小布er什wk 发表于 2009-2-19 08:07

31 山寨蟹肉










小布er什wk 发表于 2009-2-19 08:09



11 Ryan 说:


小布er什wk 发表于 2009-2-19 08:11






2009年1月12日@4:19 pm︱短评

14. 斯图尔特说













SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-19 10:19


70 By yourfriend

I am a Chinese. But I think the problem of China today is the result of their own deep rooted bad nature. We should not blame merely on the dictators. I use that name to remind me that Chinese should change themselves, their ugly nature. Otherwise there is no bright future ahead.


You might be descended from a long-line of classless and despicable whores and illiterate peasants, but most of us have respectablebloodlines. Don’t project your generations of failed humanity upon therest of us. If you are so depressed about your state, I would suggestthat you relieve the world of your existence.bbs.m4.cn# U" |. ]! G! W

9 k$ p: j$ T- s$ i+ |6 X0 R2 |, nbbs.m4.cnJanuary 15, 2009 @ 4:50 pm | CommentAC四月青年社区& ^" `* f! c|! U
3 n. W# I0 P. `8 j! y& k$ t

71 By yourfriend

January 15, 2009 @ 4:51 pm | Comment

7 q8 N9 e' |: GI
72 By Bao
It comes as no surprise that your predictions 10 years before or after today were or are crap.”AC四月青年社区7 ^: S' f$ q: I2 W& _
这并不奇怪,无论是你10年之前的预言还是以后的,全是废话。(应该是引用yourfriend的话)0 V: e) w9 O9 H% j: v# a#
I don’t think you really want to argue with me on this point… ;)
我不认为你真想和我讨论这一点…. u; \3 J, x6 I& l: O+ \. Z9 G* d3 U3 z2 x# Y! F& q1 u! c/ C; H
January 15, 2009 @ 5:07 pm | Comment7 ]7 e3 H% eT; e# f

73 By yourfriend求真务实 理性交流7 ^! C' m4 }/ r4 H6 x6 O
Why? Because your ego will be injured in the process? Everything you’ve “predicted” about China has fallen flat.
为啥?是因为这个过程中你的自尊心会受到伤害?你所预言的有关中国的每一件事都失败了。, m& D& Q, ], Q* |bbs.m4.cn+ n' |5 W0 J9 \; F& ~
January 16, 2009 @ 2:35 am | Comment

p1 R4 n: \! Q+ r* j) T- A
74 By Baobbs.m4.cn; r& u! |3 R' U! w0 s
求真务实 理性交流$ h! w" A) J5 Y* Z+ B% b
Really ? Give me some example

January 16, 2009 @ 2:40 am | Comment$ R. G5 @* Q1 u+ O
+ y$ z3 T8 y3 n
75 By Bao
Like the lowered expectations about the GDP? Or is it about the unrest that could be triggered by the crisis, or is it about the Economic War scenario that is just unfolding before your own eyes?

Or is it about the forthcoming alliance between China, south America and Russia?

Or is it about the fact that China is heading for a major ecological disaster very soon?AC四月青年社区- c% }'
I’m tired, I will stop here for tonight, but I will let you pick your choice about my false predictions.

Have fun.9 t# P. N1 r8 y1 [, v" @3 t! v+ L) t
January 16, 2009 @ 2:49 am | Commentbbs.m4.cn! y8 P1 e( K% ~8 C, B" C
76 By BaoAC四月青年社区7 ?7 }! @& @8 ?
bbs.m4.cn- T& S$ w( P+ Z, gy8 M2 n
Roll back on this blog, and see when I was speaking about these things, way before everybody was even paying attention to this.bbs.m4.cn- _; J5 u; H" F* ]; y2 d
There is a reason why. I’ll let you guess why. My clown friend.
January 16, 2009 @ 2:54 am | Comment6 y) F( f1 b+ A2 b6 |5 G% s
77 By yourfriend
{Like the lowered expectations about the GDP? Or is it about the unrestthat could be triggered by the crisis, or is it about the Economic Warscenario that is just unfolding before your own eyes?

引用75 By Bao

The CCP itself has predicted lower GDP growth in 2009. America is actually going to *contract*. Even more than Japan. This is even considering their growing population, and the fact that it’s the CIA and pro-American sources making these estimates. As for the growing unrest, it’s the same thing you hear every year from American masturbators. Economic war, America has been waging economic war on the entire world for decades. The only difference now is that everyone else is fighting back

Or is it about the forthcoming alliance between China, south America and Russia?求真务实 理性交流- a9 o+ {" H4 a3 @- s+ B
引用75 By Bao

You’re forgetting Africa, and the Middle East, and Central Asia, and possibly Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea, possiblyAustralia, maybe Europe, and Southeast Asia.* e7 a9 v7 k/ N1 k' O(

Or is it about the fact that China is heading for a major ecological disaster very soon?
引用75 By Bao

People said that 10 years ago, 20 years ago, etc. There are water shortages, lots of chemical pollution, desertification. Major, but not fatal. America, on the other hand, has consumed itself and other countries into wastelands.2 v) h`! L# I4 P( @4 W) \

January 16, 2009 @ 6:05 am | Comment

trsita 发表于 2009-2-19 11:22

105# SolarWind

SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-19 11:29


60 By cina
; w. g, {9 }& d' ]$ O6 t( K求真务实 理性交流求真务实 理性交流% I( G+ H0 A, W/ I
No American will call the US imperialist. Chinese tend to call the USby that name especially for those worshiping Chairman Mao a lot. Even in their own official politics and history textbooks which are pure propaganda crap, they use imperialist for the US during Chairman Mao’sruling. Now they use ‘hegemonism’ to describe the US’s role in the world. They describe the US as a terrible country hated by almost any other countries in the world except some countries like Japan which they say they are just puppet government of the US.
美国人不会称呼美国为帝国主义。中国人可能这样称呼,尤其是那些崇拜毛的人。甚至在他们那些充满废话、纯粹宣传的官方政治和历史课本中,也只在毛主席统治时期才用帝国主义称呼美国。现在他们用霸权主义来描述美国在世界中的角色。他们把美国描述成一个被除了像日本之外,世界上所有国家都讨厌的恐怖国家,至于日本,他们说它是美国的傀儡政府。8 ?+ Y; T$ z& c
4 |7 _2 j0 W. k: A3 Y. eWhat a joke

January 14, 2009 @ 10:15 am | Comment
4 \: K0 h, D) d* |+ p求真务实 理性交流/ N2 S' V. S) z; c& r+ s# Y
61 By bert
( ^& y6 |4 z* Sbbs.m4.cn
% X/ @& H" H5 O. xGoing from “silly questions” to “lynching”? haha
话题从“愚蠢的问题”换到了“私刑”?% L9 d. ?& g1 ~( l# k) s& G" r: v
! {: N5 U- M; i( ?! I. UJanuary 14, 2009 @ 12:10 pm | Comment求真务实 理性交流@' Z7 M6 y% F0 x2 U# Y2 i7 l' ^4 L: Y

5 w6 ]) J8 d1 f62 By yourfriend" `/ m! C% i5 y4 Dw- X, i
bbs.m4.cn1 G! e3 [$ o% K$ {: ^" d
Actually, in their mind, they already admit that communist is evil. Butthey want to cooperate with dictators to fool themselves.

' n]1 o6 ]: X* V! z6 SAC四月青年社区# h* A9 k3 n- meAC四月青年社区You’re an idiot. Just shut up already.
2 q! V- f+ o- n( o) u" s/ Lbbs.m4.cn
H5 w: l# S- wNo American will call the US imperialist. Chinese tend to call the USby that name especially for those worshiping Chairman Mao a lot. Evenin their own official politics and history textbooks which are purepropaganda crap, they use imperialist for the US during Chairman Mao’sruling. Now they use ‘hegemonism’ to describe the US’s role in theworld. They describe the US as a terrible country hated by almost anyother countries in the world except some countries like Japan whichthey say they are just puppet government of the US.AC四月青年社区) d- p. y& p* F! d; F/ [$ f
引用 60 By cina

$ `" q/ Z* L$ M* `g& A) Ybbs.m4.cnIt’s really not far from the truth. Imperialism = Iraq and annihilation of Native Americans. The only country with a majority pro-America are Japan and Korea.
事实上,美国离真正的帝国主义也不远,比如伊拉克的事以及对美洲本地土著的灭绝行为。只有日本和韩国的大多数人亲美。4 x1 q. s: o6 J6 I' @) g
3 q* L/ }J$ ^! F8 l# oJanuary 14, 2009 @ 12:25 pm | Comment- H; e9 C7 n9 K$ {

+ h1 P2 |' m5 M6 ~% Z63 By cina
! |2 o* D) q9 T$ N& Y" yAC四月青年社区
* u0 t8 X: C" c- U0 K1 {求真务实 理性交流@yourfriendAC四月青年社区5 I3 C5 ?) O' I0 M- uL% i?

8 t$ q; n7 d+ {/ O: ~* FAC四月青年社区Please keep fooling yourself

January 14, 2009 @ 11:43 pm | Comment
* m' a2 r0 b$ J7 m7 s
$ l5 R; D5 K7 ~/ }: I64 By Bao
# i" `% Z. Y$ h
" L, F, e7 g" _c; u! s9 iNobody is taking him seriously anyway, do not worry about him Cina. But do not muzzle him.. yet… it’s fun to watch and read

The funny thing about you cina, is that you sound genuine. I had doubts at the beginning, but the way you express yourself and the ideas you bring, are just too familiar.
' J5 c9 c: i3 Z3 I$ o9 A/ e) Abbs.m4.cn求真务实 理性交流3 v1 D' `; O$ R
Very happy to finally have somebody from the mainland speaks his mind out. Refreshing I would say.
非常高兴最后还有来自大陆的人说出他的想法,这是让人高兴。( n' l- O# O8 Q1 M% R- H* q
4 R7 z* V4 d0 a) ?bbs.m4.cnJanuary 14, 2009 @ 11:50 pm | Comment
0 F1 D8 G6 J" ybbs.m4.cn' U- f! S1 X' T3 {( U* q, W3 f
65 By Baobbs.m4.cn6 r8 cd- x4 t5 O
bbs.m4.cn/ C: X- h) cG* R* Ni
Message to yourfriend: You are a minority
务Should I repeat it again?
我是否该再次重复它?AC四月青年社区0 G3 x) }; u9 q1 c' v( V
5 N1 x# j) \) @6 I7 N+ C8 n0 A
January 14, 2009 @ 11:55 pm | Comment
0 Z5 _. B4 v! D9 @+ `0 \* n求真务实 理性交流求真务实 理性交流& n1 Z' w) W0 y
66 By Bao
5 k$ W9 ]+ s- ?5 O. k* rbbs.m4.cnAC四月青年社区5 W: h4 L+ B1 P
“I opened my first blog by chance. At that time, I didn’t even know how to type with computer… Yang Jia’s mother Wang Jingmei, a very honest person, she tried to open a blog, but was forced to close down… You can see that blog is a very great invention. Words written can become a threat that stirs up so much anxiety. Blog is the most powerful weapon in one’s life. Blog is the best thing given to human being. This is a loose form of civil society before we have genuine democracy and more organized civil society. It will lead us to a great new world. I respect all those who insist to blog.”AC四月青年社区1 Q3 d( L, g7 U2 K1 ]
“我偶然开了我的第一个博客,那时,我甚至不知道怎样用电脑打字…Yang Jia的母亲Wang Jingmei 是一个很正直的人,她试图开一个博客,但是被迫关闭了…你知道博客是一个非常伟大的发明。写下来的文字能成为威胁,煽动起许多焦虑的情绪(估计是说对政府是威胁)。博客是一个人的人生中最重要的武器。博客是人类最好的东西。在我们拥有真正的民主和更有组织的公民社会之前,这就是公民社会自由的形式。它将引导我们去一个新世界。我尊重那些坚持写博客的人。”

$ C; Q% C5 C" ]- e" d* }$ ~Good luck yourfriend, in 2009.
Yourfriend 祝你2009好运求真务实 理性交流0 k7 F" |" _7 C# p4 o* M( S4 ^0 W
AC四月青年社区. Y$ F* j- B# |% q_6 P
January 14, 2009 @ 11:58 pm | Comment- ]) t6 o# r( L3 R. Z
6 Q8 a- r5 L' R0 K9 @( ]$ e! f
67 By Imitation Crabmeat
6 U* T+ C, O3 y' P# x
C# @9 c9 O$ J2 \2 CAC四月青年社区By the way. About our net friend “Cina”, here is a collection of his quotes:

' Z2 k; ~/ n) \, h' l8 J+ The normal Chinese people are just slaves of those dictators. They don’t have their own thoughts
普通的中国人都是独裁者的奴隶,他们自己没有思想。.5 s
1 t5 U- A9 c2 I* Sbbs.m4.cnThere is no culture enlightenment in China, most Chinese are just peasants.8 b& Y1 t/ ^! l9 l
A# r9 q1 B$ V' ^bbs.m4.cnThe best strategy is to use one group of Chinese to fight against another.求真务实 理性交流# a/ p$ s" e: h, u+ {
最好的战略是让一些中国人反对另外一些中国人。(以夷制夷啊)( q% T5 _8 t9 r& _: v

And his moniker “Cina” is a vocal approximation to “Zhina” or “Shina”,which is widely considered an offensive term for Chinese people used by the Japanese during WWII.
并且他得绰号“cina”发音接近“Zhina” 或者 “Shina”,这两个词是二战期间日本人广泛用来称呼中国人的歧视语。2 n) X4 Q+ @$ u求真务实 理性交流
5 [/ d$ [- x( a; |' QAC四月青年社区Now he admits he’s Chinese and lived in China, why would he deliberately pick a moniker that is offensive to the Chinese?
现在他承认他是中国人,还住在中国,为什么他还使用一个攻击中国人的绰号呢。9 d' c$ kq3 r2 T4 ]. Y' s5 d7 d求真务实 理性交流- I, w9 S# n7 b, p
Richard, please look into it.
+ G Richard,请注意下这个。R& BAC四月青年社区& v& R. r5 T: W0 W; G+ h# Y- R
January 15, 2009 @ 2:10 am | CommentAC四月青年社区2 P& I- e# ~6 g( @1 e$ c* ]

; X: B9 X1 Y4 r8 Ybbs.m4.cn68 By cina
1 e9 X. S* U3 G0 t$ z( R. q# `
9 v" }9 s5 I$ X* }bbs.m4.cn@Imitation Crabmeat
( [! _H2 ~" ]& M8 G7 j1 u' `9 b! N4 u: W
I am a Chinese. But I think the problem of China today is the result oftheir own deep rooted bad nature. We should not blame merely on thedictators. I use that name to remind me that Chinese should changethemselves, their ugly nature. Otherwise there is no bright futureahead.
, i9 {5 k, \; h: b5 J9 M3 Ef求真务实 理性交流+ w5 G?# n7 Y, j$ p7 I, W0 v~7 W
Maybe I use some harsh words to make you feel uncomfortable. Sorry about that.求真务实 理性交流/ O. J$ ~' N; b) K* U
( e7 a* j2 d% A+ U! a# ZJanuary 15, 2009 @ 3:04 am | Comment
9 O( g& S6 N7 Y( c9 fAC四月青年社区
3 [# N# S' y% d" `) NAC四月青年社区69 By Bao
, z0 s, z* `" r3 G# B6 ^6 R1 z/ b* A+ t# S
Because he’s not living here anymore (as he said).
因为他再也不住在这儿了(像他说的那样)& z' y0 ^& d+ _& O& w2 ?求真务实 理性交流
; m, g+ X; A/ g0 ^& X求真务实 理性交流You’d be surprised how much his thinking is actually reflecting what people think here. It’s harsh, crude, very rough and not very well elaborated, but it’s definitively echoing what many people have to say here in China. As as White (who knows about that, except yourfriend) trash foreigner, I can confirm first hand that what he’s saying is not BS.
你应该感到惊奇,到底他的想法有多少实际上反映了这儿的人的想法。这些想法是刺耳的、粗鲁的、粗略的并且描述不清楚,但是这却反应了这儿许多人的想法。像白种的垃圾外国人(除yourfriend外,谁都知道),我能第一手确认他的说法没有BS(大意…)。c* {^, {
And it’s not fitting in your agenda and your unified vision of China.+ s$ b4
- E( h( \! s9 G0 m9 U& y+ t2 CUnpleasant isn’t?求真务实 理性交流0 ?/ e3 B) A" j0 J1 _* A
对此感到不高兴?bbs.m4.cn# p( b# y* I" X0 o: `
Boycott Oxygen! It’s allowing people to speak out and live!bbs.m4.cn3 O6 V- X$ Y6 ], B( H7 ]
联合抵制氧气吧!因为它可以使人说话并活着!bbs.m4.cnA0 |. Y" ]$ r. n- F' Q9 |
January 15, 2009 @ 3:06 am | Comment

SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-19 11:31

106# trsita


SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-19 11:32


trsita 发表于 2009-2-19 13:20

109# SolarWind 乱码要自己去删除,好像AC这样是为了防盗版。我大概要到晚上才能过来翻译,现在没时间。

SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-19 17:37

109# SolarWind乱码要自己去删除,好像AC这样是为了防盗版。我大概要到晚上才能过来翻译,现在没时间。
trsita 发表于 2009-2-19 13:20 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-19 21:23


50 By Baobbs.m4.cn9 P1 _9 @7 S2 A+ [: ~1 pi! f6 \* X
And how about the genocide of the Neanderthals by the homo sapiens, 30000 years ago?

I hope you keep in mind this important event as well, and from now on I suggest that you include it in your ad nauseam rhetoric.
Would be a shame to forget this one because it makes guilty every single human on earth.
January 13, 2009 @ 3:56 pm | Comment

51 By Richard

Ferin, I don’t put Nazi Germany in the same category as Russia orChina. NG is higher on the evil scale, but most of that 11 percent were German soldiers killed in wars outside of Germany’s borders, or Jews and gypsies Hitler considered non-German. No one’s saying Europe is so fine and perfect; I included Russia in my short list, and will include any other country in Europe that executed, starved or terrorized millions of its own. And this blog never, ever lets Nazi barbarity “off the hook,” so please think before you type
But why do we keep having the same discussion with you? This has been rehashed too many times. All nations have blood on their hands. If you know this blog you know I constantly call out the crimes of the Bush administration. No favorites here, murder is murder.AC四月青年社区. ?6 G6 D0 e' q2 |. x) G; v( t

Look at how you’ve highjacked and mangled the thread. The only reason Mao came up was because you made the statement that all countries are bad to its own citizens, that China is like the rest. This begged thereference to Mao - of course China under Mao is in a league by itself, with runners-up like Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin close behind. And now you throw it back and ask why I’m bringing up Mao and putting words in your mouth. No one made any assumptions that you supported Mao, and your saying that someone did so is simply false. What I’m saying is that the example of Mao’s holocaust belies your argument of equal guilt among all nations in how they treat their citizens. Sadly, China still has a lot further to go than many other nations in this area. I can supply lots of links if you need examples
看看你是怎么强奸民意并破坏了这些帖子。毛之所以出现在话题中,只是因为你声称所有国家对自己的国民都很坏,中国和其它地方也一样。这就引出了毛,当然毛统治下的中国本身在一个联盟中,其领导者像是希特勒之类的,紧接其后的就是Pol Pot和斯大林。现在你又把这些扔回来,还问我为什么把毛也牵扯进来了,并且你没说过这些而是我强加给你的。没有任何人假设你支持毛,你说过这么做的人都是虚伪的。我所说的是,毛的大屠杀的例子把你的所有民族的罪孽是相同的观点掩饰在他们怎么对待自己的国民里了。可悲的是,比起这个地区的大多数其它民族,中国仍然更有未来。如果你要例子,我可以给你很多链接。

The US carries a large share of guilt for exporting war and destabilizing other governments and more recently for licensing torture; Germany carries the lion’s share of guilt for race-based extermination; Pol Pot for ideological extermination; and China wins a gold medal in the category of inflicting a quarter-century of non-stop misery and death on its own citizens
美国背负者很多罪恶,比如发动战争,动摇其它国家的政府,最近如合法的折磨等;德国的罪恶在种族灭绝;Pol Pot的罪恶消灭意识形态;中国则在另一方面赢得了金牌,即让自己的国民1/4个世纪中不停的遭受痛苦和死亡。

Read carefully. No one is saying you support Mao - only that your are also ppy historian and generalizer, and that every argument you make goesback to a single proposition: America is the bad one, and China is okay even if “mistakes were made,” and that if it did do something horrific,well, America did even worse. I don’t deny America’s done a lot of bad. But you constantly and reflexively react to every comment on China with the predictable, “But in America….” You are a broken record and, at least at the moment, you’re being a troll.

`January 13, 2009 @ 4:09 pm | Commentbbs.m4.cn7 ?; [: e; c! ?4 H3 q, D9 T
52 By yourfriend
And how about the genocide of the Neanderthals by the homo sapiens, 30000 years ago?+ e5 f# c" B/ c
引用50 By Baobbs.m4.cn9 P

Actually, I have brought this up when facing obnoxious, Euro-apologists. However, the Neanderthals were wiped out by European homo sapiens, not all h. sapiens. Then again, back then they weren’t really genetically European

Amusing, but silly.- m' KP% g2 d& k- G- a' B

All nations have blood on their hands
引用51 By Richardbbs.m4.cn9 P
Exactly. This is the point I keep trying to get across. But why is it that posters here try to make it seem as if the PRC is the only nation that does it? If you’re going to use 30-50 year old CCP atrocities as justification for modern arguments you’re really just begging to have someone come in and bring up European crimes against humanity. Of course it’s not conducive to discussion- you preclude that by constantly digging up Mao’s corpse as an indictment of modern China. He’s dead and done- this is something every Chinese person hears when some foreigner apologist gives his typical litany on how the developed nations have no responsibility to the rest of the world.求真务实 理性交流! y. S2 X+ u# E/ P$ Y
准确的说,我试图跨过这个观点。但是为什么这的回帖者都试图使人看起来像是只有PRC这个民族干了那些事?如果你打算用30-50年前的中国共产党干的那些残暴行为来作为你现代观点的论据,那么你就实际上牵扯了某些人进来并且也得把欧洲那些反人权的罪行暴露出来。当然,这无益于讨论,你却通过不停的挖掘毛的尸体来作为对现代中国的控告。他已经死了并且过去了。这些每个中国人都听说了,尤其是当一些外国辩护者念叨他那么典型的、冗长的关于为何发达国家对世界上其它地方没任何责任的时候。- o1 J% Z, q4 e9 H+ v5 q' \. r
you made the statement that all countries are bad to its own citizens,that China is like the rest. This begged the reference to Mao
引用51 By Richardbbs.m4.cn9 P

Jesus Mother**ing Christ, the Mao era is over. Another thing I will never fathom is how the posters here constantly tell Chinese people to “get over” the Nanjing Massacre, Bombing of Shanghai, Unit 731.. etc, but they themselves (that is, the whiny foreigners) will not “get over” Mao when trying hard to make China look bad (at the expense of the people).

What I’m saying is that the example of Mao’s holocaust belies yourargument of equal guilt among all nations in how they treat theircitizens+ K" nl. f5 n6 H! j# P1 W5 r
引用51 By Richard

bbs.m4.cn9 P
% c3 V$
And once again I have mentioned that many nations, including almost all European ones, are guilty of unimaginable atrocities against their own people and/or others. This discussion is so ridiculous that I have to take death tolls as a percentage of the population and then divide it by the years to calculate the ruthless efficiency of genocide by nation.

Remember, it’s another poster who first made the claim that China’s governments were extraordinarily cruel and that this is quantifiable. The reason why I strongly oppose this view is because it is a consistent and erroneous bias that “Western” historians have of Chinese history. The other thing is that the way you blog on China creates a sense of hopelessness that is not conducive to real progress

You are a broken record and, at least at the moment, you’re being a troll.
引用51 By Richardbbs.m4.cn9 P

My message is exceedingly clear. When you write you must be careful about how you say things. That is not counting some occasional mistakes(gini coefficients, death tolls). The reason why I bring up America is because the way some posters here carry on, you’d think that they believe America is a good example for China to look to and that all of China’s problems can be fixed by taking a Euro-American path towards industrialization and modernization; which is clearly not the case. In fact, China must be very different from America or they’ll consume the world into a wasteland

8I’m actually saving you headaches by arguing against deeply ingrained ethnocentrism so you don’t have to hear it from the likes of HX or Math, who are a joke.AC四月青年社区+ N0 X4 q9 c. ~7 S5 ]$ e# E
January 13, 2009 @ 4:53 pm | Comment

53 By RichardAC四月青年社区( }6 C2 J% Y' J! E$ [/ A
Thanks Ferin, I’m eternally grateful. Now, about what MacKinnon says about CNN and other media….AC四月青年社区3 k" q9 g$ \; x8 T
January 13, 2009 @ 6:28 pm | Comment
p# O- S- ?

54 By Paultard
{) W: Q- \
Mao was probably most evil emperor in Chinese history and he did manyterrible things in culture rev. But do you think its fair to say he murdered 25-35mils of Chinese during the three-years-famine?
毛可能是中国历史上最邪恶的君主,他在文化大革命中干了许多可怕的事。但是你认为说他在3年饥荒中谋杀了2.5-3.5千万中国人公平么?' `*

M! [" b) R/ S&

8 ?* w1 p* Q5 u, r9 aQUESTION: Mr L, you talked about how the Communists did a better jobthan anyone else could have in ruling China after they came to power,but they also killed enormous numbers of their own people. Do you haveany sense of how many people the Chinese government killed under Mao’srule and, if you do not have a sense for the number, do you think itwas more or less, say, than Hitler?
" q* w0 ?9 L6 O. X" B* |AC四月青年社区6 O3 Av4 t* h& R( n( J9 }
Mr L:1 J# z; `4 @4 h7 X7 u5 a
Well, we are talking about two countries with a great difference inpopulation, you know, so you would have to say, like, you would have topro-rate it, but to me that is not the only significant thing; there isa qualitative difference." A/ l! `4 ?( o- P4 `0 H

8 q' W: R, |' R& YHitler believed in the rule — world domination by a master race. Maodid not believe in any sort of master race or master country. Once, in1964, when he received delegations from 16 African countries who werestill fighting for independence — so most of them were from guerrillagroups — he had me come to this meeting and I had no idea why, since ithad to do with Africa, and I found out after I got there the reason hewanted me there was, he wanted to make the point to them that a racistapproach was wrong.
6 PN( O( b. h$ E# S" p5 @4 W5 st( c3 ?1 {& ~9 i# ?8 k
How many people died? Well, the most striking figure I know of is that,in the famine that followed the Great Leap Forward in 1958/59, anestimated between 25 and 35 million people in the countryside starved,partly because of natural disasters, mostly man-made, because of wrongpolicy. And I think the real crime in Mao’s behavior was, not that hewanted people to die, not at all, but the fact that he thought that hehad the right to perform these huge social experiments involvinghundreds of millions of people when he, himself, did not know what theresult was going to be, but he was trying to find a way for China todevelop and to grow prosperous faster. He wanted to do that; he wantedto show the world; so a different kind of thing., g! G: v- Z4 z# h
I remember a friend of mine who was an American writer, in 1958 arrivedin Beijing, saw the Great Leap Forward, all the false reports onphenomenal increases in production and so on and immediately wanted towrite a book about it. And Mao told her, “Don’t do it. Wait five years,because we still don’t know what the outcome of this Great Leapbusiness is going to be”. So he knew that he did not know and still hethought that he had the right to go ahead and do it; socialexperimentation. Very different sort of mentality from Hitler orGoebbels.8 I! ~/ a6 N( v; _* {( I
bbs.m4.cn* T0 O" o6 A5 B8 z2 _" U+ }
0 P# u! ~' Q6 Q6 M5 m( L
January 13, 2009 @ 8:25 pm | Comment

55 By cinabbs.m4.cn3 \@! u$ {; S
@HongXingAC四月青年社区7 M* d5 C# Zj5 `, t7 Q( y! v}
2 l" s+ V!
I am sure you are from mainland China because I am.

Your mind still stays in the period of WWII in which power can rule theworld. I don’t think China has any chance to develop the same power as Soviet Union did. But the democratic countries had never surrendered to that autocracy like Chinese succumb to their own dictator.6 x( u2 P. G8 b! j# k
Don’t have those stupid dreams, hehe

January 13, 2009 @ 8:37 pm | Comment* r! k0 i5 s, X
56 By cina

' [, I* k4 U6 Z
@Imitation Crabmeat( O0 Y( E( H3 R5 h# C/ ?" L
求真务实 理性交流- E. H6 N7 H, Xy) k! ^
Yu’s article is crap. President Hu uses it for his power struggle. Actually, Hu did the exact opposite to what the article said.
Yu的文章是废话。胡主席用他来服务于他得权力,实际上胡做的和文章说的完全相反。January 13, 2009 @ 8:42 pm | Comment

w8 }' @& ]
57 By HongXing
[$ h3 P\' U8 Q/ J! E/ [, @( C
Why this anchor called Lou Dobbs of CNN, when mentioning China on hisnews program, he adds the word “Red” in front? Every single instance.Any reason?bbs.m4.cn2 W+ ^^/ [( Z, \2 k
为什么这个主持人叫Lou Dobbs of CNN?(没明白…)当他在新闻中提及中国的时候,他在前面加“红色“这个词了么?举个例子如何。还有其它疑问么?

Name me any anchor in CCTV that adds “imperialist” or any similar descriptors when mentioning the US?3 ~, `4 ~$ I4 c
能给我个CCTV主持人的名字,在他提到美国的时候加了帝国主义或者相似的词么?; x) l' g0 {* r: U. N7 f
January 14, 2009 @ 3:01 am | Comment求真务实 理性交流" jt6 S: E5 `$ x; }* i) P
AC四月青年社区1 R0 Q7 N6 I" a( \5 m4 |9 T/ @

58 By Bao
Why this anchor called Lou Dobbs of CNN, when mentioning China on his news program, he adds the word “Red” in front? Every single instance. Any reason?”
引用 57 By HongXing

Because we all hate China HX, especially the people like me, part of the Agency (CIA), I hope you will excuse us, we were brainwashed when we were young…AC四月青年社区- ^5 @3 }8 d2 H?% u

We are working very hard everyday to destroy China, I hope you understand at least our goal.
China should die!
中国应该去死!% S: E# m, Z" @3 B1 Z
crumble upon a ton of printed papers, printed by CNN of course.

Mouhahahahahahaha! (evil laugh)…

January 14, 2009 @ 3:08 am | Comment

59 By cina1 M( l# k# z& y& d3 j6 J% ]
* H9 P7 m; O& I; `3 {1 n
Chinese is wired. They are ashamed of being called Red even thought heir own flag is made of red and their rulers claim that they are communist party and struggle to realize communism.

Actually, in their mind, they already admit that communist is evil. But they want to cooperate with dictators to fool themselves.

January 14, 2009 @ 9:58 am | Comment

酸枣树310 发表于 2009-2-19 21:55

111# SolarWind


猴猴猴 发表于 2009-2-19 22:21

70 By yourfriend

猴猴猴 发表于 2009-2-19 22:43

60 By cina

猴猴猴 发表于 2009-2-19 22:45

61 By bert
从“愚蠢的问题”到“私刑” ?哈哈

猴猴猴 发表于 2009-2-19 23:00

62 By yourfriend

猴猴猴 发表于 2009-2-19 23:02

63 By cina

vivian3258 发表于 2009-2-20 01:08


redflag 发表于 2009-2-20 09:42

本帖最后由 redflag 于 2009-2-20 09:47 编辑

Chinese is wired. They are ashamed of being called Red even thought heir own flag is made of red and their rulers claim that they are communist party and struggle to realize communism.
中国人生活在铁丝网之中。 尽管中国的国旗是红色的,而且中国的统治者声称他们是共产党,在为实现共产主义而奋斗,但是中国人却为被称为红色而感到羞耻。

SolarWind 发表于 2009-2-20 10:36

Chinese is wired. They are ashamed of being called Red even thought heir own flag is made of red and their rulers claim that they are communist party and struggle to realize communism.
中国人都生活在 ...
redflag 发表于 2009-2-20 09:42 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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