 绿化带
gridiron road system 棋盘式道路系统
ground control-point survey 地面控制点测量
ground elevation 地面高程
ground stereophotogrammetry 地面立体摄影测量
guard post 标柱
guard rail 护栏
guard wall 护墙
gully 雨水口
gutter 街沟 ( 偏沟 )
gutter apron 平石
gutter drainage 渠道排水
half-through bridge 中承式桥
hard shoulder 硬路肩
hardening 硬化
hardness 硬度
haul road 运材道路
heavy maintenance 大修
hectometer stake 百米桩
hedge 绿篱
height of cut and fill at ceneter stake 中桩填挖高度
high strength bolt 高强螺栓
high type pavement 高级路面
highway 公路
highway landscape design 公路景观设计
hill-side line 山坡线 ( 山腰线 )
hilly terrain 重丘区
horizontal alignment 平面线形
horizontal curve 平曲线
hot laid method 热铺法
hot mixing method 热拌法
hot stability (of bitumen) ( 沥青 ) 热稳性
hydraulic computation 水力计算
hydraulic computation 水硬性
imaginary intersection point 虚交点
immersed tunnelling method 沉埋法
inbound traffic 入境交通
incremental launching method 顶推法
industrial district road 工业区道路
industrial solid waste ( 路用 ) 工业废渣
industrial waste base course 工业废渣基层
inlet 雨水口
inlet submerged culvert 半压力式涵洞
inlet unsubmerged culvert 无压力式涵洞
inorganic binder 无机结合料
instrument station 测站
intensity of rainstorm 暴雨强度
intercepting detch 截水沟
interchange 互通式立体交
concrete mixing plant: http://www.eleglobe.com/

发表于 2013-6-15 01:52 | 显示全部楼层

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