免禽 发表于 2009-7-18 13:26

本帖最后由 免禽 于 2009-7-18 13:36 编辑

《抓到了《纽约时报》又一个以文歪图的证据!(配英文with English )》

http://bbs.m4.cn ... 80615&extra=&page=5
C)+++++++++++++++++++ 又查出一个谎言照片,及其他,请帮核实++++
。。。 。。。


---之后在AP社的图片中查到,NY Times,是在肆意篡改---deliberate manipulation


silkrain 发表于 2009-7-18 16:52

161# 免禽


期待免禽兄以此案例把纽约时报的阴险用意揭露出来以示天下。一方面用事实揭示西方媒体的阴险用意,以助于逐步摧毁西方媒体客观公正的假象,另一方面也让他们今后在使用类似手法抹黑中国之前三思而行-We are watching!

laizhe1026 发表于 2009-7-18 17:52


come2008on 发表于 2009-7-18 22:32

希望他们外国媒体 落实到实处。

zenglovechina 发表于 2009-7-18 23:20



免禽 发表于 2009-7-19 01:25

162# silkrain




子非鱼 发表于 2009-7-19 10:55


观色 发表于 2009-7-19 11:08


木土年华 发表于 2009-7-19 11:22

呵呵楼主好多勋章 真垃圾

bluesea 发表于 2009-7-19 17:29



lilian_zly 发表于 2009-7-19 19:31


hong_hai_er 发表于 2009-7-19 21:39


免禽把谴责词钉在你的投诉信后面, 作为投诉信的一部分, 名给ID 便可, 不用人人都给电邮地址那么麻烦,谴责的威力在于谴责内容,建议内容包括以下几点: ( 中英文都可以, 他们有中国人记者不会看不懂中文 ) :

(1) 你来自那里?(2)说一说你对这份报纸有多失望! 有多愤怒! (3) 你给这份报纸的忠告是什么? (4) 如果身边有人要买这份报纸的股票或者订阅这份报纸, 你会告诉你身边的人NYT是一份怎样的报纸 ?

silkrain 发表于 2009-7-19 22:07

本帖最后由 silkrain 于 2009-7-19 10:44 编辑

166# 免禽


We, Anti-CNN.com and its volunteers, are a media-watch group dedicated to documenting the Western media’s bias and distortions. We are writing to question the creadibility of New York Times (NYT) in its handling of the tragic events that occurred recently in Xinjiang, China. Our protest concerns a slide (column?) of pictures published in NYT on July 6, 2009 under the title “Deadly Riots in Urumqi.”

The fifth picture of the slide showed a riot victim lying in a hospital bed, with the caption reading: "Uighurs injured at a hospital in the city during a media tour by the authorities on Monday." However, we recognized from the picture that not only the victim's name as printed on the wall is of Han ethnity but also his face is clearly Han-looking. In response to our questions, Reuters, the source of the NYT picture, asserted that the word "Uighurs" did not appear in their original caption. Reuters' editors further explained that it was beyond their control if NYT, as a Reuters’ client, made changes to the caption.

The fourth picture clearly showed police officers helping tow away damaged, blood-stained, vehicles, where the NYT caption reads: “Police officers used fire hoses and batons to beat back rioters and detained Uighurs who appeared to be leading the protest, witnesses said.”We identified the same picture from AP photo depository (?), where the original capition was "...". Apparently, in amending the caption in the way it did, the NYT left readers a strong suggestion that the blood stains were linked to the "crackdown of protests", alluding to "brutality" on the part of the Chinese police.

We demand to know why NYT altered the captions in such a way to fuel the enmity between the Han and the Uighur ethnicities of China and to stigmatize the Chinese law enforcement. We are highly suspicious that NYT did so to deceive the public in an attempt to inflame ethnic tensions in China and to destabilize the country. In light of the insults your distortions have made to the riot victims, we further request that you publish our letter in your newspaper, apologize to the riot victims and to issue a statement to that effect.

mlisten 发表于 2009-7-20 10:18


原始人 发表于 2009-7-20 10:27


免禽 发表于 2009-7-20 11:16

本帖最后由 免禽 于 2009-7-20 11:37 编辑

++++++AC 致 New York Times 公开信(可发出稿)++++


Mr. Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Chairman & Publisher

Mr. Scott H. Heekin-Canedy, President, General Manager

The Editors

The New York Times

New York Times Building
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
United States


Anti-CNN.com c/o Founder Jin Rao
(此处加Jin Rao 或 Anti-cnn email)

Dear Sir,

We, Anti-CNN.com and its volunteers, are a media-watch group dedicated to documenting the Western media’s bias and distortions. We are writing to question the credibility of New York Times (NYT) in its photojournalism on the tragic events that occurred recently in Xinjiang, China. Our protest concerns a photo slide of 8 pictures published in NYT on July 6, 2009 under the title “Deadly Riots in Urumqi.” http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/07/06/world/20090706-CHINA_index.html

The fifth picture of the slide showed a riot victim lying in a hospital bed, with the caption reading: "Uighurs injured at a hospital in the city during a media tour by the authorities on Monday." However, Anti-CNN.com has recognized from the picture that not only the victim's name as printed on the wall is of Han ethnicity but also his face is clearly Han-looking.In response to our questions, Reuters, the source of the NYT picture, asserted that the word "Uighurs" did not appear in their original caption. Reuters' editors further explained that it was beyond their control if NYT, as a Reuters’ client, made changes to the caption.http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=179267&

The fourth picture clearly showed police officers helping tow away damaged, blood-stained vehicles, where the NYT caption reads: “Police officers used fire hoses and batons to beat back rioters and detained Uighurs who appeared to be leading the protest, witnesses said.”Anti-CNN.com has identified the source picture from the AP photo depository, with the original caption as "A blood stained car damaged during protest in Urumqi, western China's ... ...". Apparently, in manipulating the caption, the NYT left readers with a strong suggestion that the blood stains were linked to the "crackdown of protests", alluding to "brutality" on the part of the Chinese police.http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-182133-1-1.html

NYT owes the public an explanation as to why its photo editor altered the captions in such a way to fuel the enmity between the Han and the Uighur ethnicities of China and to stigmatize the Chinese law enforcement. The caption manipulation has led the public to believe that NYT did so to deceive its readers. We therefore request that NYT publish this protest letter and withdraw or correct its captions. In light of the insults to the riot victims by NYT’s caption distortion, it is highly appropriate for NYT to apologize to the riot victims or issue a statement to that effect, in order to regain its credibility with its Chinese readers.


Anti-CNN. com (signed by Founder Jin Rao )

Its volunteers (Sign)

免禽 发表于 2009-7-20 11:17

本帖最后由 免禽 于 2009-7-20 12:32 编辑



1)用AC及Raojin的名义,在New York 星期一 上午八时前,按信头的四个email发出。这是要抢在《纽约时报》作它的第二次改动前。
2)在New York 星期一 上午八时前,此信在AC首页发表。如首页出不来,请在论坛首页,通栏用中、英标题帖出此信。

3)如果NYT 问及其他签名,先给它现在这个栏目。同时AC公布一个统一处(如hong—hai—er?),征集ACer签名。





---加:photojournalism -----就 NYT 的这个 photo slide 论事。

--- a photo slide of 8 pictures (NYT的第8和第9张相同)

---段尾处加上NYT的 photo slide 的link。


We 换 Anti-CNN,突出AC

---same picture 改为 source

---Anti-CNN.com 换 we,突出AC



---把 "we demand to know" 换理性些,同时又不失力量的:NYT owes the public an explanation as to why its photo editor 。。。

--- “We are highly suspicious” 改为positive一些:The caption manipulation has led the public to。。。

---加:withdraw or correct its captions,这个有先例。

---保留要求道歉一句,但为AC留余地。改为:itis highly appropriate for NYT to。。。 。。。


没说的,没有thin air的牵头,动员,此信出不来;没有每一位签名,留言的ACer,此信出不来。向silkrain,hong-hai-er,致意,谢谢俩人对此信的执著和关心,让我们用行动为7/5的无辜默哀。


wdsusan 发表于 2009-7-20 13:27

作为媒体一点良知都没有事实是你想篡改就篡改的掉的吗? 用谎言和虚假来蒙蔽你的读者 我唾弃你

silkrain 发表于 2009-7-20 13:47

Very good! Just last two miinor points; (1) "eight pictures" may be better than "8 pictures" (when the number is smaller than 10, it may be better to use words) (2) the last phrases "the Chinese readers" may be replaced by "the Chinsese public" or "the public".

大汗 发表于 2009-7-20 13:56

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查看完整版本: Acer们行动起来:强烈抗议《纽约时报》颠倒黑白的不实报道!