耳冉子 发表于 2009-2-18 14:53



shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 15:13

25 By stuart
To this day the Western media still question China’s sovereignty over Tibet.”
Of course. That’s what an unbiased media should do, because there DOES exist a legitimate question - historically, politically, and culturally- over the sovereignty of Tibet.
China’s idea of responsible journalism is adherence to the party line,while the western model prefers that an issue be explored from all sides. Whereas the former denies the right to question, the latter encourages it. Western journalism might not always strike a fairbalance, but when you stop asking questions altogether the truth becomes more distant.
Just as China has the right to question Britain’s sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, so other countries have the right to question China’s stance on Tibet. Both issues are full of historical complexity. But if you don’t ask the questions, you’re not going to find any answers.
当然。这是一个不带偏见的媒体应该做的,因为确实存在一个比西藏的主权更合理的问题-历史,政治,文化。中国坚守新闻报道的思想是坚持党的路线,而西方模式倾向于一个问题从四面八方加以探讨, 前者否认问题的正确性,后者鼓励它。西方新闻报道可能并不总是求得公平的平衡,但是当你停止寻问问题的真相就会变得更加遥远。

shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 15:36

本帖最后由 shao6609 于 2009-2-18 15:38 编辑

26 By Bao
Am I the only one that does not get it why such an interesting to pic such as: Chinese intellectuals have signed an open letter calling for a boycott of state television news programmes.
Is totally ignored in the thread? I’ not calling for attention here, but it’s astounding to see how little impact it’s having on the drones.
That’s scary, and freaky…


shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 15:41

27 By Bao
Thank you for your answers tonight HAL900.
感谢你今晚的答复HAL900 。

shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 15:42

28 By Bao
HAL9000, typo…

shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 15:48

29 By stuart
Perfect timing:

shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 15:50

30 By stuart
Oops! Sorry, Bao - only just saw your previous link.
哎呦,抱歉,Bao - 只看到你以前的链接。

寥落阳光 发表于 2009-2-18 19:15

恶心中 那个什么北京烤鸭。。。。空气老大 能力有限 翻译不了 支持那些能翻译的哥们

粉粉的贝贝 发表于 2009-2-18 19:45

Please, my Anti-CNN friends, study those words and use them to broaden your perspectives. Try to realize the innocence in much of what you perceive to be bias. Try to realize that every politician in America has horror stories equal to or greater than yours about how their words were misconstrued by the American media and their photos butchered by layout editors. Try to realize this is a friend to CNN and she had to deal with the same stuff that you feel marks you as unique victims. MacKinnon, however, knows she has not been victimized, only that some sloppy work was done and that it’s an everyday occurrence.
) z, Z" E$ M8 {5 Z我的这些Anti-CNN的朋友啊,请仔细研究下我说的话,再用这些话拓宽你们的洞察力(观点)。试着去认识到你们认为的那些“偏见”其实是无罪的。试着去明白每一个美国政治家的话语都被美国的媒体曲解过,他们的照片都被图片编辑弄糟过,美国媒体给美国政治家在这些事儿上的恐怖经历不比给你们国家的少。试着去明白这是一个CNN的朋友,她也不得不处理这些相同的事情,你们不要以为自己是唯一的受害者。麦金农知道她不是受害者,只是一些草率马虎的工作造成的,这简直是家常便饭。
! x' i, i3 _& e9 k% hAC四月青年社区
' ld8 M( s" G4 i( a0 IV% M

zhmz888 发表于 2009-2-18 20:08

a lot of mistakes were designed to mislead people.... just like show photos but does not tell the stories after photos were shot.... to repeat the H*** story the lable the gold on certain ethnics...

zero9999 发表于 2009-2-18 20:37

本帖最后由 zero9999 于 2009-2-18 20:40 编辑

19 By Bao
“that their apparent victim hood at the hands of beastly western media ‘conspirators’ is somehow unique only to China.”
Actually it’s not, Iran jumped in the same boat a while ago… Any ...
shao6609 发表于 2009-2-18 13:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif这是说伊朗刚跳进同一条船,两个国家之间(指中国和伊朗)有什么联系吗?

东方红旗 发表于 2009-2-18 21:01



快乐的鞋子 发表于 2009-2-18 21:28


trsita 发表于 2009-2-18 22:03

本帖最后由 trsita 于 2009-2-18 22:20 编辑

35:By Imitation Crabmeat

Texas: voted to join the union 1845
California: same 1850
Hawaii: same 1950

Well can I not be a very diligent journalist and say these votes were cast without international supervision, and may be under duress. Right?I mean that’s what a responsible journalist does!

All the Chinese people are much wiser than what you wish they are.
I agree they are wiser than you think. They have seen the experience of the fall of the USSR, they have seen the continued non-development ofthe entire Latin America after taking the pills by the World Bankeconomists. They know that a nation’s issues are complex, and justcomplete Westernization has prove to NOT work.

I agree of course in principle that all societies need to modernize anddemocratize. Yet in what form? In what path? That is the big question.
If you think that world history has reached an “end”. And we have settled on the final mode of development of politics and human societies (the liberal western model as embodied by the US and Western Europe), and what remains is just figuring out how to “bring the rest up” to be like you. If that is your world view, if that is what yout hink where the world should go. Then are you not the biggest and thedeepest victim of “brainwashing”? I think you are a deeper victim thanI am. Because at least I don’t claim that the Chinese regime and its model is the final version, and has universal application. I don’t. Idon’t claim that. I think the Chinese model needs to drastically changeand evolve, and probably does not have universal application. So in that sense, I am more modest than you are :) I am more open to new ideas than you are

To end, I quote a passage from Yu Keping, senior policy analyst for the CCP. In his essay “Democracy is a Good Thing”.

Democracy is a good thing, but that is not to say that democracy comesunconditionally…. But the timing and speed of the development of democracy and the choice of the form and system of democracy areconditional. An ideal democratic system must not only be related to theeconomic state and level of development of society, the regionalpolitics and international environment, it must also be intimatelyrelated to the national tradition of political culture, the quality ofthe politicians and the people, and the daily customs of the people. It requires the wisdom of the politicians and the people to determine how to pay the minimum political and social price in order the attain themaximum democratic effects.

On one hand, we want to absorb all the excellent results from the political culture of all mankind, including all the excellent resultsof democratic politics; but on the other hand, we will not import anoverseas political model. Our construction of political democracy mustbe closely integrated with the history, culture, tradition and existingsocial conditions in our nation. Only in this way can the people ofChina truly enjoy the sweet fruits of political democracy.










刚刚去谷歌了一下发现了一篇关于 俞可平 这篇文章的评论,有兴趣的筒子们可以去看下,地址是:http://www.yeeyan.com/articles/view/billwoods/4900/dz

狼性未绝 发表于 2009-2-18 22:54


百忍堂 发表于 2009-2-19 00:04


ry1808 发表于 2009-2-19 00:32


Aircraft 发表于 2009-2-19 03:34

Here some good points:

"这位CNN记者的辩解缺乏起码说服力。我看到许多西方媒体从业人员对报道中国失实的解释,全是一个调子。老是说是因为时间紧啦,缺少核对时间啦,西媒喜欢报道负面啦等等。言下之意,就因为时间紧,那些不实报道,那些,夸大歪曲,造谣就合理了,什么强盗逻辑! 不错,西媒的确喜欢报道负面东西,但是为什么主流西媒,这里拿CNN举例,对居住在西方的DL的报道从来都是正面的?连DL打个喷嚏都要赞美一番,对西藏的一切报道从来没有不同声音,难道这不是明显的在说谎话? 而为什么对中国的一切 (除了熊猫) 可以说从来没有不同观点? 还有那些拿着西方反华组织团体的钱的海外所谓**,对近年来中国的现状缺乏了解,或者了解一些但是昧着良心不顾事实说瞎话,迎合西方某些利益集团疯狂反华的小部分中国人,他们在海外的丑事多得很,譬如互相间争名夺利等,但是我们又何曾读到过CNN等主流西媒对他们的任何负面报道?那个魏x生,手里吊着根香烟和一个政客在一起的照片,真是粗俗不堪。而不论这些人负面事有多少,CNN 和其它西媒提到他们全是一片赞扬之声。现在全球化时代了,中国人懂英文,许多人有多年海外生活经历,所以中国人对主流西媒的虚伪,伎俩,用意,双重标准,种族,宗教和文化偏见看得恨透。倒是大多数西人,还沉浸在过去呼风唤雨的殖民主义时代的美梦里,不能摆脱冷战思维,不愿意与全世界大多数人分享这个世界,傲慢,浅薄,固执,实在可悲。"

"中国人太善良,太厚道。每当西媒记者有对中国的不实报道时,中国人往往会将心比心,原谅他们对中国的缺乏了解。ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! 够了! 中国人应该醒醒了,大多数西人根本就不愿意理解,了解中国和中国人,他们自私到了极点。不知道感恩,每家每户用着中国人制造的价廉物美的产品,嘴里却一天到晚谩骂中国人,批评中国人,嘲笑中国人的辛勤劳动。这种西人我见得多了。他们相信的只是弱肉强食,对其它种族居高临下,妄想永远独霸世界财富和资源。他们不少人现在疯狂反华,完全是心理失去平衡,害怕他们享受的特权会逐步失去。难道西人是因为中国的政治制度而反对中国人的?难道西方真在乎中国人的“人权”,“幸福”? 算了吧,用武力将毒品鸦片倾泻在中国民众头上,火烧圆明园,强取豪夺故宫时中国难道是共产党国家? 为什么西人不喜欢中国人? 西媒的谎话说得太多,太久了,连它们自己都生活在幻觉里了,还以为中国人真要依靠他们来拯救了。中国人应当理直气壮地告诉西人:理解,尊重都必须是相互的,你们像疯子流氓一样地谩骂中国人,中国人有一万个理由鄙视反击你们。 你们根本不值得尊重和理解,不配作什么道德权威,根本不占据道德的至高点。相反,而是道德低下,粗鲁,无知,心胸狭窄,思维陈旧,心中充满太多偏见和仇恨的可悲群体。"

琼楼玉宇 发表于 2009-2-19 07:51

本帖最后由 琼楼玉宇 于 2009-2-19 08:09 编辑

Americans actually believe the shit they see on TV


这已不是第一次看到把原文意思翻反的情况了,而我只是个偶尔来的读者。建议AC 设专人负责检查翻译的结果,以保证翻译能正确表达原文的意思。AC是个有一定影响力的网站,在反对国外媒体偏见的同时,一定要确保自己新闻的精确度和严谨性。

我不是要想批评AC,只是真切地希望AC 能够越来越强大,所以提个建议。

琼楼玉宇 发表于 2009-2-19 08:01

26 By Bao
. D- M4 U, u& y& PAm I the only one that does not get it why such an interesting to pic such as: Chinese intellectuals have signed an open letter calling for a boycott of state television news programmes.7 T% T1 y; Z" T$ P$ q6 m, h0 }
Is totally ignored in the thread? I’ not calling for attention here, but it’s astounding to see how little impact it’s having on the drones.求真务实 理性交流6 m( [6 X2 M1 {: F- f
That’s scary, and freaky…
V* z: @1 y+ E7 Fe; A) [; y( C! c6 i
3 L: B+ n* r5 q; B完全不理会这种路线(斗争),我不会关注这里,但是这看起来是一场小的蜂群之间的冲突。
! `. HF; n4 p) _/ R, s/ m9 l# F


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