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楼主: zjx20082002


发表于 2008-4-4 05:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-4 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
BBC中文网,         英国政府用纳税人的钱把你们派到中国,希望通过你们影响中国老百姓,从而加强中英两国的关系(我从善意的角度理解),维护英国利益。这么多年来,你们在中国有一部分受众,你们对西藏暴乱事件预设立场的歪曲报导,迎合了欧州大陆的政治倾向,但在中国民众中的公信力彻底丧失。这对你们来说是最糟糕的结果,如果你们失去了中国受众,你们也失去了存在的价值,你们浪废了英国纳税人的钱,你们中的一些人,在中国很多年的努力也毁于一旦,这也是你们最不愿意看到的。我为你们感到辈哀!
发表于 2008-4-4 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Johnny 于 2008-4-4 00:21 发表 那篇新闻在底下欢迎中国的读者留言。
Yes, I am reading this in China. I've always been a fan of BBC - just like other guys all around the world - watching Top Gear and other lots of good TV programmes or reports. We respect you as a media, trying to provide all aspects and all opinions on a certain event. But, do not lie to your audiences/viewers, that's the basis of a media.

The westerners have a huge sympathy on Dalai, and are used to being against the communist party. All you keep in mind is that this authority is cruel, cold blooded and controls everything in this nation. This might be true some 20 years ago. But WHY ON EARTH WOULDN'T YOU TRY TO CHANGE YOUR MIND A LITTLE BIT?

We sincerely welcome you to China to look around what's going on now in this country. The internet's developing so rapidly that no one can actually block anything. Yes, you might say that there's a "Firewall" working. But, you wouldn't understand how complicated and flexible the Chinese language is, some very easy tricks can be made to jump over the Firewall. We can access anything easily, if we want to. So don't be fooled anymore.

As a student who visit Europe one month a year, I fully understand the view of the westerners. Most of you support the independence of Tibet, though no government in this world really did that. But the fact is, those protesters around the world are all born outside Tibet. All the info on Tibet they've got, are those from Dalai or bias-report from the western media. They don't know a real Tibet. Also, we admit the huge influence of Dalai on the monks and Tibentans. They listen to him and do whatever he tells them to do. But there's a background - the government's principle on ethnic groups. For the same riot, Han will be punished severely, but for Tibetans/Muslims/Mongolians... no, because they're the minorities. The government has to "protect them" not to be harmed.

You might think this is ridiculous. But deal with that. Chinese would like all the members firmly connected to each other as a united-family, especially unite the minorities to join this big family. This point has been existed for thousands of years. We do not invade anyone that doesn't belong to China, but we also would not accept any action to split this country. We Chinese are not like what we were 20 years ago. We are now better educated and know how to THINK. We know we ought to compare the reports, see who is lying. Unfortunately, at least this time in Tibet, western media lied to the whole world.

As a basic tradition and culture, Chinese people have big tolerance for different opinions, and hate fighting with others. But do not think that we wouldn't fight back. We take the Olympic Games as an opportunity to show you a real country in the far east, a fast-developing, kind-hearted country, but it seems you are not interested in this. You're simply interested in attacking the commnuist party, and ignoring the facts and deep-background of this riot. Chinese are watching what you are reporting.

Hope all you friends could understand this, although it might be hard to accept, it's the truth.


是的,我正在中国阅读你的文章。我一直是BBS的忠实用户,就像世界上其它人一样收看你们的Top Gear以及其它优秀的电视节目和报道。你们作为一个试图从多个角度和观点报道事件的媒体,我们尊敬你们。但是不欺骗你们的听众/读者是作为媒体的根基。






[ 本帖最后由 seanhu 于 2008-4-4 11:47 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-4 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
这次cnn bbc 玩过了 我看还有多少人还信他们!!
发表于 2008-4-4 23:28 | 显示全部楼层
"GWF" 不是大防火墙,是“防火长城”
发表于 2008-4-5 01:09 | 显示全部楼层


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