本帖最后由 trsita 于 2009-2-18 22:20 编辑
35:By Imitation Crabmeat
Texas: voted to join the union 1845
California: same 1850
Hawaii: same 1950
Well can I not be a very diligent journalist and say these votes were cast without international supervision, and may be under duress. Right?I mean that’s what a responsible journalist does!
All the Chinese people are much wiser than what you wish they are.
I agree they are wiser than you think. They have seen the experience of the fall of the USSR, they have seen the continued non-development ofthe entire Latin America after taking the pills by the World Bankeconomists. They know that a nation’s issues are complex, and justcomplete Westernization has prove to NOT work.
I agree of course in principle that all societies need to modernize anddemocratize. Yet in what form? In what path? That is the big question.
If you think that world history has reached an “end”. And we have settled on the final mode of development of politics and human societies (the liberal western model as embodied by the US and Western Europe), and what remains is just figuring out how to “bring the rest up” to be like you. If that is your world view, if that is what yout hink where the world should go. Then are you not the biggest and thedeepest victim of “brainwashing”? I think you are a deeper victim thanI am. Because at least I don’t claim that the Chinese regime and its model is the final version, and has universal application. I don’t. Idon’t claim that. I think the Chinese model needs to drastically changeand evolve, and probably does not have universal application. So in that sense, I am more modest than you are :) I am more open to new ideas than you are
To end, I quote a passage from Yu Keping, senior policy analyst for the CCP. In his essay “Democracy is a Good Thing”.
Democracy is a good thing, but that is not to say that democracy comesunconditionally…. But the timing and speed of the development of democracy and the choice of the form and system of democracy areconditional. An ideal democratic system must not only be related to theeconomic state and level of development of society, the regionalpolitics and international environment, it must also be intimatelyrelated to the national tradition of political culture, the quality ofthe politicians and the people, and the daily customs of the people. It requires the wisdom of the politicians and the people to determine how to pay the minimum political and social price in order the attain themaximum democratic effects.
On one hand, we want to absorb all the excellent results from the political culture of all mankind, including all the excellent resultsof democratic politics; but on the other hand, we will not import anoverseas political model. Our construction of political democracy mustbe closely integrated with the history, culture, tradition and existingsocial conditions in our nation. Only in this way can the people ofChina truly enjoy the sweet fruits of political democracy.
刚刚去谷歌了一下发现了一篇关于 俞可平 这篇文章的评论,有兴趣的筒子们可以去看下,地址是:http://www.yeeyan.com/articles/view/billwoods/4900/dz |