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[08.8.6 加拿大CTV] 圣火北京传递,鸟巢附近发生示威

发表于 2008-8-6 15:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





Olympic flame in Beijing; protest near stadium

【媒体】加拿大 CTV

China's first astronaut helped carry the Olympic torch throughTiananmen Square early Wednesday in front of cheering crowds, whileprotesters unfurled a "Free Tibet" banner near Beijing's Bird's Neststadium.
Yang Liwei, who orbited the Earth in 2003, was one of severalcelebrities who held the flame. Joining him was basketball superstarYao Ming and film director Zhang Yimou.
The torch encountered several disruptions after it first left Greeceon March 24, as activists used the event to protest China's humanrights record and its treatment of Tibetans. But inside China, theflame has been met by enthusiastic spectators and extremely tightsecurity.
Despite those tightened security measures, activists managed toscale a tall lamp-posts near the Beijing National Stadium and display abanner with the slogan: "One World, One Dream, Free Tibet."
"They also unfurled a snow lion flag, the Tibetan independenceflag," CTV's Steve Chao, reporting from the scene, told CTV Newsnetearly Wednesday morning local time.
Sources told CTV News the activists were members of Students for a Free Tibet.
Chao said several police officers quickly amassed at thedemonstration and took the protesters into custody. China claims tohave 100,000 paramilitary and specially trained police working inBeijing to prevent any type of public disruption or terror threat.
Beijing Games spokesperson Sun Weide said Tuesday that China wasconfident about its security preparations ahead of the internationalevent, which kicks off Friday.
"China has focused on strengthening security and protection aroundOlympic venues and at the Olympics Village, so Beijing is alreadyprepared to respond to any threat," Weide was quoted as saying Tuesday.
However, on Monday, two men drove a dump truck into a group ofjogging police officers in Xinjiang province -- about 5,000 kilometresnorth-west of Beijing -- killing 16.
Many security experts believed such an attack was a strong possibility, Chao said.
"(They predicted) it was more likely that we would see an attack infar away remote towns where there is less of a security presence," hesaid.
Police said the two men arrested are members of the Muslim minorityUighurs, who have waged a sporadically violent rebellion againstBeijing's control of northwestern China.
"They found nine homemade bombs inside the vehicle that was used to ram into the police," said Chao.
"They also found a homemade gun as well as propaganda material...similar to the jihadist material they found during a previous raid onEast Turkistan Islamic Movement groups."
Last month, a video by the Turkistan Islamic Party surfaced on theInternet. In it, the group pledged to "target the most critical pointsrelated to the Olympics."
The party is believed to be based in Pakistan, with its core membershaving received training from al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban.
Meanwhile, security in Kashgar -- where Monday's attack occurred -- has been tightened with police checkpoints on major roads.
Additionally, authorities also announced Tuesday that they've arrested 18 "foreign agitators" in the region this year.
The arrests were not all related to Monday's incident but instead linked to greater unrest in the region, said Chao.
With files from The Associated Press
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-6 15:22 | 显示全部楼层


August 05, 2008 at 8:51:34 AM
With a significant percentage of China's military being on-duty in Beijing, it's a shame that scientists haven't yet developed a "freedom" bomb that could be detonated. Nobody would be hurt by the sweet, fragrant body mist, but, in front of the world's eyes, all the communist soldiers would rally with the Chinese people and peacefully over-throw their communist government.

Man, that would be something.

P.S. My parents taught me to always use my imagination. Though I'm in my forties now, and married with children, it sometimes comes in handy...like when a crisis arises.

August 05, 2008 at 8:56:37 AM
Don H.
Let the games begin. We are likely to see alot of unpleasantness during these games, hopefully there won't be too many dead.

August 05, 2008 at 9:00:12 AM
Are the terrorists that stupid to attack the games??? If they do, the Chinese won't look at it as attacking the games, they will look at it as attacking China. Then watch out because they will have awaken the 'SLEEPING GIANT'.

August 05, 2008 at 8:50:40 AM
Wait for it... it should'nt be long before somthing comes up. Even the best net let some fishes thru.

August 05, 2008 at 9:10:35 AM
S Jupp
The key problem in China is. They are so worried about journalists and people getting the story on human rights abuses. They are guarding them and making sure they don't get any info out. Meanwhile, terrorists will take advantage of that and try to slip through. I certainly hope it doesn't happen but security surrounding the olympics doesn't seem to tight at the moment does it.

August 05, 2008 at 9:18:23 AM
Al from Calgary
Oh I'm sure that when the olympics are over and done with, the Chinese Government will deal with this, as the eyes of the world will no longer be watching. Their response will probably be quick and not very pretty.

August 05, 2008 at 9:25:40 AM
Roger T
China should step up tighter securities and avoid these SO CALLED Human Rights activist. Security comes before anything for ANY COUNTRY that is the host of the Olympic games. These Human Rights groups are nothing but protect these violent protestors and terrorist groups. The USA has taken actions when 911 took place to protect their own interest so now it's time China beefy up their security forces to take down these terrorist originazations and make the world a safer place.

Go Team Canada!

Let the Games Begin!

August 05, 2008 at 9:26:58 AM
Robin the Hood
no surprise.. with China's disregard for human rights and democracy there are bound to be many angry people there.

August 05, 2008 at 9:27:44 AM
I just hope that sports will conquer politics. After all is the Olympics a sporting event?

August 05, 2008 at 9:41:00 AM
It annoys me to find athletes would put themselves at risk for a piece of metal in a country where there's so much crisis and disrespect to humans.
They are asking for whatever comes their way, remember they are in a foreign country, a country where bad things are 'hush hush'.

August 05, 2008 at 9:42:17 AM
Kind of off the topic here... but the olympics has ALWAYS been a political event.

In ancient Greece, where it all began, the games were a non-combative way to prove who were the best warriors. Take a look at track and field today. The javelin throw is a test on who can throw their spear the farthest and accurately. The hammer throw is the same thing, archery, skeet, etc. The games were a show of force to others who were the best soldiers.

So I think I've made my point... hopefully the terrorists won't.

August 05, 2008 at 9:50:33 AM
A month ago, the Chinese authorities asked the Imam of a mosque in this province to put a big sign advertising for the Olympics. The Imam refused and told them that this is a place of worship and has nothing to do with commercials. Do you know what the Chinese authorities did?. They demolished the mosque!. This is how China treats the people of this province!. This attack should bring more attention to the attrocities China is committing against its citizens of certain minorities. In this province, the oppression has reached the stage of having hundreds hanged and forcing others to leave their homes to far places in China. It is a shame that so many humanbeings live under the oppression of such a ruthless regime like the Chinese one!. It is even more shameful that China was allowed to host the Olympics which is a symbol of peace between all of us!.

August 05, 2008 at 10:20:27 AM
James in New Brunswick
This has very little to do with the Olympics, other than the fact that media attention is being drawn to China prior to and during the Olympics. This attack was a political action by an Islamic part of the country seeking independance and, gasp, religious freedom. At least on the surface....If you look further I think you will see a broader Islamic movement at work here.

Note that they were trained in Pakistan and are affiliated with Al Quaida. I would not be surprised to see a major attack on the Olympics; perhaps during the Opening Ceremonies. If there isn't, I'd say the Chinese did a terrific job on security. Likely far better than Canada will be able to do at Whistler.

August 05, 2008 at 10:40:21 AM
Peter Hunziker
Not enough is known about China and the details involving unrest. News coming out is not necessarily the truth. Therefore it is next to impossible to form an opinion about a story.
The Olympics are a celebration about sports and peaceful competition above politics. Let us hope the games will be just that.

August 05, 2008 at 11:54:10 AM
Kevin B
Where is the International Criminal Court (ICC)? Why are they so silent? Their silence legitimizes this regime and it's continued human rights abuses. As a nation we acknowledge the Tibetans as refugee claimants yet our Harper gov't has recently bragged about how it's managed to improve relations with China. How? Why? This gov't has no shame when it comes to certain regimes - you pick and choose your regimes based on the currency or perhaps the body count. What is the magic number before a crime is deemed a genocide? The Tibetan issue and Tinamen square issue has not faded from our minds, Harper. You want to attend these games? Go ahead, we'll see you at the next election. Your behaviour is of cowardice and please don't ever again lecture any other gov't about democracy and human rights because your actions speak the loudest. You're a coward, and I suspect you only legitimized this gov't because the Americans have.

August 05, 2008 at 11:42:56 AM
Aside from the current security difficulties and significant dangers, I think it's time an investigation was launched into the IOC members who allowed China to host these Olympics. I've heard nothing but negative reports with these olympics. I want to find out who accepted bribes because there is no way these people won fair and square condsidering the level of corruption in this particular country is astonishing.

August 05, 2008 at 11:21:52 AM
To James in New Brunswick: The history of unrest in this region of China is much older that Alqaeda or Taliban!. We do not hear about it though very often because the media focuses more on Tibet.

August 05, 2008 at 11:09:18 AM
Red X
The Beijing Games will be more heavily guarded. The events on the outskirts OR even Chinese locales around the World are a different story...

August 05, 2008 at 1:05:17 PM
Once again, the anti-China bandwagon jumpers take every opportunity to attack the country for whatever they can. If you think China's security isn't tight enough, you're totally misled. Haven't you guys read those western-biased articles claiming that security has been too tight? Now you say it's not tight enough. A terrorist attack and you guys get all political about it. Sometimes I wonder, how can some of you guys to use a terrorist attack to push your own values. Especially Robin da Hood who turns every story that happens in China into a blind hatefest.

August 05, 2008 at 1:08:39 PM
I really don't understand how these reports always manage to put a negative twist to everything happening in this Olympics. First their security was too tight, and now it's too loose? With contradicting reports like this somehow still managing to put a negative twist to their country, and misleading us Canadians, no wonder why so many people out there think our media's being totally biased.

August 05, 2008 at 2:06:21 PM
I hope the IOC learns from this mistake and realize that China should have never been given the opportunity to host these Olympics. The abuses that they are levelling against their people over the next weeks is just another page in this story. You can’t drive your car or use water is just a few of the abusive actions taken.

August 05, 2008 at 3:44:09 PM
It's rather amusing to read angry posts that condemn everything to do with China on the grounds that the communist country has a poor human rights record.

Duh. It's a communist country. You were expecting?...

People who rant and rave about the Olympics being in China evidently don't understand why the country was granted The Games by the West in the first place: to expand upon the Western trade relationship by allowing China to be a more legitimate part of the global community.

The prevailing hope is that, as all communist systems/regimes eventually fail, China will soon fall into the arms of Western culture and democratic capitalism. This is the West's "dream" for China...which parallels that of the China people themselves.

It's funny to listen to Human Rights Activists fly off the handle about the oppression in China without regard for the whole point of not isolating the country so the oppression continues.

If we don't engage China, on whatever meaningful level, how are we (the West) supposed to help the country and its people advance towards freedom?!

Stop ranting. Start thinking. There's a big picture here that too many people are foolishly missing.

August 05, 2008 at 4:01:11 PM
Roge T
Are we forgetting that these abuses happen in Canada also? Look closely at the way our Gov't is treating our Aboriginal people on their own soil. This is their land and they should have first priority but yet they live in disguisting conditions while we live off their land which was taken from them by force!

Pls take a closer look at our own Human rights abuse by our Gov't before we blame others and involve ourselves in their internal affairs.

Lets see what our Gov't will do to ease protest or problems come the 2010 Olympics. They will probably bride or pretend to give alittle to kick start and manipulate the First Nation people just to keep them satisfy temporary before the games.

The Olympic is NOT a political event, it's a sporting event.

Let the games begins!

August 05, 2008 at 7:56:33 PM
Free Tibet so that they can go back to the past, enduring slavery.
The west has been fooled by D.Lama

August 05, 2008 at 8:02:11 PM
While I don't want it to happen, this is bound to repeat itself in Vancouver as well. The radical Aboriginal groups (not saying all Aboriginals, just the radicals), the activists from anti-poverty, etc, will protest as well. Before we look at Beijing and point and laugh, it'd be a good idea to look at our own problems first.

While we're talking about "free Tibet"...why is America in Hawaii? Is Hawaii a natural part of America? Or just occupied by USA for benefits? If Hawaii wanted independence, would America just give it to them? I think not.

August 05, 2008 at 8:15:54 PM
Among 35 thousand professional reporters from all over the world in Beijing, they are reporting with balanced and fair views on China. But some reporters are deliberately look for Chinese dissidents, whom you can see in every country. In the eyes of Chinese people, many see these demostrators are just a show. What is a big deal? Chinese people treasure and welcome the friendhsip from million visotrs, thirty five thousand reporters, twenty thousand athletes and 90 world leaders from all over the world!

August 05, 2008 at 8:34:43 PM
Tom Clarke
Why do so many Canadians care about Tibet? Why don't they just go back to Europe and return the land to its owner, what they call "First Nations" "Inuit"?

August 05, 2008 at 8:35:16 PM
Don't look the other way.... do something about it
Unfortunately the world has become a very angry planet on which to live. Along with that are those who try to control man, who was never meant to be controlled but was intended to live in freedom. Let's be honest we shouldn't be even showing up in China for these games, it makes a mockery of our commitment to eradicate human rights abuses. We can claim it's all about the athletes but one simply cannot ignore the evil that is state sponsored in China. I'm sure God isn't ignoring it and neither should we in my view.

August 05, 2008 at 9:09:10 PM
Tibet 1; Communist China 0.

August 05, 2008 at 9:18:40 PM
chris scroope
MAX!! You rock my world!!

August 05, 2008 at 9:34:42 PM
Beijing 2008 will be the best games ever. No matter what biased propaganda the media and anti-China posters spew here, they won't be able to block the true celebration of the Olympics -- the world, humanity, coming together despite differences. I challenge you to all watch the Opening Ceremonies -- I assure you, judging from New Years celebrations and such, it will blow you away and show you the beautiful culture of the Chinese people. Don't be closed minded.

August 05, 2008 at 9:51:08 PM
There is a thing called national interest. It is my believe that the leader of a country should always put national interest above his personal conviction and belief. If he is narrow minded, pitiful and lacking vision like you who post here, then he should not be a leader.
Some reporters downplay or distort the tremendous progress in China aiming to humiliate the host country will only embarrass themselves when many ignorant posts finally realized they are far and left behind in all respects in global competition!

August 06, 2008 at 10:23:22 PM
Adam Gale
I hope politics conquer sports,afterall arent the olympics about politics?

August 06, 2008 at 10:25:13 PM
Re: Kevin B
Wow, "brilliant" rant Kevin B. (and yes I'm being extremely sarcastic). How about next time you decide to deliver such a ridiculous tirade you actually spend a few minutes and inform (*gasp* maybe even educate?) yourself on current events? For the record, Stephan Harper has been a strong supporter of Tibet, has repeatedly condemned China for their human rights violations, and he WON'T be attending the Olympics in Beijing.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-6 15:24 | 显示全部楼层


http://www.creaders.net/newsView ... id=0&nid=352681
据加拿大最大的电视新闻网之一CTV Newsnet报导,今天在举行奥运开幕式的中国国家体育馆(俗称“鸟巢”)附近,两名抗议者被警卫人员带走。这两名据称是支持西藏独立的抗议者将一个写有“同一个世界,同一个梦想, 西藏自由” 字样的横幅挂在了“鸟巢”旁边的照明灯的高达数百英尺的电线杆上。加拿大电视台记者Steve Chao现场采访了抗议者,抗议者说,“北京当局把奥运当作一个宣传工具。 ” 抗议者是来自自由西藏国际学联的学生。

CTV Newsnet在报导这条新闻后,请**加东社长顾思颖对此发表评论。顾思颖说,这是中国政府所害怕的新闻,它不希望这样的新闻让国内或国外的人知道。而最近几个星期对中国政府的负面新闻已经很多了。
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发表于 2008-8-6 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-6 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-6 15:36 | 显示全部楼层

   如果是真 的 ,那些安保人员严重失职!!
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发表于 2008-8-6 15:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-6 15:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-6 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 gavien_1 于 2008-8-6 15:45 发表

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发表于 2008-8-6 15:54 | 显示全部楼层




“他们还打出了藏独的雪山狮子旗,”CTV的记者Steve Chao在周三早晨于现场向CTV新闻网络报道,












[ 本帖最后由 kate 于 2008-8-6 16:46 编辑 ]




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发表于 2008-8-6 16:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-6 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
看来保安还是太少了地铁的检查还是不够严格 出租车上车前也必须安检
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发表于 2008-8-6 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-6 16:07 | 显示全部楼层
MD, 太可气了~~ 鸟巢和水立方周围的安保和居民注意了, 看到啥人行为异常可要多留个心眼儿~~
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发表于 2008-8-6 16:13 | 显示全部楼层
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