



楼主: Eclipse

UNFAIR!!! what my Bible teacher told me after my speech on Tibet

发表于 2008-4-3 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-3 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
请问18,19 楼的朋友, 美国没有控制自己的媒体吗, 英国没有控制自己的媒体吗。你说在中国几度被压制。 请问在美国和英国有没有共产党办的社团或者组织。答案当然是没有。 如果你想信基督教是你自己的自由, 但是想用基督教改变我们中国民族5000年的历史, 做梦。请回美国和英国去。谢谢
发表于 2008-4-3 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
还有, 18楼19楼的朋友, 不管你们信什么教, 我们完全尊重你们的自由。 你说中国压制你, 怎么压制你了, 难道想搞分裂不成。 你可以抱怨这不好那不好, 这里不好你可以去美国英国生存, 那里是基督徒的天堂。 一切反对中国祖国分裂都是妄想。
发表于 2008-4-3 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-4 19:54 | 显示全部楼层


我们演讲可,老师让就地区纷争做演讲,我就将314事件。先描述了下这个事,然后说西藏的历史和56民族大团结什么的。然后我就说在着件事情上,美国媒体表现的很不好,不实报道嘛, 然后我描述了加拿大的示威活动。然后我说,当然我也不能说我们的政府一定是对的,但是你们如果要评论这个事,请你确保你得到的消息是正确的。我将完我圣经老师就和我说,你们的每体就是共产主义政府控制的啊,对政府不利的事你们每体肯定不会说的拉,还说什么基督教徒被毒打了什么的,我就说,那他们没有违法就不会打罗, 他说,你们政府隐瞒事实拉,他们一点都不可信。我说,那你以后听我讲话你就三思再相信好了。
发表于 2008-4-4 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
告诉你们,最简单的解释办法: 就是让西方的“友好”人士找个时间和机会 亲自去西藏看看,他们就什么都明白了,他们的偏见也会消失掉了。
发表于 2008-4-7 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
我现在完全承认 我们被国内媒体压制了 国家是遮住了我们的眼睛 避免我们看到他们的丑 堵住了我们的耳朵让我们听不见那些刺耳的叫嚣 若不是中国对传媒的控制 丫哪能在这么周全的保护下自在 否则 那些排 华 反 华的人们也不会 张牙舞爪到现在 

我就纳了闷了 我们的新闻不自由 保护的是他们 叫嚷的也是他们 丑人多作怪 
发表于 2008-4-7 12:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-7 12:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复 6楼 的帖子

发表于 2008-4-7 12:36 | 显示全部楼层

回复 18楼 的帖子

发表于 2008-4-7 13:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 DiamRem 于 2008-4-3 09:06 发表 我明天的Speech Class 选题也是西藏 正在完善Script和PPT 做好打硬仗的准备……

发表于 2008-4-7 13:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 flz012 于 2008-4-3 22:39 发表 我接受了基督教会的资助上了大学…………基督在中国真是被压得好惨啊 惨到还有心情资助他的敌对政府的支持者,一个万恶的共产党员……

发表于 2008-4-7 13:36 | 显示全部楼层
其实有一点  他们一直没法自圆其说   他们总是说解放军怎么怎么血腥镇压喇嘛和藏民   可是  证据呢????我希望被你说服  可你得给我证据   那些颠倒黑白的照片就免了吧   起码我还在中国生活过   那照片只能骗你们本国人   他们总是说西梅不被允许进入西藏    但别忘了如果真的有所为的"血腥镇压"   就会有蛛丝马迹   官方的 军方的 民间的  都会有线索   最起码我们头上的数颗卫星都会拍到 (我在谷歌上看到了我家社区   那个清楚   拉萨海拔比我家高多了 肯定更清楚 呵呵~~)可是到现在一切都是不能证实的流言   为这些没有根据的流言辩护  你们不觉得心虚吗>?
发表于 2008-4-8 00:39 | 显示全部楼层

tell your bible teacher this

In the old Tibet before 1950, 88 percent of Tibeten people were born as slaves. Slaves didn't belong to themselves, they belong to their slave masters who occupied 5% of Tibeten population at that time. Slaves could be sold,bought,abused at the will of their masters!
I admire Lincon,the greatest former US president because he abolished the slave system in Southern America. Lincon is always the hero in my heart.
Before anybody say 'free tibet',ask them if he has been to China or Tibet or does he know the TRUE tibet history?If not  ,suggest them go to tibet and check it out himself!
CNN,BBC...their media is propaganda too.Riots in tibet=peaceful protest.Chinese police protect innocent civilians=suppress demonstration.Full of lies.
I have lived in London for more than 10 years.I was at the torch relay myself and saw thousands of Chinese welcome it but I cannot see any coverage about it at all in CNN,BBC,Sky news.After this I will never believe in what they say.
发表于 2008-4-8 00:44 | 显示全部楼层

tell your bible teacher this

In the old Tibet before 1950, 88 percent of Tibeten people were born as slaves. Slaves didn't belong to themselves, they belong to their slave masters who occupied 5% of Tibeten population at that time. Slaves could be sold,bought,abused at the will of their masters!
I admire Lincon,the greatest former US president because he abolished the slave system in Southern America. Lincon is always the hero in my heart.
Before anybody say 'free tibet',ask them if he has been to China or Tibet or does he know the TRUE tibet history?If not  ,suggest them go to tibet and check it out himself!
CNN,BBC...their media is propaganda too.Riots in tibet=peaceful protest.Chinese police protect innocent civilians=suppress demonstration.Full of lies.
I have lived in London for more than 10 years.I was at the torch relay myself and saw thousands of Chinese welcome it but I cannot see any coverage about it at all in CNN,BBC,Sky news.After this I will never believe in what they say.
发表于 2008-4-8 00:52 | 显示全部楼层

tell your bible teacher this

In the old Tibet before 1950, 88 percent of Tibeten people were born as slaves. Slaves didn't belong to themselves, they belong to their slave masters who occupied 5% of Tibeten population at that time. Slaves could be sold,bought,abused at the will of their masters!
I admire Lincon,the greatest former US president because he abolished the slave system in Southern America. Lincon is always the hero in my heart.
Before anybody say 'free tibet',ask them if he has been to China or Tibet or does he know the TRUE tibet history?If not  ,suggest them go to tibet and check it out himself!
CNN,BBC...their media is propaganda too.Riots in tibet=peaceful protest.Chinese police protect innocent civilians=suppress demonstration.Full of lies.
I have lived in London for more than 10 years.I was at the torch relay myself and saw thousands of Chinese welcome it but I cannot see any coverage about it at all in CNN,BBC,Sky news.After this I will never believe in what they say.
发表于 2008-4-8 01:01 | 显示全部楼层

tell your teacher this

In the old Tibet before 1950, 88 percent of Tibeten people were born as slaves. Slaves didn't belong to themselves, they belong to their slave masters who occupied 5% of Tibeten population at that time. Slaves could be sold,bought,abused at the will of their masters!
I admire Lincon,the greatest former US president because he abolished the slave system in Southern America. Lincon is always the hero in my heart.
Before anybody say 'free tibet',ask them if he has been to China or Tibet or does he know the TRUE tibet history?If not  ,suggest them go to tibet and check it out himself!
CNN,BBC...their media is propaganda too.Riots in tibet=peaceful protest.Chinese police protect innocent civilians=suppress demonstration.Full of lies.
I have lived in London for more than 10 years.I was at the torch relay myself and saw thousands of Chinese welcome it but I cannot see any coverage about it at all in CNN,BBC,Sky news.After this I will never believe in what they say.
Chinese love peace and welcome people all over the world who love peace to Beijing.Conflict will never help.Start to Learn China like Chinese learning from the west.
发表于 2008-4-8 01:03 | 显示全部楼层

tell your teacher this

In the old Tibet before 1950, 88 percent of Tibeten people were born as slaves. Slaves didn't belong to themselves, they belong to their slave masters who occupied 5% of Tibeten population at that time. Slaves could be sold,bought,abused at the will of their masters!
I admire Lincon,the greatest former US president because he abolished the slave system in Southern America. Lincon is always the hero in my heart.
Before anybody say 'free tibet',ask them if he has been to China or Tibet or does he know the TRUE tibet history?If not  ,suggest them go to tibet and check it out himself!
CNN,BBC...their media is propaganda too.Riots in tibet=peaceful protest.Chinese police protect innocent civilians=suppress demonstration.Full of lies.
I have lived in London for more than 10 years.I was at the torch relay myself and saw thousands of Chinese welcome it but I cannot see any coverage about it at all in CNN,BBC,Sky news.After this I will never believe in what they say.
Chinese love peace and welcome people all over the world who love peace to Beijing.Conflict will never help.Start to Learn China like Chinese learning from the west.
发表于 2008-4-8 01:05 | 显示全部楼层

tell your teacher this

In the old Tibet before 1950, 88 percent of Tibeten people were born as slaves. Slaves didn't belong to themselves, they belong to their slave masters who occupied 5% of Tibeten population at that time. Slaves could be sold,bought,abused at the will of their masters!
I admire Lincon,the greatest former US president because he abolished the slave system in Southern America. Lincon is always the hero in my heart.
Before anybody say 'free tibet',ask them if he has been to China or Tibet or does he know the TRUE tibet history?If not  ,suggest them go to tibet and check it out himself!
CNN,BBC...their media is propaganda too.Riots in tibet=peaceful protest.Chinese police protect innocent civilians=suppress demonstration.Full of lies.
I have lived in London for more than 10 years.I was at the torch relay myself and saw thousands of Chinese welcome it but I cannot see any coverage about it at all in CNN,BBC,Sky news.After this I will never believe in what they say.
Chinese love peace and welcome people all over the world who love peace to Beijing.Conflict will never help.Start to Learn China like Chinese learning from the west.
发表于 2008-4-8 01:26 | 显示全部楼层
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